Problem creating new channels charger after an election when ReplicationGroupAdmin or DbPing used

This question relates to 5.0.84.  I have found no messages forward precisely the same problem here.

My application uses I HA with replication on 4 nodes.  We tested different failure scenarios in which us network-isolate the master node.  We see survivors 3 replicas of an election, a master is determined, food chains are established and the overall replication group resumes its features.   We also tested the scenarios in which the master of the now 3-node replication-reduced group is isolated from the network in the same way.    The results generally worked, but were less reliable when the Group transitions from 3 to 2 knots.   We thought the quorum (replacement of likely to be elected group size) setting was the proper way to address this issue and had good results by manually setting the substitution of group likely to be elected to down size.

We have set up a StateChangeListener and in its stateChange() method try to automate adjustment of the size of likely to be elected group override by calling DbPing getNodeState() (alternating) methods and ReplicationGroupAdmin for interview each of 4 nodes possible to see who was available and no INDIVIDUAL State.    However, it seems that DbPing or ReplicationGroupAdmin employment within our application to any node causes the implementation of feeder channels after an election of a new master failed (regardless of the number of survivors is likely to be elected nodes).    It seems rather ironic, or that the introduction be DbPing or ReplicationGroupAdmin in our application code introduces a principle of Heisenberg uncertainty effect in which tent to observe the number of active nodes causes the behavior of replication group, or more precisely - creating channel charger - for change.    Is there a prohibition against using DbPing, ReplicationGroupAdmin or getNodeState() in an application node methods likely to be elected?   Do same using these objects/methods in a cause of app monitor a change in behavior among the nodes to be elected after an election?    We seem to be observing such behavior.

Thank you


Here's the log of, of NŒUD01.  Initially, the NŒUD02 is the master.   17:57:55, we network-isolate NŒUD02.  We see an election is called, node01 wins and starts trying to establish the feeders but can't.

130903 17:55:56:752 INFO [NŒUD01] began to ServiceDispatcher. HostPort = ap01.domain.acme .net: 13000

current group 130903 size INFO [NŒUD01] 17:55:56:867: 4

INFO [node01] existing 17:55:56:868 130903 node01 mark for a current master node.

17:55:56:913 INFO [node01] node node01 130903 began

17:55:56:914 130903 INFO [node01] committed election; choice #1

130903 17:55:56:926 INFO [node01] Started election thread kills Sep 03 17:55:56 CDT 2013

130903 changed NŒUD02 master INFO [node01] 17:56:29:308

17:56:29:310 130903 INFO [node01] election is completed. Elapsed time: 32396ms

17:56:29:310 INFO [NŒUD01] exit election after 5 attempts 130903

130903 wire INFO [node01] election of 17:56:29:311 came out. Group master: node02 (64)

130903 17:56:29:310 INFO [node01] Replica loop started with master: node02 (64)

Departure from 130903 17:56:29:343 INFO [node01] Replica-power handshake

Handshake 130903 17:56:29:536 INFO [node01] Replica-charger NŒUD02 completed.

130903 17:56:29:553 INFO [node01] Replica-charger NŒUD02 syncup began. Replica range: first = 843, 326 last = 843, 393 sync 843, 393 = txnEnd = 843, 393

130903 17:56:29:650 INFO [node01] Rollback to matchpoint 843 393-0 x 33/0x2d38 status not = no active txns, nothing to restore

17:56:29:651 130903 NŒUD02 start INFO [node01] VLSN Replica-feeder stream: 843 394

130903 17:56:29:652 INFO [node01] Replica-charger NŒUD02 syncup completed. Elapsed time: 102ms

Replica of INFORMATION [node01] 130903 17:56:29:658 initialization is complete. Replica VLSN: VLSN validation master Heartbeat 843 393: 843 393 delta VLSN: 0

17:56:29:662 INFO [NŒUD01] 130903 joined group as a replica.  Join consistencyPolicy = PointConsistencyPolicy targetVLSN = 843, 393 first = 843, 326 last = 843, 393 sync 843, 393 = txnEnd = 843, 393

130903 17:56:29:667 Replay INFO [node01] started thread. Message queue size: 1000

130903 17:56:29:666 INFO [node01] refreshed 0 monitors.

130903 17:56:30:939 WARNING [node01] likely to be elected changed size override group: 3

130903 inactive channel INFO [NŒUD01] 17:57:54:860: node02 (64) forced close. Timeout: 7000ms.

17:57:55:406 130903 INFO [NŒUD01] exit inner loop of the replica.

130903 replica of the INFO [NŒUD01] 17:57:55:407 stats - Lag waiting: 0 Lag delay: 0ms.  VLSN waiting: 0 Lag delay: 0ms.

17:57:56:049 130903 INFO [node01] committed election; choice #2

130903 17:57:56:050 INFO [node01] pending election. Waiting...

130903 17:57:56:057 INFO [node01] Started election thread kills Sep 03 17:57:56 CDT 2013

17:58:08:115 INFO [node01] 130903 master changed to node01

17:58:08:116 130903 INFO [node01] election is completed. Elapsed time: 12067ms

17:58:08:121 130903 INFO [NŒUD01] Unknown Service request: registered Feeder services: [Acceptor learner, LogFileFeeder, LDiff, NodeState, group, BinaryNodeState]

17:58:08:122 130903 INFO [NŒUD01] Unknown Service request: registered Feeder services: [Acceptor learner, LogFileFeeder, LDiff, NodeState, group, BinaryNodeState]

17:58:08:122 INFO [NŒUD01] exit election after 2 attempts 130903

130903 wire INFO [node01] election of 17:58:08:123 came out. Group master: node01 (61)

17:58:09:124 130903 INFO [NŒUD01] Unknown Service request: registered Feeder services: [Acceptor learner, LogFileFeeder, LDiff, NodeState, group, BinaryNodeState]

17:58:09:130 130903 INFO [NŒUD01] Unknown Service request: registered Feeder services: [Acceptor learner, LogFileFeeder, LDiff, NodeState, group, BinaryNodeState]

17:58:10:128 130903 INFO [NŒUD01] Unknown Service request: registered Feeder services: [Acceptor learner, LogFileFeeder, LDiff, NodeState, group, BinaryNodeState]

17:58:10:137 130903 INFO [NŒUD01] Unknown Service request: registered Feeder services: [Acceptor learner, LogFileFeeder, LDiff, NodeState, group, BinaryNodeState]

17:58:11:132 130903 INFO [NŒUD01] Unknown Service request: registered Feeder services: [Acceptor learner, LogFileFeeder, LDiff, NodeState, group, BinaryNodeState]

...      The same message repeated ad nauseam...

Here's the log of of NŒUD02 for the same period of time.   NŒUD02 begins as master, but this host becomes isolated from the network and its supply channels stops at 17:57:55:

130903 17:56:26:861 INFO [NŒUD02] file chose lowest used for cleaning. fileChosen: 0x2f totalUtilization: 50 bestFileUtilization: 0 lnSizeCorrectionFactor: isProbe 0.55577517: false

17:56:26:912 130903 INFO [NŒUD02] CleanerRun 1 ends on the probe file 0x2f = false invokedFromDaemon = true finished = true fileDeleted = false nEntriesRead = 1 nINsObsolete = 0 nINsCleaned = 0 nINsDead = 0 nINsMigrated = 0 nBINDeltasObsolete = 0 nBINDeltasCleaned = 0 nBINDeltasDead = 0 nBINDeltasMigrated = 0 nLNsObsolete = 0 nLNsCleaned = 0 nLNsDead = 0 nLNsMigrated = 0 nLNsMarked = 0 nLNQueueHits = 0 nLNsLocked = 0 logSummary = < CleanerLogSummary endFileNumAtLastAdjustment = '0 x 33' initialAdjustments = '5' recentLNSizesAndCounts = "Horn : 1274201 / 3219 - is: 1494628 / 3219 Cor: 535 / 6-is: 965 / 11 Cor: 788 / 8-East: 1190 / Cor 13: 789 / 8-is: 1289/14 Horn: 714 / 2-is: 1310 / 9 Horn: 37694 / 611 - is: 178596 / 619 Horn: 168637 / 3961 - is: 1164331 / 3961 Cor: 62 / 1-is: 2286 / 21 Cor: 22130 / 1446 - is: 417561 / 1451 Horn: 2429020 / 9915 - is: 3837944 / 9915 "> inSummary = < totalINCount INSummary = '0' totalINSize = '0' totalBINDeltaCount = '0' totalBINDeltaSize = '0' obsoleteINCount = '0' obsoleteINSize = '0' obsoleteBINDeltaCount = '0' obsoleteBINDeltaSize = '0' / >» estFileSummary = < Sommaire totalCount = « 1 » totalSize = « 31 » totalINCount = « 0 » totalINSize = « 0 » totalLNCount = « 0 » totalLNSize = « 0 » maxLNSize = « 0 » obsoleteINCount = « 0 » obsoleteLNCount = « 0 » obsoleteLNSize = « 0 » obsoleteLNSizeCounted = « 0 » getObsoleteSize = « 31 » getObsoleteINSize = « 0 » getObsoleteLNSize = « 0 » getMaxObsoleteSize = « 31 » getMaxObsoleteLNSize = « 0 » getAvgObsoleteLNSizeNotCounted = « NaN » / > recalcFileSummary = < Sommaire totalCount = « 1 » totalSize = « 31 » totalINCount = « 0 » totalINSize = « 0 » totalLNCount = « 0 » totalLNSize = « 0 » maxLNSize = « 0 » obsoleteINCount = « 0 » obsoleteLNCount = « 0 » obsoleteLNSize = « 0 » obsoleteLNSizeCounted = « 0 » getObsoleteSize = « 31 » getObsoleteINSize = « 0 » getObsoleteLNSize = « 0 » getMaxObsoleteSize = « 31 » getMaxObsoleteLNSize = « 0 » getAvgObsoleteLNSizeNotCounted = « NaN » / > lnSizeCorrection = 0.55577517 newLnSizeCorrection = 0.55577517 estimatedUtilization = 0 correctedUtilization = 0 recalcUtilization = 0

130903 17:56:26:973 INFO [NŒUD02] began to ServiceDispatcher. HostPort = ap02.domain.acme .net: 13000

[17:56:26:992 130903 INFO [NŒUD02] Unknown Service request: Acceptor registered services:]

current group 130903 size INFO [NŒUD02] 17:56:27:108: 4

INFO [NŒUD02] existing 17:56:27:108 130903 NŒUD02 mark for a current master node.

17:56:27:186 INFO [NŒUD02] node NŒUD02 130903 began

17:56:27:186 130903 INFO [NŒUD02] committed election; choice #1

130903 17:56:27:206 INFO [NŒUD02] Started election thread kills Sep 03 17:56:27 CDT 2013

130903 17:56:29:290 INFO [NŒUD02] winning proposal: Proposal(00000140e6787717:0000000000000000000000000a000253:00000001) value: value: 13000. $ $$$ $$ NŒUD02$ $$ 64

17:56:29:299 INFO [NŒUD02] master changed from NŒUD02 130903

17:56:29:301 130903 INFO [NŒUD02] completed election. Elapsed time: 2114ms

Manager of Feeder INFO [NŒUD02] 17:56:29:302 130903 accepts applications.

17:56:29:309 130903 INFO [NŒUD02] Unknown Service request: registered Feeder services: [Acceptor learner, LogFileFeeder, LDiff, NodeState, group, BinaryNodeState]

Group INFO [NŒUD02] Joining 130903 17:56:29:312 as master

130903 17:56:29:317 INFO [NŒUD02] refreshed 0 monitors.

130903 wire INFO [NŒUD02] election of 17:56:29:318 came out. Group master: node02 (64)

17:56:29:374 130903 Feeder INFO [NŒUD02] has accepted the java.nio.channels.SocketChannel connection [connected local=/ remote=/]

Departure of handshake 17:56:29:477 INFO [NŒUD02] replica Feeder 130903

Handshake 130903 17:56:29:539 INFO [NŒUD02] Feeder-replica completed node01.

Syncup 17:56:29:542 130903 INFO [NŒUD02] Feeder-replica node01 began. Range of charger: first = 843, 326 last = 843, 393 sync 843, 393 = txnEnd = 843, 393

17:56:29:654 130903 node01 start INFO [NŒUD02] replica Feeder to VLSN stream: 843 394

130903 17:56:29:656 INFO [NŒUD02] Feeder-replica node01 syncup completed. Elapsed time: 113ms

130903 17:56:29:660 Feeder INFO [NŒUD02] release thread for the replica node01 started at master VLSN 843 394 to 843 393 VLSN delta = - 1 = socket (node01 (61)) java.nio.channels.SocketChannel [remote=/ connected local=/]

17:56:30:321 130903 Feeder INFO [NŒUD02] has accepted the java.nio.channels.SocketChannel connection [connected local=/ remote=/]

Departure of handshake 17:56:30:326 INFO [NŒUD02] replica Feeder 130903

Handshake 130903 17:56:30:349 INFO [NŒUD02] Feeder-replica completed node04.

130903 17:56:30:350 INFO [NŒUD02] Feeder-replica node04 syncup began. Range of charger: first = 843, 326 last = 843, 395 sync = 843, txnEnd 395 = 843, 395

17:56:30:363 130903 node04 start INFO [NŒUD02] replica Feeder to VLSN stream: 843 394

130903 17:56:30:364 INFO [NŒUD02] Feeder-replica node04 syncup completed. Elapsed time: 14ms

17:56:30:383 130903 Feeder INFO [NŒUD02] out of thread for the replica node04 started to master VLSN 843 394 to 843 395 delta VLSN = 1 socket = (node04 (62)) java.nio.channels.SocketChannel [remote=/ connected local=/]

130903 17:56:31:678 likely to be elected [NŒUD02] WARNING group size changed override: 3

17:57:21:200 130903 Feeder INFO [NŒUD02] has accepted the java.nio.channels.SocketChannel connection [connected local=/ remote=/]

Departure of handshake 17:57:21:206 INFO [NŒUD02] replica Feeder 130903

Handshake 130903 17:57:21:272 INFO [NŒUD02] Feeder-replica completed node03.

130903 17:57:21:273 INFO [NŒUD02] Feeder-replica node03 syncup began. Range of charger: first = 843, 326 last = 843, 399 sync = 843, 399 = 843, 399 txnEnd

17:57:21:389 130903 node03 start INFO [NŒUD02] replica Feeder to VLSN stream: 843 394

130903 17:57:21:390 INFO [NŒUD02] Feeder-replica node03 syncup completed. Elapsed time: 117ms

17:57:21:392 130903 Feeder INFO [NŒUD02] out of thread for the replica node03 started to master VLSN 843 394 to 843 399 delta VLSN = 5 socket = (node03 (63)) java.nio.channels.SocketChannel [remote=/ connected local=/]

130903 inactive channel INFO [NŒUD02] 17:57:55:115: node01 (61) forced close. Timeout: 7000ms.

130903 inactive channel INFO [NŒUD02] 17:57:55:115: node04 (62) forced close. Timeout: 7000ms.

130903 17:57:55:116 INFO [NŒUD02] closing feeder for replica node01 reason: null write time: 2ms Avg write time: 98us

130903 inactive channel INFO [NŒUD02] 17:57:55:125: node03 (63) forced close. Timeout: 7000ms.

130903 17:57:55:126 INFO [NŒUD02] closing feeder for replica node04 reason: null write time: 3ms Avg write time: 147us

130903 17:57:55:127 INFO [NŒUD02] closing feeder for replica node03 reason: null write time: 1ms Avg write time: 90us

17:57:55:409 130903 Feeder INFO [NŒUD02] out to stop node01 replica. VLSN charger: 843 402 currentTxnEndVLSN: 843 401

Out of the 17:57:55:410 130903 Feeder INFO [NŒUD02] judgment of the node03 replica. VLSN charger: 843 402 currentTxnEndVLSN: 843 401

Out of the 17:57:55:411 130903 Feeder INFO [NŒUD02] judgment of the node04 replica. VLSN charger: 843 402 currentTxnEndVLSN: 843 401

17:58:49:456 INFO [NŒUD02] master changed to node01 130903

17:58:50:227 130903 Master INFO [NŒUD02] change: managing change. The ID of the master node: master group to node02 id (64): node01 (61)

Block latch commit 17:58:50:228 130903 Releasing INFO [NŒUD02]

130903 Feeder INFO [NŒUD02] 17:58:50:229 Manager is out. VLSN CurrentTxnEnd: 843 401

17:58:50:230 INFO [NŒUD02] RepNode thread 130903 main stop.

Shutdown 17:58:50:233 130903 INFO [NŒUD02] RepNode exception:

(I 5.0.84) NŒUD02 (64): / data / NŒUD02$ MasterSyncException: master the change. The ID of the master node: master group to node02 id (64): node01 (61) MASTER_TO_REPLICA_TRANSITION: this node was a master and must reset the internal State to become a replica. The application must close and reopen all the environment handles. The environment is not valid and must be closed.node02 (64) [MASTER]

No feeders.

GlobalCBVLSN = 843, 393

Group info [RepGroup] 8e8b97b5-f9bc-4b9e-bb6e-56edfbe79674

Version of the representation: 2

Change version: 4

Node for the max rep ID: 64

Node: NŒUD02 ap02.domain.acme .net: 13000 (belongs) changeVersion:4 LocalCBVLSN:843, 393 to: kills Sep 03 17:56:31 CDT 2013

Node: node03 ap03.domain.acme .net: 13000 (belongs) changeVersion:3 LocalCBVLSN:843, 393 to: kills Sep 03 17:57:21 CDT 2013

Node: node01 ap01.domain.acme .net: 13000 (belongs) changeVersion:1 LocalCBVLSN:843, 393 to: kills Sep 03 17:56:29 CDT 2013

Node: node04 ap04.domain.acme .net: 13000 (belongs) changeVersion:2 LocalCBVLSN:843, 393 to: kills Sep 03 17:56:30 CDT 2013

vlsnRange = first = 843, 326 last = 843, 401 sync = 843, txnEnd 401 = 843, 401

lastReplayedTxn = null lastReplayedVLSN = 843, 393 numActiveReplayTxns = 0

130903 17:58:50:234 INFO [NŒUD02] stop the node node02 (64)

INFO [NŒUD02] elections stop 130903 17:58:50:235 triggered

INFO [NŒUD02] elections stop 130903 17:58:50:238 finished

130903 17:58:50:239 RepNode INFO [NŒUD02] main thread: MASTER node02 (64) was released.

17:58:50:240 130903 INFO [NŒUD02] ServiceDispatcher stop starting. [HostPort = ap02.domain.acme .net: 13000 registered services:]

Stop INFO [NŒUD02] ServiceDispatcher 17:58:50:243 130903 done. HostPort = ap02.domain.acme .net: 13000

Stop 17:58:50:243 INFO [NŒUD02] node02 130903 (64) finished.

Here's the log of node03.  We see node01 wins the election, but

17:57:20:961 130903 INFO [node03] CleanerRun 1 ends on the probe file 0x2f = false invokedFromDaemon = true finished = true fileDeleted = false nEntriesRead = 1 nINsObsolete = 0 nINsCleaned = 0 nINsDead = 0 nINsMigrated = 0 nBINDeltasObsolete = 0 nBINDeltasCleaned = 0 nBINDeltasDead = 0 nBINDeltasMigrated = 0 nLNsObsolete = 0 nLNsCleaned = 0 nLNsDead = 0 nLNsMigrated = 0 nLNsMarked = 0 nLNQueueHits = 0 nLNsLocked = 0 logSummary = < CleanerLogSummary endFileNumAtLastAdjustment = '0 x 32' initialAdjustments = '5' recentLNSizesAndCounts = "Horn : 1274201 / 3219 - is: 1494628 / 3219 Cor: 535 / 6-is: 965 / 11 Cor: 788 / 8-East: 1190 / Cor 13: 789 / 8-is: 1289/14 Horn: 714 / 2-is: 1310 / 9 Horn: 37694 / 611 - is: 178596 / 619 Horn: 168637 / 3961 - is: 1164331 / 3961 Cor: 62 / 1-is: 2286 / 21 Cor: 22130 / 1446 - is: 417561 / 1451 Horn: 2429020 / 9915 - is: 3837944 / 9915 "> inSummary = < totalINCount INSummary = '0' totalINSize = '0' totalBINDeltaCount = '0' totalBINDeltaSize = '0' obsoleteINCount = '0' obsoleteINSize = '0' obsoleteBINDeltaCount = '0' obsoleteBINDeltaSize = '0' / >» estFileSummary = < Sommaire totalCount = « 1 » totalSize = « 31 » totalINCount = « 0 » totalINSize = « 0 » totalLNCount = « 0 » totalLNSize = « 0 » maxLNSize = « 0 » obsoleteINCount = « 0 » obsoleteLNCount = « 0 » obsoleteLNSize = « 0 » obsoleteLNSizeCounted = « 0 » getObsoleteSize = « 31 » getObsoleteINSize = « 0 » getObsoleteLNSize = « 0 » getMaxObsoleteSize = « 31 » getMaxObsoleteLNSize = « 0 » getAvgObsoleteLNSizeNotCounted = « NaN » / > recalcFileSummary = < Sommaire totalCount = « 1 » totalSize = « 31 » totalINCount = « 0 » totalINSize = « 0 » totalLNCount = « 0 » totalLNSize = « 0 » maxLNSize = « 0 » obsoleteINCount = « 0 » obsoleteLNCount = « 0 » obsoleteLNSize = « 0 » obsoleteLNSizeCounted = « 0 » getObsoleteSize = « 31 » getObsoleteINSize = « 0 » getObsoleteLNSize = « 0 » getMaxObsoleteSize = « 31 » getMaxObsoleteLNSize = « 0 » getAvgObsoleteLNSizeNotCounted = « NaN » / > lnSizeCorrection = 0.55577517 newLnSizeCorrection = 0.55577517 estimatedUtilization = 0 correctedUtilization = 0 recalcUtilization = 0

130903 17:57:20:991 INFO [node03] began to ServiceDispatcher. HostPort = ap03.domain.acme .net: 13000

current group 130903 size INFO [node03] 17:57:21:111: 4

INFO [node03] existing 17:57:21:112 130903 node03 mark for a current master node.

17:57:21:155 130903 INFO [node03] master changed from NŒUD02

17:57:21:182 INFO [node03] node node03 130903 began

130903 17:57:21:183 INFO [node03] Replica loop started with master: node02 (64)

Departure from 17:57:21:205 130903 INFO [node03] Replica-power handshake

Handshake 130903 17:57:21:269 INFO [node03] Replica-charger NŒUD02 completed.

Syncup of NŒUD02 17:57:21:282 130903 INFO [node03] Replica-power began. Replica range: first = 843, 326 last = 843, 393 sync 843, 393 = txnEnd = 843, 393

130903 17:57:21:385 INFO [node03] Rollback to matchpoint 843 393-0 x 32/0x55da status not = no active txns, nothing to restore

17:57:21:386 130903 NŒUD02 start INFO [node03] Replica-feeder VLSN stream: 843 394

130903 17:57:21:387 INFO [node03] Replica-charger NŒUD02 syncup completed. Elapsed time: 105ms

Replica of the INFO [node03] 130903 17:57:21:391 initialization is complete. Replica VLSN: VLSN validation master Heartbeat 843 393: 843 399 delta VLSN: 6

130903 17:57:21:396 Replay INFO [node03] thread started. Message queue size: 1000

17:57:21:417 INFO [node03] 130903 joined group as a replica.  Join consistencyPolicy = PointConsistencyPolicy targetVLSN = 843, 399 first = 843, 326 last = 843, 399 sync = 843, 399 = 843, 399 txnEnd

130903 17:57:21:421 INFO [node03] refreshed 0 monitors.

130903 inactive channel INFO [node03] 17:57:55:069: node02 (64) forced close. Timeout: 7000ms.

17:57:55:406 INFO [node03] 130903 exit inner loop of the replica.

130903 replica of the INFO [node03] 17:57:55:407 stats - Lag waiting: 0 Lag delay: 0ms.  VLSN waiting: 0 Lag delay: 0ms.

17:57:56:059 130903 INFO [node03] committed election; choice #1

130903 17:57:56:068 INFO [node03] Started election thread kills Sep 03 17:57:56 CDT 2013

130903 17:58:08:101 INFO [node03] winning proposal: Proposal(00000140e679d235:0000000000000000000000000a000254:00000001) value: value: 13000. $ $$$ $$ NŒUD01$ $$ 61

17:58:08:108 130903 INFO [node03] master changed to node01

17:58:08:112 130903 INFO [node03] completed election. Elapsed time: 12053ms

130903 17:58:08:113 INFO [node03] Replica loop started with master: node01 (61)

17:58:08:124 INFO [node03] 130903 exit inner loop of the replica.

130903 replica of the INFO [node03] 17:58:08:125 stats - Lag waiting: 0 Lag delay: 0ms.  VLSN waiting: 0 Lag delay: 0ms.

130903 17:58:08:126 INFO [node03] try again #: 0/10 retries loop replica after 1000ms.

130903 17:58:09:127 INFO [node03] Replica loop started with master: node01 (61)

17:58:09:131 INFO [node03] 130903 exit inner loop of the replica.

130903 replica of the INFO [node03] 17:58:09:131 stats - Lag waiting: 0 Lag delay: 0ms.  VLSN waiting: 0 Lag delay: 0ms.

130903 17:58:09:132 INFO [node03] try again #: 1/10 retries loop replica after 1000ms.

130903 17:58:10:133 INFO [node03] Replica loop started with master: node01 (61)

17:58:10:138 INFO [node03] 130903 exit inner loop of the replica.

130903 replica of the INFO [node03] 17:58:10:138 stats - Lag waiting: 0 Lag delay: 0ms.  VLSN waiting: 0 Lag delay: 0ms.

130903 17:58:10:139 INFO [node03] try again #: 2/10 retries loop replica after 1000ms.

130903 17:58:11:139 INFO [node03] Replica loop started with master: node01 (61)

17:58:11:142 INFO [node03] 130903 exit inner loop of the replica.

130903 replica of the INFO [node03] 17:58:11:142 stats - Lag waiting: 0 Lag delay: 0ms.  VLSN waiting: 0 Lag delay: 0ms.

130903 17:58:11:143 INFO [node03] try again #: 3/10 retries loop replica after 1000ms.

130903 17:58:12:144 INFO [node03] Replica loop started with master: node01 (61)

17:58:12:146 INFO [node03] 130903 exit inner loop of the replica.

130903 replica of the INFO [node03] 17:58:12:147 stats - Lag waiting: 0 Lag delay: 0ms.  VLSN waiting: 0 Lag delay: 0ms.

130903 17:58:12:147 INFO [node03] try again #: 4/10 retries loop replica after 1000ms.

130903 17:58:13:148 INFO [node03] Replica loop started with master: node01 (61)

17:58:13:162 INFO [node03] 130903 exit inner loop of the replica.

130903 replica of the INFO [node03] 17:58:13:222 stats - Lag waiting: 0 Lag delay: 0ms.  VLSN waiting: 0 Lag delay: 0ms.

130903 17:58:13:222 INFO [node03] try again #: 5/10 retries loop replica after 1000ms.

130903 17:58:14:223 INFO [node03] Replica loop started with master: node01 (61)

17:58:14:225 INFO [node03] 130903 exit inner loop of the replica.

130903 replica of the INFO [node03] 17:58:14:226 stats - Lag waiting: 0 Lag delay: 0ms.  VLSN waiting: 0 Lag delay: 0ms.

130903 17:58:14:226 INFO [node03] try again #: 6/10 retries loop replica after 1000ms.

130903 17:58:15:227 INFO [node03] Replica loop started with master: node01 (61)

17:58:15:229 INFO [node03] 130903 exit inner loop of the replica.

130903 replica of the INFO [node03] 17:58:15:230 stats - Lag waiting: 0 Lag delay: 0ms.  VLSN waiting: 0 Lag delay: 0ms.

130903 17:58:15:230 INFO [node03] try again #: 7/10 retries loop replica after 1000ms.

130903 17:58:16:231 INFO [node03] Replica loop started with master: node01 (61)

17:58:16:233 INFO [node03] 130903 exit inner loop of the replica.

130903 replica of the INFO [node03] 17:58:16:234 stats - Lag waiting: 0 Lag delay: 0ms.  VLSN waiting: 0 Lag delay: 0ms.

130903 17:58:16:234 INFO [node03] try again #: 8/10 retries loop replica after 1000ms.

130903 17:58:17:235 INFO [node03] Replica loop started with master: node01 (61)

17:58:17:237 INFO [node03] 130903 exit inner loop of the replica.

130903 replica of the INFO [node03] 17:58:17:238 stats - Lag waiting: 0 Lag delay: 0ms.  VLSN waiting: 0 Lag delay: 0ms.

130903 17:58:17:238 INFO [node03] try again #: 9/10 retries loop replica after 1000ms.

130903 wire INFO [node03] election of 17:58:18:112 came out. Group master: node01 (61)

130903 17:58:18:239 INFO [node03] Replica loop started with master: node01 (61)

17:58:18:280 INFO [node03] 130903 exit inner loop of the replica.

130903 replica of the INFO [node03] 17:58:18:280 stats - Lag waiting: 0 Lag delay: 0ms.  VLSN waiting: 0 Lag delay: 0ms.

17:58:18:281 130903 INFO [node03] could not recover from exception: failed after attempts: 10 with retry interval: 1000ms., despite 10 attempts.$ ConnectRetryException: failed after attempts: 10 with retry interval: 1000ms.






17:58:18:282 130903 INFO [node03] committed election; choice #2

130903 17:58:18:282 INFO [node03] in the current election. Waiting...

.... Attempts and the ConnectRetryException repeat ad nauseam...

We see a similar trend in the node04 newspaper.  We observe on 17:58:08:101 node01 became master, but we are unable to establish a connection to power supply to:

130903 17:55:48:149 INFO [node04] began to ServiceDispatcher. HostPort = ap04.domain.acme .net: 13000

current group 130903 size INFO [node04] 17:55:48:230: 4

130903 17:55:48:231 INFO [node04 Existing node04 mark for a current master node.

17:55:48:258 INFO [node04] node node04 130903 began

17:55:48:259 130903 INFO [node04] committed election; choice #1

130903 17:55:48:266 INFO [node04] Started election thread kills Sep 03 17:55:48 PDT 17:56:29:300 2013130903 Master INFO [node04] changed to NŒUD02

17:56:29:301 130903 INFO [node04] completed election. Elapsed time: 41043ms

130903 17:56:29:301 INFO [node04] Replica loop started with master: NŒUD02 (64) 130903 17:56:29:303 INFO [node04] out election after 5 retries130903 17:56:29:304 wire INFO [node04] election came out. Group master: NŒUD02 (6


17:56:29:309 INFO [node04] 130903 exit inner loop of the replica.

130903 replica of the INFO [node04] 17:56:29:310 stats - Lag waiting: 0 Lag delay: 0ms.  VLSN waiting: 0 Lag delay: 0ms.

130903 17:56:29:310 INFO [node04] try again #: 0/10 retries loop replica after 10

00ms.130903 17:56:30:310 INFO [node04] Replica loop started with master: node02 (64)

Departure from 17:56:30:324 130903 INFO [node04] Replica-power handshake

Handshake 130903 17:56:30:348 INFO [node04] Replica-charger NŒUD02 completed.

Syncup of NŒUD02 17:56:30:352 130903 INFO [node04] Replica-power began. Replica range: first = 843, 326 last = 843, 393 sync 843, 393 = txnEnd = 843, 393

130903 17:56:30:361 INFO [node04] Rollback to matchpoint 843 393-0 x 34 / 0 x 1628

status = no active txns, nothing to restore

17:56:30:362 130903 NŒUD02 start INFO [node04] Replica-feeder VLSN stream: 843 394

130903 17:56:30:362 INFO [node04] Replica-charger NŒUD02 syncup completed. Elapsed time: 10 ms

Replica of the INFO [node04] 130903 17:56:30:382 initialization is complete. Replica VLSN: VLSN validation master 843 393: 843 395 delta VLSN: 2 Heartbeat

130903 17:56:30:386 Replay INFO [node04] thread started. Message queue size: 1000

17:56:30:397 INFO [node04] 130903 joined group as a replica.  Join consistencyPolicy = PointConsistencyPolicy targetVLSN = 843 395 first = 843, 326 last = 843, 395 sync = 843, txnEnd 395 = 843, 395

130903 17:56:30:401 INFO [node04] refreshed 0 monitors.

130903 17:56:30:922 WARNING [node04] likely to be elected changed size override group: 3

130903 inactive channel INFO [node04] 17:57:55:223: node02 (64) forced close. Timeout: 7000ms.

17:57:55:398 INFO [node04] 130903 exit inner loop of the replica.

130903 replica of the INFO [node04] 17:57:55:399 stats - Lag waiting: 0 Lag delay: 0ms.  VLSN waiting: 0 Lag delay: 0ms.

17:57:55:401 130903 INFO [node04] committed election; choice #2

130903 17:57:55:401 INFO [node04] in the current election. Waiting...

130903 17:57:55:406 INFO [node04] Started election thread kills Sep 03 17:57:55 CDT 2013

17:58:08:101 130903 INFO [node04] master changed to node01

17:58:08:102 130903 INFO [node04] completed election. Elapsed time: 12701ms

17:58:08:102 INFO [node04] 130903 exit election after 2 attempts

130903 17:58:08:102 INFO [node04] Replica loop started with master: node01 (61)

130903 wire INFO [node04] election of 17:58:08:103 came out. Group master: node01 (61)

17:58:08:110 INFO [node04] 130903 exit inner loop of the replica.

130903 replica of the INFO [node04] 17:58:08:110 stats - Lag waiting: 0 Lag delay: 0ms.  VLSN waiting: 0 Lag delay: 0ms.

130903 17:58:08:111 INFO [node04] try again #: 0/10 retries loop replica after 1000ms.

130903 17:58:09:111 INFO [node04] Replica loop started with master: node01 (61)

17:58:09:114 INFO [node04] 130903 exit inner loop of the replica.

130903 replica of the INFO [node04] 17:58:09:114 stats - Lag waiting: 0 Lag delay: 0ms.  VLSN waiting: 0 Lag delay: 0ms.

130903 17:58:09:114 INFO [node04] try again #: 1/10 retries loop replica after 1000ms.

130903 17:58:10:115 INFO [node04] Replica loop started with master: node01 (61)

17:58:10:117 INFO [node04] 130903 exit inner loop of the replica.

130903 replica of the INFO [node04] 17:58:10:118 stats - Lag waiting: 0 Lag delay: 0ms.  VLSN waiting: 0 Lag delay: 0ms.

130903 17:58:10:118 INFO [node04] try again #: 2/10 retries loop replica after 1000ms.

130903 17:58:11:118 INFO [node04] Replica loop started with master: node01 (61)

17:58:11:121 INFO [node04] 130903 exit inner loop of the replica.

130903 replica of the INFO [node04] 17:58:11:121 stats - Lag waiting: 0 Lag delay: 0ms.  VLSN waiting: 0 Lag delay: 0ms.

130903 17:58:11:122 INFO [node04] try again #: 3/10 retries loop replica after 1000ms.

130903 17:58:12:122 INFO [node04] Replica loop started with master: node01 (61)

17:58:12:125 INFO [node04] 130903 exit inner loop of the replica.

130903 17:58:12:125 INFO [node04] try again #: 4/10 retries loop replica after 1000ms.

130903 17:58:13:126 INFO [node04] Replica loop started with master: node01 (61)

17:58:13:129 INFO [node04] 130903 exit inner loop of the replica.

130903 replica of the INFO [node04] 17:58:13:129 stats - Lag waiting: 0 Lag delay: 0ms.  VLSN waiting: 0 Lag delay: 0ms.

130903 17:58:13:129 INFO [node04] try again #: 5/10 retries loop replica after 1000ms.

130903 17:58:14:130 INFO [node04] Replica loop started with master: node01 (61)

17:58:14:132 INFO [node04] 130903 exit inner loop of the replica.

130903 replica of the INFO [node04] 17:58:14:133 stats - Lag waiting: 0 Lag delay: 0ms.  VLSN waiting: 0 Lag delay: 0ms.

130903 17:58:14:133 INFO [node04] try again #: 6/10 retries loop replica after 1000ms.

130903 17:58:15:133 INFO [node04] Replica loop started with master: node01 (61)

17:58:15:136 INFO [node04] 130903 exit inner loop of the replica.

130903 replica of the INFO [node04] 17:58:15:136 stats - Lag waiting: 0 Lag delay: 0ms.  VLSN waiting: 0 Lag delay: 0ms.

130903 17:58:15:137 INFO [node04] try again #: 7/10 retries loop replica after 1000ms.

130903 17:58:16:137 INFO [node04] Replica loop started with master: node01 (61)

17:58:16:140 INFO [node04] 130903 exit inner loop of the replica.

130903 replica of the INFO [node04] 17:58:16:140 stats - Lag waiting: 0 Lag delay: 0ms.  VLSN waiting: 0 Lag delay: 0ms.

130903 17:58:16:140 INFO [node04] try again #: 8/10 retries loop replica after 1000ms.

130903 17:58:17:141 INFO [node04] Replica loop started with master: node01 (61)

17:58:17:143 INFO [node04] 130903 exit inner loop of the replica.

130903 replica of the INFO [node04] 17:58:17:144 stats - Lag waiting: 0 Lag delay: 0ms.  VLSN waiting: 0 Lag delay: 0ms.

130903 17:58:17:144 INFO [node04] try again #: 9/10 retries loop replica after 1000ms.

130903 17:58:18:145 INFO [node04] Replica loop started with master: node01 (61)

17:58:18:147 INFO [node04] 130903 exit inner loop of the replica.

130903 replica of the INFO [node04] 17:58:18:148 stats - Lag waiting: 0 Lag delay: 0ms.  VLSN waiting: 0 Lag delay: 0ms.

17:58:18:148 130903 INFO [node04] could not recover from exception: failed after attempts: 10 with retry interval: 1000ms., despite 10 attempts.$ ConnectRetryException: failed after attempts: 10 with retry interval: 1000ms.






17:58:18:149 130903 INFO [node04] committed election; choice #3

130903 17:58:18:149 INFO [node04] in the current election. Waiting...

130903 17:58:18:150 INFO [node04] Started election thread kills Sep 03 17:58:18 CDT 2013

.... Attempts and the ConnectRetryException repeat ad nauseam...

The problem is that you touch a model not supported by violating the contract of the StateChangeListener by launching an expensive operation in the middle of the stateChange method. Of (, we caution:

void stateChange(StateChangeEvent stateChangeEvent) throws RuntimeException


This method should do the minimum amount of work, queuing any intensive operations of resource for processing by another thread before returning to appellant, so that it does not unduly delay the other cleaning operations performed by the internal thread that calls this method.

In other words, we really mean the work done by stateChange shouldn't make any IO or network communication, and if he does, he should leave this thread back, and do the expensive work in another thread.

It seems rather ironic, or that the introduction be DbPing or ReplicationGroupAdmin in our application code introduces a principle of Heisenberg uncertainty effect in which tent to observe the number of active nodes causes the behavior of replication group, or more precisely - creating channel charger - for change.    Is there a prohibition against using DbPing, ReplicationGroupAdmin or getNodeState() in an application node methods likely to be elected?   Do same using these objects/methods in a cause of app monitor a change in behavior among the nodes to be elected after an election?    We seem to be observing such behavior.

While an application can certainly use DbPing or ReplicationGroupAdmin, the problem is that the state change listener runs in the critical path the replication group state changes. You talked about monitors and another model of watch and manage the replication group membership is to use This class and the MonitorStateChangeListener partner, run outside the ReplicatedEnvironment and could be another means of implementation of the application logic.

So in summary, you should use * to implement your logic, or have the implementation of StateChangeListener cause another thread to perform work asynchronously, so that stateChange() can quickly return.

Please let me know if it helps.

Thank you


Tags: Database

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    Thanks for posting your question on the Forums of community of Microsoft.

    I would be grateful, if you can provide us with the following information to help us better understand the question?

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    2 you receive error messages or codes to the computer restarts?

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    Method 1: perform the clean boot.

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    Reference: How to perform a clean boot in Windows


    Note: After the boot minimum troubleshooting step, read the sections "How to reset the computer to start as usual after a clean boot troubleshooting" in the link provided to return the computer to a Normal startup mode.

    If the problem persists, try Method 2.

    Method 2: System File Checker.

    You can run the System File Checker tool and check if it helps. SFC scan will scan system files corrupted on your computer. You can read the following article to use the appropriate System File Checker tool.

    Use the System File Checker tool to repair missing or corrupted system files.

    If the question did not resolve, try Method 3.

    Method 3:

    You can view the steps proposed by cavehermitt in the following link:

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    1360 x 768.

    That does not meet the system requirements and I think it's safe to say thatr it is the reason for the accident - the program seeks to draw the preferences panel in an invalid area because it cannot properly address the resolution of the screen too small. Increase the screen resolution and everything will probably work.


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    In general, all NICs for/vhba of a fabric are declining, if all uplinks of this fabric are declining.

    It's not clear to me, what you're trying to achieve?

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    I7 950


    Rampage III Gene mobo

    12 GB of ram

    All drivers up to date

    Guys, this has been resolved in another thread:

    Re: Could not create/open a new file - Photoshop CC

    Open photoshop when it is buggy and press Ctrl + Break (Break) (it's usually next to the print screen).

    If all goes well a fix will stop this bug directly to the outside, now that a solution has been found.

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    Hey AmnonMikeCohen,

    Thank you for being a part of the communities of Apple Support.

    I understand that your Mac is not start properly after the power went out.  Let's start with resetting the SMC and NVRAM on your Mac and see if he can start from there:

    Reset the management system (SCM) controller on your Mac.

    How to reset the NVRAM on your Mac.

    See you soon.

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    TAB through the fields that exist. It is the function of the TAB.

    Otherwise you could never use TAB to go out in a field for example: subject. It would create an indefinate number of fields and are unable to function as a TAB key.

    TAB does not back to THE fields,
    New crests to THE fields or donkey typing/selection enter/return address, you can use the selection of mouse click.

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    Post your question in the TechNet Server Forums, as your question kindly is beyond the scope of these Forums.

    See you soon.

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    Problem reinstalling Windows XP

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    Go into the BIOS and make sure that you your hard drive is not set to off, and that is the first priority boot CD and your second HD.

    Don't push when it restarts anything just to let him do what he does and report back if anything I'm sorry I have no idea.

Maybe you are looking for