specific models of the user

When you use TS, it is possible to create your own templates with code snippets, as follows, and so on. Is it possible to have different models for a different user, so that when a user connects, it has its own models?

Thank you.

What you want, it is doable but not advised.  Here's what I'd do if I really really want this:

In the FrontEndCallbacks.seq located here: C:\Program NIUninstaller Instruments\TestStand 4.1.1\Components\Callbacks\FrontEnd you'll find steps that called whenever a connection and disconnection occur in TS.  WARNING: Antics with this recall may cause undesirable results.  OK, now that you've read the warning carefully note prerequisites and actions of the post to two steps from there.  What you can do, is call a code here that will replace your Templates.ini file with another.  This file is located in the folder Cfg TestStand.  C:\Program Instruments\TestStand 4.1.1 NIUninstaller then click on the Cfg.  Set up a file ini file to a developer and an INI file to another developer.  Place them in a different place.  So when opens TS and a login occurs the recall of front end will be called.  Your code replaces the file Templates.ini by the correct one based on which connected.  Use Engine.CurrentUser.LoginName.  I would like to make the call in my cleanup step group as he is called after the connection occurs.

I created a simple FrontEndCallbacks.seq which shows how to get the user who just logged in.  If you want to see it in action, then rename your old.  Place it in the above mentioned folder and click file > Login of TS.

Let me know if you have any questions.

Tags: NI Software

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    If you use the ADF for authentication security, the user name is then accessible from the context of the ADF in British Colombia ADF. You can then

    1. create a view of the criteria in British Colombia ADF to a specific view

    2. set the display criteria to use a variable binding

    3. use groovy to add the value of the bind variable

    -set the type of value of 'Expression '.

    -Add adf.context.securityContext.userName

    4. go in the Module--> Application data model

    5 Select the instance of the View object

    6. press on "change."

    7. Select the view test

    If you download the example in this article: Oracle ADF: security for everyone so you see that users have a profile page containing data for the authenticated user. Sound by using the method described above

    If you do not use ADF security you can always use this approach. Instead of providing the value of the variable bind using Groovy you can run the view object using executeWithParams operation in this case, you can read the value of the authenticated user to the side view ADF. The binding variable would not be set to the Expression in this case though.


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    PS: VS2011, LV 2011

    I see.

    You can use the definition of system API call 'get the mappings' for a list of mappings.

    If you don't know what sysdef is running, you can use the API to run, call to get the State of the system and even to get the available channels.

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    The Windows event recorder records the events of connection but only if logon auditing is enabled. On the flavors of Windows 7 (Windows 7 Professional and above) you can do this with the gpedit.msc Group Policy Editor. On lower versions, GPEdit is not available but can be activated with a hack. Regardless of the above, you can't enable ex post auditing.

  • Mail for specific days of the user and specific and time

    Hello Experts,

    I use the program below to email each daily hour. This was intended for one person.

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    x_val               long;
    x_cumm_val          long;
    x_title             long;
    x_cumm_title        long;
    x_footer            long;
    x_column_header     long;
    x_column_line       long;
    x_row_header        long;
    x_row_line          long;
    x_cumm_row_line     long;
    x_total_header      long;
    x_total_line        long;
    x_row               long;
    x_cumm_row          long;
    l_rec_time          varchar2(25);
    l_order_id          number;
    l_amt               number;
    l_cumm_amt          number;
    l_instant_cumm_amt  number;
    l_instant_game_id   number :=-1;
    l_instant_col_val   number :=2;
    l_instant_cumm_val  number :=0;--keep cummalative amt for instant
    l_product           varchar2(25);
    no_chance           exception;
    x_cnt               number :=0;
    l_date              date := trunc(sysdate);
    x_to                long ;
    c_cc                 long := '[email protected]';
    x_recipient          long := '[email protected]';
    x_exec_recipien      long := '[email protected]';
    x_gamma_recipient long := '[email protected]';
    CURSOR c_get_values IS
    select nvl(sum(act_amt),0)
    from hourly_sales
    where  trunc(sys_date) =l_date
    and nvl(confirmed,'!') = 'Y' 
    and to_char(to_date(rec_time,'HH24:MI'),'HH24:MI') = to_char(to_date(l_rec_time,'HH24:MI'),'HH24:MI')
    and order_id =l_order_id;
    CURSOR c_get_Instant_val IS
    select nvl(sum(act_amt),0)
    from hourly_sales
    where  trunc(sys_date) =l_date
    and nvl(confirmed,'!') = 'Y' 
    and to_char(to_date(rec_time,'HH24:MI'),'HH24:MI') = to_char(to_date(l_rec_time,'HH24:MI'),'HH24:MI')
    and product='INSTANT';
    CURSOR c_get_user IS
    select email_address
    from apex_user
    where user_name =p_person
    and default_schema ='LOTTO_BI';
         x_title := '<html><head> '
                    ||'<h3 align="left"><u><font color="#000080"> Hourly Sales for '||to_char(l_date,'FMMonth DD, YYYY')
      x_cumm_title := '<html><head> '
                    ||'<h3 align="left"><u><font color="#000080"> Cumulative Hourly Sales for '||to_char(l_date,'FMMonth DD, YYYY')
      x_column_header :=  '<table border="1" bordercolor="#000000" style="background-color:#ffffd2" width="400" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="3"> '
                           ||'<TR>  <TD>    </TD> ';
       x_footer := '<p>This Email is autogenerated. For any inquiry please '||
                        ' Email on <a '||
                        'href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a>.</p>'||
                        '<p> </p>'||
                        '<p> </p></body></html>';
        if p_person is not null then
            OPEN C_GET_USER;
            FETCH C_GET_USER INTO x_to;
              x_val := 'No email address defined for '||p_person;
              raise no_chance;
            END IF;
            CLOSE C_GET_USER;
            x_cc := null;--do n0t copy operations when testing mail  
          if ltrim(rtrim(to_char(SYSDATE,'DAY'))) in('FRIDAY','SATURDAY') then     
           x_to := x_recipient||' , '||x_exec_recipient;
            if ltrim(rtrim(to_char(SYSDATE,'DAY'))) = 'SATURDAY' then
                x_to := x_to||' , '||x_gamma_recipient;
            end if;     
           x_to := x_recipient;
          end if;      
        end if;                 
       for c1 in( select game_id,product product_id,b.display_name product,b.ordering
                  from hourly_sales a,
                       games b
                  where a.game_id =b.id
                  and b.active = 'Y'                  --<< Addition of condtion for active games only
                  and trunc(a.sys_date) =l_date
                  and nvl(a.confirmed,'!') = 'Y' 
                  group by a.game_id,a.product,b.display_name,b.ordering
                  select -1,'INSTANT','Instant',l_instant_col_val
                  from dual
                  order by 4
                        if c1.product is null then
                           x_val := 'Invalid or Unrecognized Product retrieved from database';
                           raise no_chance;                       
                        end if;
                        x_column_line := x_column_line|| '<TH> ' ||c1.product||' </TH>';
                        x_cnt := x_cnt +1;
                        update hourly_sales
                        set order_id  = x_cnt
                        where  trunc(sys_date) =l_date
                        and nvl(confirmed,'!') = 'Y'
                        and game_id =c1.game_id
                        and product =c1.product_id;
                    end loop;--c1
                    x_column_line := x_column_line||' </TR>';
                    if x_cnt =0 then
                        x_val := 'No Hourly sales data to send for '||to_char(l_date,'FMMonth DD, YYYY');
                        raise no_chance;
                   end if;
                    for c2 in(select rec_time
                                 from rec_time
                                 group by rec_time
                                 order by 1
                                    l_rec_time := c2.rec_time;
                                    x_row_header := ' <TR> <TH>'||c2.rec_time||'</TH> ';
                                            for i in 1..x_cnt
                                                l_order_id := i;
                                                l_cumm_amt := null;--reset of cummulatice amt for each game
                                               if l_order_id = l_instant_col_val then --INSTANT Total Sales
                                                  OPEN c_get_Instant_val;
                                                  FETCH c_get_Instant_val INTO l_amt;
                                                  l_instant_cumm_val := l_instant_cumm_val + l_amt;
                                                  IF c_get_Instant_val%NOTFOUND THEN
                                                    x_row_line := x_row_line||' <TD><p align="center"> - </p></TD> ';
                                                    l_cumm_amt := 0;
                                                    x_row_line := x_row_line||' <TD><p align="center">'||to_char(l_amt,'999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999')||'</p></TD> ';
                                                   /* Assume @ this stage that if previous record <>0 for instant sales column
                                                      next record should have value else no hourly sales yet input.
                                                    if l_amt = 0 then
                                                     l_cumm_amt := 0 ;
                                                     l_cumm_amt := l_instant_cumm_val;
                                                    end if;
                                                  END IF;
                                                  CLOSE c_get_Instant_val;
                                                OPEN c_get_values;
                                                FETCH c_get_values INTO l_amt;
                                                IF c_get_values%NOTFOUND THEN
                                                   x_row_line := x_row_line||' <TD><p align="center"> - </p></TD> ';
                                                   l_cumm_amt := 0;
                                                  x_row_line := x_row_line||' <TD><p align="center">'||to_char(l_amt,'999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999')||'</p></TD> ';
                                                 if l_amt <> 0 then  
                                                   --save values into temp table for cummulative
                                                  insert into cumm_hourly_sales
                                                   select (sum(amt))
                                                   into l_cumm_amt
                                                   from cumm_hourly_sales
                                                   where game_id = l_order_id;
                                                    l_cumm_amt := 0;
                                                 end if;
                                                END IF;
                                                CLOSE c_get_values;
                                                end if;
                                                   x_cumm_row_line := x_cumm_row_line||' <TD><p align="center">'||to_char(l_cumm_amt,'999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999')||'</p></TD> ';
                                            end loop;
                                       x_row := x_row||x_row_header||x_row_line;    
                                       x_cumm_row := x_cumm_row||x_row_header||x_cumm_row_line;    
                                       --reinitialise variables
                                       x_row_header := null;
                                       x_row_line := null;
                                       x_cumm_row_line := null;
                                 end loop;--c2
                                  x_total_header := ' <TR> <TH> Total </TH> ';
                                 --Total count
                                 for c3 in( select order_id,sum(act_amt)amt
                                            from hourly_sales
                                            where  trunc(sys_date) =l_date
                                            and nvl(confirmed,'!') = 'Y' 
                                            group by order_id
                                            union all
                                            select 2,sum(act_amt)amt--Total for Instant Sales (value 2 should be ok since order 2 do not exist on table) 
                                            from hourly_sales
                                            where  trunc(sys_date) =l_date
                                            and nvl(confirmed,'!') = 'Y'
                                            and product ='INSTANT' 
                                            group by 2
                                            order by order_id)
                                             x_total_line := x_total_line||' <TD><p align="center"><strong><em>'||to_char(c3.amt,'999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999.99')
                                                                   ||'</em></strong></p></TD> ';
                                            end loop;
                                                 x_row := x_row||x_total_header||x_total_line;                
                                                 x_val  :=  x_title||x_column_header||x_column_line||x_row||' </TABLE> '||x_footer;
                                                 x_cumm_val :=x_cumm_title||x_column_header||x_column_line||x_cumm_row||' </TABLE> '||x_footer;
        apex_send_mail(  l_from => '[email protected]',
                                    l_to => x_to,
                                    l_body => x_val ,
                                    l_subject => 'Hourly Sales for '||to_char(l_date,'FMMonth DD, YYYY'),
                                    l_cc => x_cc
        apex_send_mail(  l_from => '[email protected]',
                                    l_to =>  x_to,
                                    l_body => x_cumm_val ,
                                    l_subject => 'Cumulative Hourly Sales for '||to_char(l_date,'FMMonth DD, YYYY'),
                                    l_cc => x_cc
    when no_chance then 
    --send mail
    IF c_get_values%ISOPEN THEN CLOSE c_get_values;END IF;
    IF c_get_user%ISOPEN THEN CLOSE c_get_user;END IF;
    apex_send_mail(  l_from => '[email protected]',
                               l_to =>'[email protected]',
                               l_body => x_val ,
                               l_subject => 'Hourly Sales for '||to_char(l_date,'FMMonth DD, YYYY'),
                               l_cc => '[email protected]'
    when others then
     --send mail
     IF c_get_values%ISOPEN THEN CLOSE c_get_values;END IF;
     IF c_get_user%ISOPEN THEN CLOSE c_get_user;END IF;
     x_val :='Unexpected Error '||sqlerrm;
    apex_send_mail(  l_from => '[email protected]',
                               l_to =>'[email protected]',
                               l_body => x_val ,
                               l_subject => 'Hourly Sales for '||sysdate,
                               l_cc => '[email protected]'

    Hey Kevin,

    If I understand your condition, you could do this with two tables:
    something like this:

    Table 1: Recipients_lookup
    DAY          RECIPIENTS
    MONDAY          [email protected],[email protected],[email protected]
    TUESDAY          [email protected],[email protected],[email protected]
    WEDNESDAY     [email protected],[email protected],[email protected]
    THURSDAY     [email protected],[email protected],[email protected]
    FRIDAY          [email protected],[email protected],[email protected]
    SATURDAY     [email protected],[email protected],[email protected]
    SUNDAY          [email protected],[email protected],[email protected]

    First, you must select the recipients in table 1 to help 'day' of sysdate. store in a global variable for that particular day.

    Insert date time records in table 2, something like this:

    Table 2: date_time_lookup
    DATE          TIME          SENT_FLAG
    30-Apr-10     10:00 AM     Y
    30-Apr-10     11:00 AM     Y
    30-Apr-10     12:00 PM     Y
    30-Apr-10     1:00 PM
    30-Apr-10     2:00 PM
    30-Apr-10     3:00 PM
    30-Apr-10     4:00 PM

    Once done, make your program (to generate/send by email) to run for the first hour of the day.
    Use dbms_lock.sleep (3600) to sleep for 1 hour then call your procedure again
    to do this, until you reach some "end time" (7 PM or so consider you want it to be sent only during working hours...) for the day, after which, your code still needs to wait until the next day.

    Tip: just go through this link on dbms_lock.sleep and use accordingly:

    * This is based on my initial understanding of your condition. Could be too long :)


  • the user models

    I wanted to just thank you to erase all of my models of the user!  I was about to be laid off and now I have hundreds of hours of work to do thanks to the inept programmers working at Adobe!

    Nothing like the voice of a fanboy.  I back up my files, but I'm NOT allowed to save files in the directory program files.  Adobe programmers program constantly in a way that will save time at the expense of their users.  Have you tried to open Acrobat DC with the Tools menu, which is closed by default?  The correct answer is Adobe for storing model files in a directory of users to prevent files from being crushed in the first place.

  • How to save the custom of the user using PHP field?


    I am looking for a way to share specific data to the user between connected users. For example, all participants must know each other IDs (our own system IDs, no ACC).

    Custom user fields seems the best solution for this, but I can't find a way to save one using PHP, while creating the room.

    How to save the custom of the user using PHP field? Or maybe there's best solution to do such things?

    Had, just add the new node to the UserManager collection.

    const USER_MANAGER_COLLECTION = 'UserManager';
     const USER_INVITE_ID_CUSTOM_FIELD = 'inviteId';
     static private function createUserManagerCustomFields($room){
       $account = self::init();
       $collection = self::USER_MANAGER_COLLECTION;
       $account->subscribeCollection($room, $collection);
       $account->createNode($room, $collection, self::USER_INVITE_ID_CUSTOM_FIELD, self::$USER_MANAGER_CUSTOM_FIELD_CONFIGURATION);
  • Single declaration of the user

    So my POC Apex was a success and the company are eager to use it, but they want to include readonly users who do not have access to the DML functionality by means of buttons and links.

    My first thought was to control all of this through the PL/SQL backend - and based on the logged on user to determine if they CREATE, Update, and Delete permissions, display an error message if they are not - that would be simple enough to complete mass. However the company also wants me to hide gray on all links to DML modules. Is there a method of coverage I can adopt to do, someone has suggestions for an easy way to remove features.

    Thanks in advance,


    Hi Matt,

    Nice to hear that your affairs are eager to Apex!

    To stop users being able to do things, discover the authorisation schemes - http://download.oracle.com/docs/cd/E17556_01/doc/user.40/e15517/sec.htm#BABEDFGB

    The use of these, you set as many diagrams that you need (usually using SQL to determine if the current user matches a set of conditions) and then to apply the set to any object within the Apex. Only if the user adapts to the conditions will be that the regime allows them to view/use the object.

    You can also make the page read-only items. Is not quite as easy to specify the condition every time, but you can define a part of the application to a specific value when the user logs on (using a calculation of Application running "on the new Instance (new session)" for example) and then check the value of this element in the playback settings only for each element you want to set read-only so that you have to reculculate the condition every time you save.


  • Is it possible to load the specific libraries about the version of BlackBerry model (NOT the software)?

    Hello world

    I know it's possible to load specific libraries about the version of the BlackBerry host software (using files .alx and .jad files), but it is also possible to do the same thing about the version of BlackBerry model?

    I know you can find something with download OTA by designing a specific download servlet that will check the version of the device model (using the HTTP for ie user agent) but how could you do the same thing with the files .alx file? Is it still possible?

    In regards to as you can only check the device software version, but you can't do it with the version of the device model... Is there a workaround here?

    Thanks in advance.

    Sorry for the inconvenience, I recalled an old article that I came across a couple of months:

    http://www.BlackBerry.com/knowledgecenterpublic/livelink.exe/fetch/2000/348583/800708/800651/How_To _...

  • How to call the specific node of the navigation model?


    I have a portal application webcenter containing a custom navigation template. HIES model is used by the menu tree and bread crumbs.
    Users request a link in the template to navigate to the home page. I could make a case of navigation in my ADFC-config file to navigate to the home page, but I would rather use the navigation model. Is there a way to select a specific node in the navigation model and navigate using a button or a link?
    I've been looking for this much time, but could not find an example. It's has enough of the menu etc, but not cela.
    Thank you...

    You can use the same navigation model just like using the template of menu xml
    For more information on the el here chk

  • Extended Analytics (how to share the model to the other user)


    Can any one please tell me how to share the extended Analytics (already created model) model to the other user.

    Thanks in advance,

    Scopes analytical models are user specific, although I think that that has changed after that some released in the series 9.x. Hyperion, at one point had a utility that allows you to copy the template from one user to another, but I don't know if that still exists. It may just be easier to have users to recreate it in the short term since it is really just a problem of selection of metadata.


  • The best way to separate the user interface in the model LV 2012 queued Message Handler?

    If you create a new "queued Message Handler" new model 2012 LV, you will see a blue box in the case of "Update view" that says the following:

    Code Recommended - If you wish to decouple the Message Handling Loop from your user interface, consider creating User Events (like the "Stop" event in this VI) to message the Event Handling Loop whenever the user interface needs updating.

    I would like to give a suggestion, but I am struggling to find the best way to do this and still keep code modular.  The template creates a user - Stop.lvlib "event with a create/Destroy/fire Subvi.  I would like to create a library of "User event - Update UI.lvlib" similar with similar Create/Destroy/fire Subvi keep this new modular and separate user event.  The problem, I am struck, is that there may be only two hydrants in case Structure dynamic event so, how I modularlize creating user events in separate SubVIs and always maintain this dynamic event terminals?

    As a follow-up on the issue, it would be preferable to have a library of user by indicator events that must be updated or that a single UI update of the user and then event pass a cluster as the message that contains the name of the control for the update (to use with a structure of matter), then the data to go with it?

    Thank you!

    Instead of having the events to record in the 'create' methods, you could be part outside your 'create' SubVIs and then simply bundle them. Then, you create your individual event of the user management. See excerpt where I created a vi 'Create user event - Update' in front of the stop.

  • Can someone guide me how disable or disconnect a specific user of WiFi for laptop user and Mobile WiFi user without the user's knowledge.

    Hi, can someone help me to disable a user especially wifi?


    Can someone guide me how disable or disconnect a specific user of WiFi for laptop user and Mobile WiFi user without the user's knowledge.

    Because I gave the WiFi setting for the particular user who uses more bandwidth. So, I need to disable his WiFi without his knowledge

    I need help on this

    Thanks in advance

    Waiting for a good and simple suggestion

    Change the WPA2 password on your wireless access point and tell them what it is.

  • Where is the location of the file Outlook.pst in Windows 7, the AppData folder does not appear in the user specific folder?

    original title: where is the location of the Outlook.pst file in Windows 7?

    I want to copy my Outlook.pst to my desktop (Windows XP Pro) data to my laptop.  Outlook displays the outlook.pst file which will be located in the "C:\Users\Specific User\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Outlook" folder on my laptop.  However, when I try to access this folder in Windows Explorer, the AppData folder does not appear in the user specific folder.  I find in my office because Windows XP does not hide it, but he must hide in the Windows 7 operating system on my laptop.  How can I get it so that I can copy the file outlook.pst from my desktop to my laptop?  If the file is hidden, is there an easier way to copy outlook data from one computer to another?


    To see AppData, enable the display of hidden files and folders in the Control Panel > Folder Options > view .

  • The ADF table: filter on columns of stamp with a specific format in the indications of the user interface

    Hi all

    I have problem when filtering on af timestamp column: table.

    I have a table containing historical information (created_on and modified_on), it is mapped to an entity:

    Type = "Oracle.jbo.domain.date"

    ColumnType = "DATE".

    I've seen object mapped from this entity.

    I want to display created_on and modified_on with timestamp (hour and minute), so I add the tips of the user interface for these 2 columns:

    -Type format: Date Simple

    -Size: MM/DD/YYYY HH: mm

    I create a table based on this point of view. The table is filterable.

    The column like this:

    < af:column sortProperty = "#{bindings." View.hints.CreatedOn.name}"blockable = 'true '.

    sortable = "true" headerText = "#{bindings." View.hints.CreatedOn.label}"id ="c6">

    < f: facet = name 'filter' >

    < af:inputDate value = "#{bindings." ViewQuery.queryDescriptor.filterConjunctionCriterion.criterionMap.CreatedOn.value}.

    ID = "id2" >

    < af:convertDateTime pattern = "#{bindings." View.hints.CreatedOn.format}"/ >

    < / af:inputDate >

    < / f: facet >

    < af:outputText value = "#{rank." CreatedOn}.

    shortDesc = "#{bindings." VIew.hints.CreatedOn.tooltip}"id ="ot6">

    < af:convertDateTime pattern = "#{bindings." View.hints.CreatedOn.format} ">"

    < / af:outputText >

    < / af:column >

    When I filter on 2 columns (created_on, modified_on) I got an error: " java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: ADFv: could not convert the instance: 30/07/2014 09:51 type: class java.lang.String in class of type null oracle.jbo.domain.Date."

    Do you have an idea for me?

    Thanks in advance.

    Here is the stacktrace:

    Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: ADFv: could not convert the instance: 30/07/2014 09:51 type: class java.lang.String in oracle.jbo.domain.Date of type null class.

    at oracle.adfinternal.view.faces.convert.DomainConverter._throw(DomainConverter.java:155)

    at oracle.adfinternal.view.faces.convert.DomainConverter.convert(DomainConverter.java:120)

    to oracle.adfinternal.view.faces.model.binding.FacesCtrlSearchBinding$ AdfFilterAttributeCriterion.getValue (FacesCtrlSearchBinding.java:5127)

    at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor448.invoke (unknown Source)

    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43)

    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:601)

    at javax.el.BeanELResolver.getValue(BeanELResolver.java:305)

    at com.sun.faces.el.DemuxCompositeELResolver._getValue(DemuxCompositeELResolver.java:176)

    at com.sun.faces.el.DemuxCompositeELResolver.getValue(DemuxCompositeELResolver.java:203)

    at com.sun.el.parser.AstValue.getValue(AstValue.java:138)

    at com.sun.el.parser.AstValue.getValue(AstValue.java:183)

    at com.sun.el.ValueExpressionImpl.getValue(ValueExpressionImpl.java:224)

    at org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.bean.FacesBeanImpl.getProperty(FacesBeanImpl.java:73)

    at oracle.adfinternal.view.faces.renderkit.rich.ValueRenderer.getValue(ValueRenderer.java:195)

    at oracle.adfinternal.view.faces.renderkit.rich.SimpleInputBaseRenderer.renderContentStyleAttributes(SimpleInputBaseRenderer.java:524)

    at oracle.adfinternal.view.faces.renderkit.rich.FormInputRenderer.renderAllContentAttributes(FormInputRenderer.java:480)

    at oracle.adfinternal.view.faces.renderkit.rich.SimpleInputBaseRenderer.renderAllContentAttributes(SimpleInputBaseRenderer.java:230)

    at oracle.adfinternal.view.faces.renderkit.rich.SimpleInputDateRenderer.renderAllContentAttributes(SimpleInputDateRenderer.java:712)

    at oracle.adfinternal.view.faces.renderkit.rich.SimpleInputDateRenderer.renderElementContent(SimpleInputDateRenderer.java:592)

    at oracle.adfinternal.view.faces.renderkit.rich.FormInputRenderer.encodeAllAsElement(FormInputRenderer.java:169)

    at oracle.adfinternal.view.faces.renderkit.rich.FormElementRenderer.encodeAll(FormElementRenderer.java:165)

    at oracle.adf.view.rich.render.RichRenderer.delegateRenderer(RichRenderer.java:1828)

    at oracle.adfinternal.view.faces.renderkit.rich.LabeledInputRenderer.renderFieldCellContents(LabeledInputRenderer.java:244)

    at oracle.adfinternal.view.faces.renderkit.rich.LabelLayoutRenderer.encodeAll(LabelLayoutRenderer.java:254)

    at oracle.adfinternal.view.faces.renderkit.rich.LabeledInputRenderer.encodeAll(LabeledInputRenderer.java:231)

    at oracle.adf.view.rich.render.RichRenderer.encodeAll(RichRenderer.java:1578)

    at org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.render.CoreRenderer.encodeEnd(CoreRenderer.java:511)

    at org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.component.UIXComponentBase.encodeEnd(UIXComponentBase.java:1085)

    to oracle.adfinternal.view.faces.renderkit.rich.table.BaseColumnRenderer$ UIXColumnFilterWrapper._encodeChild (BaseColumnRenderer.java:2486)

    to oracle.adfinternal.view.faces.renderkit.rich.table.BaseColumnRenderer$ UIXColumnFilterWrapper.encodeChildren (BaseColumnRenderer.java:2454)

    at javax.faces.component.UIComponent.encodeAll(UIComponent.java:1779)

    at org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.render.CoreRenderer.encodeChild(CoreRenderer.java:624)

    at oracle.adf.view.rich.render.RichRenderer.encodeChildInContext(RichRenderer.java:3251)

    at oracle.adfinternal.view.faces.renderkit.rich.table.BaseColumnRenderer._renderOrVisitFilterFacet(BaseColumnRenderer.java:1938)

    at oracle.adfinternal.view.faces.renderkit.rich.table.BaseColumnRenderer.renderColumnFilterCell(BaseColumnRenderer.java:1324)

    at oracle.adfinternal.view.faces.renderkit.rich.table.BaseColumnRenderer.encodeAll(BaseColumnRenderer.java:168)

    at oracle.adf.view.rich.render.RichRenderer.encodeAll(RichRenderer.java:1578)

    at org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.render.CoreRenderer.encodeEnd(CoreRenderer.java:511)

    at org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.component.UIXComponentBase.encodeEnd(UIXComponentBase.java:1085)

    at javax.faces.component.UIComponent.encodeAll(UIComponent.java:1786)

    at org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.render.CoreRenderer.encodeChild(CoreRenderer.java:624)

    to oracle.adfinternal.view.faces.renderkit.rich.table.BaseTableRenderer.access$ 2900 (BaseTableRenderer.java:78)

    to oracle.adfinternal.view.faces.renderkit.rich.table.BaseTableRenderer$ FlattenedColumnEncoder.processComponent (BaseTableRenderer.java:3155)

    to oracle.adfinternal.view.faces.renderkit.rich.table.BaseTableRenderer$ FlattenedColumnEncoder.processComponent (BaseTableRenderer.java:3129)

    at org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.component.UIXComponent.processFlattenedChildren(UIXComponent.java:195)

    at org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.component.UIXComponent.processFlattenedChildren(UIXComponent.java:326)

    at org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.component.UIXComponent.encodeFlattenedChildren(UIXComponent.java:291)

    at oracle.adfinternal.view.faces.renderkit.rich.table.BaseTableRenderer.encodeFlattenedColumn(BaseTableRenderer.java:2928)

    at oracle.adfinternal.view.faces.renderkit.rich.TableRenderer._renderFilterRow(TableRenderer.java:2508)

    at oracle.adfinternal.view.faces.renderkit.rich.TableRenderer._renderColumnHeaderTable(TableRenderer.java:2113)

    at oracle.adfinternal.view.faces.renderkit.rich.TableRenderer._renderColumnHeader(TableRenderer.java:1899)

    at oracle.adfinternal.view.faces.renderkit.rich.TableRenderer.encodeAll(TableRenderer.java:727)


    This is a bug in the ADF (Bug 17380741 not public) and it resolved in JDev 12.1.3.

    Kind regards


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