Submit form PHP in an iFrame and go to _parent


So I have a PHP form that is long enough. It is rendered in an iFrame in another page html (for reason of css).

I put the dimensions of the iFrame is as long as the shape itself, because I think that having a scroll bar that goes down "in the middle of the page" (somehow - i.e. on the side of the iFrame) as well as to the bottom edge of the page (the page parent in fact) is confusing for the user and ugly.

However, at the time wherever the user arrives at the bottom of the form, they are quite a long way to the bottom of the page "_parent". Then, when they click 'Submit' and the $insertGoTo = ' / thanku.html ' runs, they don't in fact the thank you page, because it makes in the iFrame that they are all down. The only way they see it is if they choose then scroll to the top of the page.

Is it possible to get the default parent page up at this point?

If not, is there anyway to get the $insertGoTo order to GoTo the page parent, instead of the iFrame?

Thank you.

I got it: I put this at the top of my page thanku.php:

It breaks the page out of the frame.

Tags: Dreamweaver

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    I don't really know much about the samples. They are not documented in the Workbench help because they are not part of the Workbench ES product.

    If you're the form guide appear in Workspace ES, use make it form Guide ES Update 1 and submit form Guide ES Update 1 and follow the instructions in the quick start to

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    -Section break



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    I made a few efforts, but still need help. Please download the base HTML5 XDP form from here. See the pictures below for more details. The code at present is under the 'Save' button, click event:

        var theBtnSubmit = cmdSubmitForm.resolveNode("#event").submit;
        var theTarget = form_config.server_url.rawValue + "?" + "action=save" + "&form_id=" + form_config.form_id.rawValue + "&section_id=" + form_config.section_id.rawValue; = theTarget;

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    <%@page import="org.apache.commons.lang3.StringEscapeUtils" %>
    String theString = IOUtils.toString(ris, Charset.forName("UTF-8"));
    theString = StringEscapeUtils.escapeXml10(theString);
    out.print("input stream in string format : " + theString + "


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    Hi Graham,

    If you, please add your site to this link ( ) and make sure that all green checkmarks are appearing. If they don't, let us know what errors you seem to receive and include the link to your site.

    In addition, check out this guide on the forums of Muse troubleshooting: Troubleshooting Muse form used on the servers of third party Widgets

    I hope this helps!


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    This isn't a workflow that is supported by solutions of Adobe forms at this time.

    Thank you


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    < name of the form = "form1" method = "post" action = "" >

    < ol >

    < li >

    < label for 'Name' = > name < / label >

    < input type = "text" name = "Name" id = "Name" >

    < /li >

    < li >

    < label for 'Email' = > Email < / label >

    < input type = "text" name = "Email" id = "Email" >

    < /li >

    < li >

    < label for 'Phone' = > phone < / label >

    < input type = "text" name = "Phone" id = 'Phone' >

    < /li >

    < li >

    < label for 'Message' = > Message < / label >

    < textarea = 'Message' id = 'Message' name > < / textarea >

    < /li >

    < li >

    < input class = "submit" type = "submit" name = "Submit" id = "Submit" value = "Submit" >

    < /li >

    < /ol >

    < / make >

    Try this tutorial into 3 parts.

    ALT-Web Design & Publishing: sensitive Contact form with 3.2 Bootstrap and PHP (part 1)

    Nancy O.

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    Two ways.

    To move cross-site restrictions:

    -In javascript dynamically create an iframe hidden, copy the data from the form in this iframe, set on the iframe onload event, submit the form (in the iframe), once the iframe loaded, submit the form BC as usual. Google there should be examples out there.

    -Using JSONP to do the same thing, but this will use GET so that your data will not be encrypted at all (maybe it's not a concern for you and you will need to check if the outside developer making the PDF can handle this response).

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    I have a form on my web page developing, written by a programmer at the top of the page.

    Of all the labels, I received emails with attachments.

    Except in the label 'College Sports' I will receive 2 values

    Football and Basketball.

    The three values, I CAN'T receive are:

    ((1) baseball, Softball) 2 and 3) of others.

    It seems to me that php script is written in a dynamic

    and structured way.

    SEND-FORM FILE - START-> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

    <? PHP

    PEAR library includes

    You should have the installed pear lib

    include_once ('Mail.php');



    $max_allowed_file_size = 10000000; size in KB

    $allowed_extensions is array ("jpg", "jpeg", "gif", "bmp");.

    $upload_folder = "files /';" <-this folder must be writable by the script

    $your_email = ' [email protected] ';//<<-- this day to your email address

    $errors = ";

    If (isset($_POST['submit']))


    //Get the uploaded file information

    $name_of_uploaded_file = basename($_FILES['uploaded_file']['name']).

    //get the file extension

    $type_of_uploaded_file = substr ($name_of_uploaded_file,)

                                                                                          strrpos($name_of_uploaded_file, '.') + 1);

    $size_of_uploaded_file = $_FILES ['uploaded_file'] ['size'] / 1024;

    ///---Do validations.

    if (empty($_POST['name']) |) Empty($_POST['email']))


    $errors. = '\n name and Email are required.';     


    if (IsInjected ($visitor_email))


    $errors. = "\n bad email value!"


    if($size_of_uploaded_file > $max_allowed_file_size)


    $errors. = "\n file size must be less than $max_allowed_file_size";


    / /-Validate file extension.

    $allowed_ext = false;

    for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof ($allowed_extensions); $i ++)


    if (strcasecmp($allowed_extensions[$i],$type_of_uploaded_file) == 0)


    $allowed_ext = true;                





    $errors. is "\n the loaded file only is not supported file type.".

    "Only the following file types are supported:".implode(',',$allowed_extensions); "


    //send email

    if (empty ($errors))


    //copy the temp. file uploaded to the uploads folder

    $path_of_uploaded_file = $upload_folder. $name_of_uploaded_file;

    $tmp_path = $_FILES ['uploaded_file'] ['tmp_name'];

    if (is_uploaded_file ($tmp_path))


    if (! copy($tmp_path,$path_of_uploaded_file))


    $errors. = "\n error during the copy of the downloaded file";



    //send email

    $name = $_POST ['name'];

    $visitor_email = $_POST ['email'];

    $user_message = $_POST ['message'];

    $to = $your_email;

    $subject = "new submission of form."

    $from = $your_email;

    $text = "a user $name sent you this message: \n $user_message";

    $message = new Mail_mime();

    $message-> setTXTBody ($text);

    $message-> addAttachment ($path_of_uploaded_file);

    $body = $message-> get();

    $extraheaders = array ('From' = > $from, 'Topic' = > $subject, "Reply-To" = > $visitor_email);

    $headers = $message-> headers ($extraheaders);

    $mail = Mail::factory ("mail");

    $mail-> send ($à, $headers, $body);

    //redirection to ' thank you page

    header ('Location: .html thank you ');




    Function to validate against any attempt to electronic fuel injection

    function IsInjected ($str)


    $injections = array ('(\n+)',




                  '(% + 0D)',

                  '(% 08 +)',

                  '(% + 09)'


    $inject = join ('|) (', $injections);

    $inject = "/ $injecter / I";

    if (preg_match ($inject, $str))


    returns true;




    return false;



    ? >

    <! DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional / / IN" "" > ""

    < html >

    < head >

    download < title > file < /title > form

    <! - define some elements of style - >

    < style >

    label, one, body


    are-family: Arial, Helvetica, without serif.

    are-size: 12px;


    < / style >

    <! - a script for vaidating help shape - >

    < script language = "JavaScript" src = "scripts/gen_validatorv31.js" type = "text/javascript" > < / script > "

    < / head >

    < body >

    <? PHP

    If (!) Empty ($Errors))


    echo nl2br ($errors);


    ? >

    < are method = "POST" name = "email_form_with_php".

    action = "<?" PHP echo htmlentities($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);? ' > ' enctype = "multipart/form-data" >

    < p >

    < label for 'name' = > name: < / label > < br >

    < input type = "text" name = "name" >

    < /p >

    < p >

    < label for = "e-mail address" > Email: < / label > < br >

    < input type = "text" name = "email" >

    < /p >

    < p >

    < label for 'message' = > Message: < / label > < br >

    < textarea = 'message' name > < / textarea >

    < /p >

    < p >

    < label for = "uploaded_file" > select a file to download: < / label > < br >

    < input type = "file" name = "uploaded_file" >

    < /p >

    < input type = "submit" value = "Submit" name = "submit" >

    < / make >

    < script language = "JavaScript" >

    For the validation of the code of

    / / Visit html

    For more information

    var frmvalidator = new Validator ("email_form_with_php");

    frmvalidator.addValidation ("name", "req", "Please enter your name");

    frmvalidator.addValidation ("email", "req", "Please enter your email address");

    frmvalidator.addValidation ("email", "email", "Please enter a valid email address");

    < /script >

    < noscript >

    < small > < a href =' ml '

    > How to attach the file to email in PHP < /a > article page. < / small >

    < / noscript >

    < / body >

    < / html >

    -END SEND FORM-> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

    -FORM BEGINNING-> ACTION > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

    <? PHP

    require_once ('recaptchalib.php');

    $privatekey = "6LfwwsISAAAAAAPShkJ6nV3qkgLDHCe2uXj9RTWw";

    $resp = recaptcha_check_answer ($privatekey,


    $_POST ["recaptcha_challenge_field"],

    $_POST ["recaptcha_response_field"]);

    if (! $resp-> is_valid) {}

    die ("the reCAPTCHA has not been entered correctly. Go back and try again. ».




    include_once ('Mail.php');


    $errors = ";

    $max_allowed_file_size = 10000000; size in KB

    $allowed_extensions is array ("jpg", "jpeg", "gif", "bmp");.

    $upload_folder = "files /';"

    $name_of_uploaded_file = basename($_FILES['uploaded_file']['name']).

    $type_of_uploaded_file = substr ($name_of_uploaded_file,)

                                                                                          strrpos($name_of_uploaded_file, '.') + 1);

    $size_of_uploaded_file = $_FILES ['uploaded_file'] ['size'] / 1024;

    if($size_of_uploaded_file > $max_allowed_file_size)


    $errors. = "\n file size must be less than $max_allowed_file_size";


    $allowed_ext = false;

    for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof ($allowed_extensions); $i ++)


    if (strcasecmp($allowed_extensions[$i],$type_of_uploaded_file) == 0)


    $allowed_ext = true;                





    $errors. is "\n the loaded file only is not supported file type.".

    "Only the following file types are supported:".implode(',',$allowed_extensions); "


    if (empty ($errors))


    $path_of_uploaded_file = $upload_folder. $name_of_uploaded_file;

    $tmp_path = $_FILES ['uploaded_file'] ['tmp_name'];

    if (is_uploaded_file ($tmp_path))


    if (! copy($tmp_path,$path_of_uploaded_file))


    $errors. = "\n error during the copy of the downloaded file";



    $Business = Trim (stripslashes($_POST['Business']));

    $ProfessionalSports = Trim (stripslashes($_POST['ProfessionalSports']));

    $Humor101 = Trim (stripslashes($_POST['Humor101']));

    $CollegeSports = Trim (stripslashes($_POST['CollegeSports']));

    $Politics = Trim (stripslashes($_POST['Politics']));

    $EmailToBusiness = $Business. "";

    $EmailToProfessionalSports = $ProfessionalSports. "";

    $EmailToHumor101 = $Humor101. "" ";

    $EmailToCollegeSports = $CollegeSports. "[email protected]"; "

    $EmailToPolitics = $Politics. "";

    $EmailTo = "[email protected]"; ""

    $EMailSubject = Trim (stripslashes($_POST['Subject']));

    $First = Trim (stripslashes($_POST['First']));

    $Last = Trim (stripslashes($_POST['Last']));

    $Email = Trim (stripslashes($_POST['Email']));

    $Suggestions = Trim (stripslashes($_POST['Suggestions']));

    $Body = "was filled the following form;

                            $Body. = "\n";

                            $Body .= "-------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------";

                            $Body. = "\n";

                            $Body. = "\n";

    $Body. = ' First name: '; "

                            $Body. = $First;

                            $Body. = "\n";

    $Body. = ' last name: '; "

                            $Body. = $Last;

                            $Body. = "\n";

                            $Body. = "email:";

                            $Body. = $Email;

                            $Body. = "\n";

    $Body. = ' business: '; "

    $Body. = $Business;

                            $Body. = "\n";

    $Body. = "Professional sports: «;»»

    $Body. = $ProfessionalSports;

                            $Body. = "\n";

    $Body. = ' humor 101: '; "

    $Body. = $Humor101;

                            $Body. = "\n";

    $Body. = "College sports: «;»»

    $Body. = $CollegeSports;

                            $Body. = "\n";

    $Body. = ' policy: '; "

    $Body. = $Politics;

                            $Body. = "\n";

    $Body. = ' suggestions: «;»»

    $Body. = $Suggestions;

                            $Body. = "\n";

                            $Body. = "\n";

                            $Body .= "-------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------\n";

    //$Body. = "e-mails sent to:". "." $EmailToBusiness. « / ». $EmailToProfessionalSports. « / ». $EmailToHumor101. « / ». $EmailToCollegeSports. « / ». $EmailToPolitics. « » ;

    $to = "[email protected]"; ""

    $subject = $EMailSubject;

    $from = "[email protected]"; ""

                            $text = "\n $Body";

    $message = new Mail_mime();

    $message-> setTXTBody ($text);

    $message-> addAttachment ($path_of_uploaded_file);

    $body = $message-> get();

    $extraheaders = array ('From' = > $from, 'Topic' = > $subject, "Reply-To" = > $Email);

    $headers = $message-> headers ($extraheaders);

    $mail = Mail::factory ("mail");

    $mail-> send ($à, $headers, $body);

                            If ($Business! = "")


    $mail-> send (strtolower ($EmailToBusiness), $headers, $body);


    if ($ProfessionalSports! = "")


    $mail-> send (strtolower ($EmailToProfessionalSports), $headers, $body);


                            If ($Humor101! = "")


    $mail-> send (strtolower ($EmailToHumor101), $headers, $body);


    if ($CollegeSports! = "")


    $mail-> send (strtolower ($EmailToCollegeSports), $headers, $body);


                            If ($Politics! = "")


    $mail-> send (strtolower ($EmailToPolitics), $headers, $body);



    print "< meta http-equiv =-"refresh\"content =------"0; " URL = Form.php? suc = y\ "' >"; "


    ? >

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------  END FORMACTION  FILE---

    $Body. = "College sports: «;»»

    I see a space between the College and the sport. Also, make sure that your form fields are named exactly as the names of variables.

  • Firefox fails to submit form self-referential unless I wait 20-30 seconds.

    EDIT: (the solution ended up being, against all odds, that everything was actually perfectly fine. He has been the host - which was ruin it. Note to everyone who comes through this: GoDaddy is terrible for hosting. The same files, downloaded to real Web host like SourceForge, work perfectly well. What GoDaddy can possibly fail, I can't even imagine.)

    I have created a self-referential form (POST method) in PHP for lead a user through the complicated branching calculation process. I load the PHP in Firefox 3.6 and it is indeed and I do the first communication and which works very well. But if I do another presentation quickly (within seconds), instead of working, he submits to itself with no field, so I will be the first return page once again, and no matter what I do, he keeps submitting with no field. If I can not recharge the original PHP file by POST and redo the first presentation, the first communication works again and the second fails again.

    However, if I do the first presentation and then sit there doing absolutely nothing for maybe 20-30 seconds and then do the second presentation, this works perfectly well. If I wait one more time, the third presentation works; otherwise, he says as the first, with no field and messes.

    I tried with and without the HTTP headers to prevent caching, without effect.

    Any ideas what's happening?

    Edit: (And, to be clear, if I change my POST GET method method, it works perfectly every time. But given the data appear in the URL is confusing and problematic for users, but also seriously complicate the process of bookmarking if the user decides to the computing environment to make a bookmark. The bookmark must be at the beginning of the calculation, not in the Middle, because the calculation is sensitive to time, so the old data are useless and should not be replicated.)

    A good place to ask questions and advice on web development is the Forum MozillaZine Web Standards Development/evangelism.

    Aid to this forum are better informed on issues related to web development.
    You must register on MozillaZine forum site to post in this forum.


  • Disable a submit form button in Adobe Acrobat DC?


    I'm trying to create a form of fill-able in Abobe Acrobat DC that a javascript that will save, flatten all the fields and the submit form button and then send the form as an attachment in an email. However, I get the button submit to disable. Y at - it a code that can help? I also need to know where to put in my line up for the button action.

    Thank you.

    Should have checked the code... It must be, of course:

    for (var i = 0 ; i < this.numFields ; i++) {
        var f = this.getField(this.getNthFieldName(i)) ;
        f.readonly = true;
  • Simple form: just 1 text field and the radio button 2...

    I have a question about the Muse Widgets when it forms.  I have a very simple interface, I want to try to apply an additional tax of an amount of entry; I want to give the user the ability to select Add fresh or not.

    The only widget I found on current Muse was a Simple Contact form emails. I've stripped down to 1 input text, group 1 radio. I exported html code, added in the onclick event in the HTML for the radio buttons perform the calculation of the additional tax.  On the action of the form = "xxx", muse creates a few php files for validation and finally sending the form as an email, I have a test in the form e-mail address.  I can stub out that php and put in my own actions to waive the sending of the email.  I have 2 questions: ONE QUESTION) on the level of code there is a control of the syntax form fields (corresponds to the entered text input, is a selected radio button, etc.). SimpleContact form comes with 3 < p > < / p > due to the action of the form = "xxx" statement. The 3 lines correspond to the errors, which is a generic "server has encountered a problem." (something like that).  Does anyone know what code is to identify the error and how it is returned to the call statement? MuseUtils.js?  It is not in the action = "xxx" php referenced file.  It maybe too much, I'm interlacing syntax, semantic validation on a form after the muse html export.  Second QUESTION) is before all this... it all simple forms of 3rd party, I can use (Group 1 radio 1 text, drop-down list), which I can integrate Muse?  Looked at Muse-themes.  Don't have a complete package of e-commerce, yet.  (This is for a non-profit and trying to reduce recurrent costs).  Sorry, this is so wordy, appreciated by any direction.

    Answering the second question, you can check out these alternatives:

    Thank you


  • How can I make an osteonecrosis affects the form that will be present and send the pdf as an email?

    How to make a button on the form that will be present and send the pdf as an email?

    You can set up a button with an action to "Submit a form" and use a URL of the type mailto to specify the email address, you have the forms sent. If you want to send the whole PDF, select this option and not FDF or anything else. The mailto URL must not include spaces and the part "mailto" must be lowercase, as:

    mailto:[email protected]

    It will try to open an e-mail by using the users default email client. If the user has not implemented a or there is another problem, the email could not get started. If she has to work with versions of reader before 11, the form must be activated for the reader, what you do in Acrobat 11 selecting: file > save as other > Reader Extended PDF > activate tools more

  • A pdf form can be filled out and sent by e-mail to new?

    I have a customer who would like a form which can be sent to several different people, gradually, so that each who received it might add something, and then pass to another until he was finally returned to the sender with any comments on the form.

    I'm relatively new to creating interactive forms with acrobat, but I can't find anything that will allow you to do before you submit form results to a database.

    I wish I had some of those who have more experience with acrobat forms to give me a suggestion.

    Advanced > extend features in Adobe Reader...

    Don't forget, and read the article 15 of the final to ensure user license agreement that you stay in the usage rights. Specifically the section 15.12.

Maybe you are looking for