table/view not found when creating a package, but can execute sql...

I'm trying to create a package I'm ora-00942 table or view does not exsit, but when I run with the same user tries to create the package in the sql statement that gives NO error through fine.

Any idea what can cause that?

-drop table demo_hdr_trgt

-drop table demo_hdr_stg

-It's the tabe belong to the other user not my own schema

connect tstdata/tstdata

create the table demo_hdr_stg as floor (dbms_random.value (1,101)) select id, floor (dbms_random.value (1001,100001)) double amt connect by level < = 100


-It's my diagram

connect me3/me3

create the table demo_hdr_trgt in select * from hdr_stg where 1 = 0


Select * from tstdata.demo_hdr_stg by id


Select * from demo_hdr_trgt by id


-business for this temporary table to demo rule

ALTER TABLE demo_hdr_trgt add PRIMARY KEY (id)


-table to the control of the error for the DML





-Follow-up of the load table if he succeeds


(VARCHAR2 (100) 'RUN_NAME',)






-Follow-up of the other error table


(VARCHAR2 (100) 'RUN_NAME',)








-package charge demo

create or replace package demo_hdr_pkg as

procedure hdr_ldr (run_name varchar2);

end demo_hdr_pkg


create or replace package body demo_hdr_pkg as

procedure hdr_ldr (run_name varchar2) is

number of v_sqlcode;

v_sqlerrm varchar2 (1000);

v_module varchar2 (100): = "demo_hdr_pkg.hdr_ldr";

v_action varchar2 (100): = "insert into hdr_trgt";

number of v_rowcount;


DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO.set_module (module_name = > v_module,)

action_name = > v_action);

-the sql code that gives ora-00942 errors that I can review independent

-INSERT / * + append PARALLEL * /.


IN demo_hdr_trgt, SELECT id, tstdata.demo_hdr_stg amt

LOG ERRORS IN tstdata. ERR$ (run_name) _demo_HDR_STG


v_rowcount: = number of lines sql %;

INSERT into demo_result_tab (run_name, v_module, v_action, rowcount) values (run_name, v_module, v_action, v_rowcount);


exception when others then

dbms_output.put_line(SQLCODE||) e '|| SQLERRM);

v_sqlcode: = sqlcode;

v_sqlerrm: = sqlerrm;

insert into demo_error_tab (run_name, v_module, v_action, sqlcode, sqlerrm, call_stack) values (run_name, v_module, v_action, v_sqlcode, v_sqlerrm, dbms_utility.format_call_stack);


-dbms_scheduler to analyze the error table and send e-mail


end demo_hdr_pkg




v_runname varchar2 (100): = to_char (sysdate, 'YYYY_MM_DD_HH24_MI_SS');


demo_hdr_pkg.hdr_ldr (v_runname);



Select * from demo_hdr_stg by id


Select * from demo_hdr_trgt by id


Select * from demo_error_tab


Select * from demo_result_tab


This question is asked almost every day...

Summary, you need a DIRECT grant (not through a role), or you could modify the procedure to use the rights of the appellant (the default is rights define).

See you soon,.

Tags: Database

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  • Files not found when creating a catalog of "master".

    I've been using V LR 5.7.1 and today I bought LR V6.

    With the old version I was using multiple catalogs and decided to create a master catalog for use with the new v 6.0

    With the keys v 5.7 in an external drive, I created a "master" catalog I imported a .lrcat but there were several photos, that the application was not found. I don't know where these files reside, but I don't know the best way to add these images to the master cat and have LightRoom "move" the file on the external drive.

    Your help on this is much appreciated.

    Since the images have already been imported, there is no "find and move." These are two separate actions.

    If you have missing files, first find the records.

    Then find the missing photos.

    If your Panel records not only shows the directory tree as Explorer/Finder made, right-click "show parent" until he does.

    If you need to move a small number of files, LR can do for you in the library module.

    If you need to move a large number of images, you are better to use Explorer/Finder to make the gesture, then 'find' the files again in LR.

  • WARNING: The pool_config view or table is not found in the schema: APEX_LISTENER

    Hi, we get this error in an independent ADR on Grizzly implemented.

    August 14, 2014 09:59:05

    oracle.dbtools.common.config.db.DatabasePoolConfig readPoolConfig

    WARNING: The pool_config view or a table has not been found in the schema:


    Oracle.dbtools.rt.web.WebErrorResponse 09:59:05 August 14, 2014


    GRAVE: JDBCException [kind = NO_DATA]

    JDBCException [kind = NO_DATA]

    defaults.xml "XXXXX" designate removed for safety, front of post

    <? XML version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8" standalone = 'no '? >

    < ! DOCTYPE SYSTEM property "" > ""

    Properties of <>

    < comment > saved on Mon Aug 04 16:25:09 EDT 2014 < / comment >

    < key "cache.caching entry" = > false < / entry >

    < key = " entry" > / tmp/apex/cache < / entry >

    < key = "cache.duration entry" > days < / entry >

    < key = "enter cache.expiration" > 7 < / entry >

    < key = "enter cache.maxEntries" > 500 < / entry >

    < key = "enter cache.monitorInterval" 60 > < / entry >

    < key = "cache.procedureNameList" / entry >

    < key = "cache.type entry" > lru < / entry >

    < key = "db.hostname entry" > XXXXXXXXX < / entry >

    < key = "db.password entry" > XXXXXXXXXXX < / entry >

    < key = "db.port entry" > XXXX < / entry >

    < key "db.sid entry" = > XXXXXX < / entry >

    < key "debug.debugger entry" = > false < / entry >

    < key "debug.printDebugToScreen entry" = > false < / entry >

    < key "error.keepErrorMessages entry" = > true < / entry >

    < key = "enter error.maxEntries" > 50 < / entry >

    < enter key = "jdbc. DriverType"> thin < / entry >

    < enter key = "jdbc. InactivityTimeout"1800 > < / entry >

    < enter key = "jdbc. InitialLimit' > 3 < / entry >

    < enter key = "jdbc. MaxConnectionReuseCount"> 1000 < / entry >

    < enter key = "jdbc. MaxLimit' 10 > < / entry >

    < enter key = "jdbc. MaxStatementsLimit' 10 > < / entry >

    < enter key = "jdbc. MinLimit"> 1 < / entry >

    < key = "enter jdbc.statementTimeout" > 900 < / entry >

    < key "log.logging entry" = > false < / entry >

    < key = "enter log.maxEntries" > 50 < / entry >

    < key = "misc.compress" / entry >

    < key = "misc.defaultPage entry" > apex < / entry >

    < key "misc.enableOldFOP entry" = > true < / entry >

    < key "security.disableDefaultExclusionList entry" = > false < / entry >

    < key = "enter security.maxEntries" > 2000 < / entry >

    < / properties >

    Complete log

    August 14, 2014 11:28:13 oracle.dbtools.standalone.Standalone run


    Stand-alone mode is designed for use in development and test environments. This not is not supported for use in production environments.

    August 14, 2014 11:28:13 oracle.dbtools.standalone.Standalone run

    INFO: Starting standalone Web container to: / u00/home/oracle/ords/ords

    August 14, 2014 11:28:14 oracle.dbtools.standalone.Deployer deploy

    INFO: Deploy the application = /u00/home/oracle/ords/ords/ords/WEB-INF/web.xml path

    August 14, 2014 11:28:17 oracle.dbtools.standalone.Deployer deploy

    INFO: Deploy the application path = /u00/home/oracle/ords/ords/ords/WEB-INF/web.xml

    August 14, 2014 11:28:18 oracle.dbtools.common.config.file.ConfigurationFolder logConfigFolder

    INFO: Using the configuration file: / u00/home/oracle/ords/ords

    Configuration properties for: apex

    cache. Caching = false

    cache. Directory = / tmp/apex/cache

    cache. Duration = Days

    cache.expiration = 7

    cache.maxEntries = 500

    cache.monitorInterval = 60

    cache.procedureNameList =

    cache.type = LRU


    DB. Password = *.



    Debug.Debugger = false

    debug.printDebugToScreen = false

    error.keepErrorMessages = true

    error.maxEntries = 50

    JDBC. DriverType = thin

    JDBC. InactivityTimeout = 1800

    JDBC. InitialLimit = 3

    JDBC. MaxConnectionReuseCount = 1000

    JDBC. MaxLimit = 10

    JDBC. MaxStatementsLimit = 10

    JDBC. MinLimit = 1

    jdbc.statementTimeout = 900

    log. Logging = false

    log.maxEntries = 50

    Misc.Compress =

    misc.defaultPage = apex

    misc.enableOldFOP = true

    security.disableDefaultExclusionList = false

    security.maxEntries = 2000


    August 14, 2014 11:28:26 oracle.dbtools.common.config.db.ConfigurationValues intValue

    ATTENTION: * jdbc. MaxLimit in the apex of configuration uses a value of 10, this setting cannot be sized properly for a production environment *.

    August 14, 2014 11:28:26 oracle.dbtools.common.config.db.ConfigurationValues intValue

    ATTENTION: * jdbc. InitialLimit in the apex of configuration uses a value of 3, this setting cannot be sized properly for a production environment *.

    Using the JDBC driver: Oracle JDBC driver version:

    August 14, 2014 11:28:28 oracle.dbtools.rt.web.SCListener contextInitialized

    INFO: Oracle REMAINS initialized data Services

    Version of REST Data Services Oracle:

    The Oracle Data Services REST server info: Grizzly/1.9.49

    August 14, 2014 11:28:28 com.sun.grizzly.Controller logVersion

    INFO: GRIZZLY0001: from Grizzly Framework 1.9.49 - 14/08/14 11:28

    August 14, 2014 11:28:28 oracle.dbtools.standalone.Standalone run

    INFO: http://localhost: 8080/ADR / began to.

    Configuration properties for: apex_al

    cache. Caching = false

    cache. Directory = / tmp/apex/cache

    cache. Duration = Days

    cache.expiration = 7

    cache.maxEntries = 500

    cache.monitorInterval = 60

    cache.procedureNameList =

    cache.type = LRU


    DB. Password = *.



    Debug.Debugger = false

    debug.printDebugToScreen = false

    error.keepErrorMessages = true

    error.maxEntries = 50

    JDBC. DriverType = thin

    JDBC. InactivityTimeout = 1800

    JDBC. InitialLimit = 3

    JDBC. MaxConnectionReuseCount = 1000

    JDBC. MaxLimit = 10

    JDBC. MaxStatementsLimit = 10

    JDBC. MinLimit = 1

    jdbc.statementTimeout = 900

    log. Logging = false

    log.maxEntries = 50

    Misc.Compress =

    misc.defaultPage = apex

    misc.enableOldFOP = true

    security.disableDefaultExclusionList = false

    security.maxEntries = 2000

    DB. UserName = APEX_LISTENER

    August 14, 2014 11:32:01 oracle.dbtools.common.config.db.ConfigurationValues intValue

    ATTENTION: * jdbc. MaxLimit in apex_al configuration uses a value of 10, this setting cannot be sized properly for a production environment *.

    August 14, 2014 11:32:01 oracle.dbtools.common.config.db.ConfigurationValues intValue

    ATTENTION: * jdbc. InitialLimit in apex_al configuration uses a value of 3, this setting cannot be sized properly for a production environment *.

    August 14, 2014 11:32:03 oracle.dbtools.common.config.db.DatabasePoolConfig readPoolConfig

    WARNING: The pool_config view or table is not found in the schema: APEX_LISTENER

    August 14, 2014 11:40:49 oracle.dbtools.common.config.db.DatabasePoolConfig readPoolConfig

    WARNING: The pool_config view or table is not found in the schema: APEX_LISTENER

    August 14, 2014 11:40:50 oracle.dbtools.rt.web.WebErrorResponse internalError

    GRAVE: JDBCException [kind = NO_DATA]

    JDBCException [kind = NO_DATA]

    at oracle.dbtools.common.jdbc.JDBCException.wrap(

    at oracle.dbtools.common.jdbc.JDBCQueryProvider.query(

    at oracle.dbtools.common.jdbc.JDBCQueryProvider.query(

    at oracle.dbtools.rt.jdbc.entity.JDBCTenantDispatcher.tenant(



    at oracle.dbtools.rt.web.ReTargetingDispatcher.canDispatch(

    at oracle.dbtools.rt.web.RequestDispatchers.choose(

    at oracle.dbtools.rt.web.RequestDispatchers.dispatch(

    at oracle.dbtools.rt.web.ETags.checkPrecondition(

    at oracle.dbtools.rt.web.HttpEndpointBase.restfulServices(

    at oracle.dbtools.rt.web.HttpEndpointBase.service(

    at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(

    to com.sun.grizzly.http.servlet.ServletAdapter$ FilterChainImpl.doFilter (

    to com.sun.grizzly.http.servlet.ServletAdapter$ FilterChainImpl.invokeFilterChain (

    at com.sun.grizzly.http.servlet.ServletAdapter.doService(

    at oracle.dbtools.standalone.SecureServletAdapter.doService(

    at com.sun.grizzly.http.servlet.ServletAdapter.service(

    at com.sun.grizzly.tcp.http11.GrizzlyAdapter.service(

    at com.sun.grizzly.tcp.http11.GrizzlyAdapterChain.service(

    at com.sun.grizzly.tcp.http11.GrizzlyAdapter.service(

    at com.sun.grizzly.http.ProcessorTask.invokeAdapter(

    at com.sun.grizzly.http.ProcessorTask.doProcess(

    at com.sun.grizzly.http.ProcessorTask.process(

    at com.sun.grizzly.http.DefaultProtocolFilter.execute(

    at com.sun.grizzly.DefaultProtocolChain.executeProtocolFilter(

    at com.sun.grizzly.DefaultProtocolChain.execute(

    at com.sun.grizzly.DefaultProtocolChain.execute(

    at com.sun.grizzly.http.HttpProtocolChain.execute(

    at com.sun.grizzly.ProtocolChainContextTask.doCall(



    to com.sun.grizzly.util.AbstractThreadPool$ Worker.doWork (

    to com.sun.grizzly.util.AbstractThreadPool$ (


    Caused by: java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: ORA-00942: table or view does not exist

    at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CTTIoer.processError(

    at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CTTIoer.processError(

    at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4C8Oall.processError(

    at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CTTIfun.receive(

    at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CTTIfun.doRPC(

    at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4C8Oall.doOALL(

    at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CPreparedStatement.doOall8(

    at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CPreparedStatement.executeForDescribe(

    at oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleStatement.executeMaybeDescribe(

    at oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleStatement.doExecuteWithTimeout(

    at oracle.jdbc.driver.OraclePreparedStatement.executeInternal(

    at oracle.jdbc.driver.OraclePreparedStatement.executeQuery(

    at oracle.jdbc.driver.OraclePreparedStatementWrapper.executeQuery(

    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0 (Native Method)

    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(

    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(

    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(

    at oracle.ucp.jdbc.proxy.PreparedStatementProxyFactory.invoke(

    to com.sun.proxy. $Proxy44.executeQuery (unknown Source)

    at oracle.dbtools.common.jdbc.JDBCQueryImpl.resultSet(

    to oracle.dbtools.common.jdbc.JDBCResultRowIterator. < init > (

    at oracle.dbtools.common.jdbc.JDBCQueryImpl.execute(

    at oracle.dbtools.common.jdbc.JDBCQueryProvider.query(

    ... more than 33

    DBA has forgotten to run apex_rest_config.sql Doh!

  • Child view attribute - Instance of undefined problem or view not found


    I was following a line example in creating a master page / detail in jdeveloper/OPS. Everything was going smoothly until I reached the stage where I'm to define a master table region (Style of the region: advancedTable). In the section of BC4J, he lets me pick my masterVO1 in the list (in collaboration with detailsVO1, detailVO2) but it gave an error when I push on the choice in the attribute of child mode - display attributes can not be recovered. View not found or indefinite instance.

    I defined in AM my opinion forums (masterVO1, detailsVO1, detailsVO2) and the view binding instance. What do you think went wrong?

    Thank you.



    You can try to skip this part.

    Just add:

    View instance, view detail and ViewLink attribute.

    BR, 906099

  • Member not found when loading data with SQL

    Hello everyone:

    I created a cube map extract all information with SQL statements and it works perfectly. Now I'm trying to load data in the same way, but I can't.

    I created a view that returns data in this format:

    Dimension 1 < tab > axis 2 < tab > member... Member of dimension 5 < tab > measure 1 < tab > 2 < tab > measure 3

    I designed a new rule, indicating for each column in the dimension; and for each measure which specific member of dimension of accounts must be used. I have check and everything is ok, but when I try to load data, it does not work and tells me error:

    + "Data value [3.5] met before that all the selected Dimensions, [1] Records duly filled.
    + Essbase error unexpected 1003007 "+"

    If I get the names of the members with quotes (because they contain spaces, and it is perhaps the reason for the previous error, although the rule analysis correctly) with the SQL statement, when Essbase import, it deletes these quotes. I must use another symbol, and as a rule change this another symbol quotes. Is this normal? I know that this issue when importing formulas, but not here.

    Why in 'Dimension building' I don't have this problem with quotes?

    And when changing the symbols of quotes, this error occurs:

    + "Member x not found in the database" +. " But I check the Member and there are in general terms. What's wrong with that? »

    Thanks in advance



    Published by: Javi M on 26-mar-2011 05:52

    Yes, the SQL files and data (of all kinds) are supported by more than one column of data. As you noted, you just point to the Member that represents the column.

    That said, I bet that if you look at your view/table and load the rule against your outline, I bet you find a dimension be mismapped, for example, you think that this column 4 points to the scenario, but you really repointe it produces and which purported to be the column 1, or you missed a dimension. Happens to me all the time.

    Kind regards

    Cameron Lackpour

  • Get a Bluetooth device message"driver is not found when you connect Bluetooth

    original title: Bluetooth connectivity problems


    I own both a T-900 of Fujitsu (64-bit Windows 7) and a HTC Rezound and have been using bluetooth to transfer files between them until a few days ago. Out of nowhere, bluetooth does not work anymore and now shows that "Bluetooth device" driver is not found. I tried to uninstall and reinstall it from many different sites, try different, but for some reason bluetooth packages some do not fix the problem of Bluetooth device. My computer can not find other bluetooth devices, and my phone does not recognize my computer as a bluetooth, even with the two device are detectable. If someone had a similar problem or knows how to fix Bluetooth device? Any help is greatly appreciated!

    Hi autumnv92,

    Were there any changes made to the computer before the question?
    Check out the following and check:
    Method 1:
    Open the hardware and devices Troubleshooter
    Method 2:
    Error: "device driver Bluetooth not found" when you try to connect to a bluetooth device
    Method 3:
    See the following steps:
    1. turn on your bluetooth device
    2. right-click the icon for the device in the system status bar
    3. choose / click on "show bluetooth devices.
    4. There will be a list of devices you never associate (like your phone, another laptop, etc.).
    5. simply remove from the list.
    And the warning like "(pilote de périphérique Bluetooth périphérique est introuvable) will not show up again."
    Method 4:
    Bluetooth devices do not work correctly on a computer that is running Windows 7

    Also check these links for more information:
    Add a Bluetooth device to your computer
    Hope this information helps.
  • Hello! I get the message "File not found" when I try to access my photos

    Hello! I get the message "File not found" when I try to access my photos in lightroom, and I can't find my photos! I had cleaned up my Mac and deleted by mistake in a different location and now only a gray peak appears in LR, along cable message, file not found. I had saved the raw disk backup files, but it won't let me import into lightroom. (Alright will appear in the import box, but it won't let me even click on it to add. Help!

    In the grid, right-click on an image of 'missing', select 'go to the folder in the library.

    If the folder view does not resemble what you show Finder, right-click on a folder and select 'Show the parent' '; repeat if necessary.

    This will show you where LR thinks that the file was originally.

    You can try to put the images where they were, or place them go elsewhere and 'move' the file in LR.

  • The content viewer not found Adobe.

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    I have Adobe Air installed. Someone at - it recommendations for me?

    Thank you.

    PS. I also installed CS5 and I couldn't generate preview of CS5 either.

    See this article to install it manually:

  • Tab Counter 1.9.3 says not found when apllication downloaded sound

    Tab Counter 1.9.3 said apllication not found when its downloaded, it is there in the downloads but open and work habit

    Well Yes, it works great now thanks a lot

  • When I click on a link in an e-mail, I get the message following 'application not found. The only way I can access the site is to copy the link, but it is not always possible

    When I click on a link in an e-mail, I get the message following 'application not found. The only way I can access the site is to copy the link, but it is not always possible. Can you advise?


    Follow these steps to solve the problem.

    Step 1

    a. Click Start, default programs
    b. Click set your default programs
    c. Select your browser from the list
    d. Click set this program as default
    e. click OK.

    Then proceed as follows:

    Step 2

    a. click settings by default access and computer program Set
    b. click on continue if you see the user account control prompt.
    c. click Customize
    d. Select your browser from the list
    e. click OK.

    Kind regards
    Afzal Taher
    Microsoft technical support engineer

  • Error code: 800ccc0d, the server is not found, when I try to connect to servers using Windows Live Mail 2011 news

    Original title: 800ccc0d ERROR FIX

    Hi people, I am getting an error ("the server is not found") when trying to connect to my news server. Œuvres mail (hotmail) ok, but I can't connect to one of my two news servers I use (teranews and broadstripe). I've included the error code I have in the title above. I use Windows Live Mail 2011.

    Anyone has any ideas for patches?

    Hi kb3jlc,

    If this problem occurs only with Windows Live mail, you can post the question in the Windows Live community:

    Hope this information is useful.

  • Serial number is valid, but qualify product not found when I install the product very

    Serial number is valid, but qualify product not found when I install the product very CS5, development of applications from an upgrade of the disk swap

    installed trial, then what serial application and such can not find I just took CS4 and added this series and CS5 installed, weird, but I'll take

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    If you try to send or receive messages, you may receive an error message similar to the following error message, which indicates that your Post Office Protocol version 3 (POP3) or host SMTP Simple Mail Transfer Protocol () is not found:

    The host hostname is not found. Please check that you have entered the server name correctly. Account: AccountName, Server: servername, Protocol: POP3, Port: secure (SSL): no, error 11001, error 0x800CCC0D Socket number

    In addition, you cannot ping or establish a Telnet connection to the mail server.

    This problem may occur if you have the firewall from Zone Labs such as ZoneAla software...
    This problem may occur if you have firewall software from Zone Labs such as ZoneAlarm or ZoneAlarm Pro, installed on your computer. These programs may prevent communication with your e-mail server.


    To resolve this problem, remove the software firewall from Zone Labs of your compu...
    To resolve this problem, remove the firewall from Zone Labs of computer software. To do this, see the program documentation or contact Zone Labs at the following of Zone Labs Web site for more information: (


    For more information about ZoneAlarm or to contact Zone Labs, see what follows...
    For more information about ZoneAlarm or to contact Zone Labs, see the following Web of Zone Labs Web site: (

    For more information on how to resolve a similar error message when you use Microsoft Outlook on a computer that is configured as an ICS Internet (ICS) client, click on the number below to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

    252322 ( OL2000: (CW) Error Message: The Server could not be found using ICS Connection

    For more information on how to solve an error similar to Microsoft Outlook Express and ZoneAlarm, click on the number below to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

    274456 ( error finding POP3 or SMTP servers when you send or receive e-mail Messages

    The third-party products that are discussed in this article are manufactured by companies that are independent of Microsoft. Microsoft makes no warranty, implied or otherwise, regarding the performance or reliability of these products.

    Microsoft provides third-party contact information to help you find technical support. These details may change without notice. Microsoft does not guarantee the accuracy of this third-party contact information.

    later ducdive

  • "Row not found" when you call setCurrentRowWithKey on a view 'offline '.

    I use JDeveloper I can see 'offline' with lines populated by program, not based on a query. It has an attribute of type number marked as Key attribute and this.setManageRowsByKey (true) in the Create method of the ViewObjectImpl class. When I try to call setCurrentRowWithKey I get the ' oracle.jbo.RowNotFoundException: Houston-25020: line of sight from the main oracle.jbo.Key [23540] not found in PozitiiIntrariVwIterator) "exception.
    When there is no key atrribute this point of view and not setManageRowsByKey (true), I don't get this error, however, when you run the following code, I get an error:
    Set of keys to the value = this.getTblPozitiiIntrari () .getSelectionState () .getKeySet ();
    Iterator keyIter = keySet.iterator ();
    While (keyIter.hasNext ()) {}
    _Key key = (Key) (); -> java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.Integer

    What I am doing wrong? What can I do to get the app works on both cases?

    change key (Key) = (); = (Integer) () key whole;

    tableComponent.setRowKey (_key);

    Object ViewObjectClassName = tableComponent.getRowData ((ViewObjectClassName));

  • Get "specified VMs is not found" when using Add-ManualPool in view PowerCLI

    Add-ManualPool-pool_id MyPoolName displayName - MyDisplayName - powerPolicy AlwaysOn - autoLogoffTime immediately - isUserResetAllowed 1 - allowMultipleSessions 1 - vc_id ' % IDREMOVED % ' defaultProtocol - PCOIP - allowProtocolOverride 1 - id ' VirtualMachine-VM-75557 "»

    This is the command I am trying to use.  I am just running directly in with the cmdlet view loaded PowerCLI powershell command window.  The Virtual Machine name (-id) is obtained using the command Get-DesktopVM, so I know it's good.  I tried with a couple of virtual machines.  The query Get-DesktopVM also States that isInPool = false so that can't be buggered me upward.

    Here is my result when you use the command above.

    Add-ManualPool: PowershellService::AddManualPool FAILED, error = one or more of the specified virtual machines is not found. Continued lack of VM-75557
    On line: 1 char: 15
    + Add ManualPool < < < < - pool_id MyPoolName displayName - MyDisplayName-AlwaysOn - autoLogoffTime immediately - isUserResetAllowed power politics 1 - allowMultipleSessions 1 - vc_id ' % IDREMOVED % ' defaultProtocol - PCOIP - allowProtocolOverride 1 - id ' VirtualMachine-VM-75557 "»
    + CategoryInfo: InvalidResult: (vmware.view.pow... s.AddManualPool:AddManualPool) [Add ManualPool], Exception
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId: PowershellService::AddManualPool FAILED, vmware.view.powershell.cmdlets.AddManualPool

    Thanks in advance for any guidance.  It seems that everything simply, it does not find the virtual machine... but the name is correct, and various data collection 'get' commands work with this ID. VM unfortunately, not much good information out there on view PowerCLI and diddly for Add-ManualPool examples.

    Just tried this and I think that the field id is case-sensitive - you must use a virtual machine in tiny i.e. VirtualMachine-vm-75557


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