The E-mail Message body dynamics PowerShell/PowerCLI

Hello, do not know if I am in the right place to post my question on PowerShell/PowerCLI

I have a powershell script that will send an e-mail message to an outlook client.

The body of the msg will have two things-related values: Snapshots Active in the virtual environment and CD-ROM attached to virtual machines.

Let's talk when the e-mail reports more than a CDROM attached, how to increase or decrease the msg body according to results from the virtual environment?

So far, I have this code:

if (($Snapshots -eq "yes")  -or ($cdroms -eq "yes")) { 
$array0 = @() 
$array1 = @() 
$array2 = @() 
$array3 = @() 
start-sleep 1 connect-VIServer $vcserver 
$array0 += Get-VM | get-snapshot | %{$_.VM.Name} $array1 += Get-VM | get-snapshot | select-object -expandproperty Name 
$array2 += Get-VM | get-snapshot | select-object -expandproperty Created 
$array3 =@(Get-VM | where { $_ | Get-CDdrive | where { $_.ConnectionState.Connected -eq "true" } } | Select-object -ExpandProperty Name) 
$i = 0 
$j = 0 
Do { 
$msg.Body += "<FONT COLOR=black>VMware HealthCheck vCenter2</FONT><BR><BR>"  + ` 
"<B><FONT COLOR=black>Snapshots Active</FONT></B><BR>" + ` 
"<B><FONT COLOR=black>VM Name</FONT></B>"+` 
"<B><FONT COLOR=black>                                      ` Name</FONT></B>"+` "<B><FONT COLOR=black>                                      ` Created</FONT></B><BR>"+` "<FONT COLOR=Red>"+$array0+"</FONT>"+` "<FONT COLOR=Red>                                    "+$array1+"</FONT>"+` "<FONT COLOR=Red>                                    "+$array2+"</FONT><BR><BR>"+` "<B><FONT COLOR=black>CDROMS Connected (Bad Habit)</FONT></B><BR>"+"<B><FONT COLOR=black>VM Name</FONT></B><BR>"+"<FONT COLOR=Red>"+$array3+"</FONT>" 
} Until (($array0[$i] -eq $null ) -or ($array3[$j] -eq $null))

The result I get is:

From: VMware Healtcheck

Sent: Thursday, June 20, 2013 13:26

From: me

Re: VMware health UPIvCenter2

VCenter2 VMware HealthCheck

Active snapshots

Name of the created virtual machine

VEEAM1 VEEAM1 Test1 Test2 20/06/2013 09:06:09 06/20/2013 09:31:15

Connected CDROMS (bad habit)

Name of the virtual machine


And I would like is:

From: VMware Healtcheck

Sent: Thursday, June 20, 2013 13:26

From: me

Re: VMware health UPIvCenter2

VCenter2 VMware HealthCheck

Active snapshots

Name of the created virtual machine

VEEAM1 Test1 20/06/2013 09:06:09

VEEAM1 Test2 20/06/2013 09:31:15

Connected CDROMS (bad habit)

Name of the virtual machine


NOTE: I have multiple snapshots or multiple virtual machines with CD-ROM connected. Thanks for your help.

You see not all snapshots is because the loop stops when the snapshots or the cdroms are done.

Assume that you have 3 entries for snapshots and 2 for the cdroms, you will get only 2 lines each.

I would do something like that

if (($Snapshots -eq "yes") -or ($cdroms -eq "yes")) {   $array0 = @()   $array1 = @()   $array2 = @()   $array3 = @()   start-sleep 1   connect-VIServer $vcserver  $vms = Get-VM  $snaps = $vms | Get-Snapshot  $array0 = $snaps | %{$_.VM.Name}  $array1 = $snaps| select-object -expandproperty Name   $array2 = $snaps | select-object -expandproperty Created   $array3 =@($vms | where { $_ | Get-CDdrive | where { $_.ConnectionState.Connected -eq "true" } } | Select-object -ExpandProperty Name) 

# Header  $msg.Body += "VMware HealthCheck vCenter2

"# Snapshot header $msg.Body += "Snapshots Active
" $msg.Body += "VM NameNameCreated"# Snapshots 0..($array0.Count-1) | %{ $msg.Body += "
" + $array0[$_] $msg.Body += "" + $array1[$_] $msg.Body += "" + $array2[$_] + "

" }# CDRom header msg.Body += "CDROMS Connected (Bad Habit)
"# CDRoms $array3 | %{ $msg.Body += "VM Name
"+"" + $_ + "" }}

Note that I don't check if spacing HTML and page layout is as you wanted. You may need to add some spacing.

Tags: VMware

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    The E-mail Message body dynamics PowerShell/PowerCLI

    I get an email with the following information:

    Datastore HealthCheck vCenter

    Available data store space
    UsedGB data store                                 Free GB                                 Perc Free
    Name1 273.30078125                         274.25                                    99%
    name2 273.30078125                         274.25                                    99%
    Name3 268.466796875                         274.25                                    99%
    name4 273.30078125                         274.25                                    99%

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    $msg. Object = "vCenter Datastore health CompanyvCenter.
    $array0 = @)
    $array1 = @)
    $array2 = @)
    Start-sleep 1
    to connect-VIServer $vcserver
    $array0 += get-Datastore. Select-Object - ExpandProperty name
    $array1 += get-Datastore. Select-Object - ExpandProperty FreeSpaceGB
    $array2 = get-Datastore. Select-Object - ExpandProperty CapacityGB
    $UsedSpace = [math]: tour (($array2 [$i]-$array1[$i]), 2)
    $PercFree = [math]: Round ((100 * $array1 [$i] / $array2[$i]), 0)
    $String0 = ' $PercFree$ %.
    $i = 0
    $j = 0
    # Header
    $msg. Body += "< FONT COLOR = black > Datastore HealthCheck CompanyvCenter < / POLICE > < BR > < BR >".
    # Datastore header
    $msg. Body += "< B > < FONT COLOR = black > Datastore space available < / POLICE > < / b > < BR >".
    $msg. Body += "< B > < COLOR of FONT = black > Datastore < / POLICE > < / b > < B > < FONT COLOR = black > UsedGB < / POLICE > < / b > '."
    < B > < FONT COLOR = black > free GB < / FONT > < / b > '
    "< B > < FONT COLOR = black > free Perc < / POLICE > < /B >.
    # Datasores
    0. ($array0.) Count-1) | %{
    $msg. Body += "< BR > < DO COLOR = Black > ' + $array0 [$_]
    $msg. Body += "< / FONT > < FONT COLOR = Black >" + [math]: tour (($array2 [$_]-$array1[$_]), 2)
    #$msg. Body += ' < / POLICE > < DO COLOR = Black > ' + $array1 [$_]
    $msg. Body += ' < / POLICE > < COLOR of POLICE black = > ' + $array2 [$_] + ' < / POLICE >.
    #$msg. Body += "< / FONT > < FONT COLOR = black >" + [math]: tour (($array2 [$_]-$array1[$_]), 2) + "< station >"
    $msg. {"Body +=" "< ARE COLOR = Black >" + [math]: round ((100 * $array1 [$i] / $array2 [$i]), 0) + "$Percent" + "< / FONT > < BR >"}
    $msg. Attachments.Add ($att1)
    $msg. IsBodyHTML = $true
    $smtp. Send ($MSG)
    $att1. Dispose()
    Disconnect-VIServer $vcserver - confirm: $false

    #Here configure your paraneters

    $SMTPServer = "Exchange".

    $MailSubject = 'vCenter Datastore health CompanyvCenter.

    $Email = "[email protected]".

    function {Set-AlternatingCSSClasses


    [string] $HTMLFragment,

    [string] $CSSEvenClass,

    [string] $CssOddClass


    [xml] $xml = $HTMLFragment

    $table = $xml. SelectSingleNode ('table')

    $classname = $CSSOddClass

    {foreach ($tr in $}

    If ($classname - eq $CSSEvenClass) {$classname = $CssOddClass}

    else {$classname = $CSSEvenClass}

    $class = $xml. CreateAttribute ('class')

    $class.value = $classname

    $tr.attributes.append ($class) | Out-null


    $xml.innerxml | out-string


    Function report-Datastore {}

    $output = @)

    Get-Datastore. % {

    $props = [ordered]@{'Name'=$_. Name;

    "UsedSpace' = [math]: Round (($_.)) CapacityGB - $_. (FreeSpaceGB), 2);

    "PercFree" = [math]: Round ((100 * ($_.))) FreeSpaceGB / $_. {(CapacityGB)), 0)}

    $output += new-Object - TypeName PSCUstomObject-property $props




    "$style = @".


    #Connect to Vcenter

    SE connect-VIServer $vcserver

    # Trnasform the object in the HTML

    $html_DS = report-Datastore.

    Sort-Object PercFree |

    ConvertTo-HTML-Fragment |


    Game-AlternatingCSSClasses - CSSEvenClass 'even' - CssOddClass 'odd '.

    $html_DS ="

    Data warehouses

    $html_DS ".

    $params = @{'head' ='vCenter Datastore health CompanyvCenter$style ';

    ««PreContent =»

    HealthCheck CompanyvCenter data store


    "PostContent' = $html_DS}

    # Send email

    Send-MailMessage-to $Email - subject $MailSubject-BodyAsHtml (ConvertTo-HTML @params) body - SmtpServer $SMTPServer

    # Disconnect Vcenter

    Disconnect-VIServer $vcserver - confirm: $false

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    $à = « à : ». $_SESSION ["toemail"];
    $subject = '$firstname $lastname, your registration details ';
    $from = "from: [email protected]"; "
    $msg = "Dear $title $firstname $lastname\r\n\nThank for the registration for the design of your dream Home.\r\nWe have received this following details details of you-\r\n\nClient-\r\n\nOccupation: $occupation \r\nPhone No.: $phone \r\nE-mail: $email\r\n\nPresent $ location: \r\n location\r\n\nPresent address: \r\n$ address\r\n\n\nFollowing are specified by you - design requirements \r\n\nBasic Features\r\n\nNo." floors: $floors\r\nNo. of bedrooms: bedrooms\r\nNo of $. of bathrooms: $bathrooms\r\nFloor region: $sqft\r\n\nFurther Suggestions: $ Plan\r\n\nSplit one further\r\n\n\nType floor: $splitfloor\r\n-remarks: $splitfloorremarks\r\nOpen floor: $openfloor\r\n-remarks: $openfloorremarks\r\n\n\nList of the rooms to be Included\r\n\nFoyer: $foyer\r\n-remarks: $foyerremarks\r\nDrawing: $drawing\r\n-remarks: $ alive drawingremarks\r\nFormal: $formalliving\r\n-comments : $ alive formallivingremarks\r\nFamily: $familyliving\r\n-remarks: $familylivingremarks\r\nHome Office: $homeoffice\r\n-remarks: $homeofficeremarks\r\nDining: $dining\r\n-remarks: $diningremarks\r\nMaster room: $master\r\n-remarks: $masterremarks\r\nMaster bathroom: $masterbath\r\n-remarks: $masterbathremarks\r\nMaster Dressing: $masterdress\r\n-remarks: $masterdressremarks\r\nBedroom: $bed\r\n-remarks: $bedremarks\r\nBathroom: $bath\r\n-remarks: $bathremarks\r\nDress: $dress\r\n-comments : $dressremarks\r\nStudy: $study\r\n-remarks: $studyremarks\r\nLibrary: $library\r\n-remarks: $libraryremarks\r\nPowder room: $powder\r\n-remarks: $powderremarks\r\nPrayer room: $prayer\r\n-remarks: $prayerremarks\r\nKitchen: $kitchen\r\n-remarks: $kitchenremarks\r\nPantry: $pantry\r\n-remarks: $pantryremarks\r\nUtility/area of work: $utility\r\n-remarks: $utilityremarks\r\nBalcony: $balcony\r\n-remarks: $balconyremarks\r\nStore: $store\r\n-remarks: $storeremarks\r\nLaundry : $laundry\r\n-remarks: $laundryremarks\r\nVeranda: $veranda\r\n-remarks: $verandaremarks\r\nCar porch: $carporch\r\n-remarks: $carporchremarks\r\nGarage: $garage\r\n-remarks: Theater garageremarks\r\nHome $: $theater\r\n-remarks: room of $theaterremarks\r\nMaid: $maid\r\n-remarks: $maidremarks\r\n\nOther general remarks: $general\r\n\nPlease note that the fields have been left blank in your form will be considered undecided details and used in discretion.\r\nIf of the architect , it better to add more later, design requirements please feel free to reply to this email with the details. « ;
    $fla = mail ($to, $subject, $msg, $from);

    Thanks in advance!

    askintrades wrote:

    How can I add session variables for the subject field and the body of the e-mail Message?

    What you want to do? Given the nature of your question, it seems that you probably don't know what a session variable is used. The PHP manual describes the purpose of sessions here:

    I need to change all the form variables in $msg in session variables. The $to part is supported. What remains are the $subject and $msg fields.

    $à = « à : ». $_SESSION ["toemail"];

    Why do you need to change the form variables in session variables? They are already stored in session variables, or they come directly from the form?

    The $to part is not supported. When you pass $to to the mail() function, it should contain only an e-mail address, not a string that begins with "to:

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    Hi Hofstra64,

    If you talk about the highlight appears when you select an e-mail message, this is related to the "Highlight color" parameter in your general settings of OS X. More information can be found in the following link:


    Highlight color


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    Model Loptop Acer Aspire 6930


    Hi Leroy,
    1 does happen on an e-mail program or an email client online?
    2 do whenever you press the L key on the message?
    3. don't you make changes in the e-mail program?
    Step 1: We recommend that you check if the problem persists when you type "OSK" L
    a. Click Start, keyboard and click on on-screen keyboard
    b. open the program and type the e-mail message by using the on screen keyboard to check if the problem persists.
    Kind regards
    Syed - Microsoft technical support.
    Visit our Microsoft answers feedback Forum and let us know what you think.
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    do we read the ID unique to

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    Hi Houston,

    Please refer to the article:

    Open the troubleshooter for search and indexing

    For outlook, try built-in archiving option to facilitate the research for you. Please see the description and functionality of AutoArchive in Outlook from the link below.
    Let us know the result. If the problem is still not resolved, we will be happy to help you further.
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    original title: e-mail problems.


    I suggest that ask you your question on the following link.

  • Hello! I'm having a problem to open a session on creative cloud. I can log on to the page on the site, but when I try to download a product, the e-mail message that is broadcast, it is an email from my ex-boyfriend, and I just can't change it! So I'm not

    Hello! I'm having a problem to open a session on creative cloud. I can log on to the page on the site, but when I try to download a product, the e-mail message that is broadcast, it is an email from my ex-boyfriend, and I just can't change it! I'm not able to buy a product! Could you help me, please?

    Quit Adobe Creative Cloud app.

    (1) right-click on the icon in the Finder, then select 'Go - To' folder.
    (2) you will get a text box, type in the following command and then press the 'return '. (" Do not miss ~ symbol" "')


    It will open the folder of the user's library.

    (3) then navigate to Application Support > Adobe > OOBE. Open the OOBE folder and Opm.db bin file.

    Once you had trashed Opm.db file, restart the Adobe Creative Cloud app and check.

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    Adobe contacted me by phone and said they would send an e-mail with a link to fix my situation. They never sent the e-mail message.

    Unfortunately no one here will be able to help provide you with more information.  If you have a case number, then you must specify what it is so that one of the Adobe employees who visit this forum might be able to investigate it.

    If you don't have a file number, if you can provide information explaining your situation, it would be possible to direct you to contact someone at Adobe, who may be able to help.

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    I am trying to send a test e-mail message to my ID of office for the test objective but unable to do so. I try the same operation on power cli. vCenter in my environment is already configured SMTP alerts.

    Here is the command and the messages I receive.

    C:\ "PowerCLI > Send-MailMessage-subject 'test' - of" [email protected] "-To" [email protected] "-"Test"- SmtpServer body xxx "

    Send-MailMessage: Service not available, closing transmission channel. The response from the server is: 4.3.2 Service delivery channel is not available, closing

    On line: 1 char: 17

    " + Send-MailMessage < < < <-subject 'test' - a ' [email protected] "-To" [email protected] "-"Test"- SmtpServer body .xx "

    + CategoryInfo: InvalidOperation: (System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient:SmtpClient) [Send-MailMessage], SmtpException

    + FullyQualifiedErrorId: SmtpException, Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.SendMailMessage

    Please help.

    Thank you and best regards,


    Finally found the answer.

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    Kind regards


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    Best regards!

    As far as I know same code will work for pin also message.

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     public Object run(Object context){
            if (context instanceof Message){
                Message message = (Message)context;
               if(message.getMessageType() == message.PIN_MESSAGE){
                   //process pin message
               if(message.getMessageType() == message.EMAIL_MESSAGE){
                   //pricess email message
            return context;

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