The use of certificates as the authentication method for AnyConnect VPN

I'm trying to add certificates as authentication method for one of my AnyConnect connection profiles, that is, by using the option 'Corresponding certificate' available in the profile of the Client AnyConnect. My question concerns the "Distinguished Name Entry" options available. I know what some of them refer to the (for example, "TRANSMITTER-CN" is just like that), but some of them I don't know ("GENQ", "EA", etc.). Is there a reference somewhere that I can use to understand what each of these options to average? Here a sreenshot of the window in question. Thank you!

The order has a good explanation of the various DN fields. Here is a copy of the inscription:

Tag values are as follows:

DNQ = qualifier DN
Generational qualifier = GENQ
I have original =
GN = first name
N = name
SN = surname
IP = IP address
SER = sΘrie numΘro
UNAME = unstructured name
EA = address Email
T = Title
O = organization name
L = local
SP = State/Province
C = country
OU = organizational unit
CN = common name

Tags: Cisco Security

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    It does not export form data, as far as I know, but another schema. There is a different method for acroforms export but I don't know for XFA forms. You should check the reference XFA JavaScript, not google.

    The example you found is not in any way binding to the SaveAs event. Rather, it uses a special feature of the document.saveAs method that allows you to save/export other formats instead of PDF, such as file options > save as. The code generally added to a button, but do not work (see below). I don't know if you can run this in an event WillSave or similar, that; s a separate exercise.

    Don't forget to read the XFA JavaScript document for this method since it will have security restrictions designed to stop incorporating any kind of back up/export to a file - because think havoc if a PDF file that you have downloaded begins to silently save/export the files to your computer. Do not try to use acroform rather documentation! And I see that what you quoted DC Acrobat SDK Documentation applies to the acroforms.

    For more specific help, I suggest the LiveCycle Designer forum. We are dealing here Acroforms.

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  • What is the recommended method for managing events mouseclick for nodes custom subclass components?


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    import javafx.scene.control.Label;
    import javafx.scene.layout.StackPane;
    import javafx.scene.paint.Color;
    import javafx.scene.shape.Polygon;
    public class CustomHexagon extends StackPane {
        private Polygon hexagon;
        private Label overlayText;
        public CustomHexagon( String text, double... points ) {
            this.hexagon = new Polygon( points );
            this.overlayText = new Label( text );
            overlayText.setStyle( "-fx-font-weight: bold;" );
            hexagon.setStroke( Color.GREEN );
            hexagon.setStrokeWidth( 5.0 );
            hexagon.setFill( Color.WHITE );
            this.getChildren().addAll( hexagon, overlayText );
    // Lays out the node where it should be according to the points provided for the Polygon.
            this.setLayoutX( points[0] - getLayoutBounds().getMinX() );
            this.setLayoutY( points[1] - getLayoutBounds().getMinY() );
    // Show the border of the StackPane.
            this.setStyle( "-fx-border-color: black; -fx-border-width: 1; -fx-border-style: dashed;");
        public String getOverlayText() {
            return overlayText.getText();

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    public class Main extends Application {
        public void start(Stage primaryStage) {      
            Group root = new Group();
            CustomHexagon[] hexagons = {
                new CustomHexagon( "00", 10.0, 10.0, 30.0, 10.0, 40.0, 27.3205080756, 30.0, 44.6410161512, 10.0, 44.6410161512, 0.0, 27.3205080756 ),
                new CustomHexagon( "01", 70.0, 10.0, 90.0, 10.0, 100.0, 27.3205080756, 90.0, 44.6410161512, 70.0, 44.6410161512, 60.0, 27.3205080756 ),
                new CustomHexagon( "02", 130.0, 10.0, 150.0, 10.0, 160.0, 27.3205080756, 150.0, 44.6410161512, 130.0, 44.6410161512, 120.0, 27.3205080756 ),
                new CustomHexagon( "03", 190.0, 10.0, 210.0, 10.0, 220.0, 27.3205080756, 210.0, 44.6410161512, 190.0, 44.6410161512, 180.0, 27.3205080756 ),
                new CustomHexagon( "04", 250.0, 10.0, 270.0, 10.0, 280.0, 27.3205080756, 270.0, 44.6410161512, 250.0, 44.6410161512, 240.0, 27.3205080756 ),
                new CustomHexagon( "10", 40.0, 27.3205080756, 60.0, 27.3205080756, 70.0, 44.6410161512, 60.0, 61.961524226799995, 40.0, 61.961524226799995, 30.0, 44.6410161512 ),
                new CustomHexagon( "11", 100.0, 27.3205080756, 120.0, 27.3205080756, 130.0, 44.6410161512, 120.0, 61.961524226799995, 100.0, 61.961524226799995, 90.0, 44.6410161512 ),
                new CustomHexagon( "12", 160.0, 27.3205080756, 180.0, 27.3205080756, 190.0, 44.6410161512, 180.0, 61.961524226799995, 160.0, 61.961524226799995, 150.0, 44.6410161512 ),
                new CustomHexagon( "13", 220.0, 27.3205080756, 240.0, 27.3205080756, 250.0, 44.6410161512, 240.0, 61.961524226799995, 220.0, 61.961524226799995, 210.0, 44.6410161512 ),
                new CustomHexagon( "14", 280.0, 27.3205080756, 300.0, 27.3205080756, 310.0, 44.6410161512, 300.0, 61.961524226799995, 280.0, 61.961524226799995, 270.0, 44.6410161512 ),
                new CustomHexagon( "20", 10.0, 44.6410161512, 30.0, 44.6410161512, 40.0, 61.961524226799995, 30.0, 79.2820323024, 10.0, 79.2820323024, 0.0, 61.961524226799995 ),
                new CustomHexagon( "21", 70.0, 44.6410161512, 90.0, 44.6410161512, 100.0, 61.961524226799995, 90.0, 79.2820323024, 70.0, 79.2820323024, 60.0, 61.961524226799995 ),
                new CustomHexagon( "22", 130.0, 44.6410161512, 150.0, 44.6410161512, 160.0, 61.961524226799995, 150.0, 79.2820323024, 130.0, 79.2820323024, 120.0, 61.961524226799995 ),
                new CustomHexagon( "23", 190.0, 44.6410161512, 210.0, 44.6410161512, 220.0, 61.961524226799995, 210.0, 79.2820323024, 190.0, 79.2820323024, 180.0, 61.961524226799995 ),
                new CustomHexagon( "24", 250.0, 44.6410161512, 270.0, 44.6410161512, 280.0, 61.961524226799995, 270.0, 79.2820323024, 250.0, 79.2820323024, 240.0, 61.961524226799995 ),
                new CustomHexagon( "30", 40.0, 61.961524226799995, 60.0, 61.961524226799995, 70.0, 79.2820323024, 60.0, 96.602540378, 40.0, 96.602540378, 30.0, 79.2820323024 ),
                new CustomHexagon( "31", 100.0, 61.961524226799995, 120.0, 61.961524226799995, 130.0, 79.2820323024, 120.0, 96.602540378, 100.0, 96.602540378, 90.0, 79.2820323024 ),
                new CustomHexagon( "32", 160.0, 61.961524226799995, 180.0, 61.961524226799995, 190.0, 79.2820323024, 180.0, 96.602540378, 160.0, 96.602540378, 150.0, 79.2820323024 ),
                new CustomHexagon( "33", 220.0, 61.961524226799995, 240.0, 61.961524226799995, 250.0, 79.2820323024, 240.0, 96.602540378, 220.0, 96.602540378, 210.0, 79.2820323024 ),
                new CustomHexagon( "34", 280.0, 61.961524226799995, 300.0, 61.961524226799995, 310.0, 79.2820323024, 300.0, 96.602540378, 280.0, 96.602540378, 270.0, 79.2820323024 ),
                new CustomHexagon( "40", 10.0, 79.2820323024, 30.0, 79.2820323024, 40.0, 96.602540378, 30.0, 113.9230484536, 10.0, 113.9230484536, 0.0, 96.602540378 ),
                new CustomHexagon( "41", 70.0, 79.2820323024, 90.0, 79.2820323024, 100.0, 96.602540378, 90.0, 113.9230484536, 70.0, 113.9230484536, 60.0, 96.602540378 ),
                new CustomHexagon( "42", 130.0, 79.2820323024, 150.0, 79.2820323024, 160.0, 96.602540378, 150.0, 113.9230484536, 130.0, 113.9230484536, 120.0, 96.602540378 ),
                new CustomHexagon( "43", 190.0, 79.2820323024, 210.0, 79.2820323024, 220.0, 96.602540378, 210.0, 113.9230484536, 190.0, 113.9230484536, 180.0, 96.602540378 ),
                new CustomHexagon( "44", 250.0, 79.2820323024, 270.0, 79.2820323024, 280.0, 96.602540378, 270.0, 113.9230484536, 250.0, 113.9230484536, 240.0, 96.602540378 )
            EventHandler<MouseEvent> mouseClickedHandler = new EventHandler<MouseEvent>() {
                public void handle(MouseEvent t) {
                    CustomHexagon h = (CustomHexagon) t.getSource();
                    System.out.println( h.getOverlayText() );
            for ( CustomHexagon hexagon : hexagons ) {
                hexagon.setOnMouseClicked( mouseClickedHandler );
            root.getChildren().addAll( hexagons );
            Scene scene = new Scene(root, 400, 400);
        public static void main(String[] args) {

    After execution of this program, when you click in the intersection of two StackPanes (borders, shown by dotted lines), the target of the mouse click event will be the StackPane on top, as determined by the order in which they were added to their parent. This is a problem because there is only a small "T" shaped region within each Hexagon that when you click on will target the hexagon with an event, rather than the adjacent nodes. I would be grateful any reccomendations for this problem. Thank you James Giller

    Hello, this is a conifer. Simply call setPickOnBounds (false) on the CustomHexagon.

    A follow-up of this problem problem is open here:

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    Parag salvation,

    The calling Station ID always contains the IP if Anyconnect VPN.

    L3 is originally unlike wireless which has L2 Assoc.

    Currently no work around.

    Respect of


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    AnyConnect image disk0: / anyconnect -macosx- i386 - 2.5.2014 - k9.pkg.

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    They can co-exist, but you must add different sequence numbers at the end of each command.

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    I guess that's what you're looking for

    allow the you need to allow and deny the rest in the ACL

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    I reinstalled several times the software, but whenever I try to use the Roxio Media Manager on my PC max CPU usage of on 100% and dies. Once, he worked - and as posted here by someone else, it seem very good - but each others times it just hangs.

    After reading now widely through this site and several others, it seems there are serious issues with Roxio. So my question for those of you with BB9000 more time under your belt: do I persevere with Roxio or give up and just rely on mass storage? It looks not pretty, but I moved ringtones, video and photographs around smoothly.

    Am I losing on the compression features in Roxio which I don't get mass storage? If this isn't the case, then my inclination is going to be drop Roxio and stick with mass memory until they fix the bugs or I see on this site a better way.

    Thanks to bifocals. I used the MediaSync before and Yes you are right, this works very well for the music. I was hoping to use the Roxio to transfer (and compression) files of images, photos digital high resolution of small files just for occasional display on the BlackBerry. Œuvres drag / move, but I cannot copy a lot of pictures. Not sure if it is a compression problem or if I just need a bigger memory card? I'll keep experimenting. I hope BB/Roxio will receive enough complaints sort...

    Thanks for the reply. Happy ' 09.

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    Does anyone else have this problem?


    I see you have a subscription to creative cloud under the same email id that you use with the forums.

    I checked the details of billing as well, I would ask you many want to use your first initial and last name by updating the details.

    This should work for you.

    Let me know if you face any issues.

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    But now I want to add an additional method of WSDL. is it possible to add without re-creating? How to do this?

    I do not think that we support a data control WS existing in a kind of approach to the Publishing Wizard - you are without doubt better re - create the data control.

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    Thank you.


    in the accessories kit was without adapter?

    Search on amazon for mini hdmi port, from display connector<10€>

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    > t conf

    conf >-activation key-->, and then the series of numbers. I assumed that I had to put a 0 x in front of them all, but outside itkind as I

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    Also, we have the ASDM, if I can use it would be simpler. How would I do that?



    You are welcome.

    Please mark your answers question and/or useful responses.

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    Is it possible (such as the Launcher on the IPSec client) to run a login script after establishing a VPN connection? When a user connects to the VPN client AnyConnect I need to be able run a login script to map drives. I looked the ASDM, but see anywhere that it seems that this would be configured. I thought I would check to make sure I'm not missing something.

    We lack ASA IOS v8.2 (2), ASDM 6.2 (5).

    Thank you.

    You can learn more about the AnyConnect script capabilities on the link below...

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    No further details

    Hello RxDawg84, welcome.

    32 bit |     64 bit |     Windows 7 SKU

    YES No. Windows 7 Starter
    YES No. Windows 7 Home Basic
    YES YES Windows 7 Home Premium
    YES YES Windows 7 Professional
    YES YES Windows 7 Ultimate

    All versions of Windows 7 which are Home Premium (or higher) are available in two versions: 32-bit and 64-bit

    Hope this helps,

    Thank you! Ryan Thieman
    Microsoft Answers Support Engineer
    Visit our Microsoft answers feedback Forum and let us know what you think.

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