This script is not updated or whatever it is back...

This script is not updated or whatever it is back... Ive also tried to run as a stored procedure but did not go very far...

I hesitate to remove the line from the get_employee cursor that gets only a record...
In addition, Ive got a few lines «dbms_output...» "to catch employee number but nothing. Can anyone suggest how I at least debug him?

I can also provide it as a stored procedure but I didn't really know how to run and he just hung in UNIX what looked like to the last issue of the line...

Here is the code
/* Formatted on 2009/04/22 14:43 (Formatter Plus v4.8.7) */
SET serveroutput ON SIZE 1000000 FORMAT WRAPPED
SET verify OFF
SET feedback OFF

-- *********
-- Debugging/error handling
-- *********
-- *********
-- Work variables
-- *********
   p_emp_number                     VARCHAR2 (14);
   v_rec_cnt                        NUMBER                     := 0;
   insert_flag                      VARCHAR2 (8);
   job_exists                       VARCHAR2 (8);
   err_num                          NUMBER;
   err_msg                          VARCHAR2 (150);
   err_line                         VARCHAR2 (350);
   err_seq                          NUMBER                     := 0;
   l_date                           DATE                       := SYSDATE;
   l_validate                       BOOLEAN                    DEFAULT FALSE;
   l_ass_obj                        NUMBER;
   l_emp_obj                        NUMBER;
   l_default_code_comb_id           NUMBER                     := 217269;
   l_datetrack_update_mode          VARCHAR2 (30)             := 'CORRECTION';
   l_organization_id                NUMBER                     := 0;
   l_concatenated_segments          VARCHAR2 (240);
   l_soft_coding_keyflex_id         NUMBER;
   l_comment_id                     NUMBER;
   l_effective_end_date             DATE
                                    := TO_DATE ('17-FEB-2059', 'DD-MON-YYYY');
   l_no_managers_warning            BOOLEAN;
   l_special_ceiling_step_id        NUMBER;
   l_people_group_id                NUMBER;
   l_group_name                     VARCHAR2 (30);
   l_entries_changed_warning        VARCHAR2 (30);
   l_spp_delete_warning             BOOLEAN;
   l_org_now_no_manager_warning     BOOLEAN;
   l_tax_district_changed_warning   BOOLEAN;
   l_other_manager_warning          BOOLEAN;
   l_business_group_id              NUMBER                     := 0;
   l_person_id                      NUMBER;
   l_assignment_number              VARCHAR2 (35);
   l_style                          VARCHAR2 (4)               := 'GB';
   ip_p_address_id                  NUMBER;
   l_effective_date                 DATE                       := SYSDATE;
   l_date_from                      DATE                       := SYSDATE;
   l_date_to                        DATE                       := NULL;

-- *****************************************
-- CURSOR 1 - get all Existing Employees (well, for testing purps.. just Peter Barlow for now..)
-- *****************************************
   CURSOR c_get_employee_details
      SELECT DISTINCT per.person_id, per.employee_number, per.full_name,
                      paas.assignment_id, paas.supervisor_id,
                 FROM per_all_people_f per, per_all_assignments_f paas
                WHERE per.employee_number = p_emp_number
                  AND paas.person_id(+) = per.person_id
                  AND per.person_id = '30188';

-- *****************************************
-- CURSOR 2 - get all Existing Employees (well, for testing purps.. just Peter Barlow for now..)
-- *****************************************
   CURSOR c_check_employee (p_emp_number VARCHAR2)
      SELECT DISTINCT per.person_id, per.employee_number, per.full_name,
                      paas.assignment_id, paas.supervisor_id,
                 FROM per_all_people_f per, per_all_assignments_f paas
                WHERE per.employee_number = p_emp_number
                  AND paas.person_id(+) = per.person_id
                  AND per.person_id = '30188';

   emp_rec                          c_check_employee%ROWTYPE;

-- *****************************************
-- Cursor 3 to SELECT all existing Employees that DO NOT have a JOB specified.
-- *****************************************
/*   CURSOR c_check_emps_job (p_emp_number VARCHAR2)
      SELECT DISTINCT per.person_id, per.full_name, paas.assignment_id,
                      paas.supervisor_id, paas.default_code_comb_id
                 FROM per_all_people_f per, per_all_assignments_f paas
                WHERE per.employee_number = p_emp_number
                  AND paas.person_id(+) = per.person_id
                  AND paas.job_id IS NULL
                  AND per.person_id = '30188';

   empjob_rec                       c_check_emps_job%ROWTYPE;

-- ***************************************************
-- Cursor 4 retrieves latest Object Version Number from per_assignments_f table..
-- ***************************************************
   CURSOR csr_ass_ovn (cp_person_id IN per_all_people_f.person_id%TYPE)
      SELECT MAX (paas.object_version_number)
        FROM per_assignments_f paas, per_all_people_f per
       WHERE paas.person_id = per.person_id
         AND per.employee_number = paas.assignment_number
         AND per.person_id = cp_person_id;

-- ***********************************
-- UPDATE of EXISTING Employees Details from work table..
-- ***********************************

   FOR v_emp IN c_get_employee_details


-- ************************************
-- determine whether customer already exists
-- ************************************
      OPEN c_check_employee (v_emp.employee_number);

      FETCH c_check_employee
       INTO emp_rec;

      IF c_check_employee%FOUND
         insert_flag := 'I';
         DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('Employee No: ' || v_emp.employee_number);
         DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE (   'Employee No: '
                               || v_emp.employee_number
                               || '  has not been found!  '
         insert_flag := 'X';
      END IF;

      CLOSE c_check_employee;

-- ********************************************
-- determine which customers already have been assigned a Job
-- ********************************************

      /*  OPEN c_check_emps_job (v_emp.employee_number);

       FETCH c_check_emps_job
       INTO empjob_rec;

       IF c_check_emps_job%FOUND
      THEN       job_exists := 'X';   -- so we're wanting all those with job_exists := 'X'..
      ELSE        job_exists := 'I';
      END IF;

      CLOSE c_check_employee;

      -- ************************************
-- Obtain the most recent Object Version Number..
-- ************************************
      OPEN csr_ass_ovn (v_emp.person_id);

      FETCH csr_ass_ovn
       INTO l_ass_obj;

      CLOSE csr_ass_ovn;

-- *****************************************************
-- Now Update PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F and PER_ASSIGNMENTS with default Cost Code '9999'
      IF insert_flag = 'I'
     DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE (   ' Updating Employee..:' || v_emp.employee_number );
            -- Importing Emp Job, Default Cost Code and Supervisor details --
               (p_validate                    => l_validate,
                p_effective_date              => SYSDATE,           -- l_date,
                p_datetrack_update_mode       => l_datetrack_update_mode,
                p_assignment_id               => v_emp.assignment_id,
                                                      --- ** REQUIRED FIELD **
                p_object_version_number       => l_ass_obj,
                p_supervisor_id               => v_emp.supervisor_id,
                p_default_code_comb_id        => l_default_code_comb_id,
                p_concatenated_segments       => l_concatenated_segments,
                p_soft_coding_keyflex_id      => l_soft_coding_keyflex_id,
                p_comment_id                  => l_comment_id,
                p_effective_start_date        => l_date,              --IN/OUT
                p_effective_end_date          => l_effective_end_date,
                p_no_managers_warning         => l_no_managers_warning,
                p_other_manager_warning       => l_other_manager_warning
               (p_validate                          => l_validate,
                p_effective_date                    => SYSDATE,     -- l_date,
                p_datetrack_update_mode             => l_datetrack_update_mode,
                p_assignment_id                     => v_emp.assignment_id,
                                                      --- ** REQUIRED FIELD **
                p_object_version_number             => l_ass_obj,
                p_organization_id                   => l_organization_id,
--            p_location_id                       => std_location_id,
--            p_job_id                            => l_job_id,
--            p_position_id                       => std_position_id,
                p_special_ceiling_step_id           => l_special_ceiling_step_id,
                p_effective_start_date              => l_date,
                p_effective_end_date                => l_effective_end_date,
                p_people_group_id                   => l_people_group_id,
                p_group_name                        => l_group_name,
                p_org_now_no_manager_warning        => l_org_now_no_manager_warning,
                p_other_manager_warning             => l_other_manager_warning,
                p_spp_delete_warning                => l_spp_delete_warning,
                p_entries_changed_warning           => l_entries_changed_warning,
                p_tax_district_changed_warning      => l_tax_district_changed_warning
            DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE (   ' Employee Updated..:'
                                  || v_emp.employee_number
-- ******************************
-- End of customer related details
-- ******************************
      END IF;

-- DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ( '"No Data Found" for Employee:'  || v_emp.employee_number || SQLERRM );
      err_num := TO_CHAR (SQLCODE);
      err_msg := SUBSTR (SQLERRM, 1, 150);
      err_line :=
            'Oracle error (seqno='
         || err_seq
         || ') '
         || err_num
         || ' occurred processing record '
         || TO_CHAR (v_rec_cnt + 1)
         || ' : '
         || err_msg;
      DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE (err_line);

           VALUES (err_num, err_msg, SYSTIMESTAMP);


Hi Steven,

You (still) much too many variables declared, for example p_emp_number.

If this query never returns anything, because p_emp_number is null (CURSOR, c_get_employee_details):

SELECT DISTINCT per.person_id, per.employee_number, per.full_name,
                      paas.assignment_id, paas.supervisor_id,
                 FROM per_all_people_f per, per_all_assignments_f paas
                WHERE per.employee_number = p_emp_number
                  AND paas.person_id(+) = per.person_id
                  AND per.person_id = '30188';


Tags: Database

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    set p_day_sh = & data_sh
    set p_rowid_sh = & rowid_sh
    date of p_day_sh;
    p_rowid_sh varchar2 (18);

    If & p_day_sh is not null then
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    where t.rowid = '& p_rowid_sh';
    end if;


    In a command SET, if the string to the right of the = sign contains spaces, then it must be in quotes: in the case otherwise, only the first group of characters, white space will be affected.
    For example:

    define p_day_sh = &data_sh

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    11-06-2009 06:25:09

    then the DEFINE command is

    define p_day_sh = 11-06-2009 06:25:09

    and & p_day_sh Gets the value of the part to the workspace:


    Either eliminate the space, Alex has proposed, or place the chain on the right side of the sign = in double - quote:

    define p_day_sh = "&data_sh"

    The double quotes will not change the meaning if & data_sh contains no white space.

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    Works for me on Linux.

    Your system details list does not display the Adobe Reader plugin, so you'll have to (re) install this program.


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    HI - try the following steps:

    On your iPhone in the app shows, go to: Watch My > General > wrist Detection - make sure it's open (may also turn it works).

    On your iPhone, in the application of the watch, go to: Watch My > privacy > disable Motion & Fitness - Fitness track (or, if it is currently disabled).

    Restart both devices by turning the two first set, and then restart your iPhone before restarting your watch:

    -To switch off your watch: press and hold the button side until you see the cursor off the power; slide it to turn off. To reactivate: press and hold the side button until you see the logo.

    If you disabled followed fitness in step 2, now return to the configuration and turn it back on.

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    I think that, sometimes, LV will not refresh the indicators on the panels that are closed both the VI is executed, even if the data are processed and transmitted properly.  It is an optimization to avoid things that make no difference (in this case do not update indicators which cannot see).

    If you run your main VI for awhile then open FP AE, you see the initial state of the public Service, until the main calls the AE again.  Have you watched long enough to see if it is what is happening?


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    I had a few gadgets that will refresh not before, and I'm just curious, the problem persists it everywhere to restart the computer, or is it constant?

    You could try to restore gadgets to see if maybe it is corrupt.  Here's how:

    1 - in the Gadget Picker, right click on the currency gadget and select uninstall.

    2 - type restore gadget in your Start menu and select the option that appears to restore gadgets.

    This will restore the gadget without harming all other gadgets you may have.  Check if the problem persists.

    If it was useful, you can vote by clicking on the green triangle. If it solves the problem, click on propose as answer. Thank you!

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    Thank you.

    What recognition do you run. If you run the reconciliation target then it will update only the data on the form of courses. To update the data on the user profile, you will need to run Trusted reconciliation

  • Need help please this script... LucD? :-)

    Everything works as expected, but I have a problem with the two parts of the script. They are the bits where he itterates the NETWORK card and hard drives (pink and blue sections below).

    Problem with the NIC (Pink) loop - it only shows nic 0, and if there are multiple network cards - they are not out in the CSV file. Also returns only 0 NETWORK adapter MAC address and not the other nic MAC addresses...

    Problem with loop (blue) disc - it returns only the first TWO discs even if some of my VM 4 or even 5 discs...

    No idea why this is happening. This script is not my work, but I found it very useful for what I need...



    $VirtualCenter = Read-Host "Enter the Virtual Center server name".

    $FileLocation = Read-Host "Please Enter full Path and file name to save the output.  Must end in .csv or .txt.

    $Cred = get-Credential

    SE connect-VIServer $VirtualCenter - Credential $Cred

    $stats = @)

    #Uncomment the two lines if you want to inventory just a cluster instead of all the VMS in vCenter

    #$VMCluster = Read-Host "Please enter the name of the Cluster.

    #$ServerList = get-VM-location $VMCluster

    #If the two given lines are deleted, then comment out the following line

    $ServerList = get - VM

    {Foreach ($Guests to $ServerList)

    $Guest = $Guests.Name.ToUpper)

    Write-Progress-activity "Create VMware Guest Inventory" - Status "Treatment VM guest $Guest" # display progress bar

    $VMGuest = get - VM $Guest | Get-View

    $VM = get - VM $Guest

    $ESXHost is (get - VM $Guest). Host.Name.ToUpper)

    $VMHost = get-vmhost $ESXHost | Get-View

    $row = new-Object System.Object

    $row | Add-Member-Type NoteProperty-name 'Guest' - value $VMGuest.Name.ToUpper)

    $row | Add-Member-Type NoteProperty - name "Power status" - value $VM. Guest.State

    $row | Add-Member-Type NoteProperty - Name "Guest OS full name"-value $VM. Guest.OSFullName

    $row | Add-Member-Type NoteProperty-name "Comments RAM (MB)" - value $VM. MemoryMB

    $row | Add-Member-Type NoteProperty - Name 'Comments vCPU Count' - value $VM. NumCPU

    $row | Add-Member-Type NoteProperty - name "Guest VMTools status" - value $VMGuest.Guest.ToolsStatus

    $row | Add-Member-Type NoteProperty-name "Guest VMTools Version" - value $VMGuest.Guest.ToolsVersion

    $row | Add-Member-Type NoteProperty - name 'Guest status VMTools Version' - value $VMGuest.Guest.ToolsVersionStatus

    $row | Add-Member-Type NoteProperty - name "Comments VMTools status running" - value $VMGuest.Guest.ToolsRunningStatus

    $NICCount = 0

    ForEach ($vNic in $VM. Guest.Nics) {}

    $NIC_IP = "Guest IP Address for the NETWORK adapter" + $NICCount + "."

    $NIC_MAC = "MAC address of Guest for the NETWORK adapter" + $NICCount + "."

    $NIC_vSwitch = "Guest vSwitch network for the NETWORK adapter" + $NICCount + "."

    $row | Add-Member-Type NoteProperty - name $NIC_IP-$VMGuest.Guest.IpAddress value

    $row | Add-Member-Type NoteProperty - name $NIC_MAC-$vNic.MacAddress value

    $row | Add-Member-Type NoteProperty - name $NIC_vSwitch-$vNic.NetworkName value

    $NICCount ++


    $DiskCount = 0

    $DT = @)

    ForEach ($vDisk in $VM. Guest.Disks) {}

    $DriveLetter = 'Comments Drive' + $DiskCount + ' ".

    $DriveSize = 'Comments Drive' + $DiskCount + 'size '.

    $DriveFree = 'Comments Drive' + $DiskCount + 'free space '.

    $vDiskCap = [math]: Round (($vDisk.Capacity)/1 GB)

    $vDiskFree = [math]: Round (($vDisk.FreeSpace)/1 GB)

    $row | Add-Member-Type NoteProperty - name $DriveLetter-$vDisk.Path value

    $row | Add-Member-Type NoteProperty-name $DriveSize - value $vDiskCap

    $row | Add-Member-Type NoteProperty-name $DriveFree - value $vDiskFree

    $DiskCount ++

    $DriveTotals = "" + $row. $DriveLetter + "" + $row. $DriveSize + ';

    $DT += $DriveTotals


    $row | Add-Member-Type NoteProperty - Name 'Host name' - value $VMHost.Summary.Config.Name.ToUpper)

    $row | Add-Member-Type NoteProperty - name 'number of Sessions on the host' - value $VMHost.vm.Count

    $row | Add-Member-Type NoteProperty - Name "Is a member of the host Cluster" - value (Get-Cluster - VMHost $ESXHost). Name.ToUpper)

    $row | Add-Member-Type NoteProperty - name "Hosting provider" - value $VMHost.Hardware.SystemInfo.Vendor

    $row | Add-Member-Type NoteProperty - name 'Model home' - value $VMHost.Hardware.SystemInfo.Model

    $HostRam = [math]::Round(($VMHost.Summary.Hardware.MemorySize)/1Go)

    $row | Add-Member-Type NoteProperty - name 'RAM to host' - value $HostRam

    $row | Add-Member-Type NoteProperty - name "CPU model of home" - value $VMHost.Summary.Hardware.CpuModel

    $row | Add-Member-Type NoteProperty - name 'number of CPU host' - value $VMHost.Summary.Hardware.NumCpuThreads

    $row | Add-Member-Type NoteProperty - name 'The host CPU speed' - value $VMHost.Summary.Hardware.CpuMhz

    $row | Add-Member-Type NoteProperty - Name 'Name of the product to home' - value $VMHost.Summary.Config.Product.Name

    $row | Add-Member-Type NoteProperty - name 'Version of the product to home' - value $VMHost.Summary.Config.Product.Version

    $row | Add-Member-Type NoteProperty - name of the Generation of product to home' - value $VMHost.Summary.Config.Product.Build

    $row | Add-Member-Type NoteProperty - name of the "Service Console to host" - value $VMHost.Config.Network.ConsolevNic [0]. Spec.IP.IPAddress

    $row | Add-Member-Type NoteProperty - name "the subnet mask of Console Hosting Service" - value $VMHost.Config.Network.ConsolevNic [0]. Spec.IP.SubnetMask

    $row | Add-Member-Type NoteProperty - name of the "Service Console 1 to host" - value $VMHost.Config.Network.ConsolevNic [1]. Spec.IP.IPAddress

    $row | Add-Member-Type NoteProperty - name "the subnet mask of Console 1 Hosting Service" - value $VMHost.Config.Network.ConsolevNic [1]. Spec.IP.SubnetMask

    $row | Add-Member-Type NoteProperty - Name "vMotion Host IP Address" - value $VMHost.Config.vMotion.IPConfig.IpAddress

    $row | Add-Member-Type NoteProperty - Name "VMotion the subnet mask of the host" - value $VMHost.Config.vMotion.IPConfig.SubnetMask

    $stats += $row


    $stats | Export-Csv-Force. \$FileLocation - NoTypeInformation

    Invoke-Item. \$FileLocation

    Thanks for your help

    PS. I'm a complete NOOB with Powercli, so try to find my way around it yet.

    PPS - if someone has a better VM inventory script - please be so kind as to pointing me to it...

    Thought as well, but I'm afraid he wil cover the possibilities.

    Assume the following:

    VM1, 3 cards, 2 hard drives

    VM2, 2 cards, 5 hard drives

    The order will be VM1, VM2 with the effect that you get 2 hard drives for VM2.

    The alternative I came with us to make Dummy entries and always use the maximum columns for network cards and hard drives.

    If you want to get

    NIC1 NIC2, NIC3 HD1 HD2 HD3 HD4 HD5

    VM1 x x x x x na na na

    VM2 x x na x x x x x

    See if it works for you.

  • Get the Message After that recent Windows 7 update for this computer is not running Genuine Windows

    I bought this directly from computer to DELL 9 months ago. After the last update of Windows 7, I get the Activation screen pop up:

    "This computer is not current running Genuine Windows"

    I tried some of the suggestions on the community forum - did not work.

    I tried to re - activate Windows by phone - rejected

    I tried to follow the directions on the error screen - unfortunately, I seem to get lost in an infinite loop, tried to contact MS Support by eMail... I can never get the screen to contact technical support by email.  I'm trying this.

    This is the form of the output of the MS Genuine Advantage Diagnostic Tool:

    Diagnostic report (1.9.0019.0):
    Given WGA-->
    Validation status: genuine
    Validation code: 0

    Code of Validation caching: 0x0
    Windows product key: *-* - M3DJT - 4J3WC-733WD
    The Windows Product Key hash: xo + ajVSpae7/4VoZjS7m6JL0f3A =
    Windows product ID: 00371-OEM-8992671-00524
    Windows product ID type: 2
    Windows license Type: OEM SLP
    The Windows OS version: 6.1.7601.2.00010100.1.0.048
    ID: {DF706470-8353-4FE0-BF91-B476B1CC9AD5} (3)
    Admin: Yes
    TestCab: 0x0
    WGA Version: N/a, hr = 0 x 80070002
    Signed by: n/a, hr = 0 x 80070002
    Product name: Windows 7 Professional
    Architecture: 0 x 00000009
    Build lab: 7601.win7sp1_gdr.160121 - 1718
    TTS error:
    Validation of diagnosis:
    Resolution state: n/a

    WgaER data-->
    ThreatID (s): n/a, hr = 0 x 80070002
    Version: N/a, hr = 0 x 80070002

    WGA Notifications data-->
    Cached result: n/a, hr = 0 x 80070002
    File: No.
    Version: N/a, hr = 0 x 80070002
    WgaTray.exe signed by: n/a, hr = 0 x 80070002
    WgaLogon.dll signed by: n/a, hr = 0 x 80070002

    OGA Notifications data-->
    Cached result: n/a, hr = 0 x 80070002
    Version: N/a, hr = 0 x 80070002
    OGAExec.exe signed by: n/a, hr = 0 x 80070002
    OGAAddin.dll signed by: n/a, hr = 0 x 80070002

    OGA data-->
    Office status: 114 blocked VLK 2
    Microsoft Office Professional Edition 2003-114 blocked VLK 2
    OGA Version: N/a, 0 x 80070002
    Signed by: n/a, hr = 0 x 80070002
    Office Diagnostics: 025D1FF3-364-80041010_025D1FF3-229-80041010_025D1FF3-230-1_025D1FF3-517-80040154_025D1FF3-237-80040154_025D1FF3-238-2_025D1FF3-244-80070002_025D1FF3-258-3

    Data browser-->
    Proxy settings: N/A
    User Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Win32)
    Default browser: C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe
    Download signed ActiveX controls: fast
    Download unsigned ActiveX controls: disabled
    Run ActiveX controls and plug-ins: allowed
    Initialize and script ActiveX controls not marked as safe: disabled
    Allow the Internet Explorer Webbrowser control scripts: disabled
    Active scripting: allowed
    Recognized ActiveX controls safe for scripting: allowed

    Analysis of file data-->

    Other data-->
    Office details: {DF706470-8353-4FE0-BF91-B476B1CC9AD5}1.9.0019.06.1.7601.2.00010100.1.0.048x 64*-*-*-*-733WD00371-OEM-8992671-005242S-1-5-21-3549810005-129049543-177520327Dell Inc.. Inspiron 3847 Dell Inc.. A06 20150115000000.000000 + 0005BFC3507018400F404090409Mountain Standard Time(GMT-07:00)03DELL WN09 114114Microsoft Office Professional Edition 20031159D1605114E3500vfZmaSmFPIYrLWTcZSZErUQg Fo plus73931-640-0000106-5735514

    Content Spsys.log: 0 x 80070002

    License data-->
    The software licensing service version: 6.1.7601.17514

    Name: Windows 7 Professional edition
    Description: operating system Windows - Windows (r) 7, channel OEM_SLP
    Activation ID: 50e329f7-a5fa-46b2-85fd-f224e5da7764
    ID of the application: 55c92734-d682-4d71-983e-d6ec3f16059f
    Extended PID: 00371-00178-926-700524-02-1033-7601.0000-1252015
    Installation ID: 001012827913503504119443300805063884364523993301059480
    Processor certificate URL:
    The machine certificate URL:
    Use license URL:
    Product key certificate URL:
    Partial product key: 733WD
    License status: licensed
    Remaining Windows rearm count: 2
    Trust time: 16/02/2016 10:26:03

    Windows Activation Technologies-->
    HrOffline: 0x8004FE21
    HrOnline: 0x00000000
    Beyond: 0 x 0000000000010240
    Event timestamp: 2:11:2016 10:23
    WAT Activex: registered
    WAT administration service: registered

    --> HWID data

    Activation 1.0 data OEM-->

    Activation 2.0 data OEM-->
    BIOS valid for OA 2.0: Yes
    Windows marker version: 0 x 20001
    OEMID and OEMTableID consistent: Yes
    BIOS information:
    ACPI Table name OEMID value OEMTableID value
    SSDT PmRef Cpu0Ist
    SSDT PmRef Cpu0Ist
    SSDT PmRef Cpu0Ist
    SSDT PmRef Cpu0Ist

    Thank you for your response.

    This is on a DELL computer.  I contacted DELL support and they have a bulletin on the basis of their knowledge.  The bulletin has a number of solutions for fixing this updates the BIOS including instructions, and updates the driver Intel.  For me, the update of the BIOS seems to have solved the problem.

  • 0x8004fe21 - "this computer is not running Windows" - KB3024777 update does not resolve the issue


    My Windows 7 has been giving me some problems lately. I get messages that "this computer is not running genuine Windows" (0x8004fe21). I'm running a genuine version of windows, and when I check the properties of my computer, it tells my that I have in fact validated my copy of Windows 7.

    I also had a problem when new updates to Windows Update settle not and after a few google searches, I have concluded that this must have been caused by bad KB3004394 update.

    It has been suggested that I deleted this update, but it did not show anywhere under installed updates.
    It has also been suggested that I downloaded the patch of "quick fix" KB3024777, which is supposed to remove the faulty update.
    I did, and since then, the issue of windows updates has been resolved. Again installing the updates of windows, but I still get messages I'm not authentic Windows.

    In addition, I tried all sorts of things, I found in online forums, but I don't remember exactly what those who were, because most of them were things that I didn't understand.

    Maybe you guys can help. Thank you in advance!

    I was told to run MGDiag and post the results here so here go us:

    Diagnostic report (1.9.0027.0):
    Validation of Windows data-->

    Validation code: 0
    Code of Validation caching online: 0x0
    Windows product key: *-* - QCPVQ - KHRB8-RMV82
    Windows product key hash: + Rj3N34NLM2JqoBO/OzgzTZXgbY =
    Windows product ID: 00359-OEM-8992687-00095
    Windows product ID type: 2
    Windows license Type: OEM SLP
    The Windows OS version: 6.1.7601.2.00010300.1.0.003
    ID: {DFF68C19-1503-487E-A692-8C435EF12F1F} (1)
    Admin: Yes
    TestCab: 0x0
    LegitcheckControl ActiveX: N/a, hr = 0 x 80070002
    Signed by: n/a, hr = 0 x 80070002
    Product name: Windows 7 Home Premium
    Architecture: 0 x 00000009
    Build lab: 7601.win7sp1_gdr.150316 - 1654
    TTS error:
    Validation of diagnosis:
    Resolution state: n/a

    Given Vista WgaER-->
    ThreatID (s): n/a, hr = 0 x 80070002
    Version: N/a, hr = 0 x 80070002

    Windows XP Notifications data-->
    Cached result: n/a, hr = 0 x 80070002
    File: No.
    Version: N/a, hr = 0 x 80070002
    WgaTray.exe signed by: n/a, hr = 0 x 80070002
    WgaLogon.dll signed by: n/a, hr = 0 x 80070002

    OGA Notifications data-->
    Cached result: n/a, hr = 0 x 80070002
    Version: N/a, hr = 0 x 80070002
    OGAExec.exe signed by: n/a, hr = 0 x 80070002
    OGAAddin.dll signed by: n/a, hr = 0 x 80070002

    OGA data-->
    Office status: 109 n/a
    OGA Version: N/a, 0 x 80070002
    Signed by: n/a, hr = 0 x 80070002
    Office Diagnostics: 025D1FF3-364-80041010_025D1FF3-229-80041010_025D1FF3-230-1_025D1FF3-517-80040154_025D1FF3-237-80040154_025D1FF3-238-2_025D1FF3-244-80070002_025D1FF3-258-3

    Data browser-->
    Proxy settings: N/A
    User Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Win32)
    Default browser: C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe
    Download signed ActiveX controls: fast
    Download unsigned ActiveX controls: disabled
    Run ActiveX controls and plug-ins: allowed
    Initialize and script ActiveX controls not marked as safe: disabled
    Allow the Internet Explorer Webbrowser control scripts: disabled
    Active scripting: allowed
    Recognized ActiveX controls safe for scripting: allowed

    Analysis of file data-->

    Other data-->
    Office details: {DFF68C19-1503-487E-A692-8C435EF12F1F}1.9.0027.06.1.7601.2.00010300.1.0.003x 64*-*-*-*-RMV8200359-OEM-8992687-000952S-1-5-21-3113075717-3854388810-3852344427Dell Inc.. L421X XPS Dell Inc.. A14 20130522000000.000000 + 00011A80F00018400FE04130409Malay Peninsula Standard Time(GMT+08:00)03DELL CL09 109

    Content Spsys.log: 0 x 80070002

    License data-->
    The software licensing service version: 6.1.7601.17514

    Name: Windows 7 HomePremium edition
    Description: operating system Windows - Windows (r) 7, channel OEM_SLP
    Activation ID: d2c04e90-c3dd-4260-b0f3-f845f5d27d64
    ID of the application: 55c92734-d682-4d71-983e-d6ec3f16059f
    Extended PID: 00359-00178-926-800095-02-1043-7601.0000-1052015
    Installation ID: 019613804902779735492485549691725206407303392291262906
    Processor certificate URL:
    The machine certificate URL:
    Use license URL:
    Product key certificate URL:
    Partial product key: RMV82
    License status: licensed
    Remaining Windows rearm count: 2
    Trust time: 19/04/2015-16:10:57

    Windows Activation Technologies-->
    HrOffline: 0x00000000
    HrOnline: 0x00000000
    Beyond: 0 x 0000000000000000
    Event timestamp: 4:15:2015 22:03
    ActiveX: Registered, Version: 7.1.7600.16395
    The admin service: recorded, Version: 7.1.7600.16395
    Output beyond bitmask:

    --> HWID data

    Activation 1.0 data OEM-->

    Activation 2.0 data OEM-->
    BIOS valid for OA 2.0: Yes
    Windows marker version: 0 x 20001
    OEMID and OEMTableID consistent: Yes
    BIOS information:
    ACPI Table name OEMID value OEMTableID value

    I don't see anything abnormal in your report - which probably means that the problem is a race condition where your AV is to win the fight for access to certain critical files when the Service for the Protection of software needs to access.

    Certainly, it will disappear after a few days.

Maybe you are looking for

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