To use external DNS names

I have a PIX 515 with two interfaces:

inside: 10.100.100.x


Internet DNS domain:

Local DNS domain: somecompany.local

(The IP address have been changed to protect my network.)

I have a web server inside my network (webserver.somecompany.local), which is at

I configured a static as NAT:

public static (Interior, exterior)

Internal users should use the address: http://webserver.somecompany.local while external users use

Is there a way to allow internal users to use

Thanks in advance.


It depends on your version of PIX software, with the latest version, you can use the keyword 'DNS' in your 'static' statement

This command will allow the PIX to rewrite DNS replay with your local IP address.

With older versions of the software, you had the alias command.

PIX # static HS

static (inside, outside) www tcp www DNS netmask 0 0

# Sh fixup PIX

fixup protocol dns-length maximum 512

Tags: Cisco Security

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    The AC is very good because it is used by IE and Firefox and even complaining, Firefox don't doubt the authority. The server certificate does not include the name, and can find it. It is true that when I created the certif, I added an additional field with the IP address. The certificate should be valid for both the DNS name and IP address. When I try to connect to the server with IE using the IP address, now it's THE who complains that the certificate is valid for the name :-)

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    MIIGbjCCBFagAwIBAgIBADANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQsFADCBgTELMAkGA1UEBhMCQ0Ex DzANBgNVBAgTBlF1ZWJlYzERMA8GA1UEBxMITW9udHJlYWwxDTALBgNVBAoTBEhv bWUxGzAZBgkqhkiG9w0BCQEWDGFkbWluQGpiLmxhbjESMBAGA1UEAxQJSkJfTGFu X0NBMQ4wDAYDVQQLEwVJVFNlYzAeFw0xNjExMDYxMTQzNTJaFw0zNjExMDExMTQz NTJaMIGBMQswCQYDVQQGEwJDQTEPMA0GA1UECBMGUXVlYmVjMREwDwYDVQQHEwhN b250cmVhbDENMAsGA1UEChMESG9tZTEbMBkGCSqGSIb3DQEJARYMYWRtaW5AamIu bGFuMRIwEAYDVQQDFAlKQl9MYW5fQ0ExDjAMBgNVBAsTBUlUU2VjMIICIjANBgkq hkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAg8AMIICCgKCAgEAtRfmJ8HhxD6OeBSTdiK36DF/Gw7HmOIO CN9LktUCcnXZfsbkyPwGq8AtLTURfYU1VKHw066g0XD0hEbFEaYIWvVKijiqaPZg Pc / pIAj + M7vzojeCnv6QiRTcC9q5rY9 + Ff7MuTkWKEPzjuXpHd + IoS4To3sVZgsy YcxrdRndcirxm6aFjGXIYaImPm3hLuMteSagacsjduGEDOpJ5hJoMIIX4kHE/x8J DFBvlllXIGiOgCHU + 8hcN1IadNFqQcWA3eFB5SgLPFxOOmR4xpB1LsrESC4Zgk/E XmZYBCsYHzg58Cq6r4xuwckutcd5Gjo9ujaafCfAlUFHFJxqLxyy + N0nd3P + i5Kd zPpwpyIAzOCPeZvM2chspspl3pER + RlqZODLoU3gSAz4z + knxKxeyyiK8cttMHkV Di5veqSRIxYeYtJqu0asEaBiQ0ZpdqsNcQEU3rwzo6uoxxgvRr2Ujb6csr8CqhuA 2Sz0W1upgcpZhuL0VMTkMS8P8fgzZZeIU85v7drldXsvpjzaMwHdm/MKGewA0eCZ fUTI6V + uY9oaT9GH8MPzGWzB4oYb3sRgKgLkvWGckyHe3YVwUpb4z/MXRFB3bN/Z qxIyochY8pJMcJe2jrTw79Sf9FAR/txonPBAxuNtGLIdcL4ElGjlXPDXlQrI8XbI n/Abbs3iFHsCAwEAAaOB7jCB6zAdBgNVHQ4EFgQUSCZRE7GhUky3HJa/KknjBwXw HZEwga4GA1UdIwSBpjCBo4AUSCZRE7GhUky3HJa / KknjBwXwHZGhgYekgYQwgYEx CzAJBgNVBAYTAkNBMQ8wDQYDVQQIEwZRdWViZWMxETAPBgNVBAcTCE1vbnRyZWFs MQ0wCwYDVQQKEwRIb21lMRswGQYJKoZIhvcNAQkBFgxhZG1pbkBqYi5sYW4xEjAQ BgNVBAMUCUpCX0xhbl9DQTEOMAwGA1UECxMFSVRTZWOCAQAwDAYDVR0TBAUwAwEB /zALBgNVHQ8EBAMCAQYwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQELBQADggIBAHVLp0nsXNHjvcjWado0 v1M167gEv8SnLMzDRJ7rOwfQlG0JWIXgrMk + 9bLQixFPbClG2MzOGhq2gyXbTFEH PYLfOxRy5gsrYhBYKso4PNrP8ouBaedl / + huobFtd1SR4bNrZ5Be3crQkZhULmlv hSVWklOC + o0rdfPnDffDRtoWH1x1 / + ZRS0N0MSwXqeoQTEgu9CYRCEeLnidcdd1v e6XR + Qw2qLfPqBCKzCVNGZvpVjqakERxaLgWPqwixIQ4sdPjvtnUJxsUEo5hN + 6 / + os/HZ1iO3Bgi6DgAGToTSmsf5 + pI/z + o2FjDrDvbBhvf4FulvvOCsRBNkA5BK NgisFXP / FN3WlkrbM1OZjWIan1phQAw5mDLfqwxJE + BuedK1HqLRNTay9eOGSRSu TRIi26fwwMAdsPnDj3X7/aUCWslVrvZPRmsIOgykLuHlCgYD99mpzF0v + t8y05iE V3115CCve + qFHH52j078jxo1aKyfQTnRGvdGehWI77Pd/l9CMgNJ7K0ZRx6RUoEV 9CMH6kgqagkXU7eT2CXszxrGHAgybnNaJ/z4BjxDme0TH3bgLc4AOIiP8doe7KlJ lYvrG8UMtCkL1jhYFX4Rz/BH5yte7aqzwBVUZrcmvM2gU9ZyPNaAfCDygCUMeMqt OWQEicvGZtRj2ZK6PKv5hk0a


    In Firefox, a list of other names of the non-empty object overrides and replaces the common name field. If you need to list all the relevant host names in the field of SAN in your certificate.

  • Using an external DNS & Email Marketing?

    Hello world.  My customer wants to manage his own DNS.  My question is, if they use the external DNS, still will be able to use the features of Email Marketing of Business Catalyst?  I found in the documentation where it is said, they will not be able to use the e-mail service, but I was not sure if Email Marketing have been included in this statement.


    Yes, they will be able to continue to use any module within the system, including email marketing.

    They have just not be able to create e-mail accounts using e-mail to BC services.  This simply means that for email accounts, you will have to be through an external provider.

    Kind regards


  • using my domain name in adobe web hosting

    I have 2 sites built in Muse

    and I have 2 domains purchased for them.

    How can I specify each area to its site?

    I already changed the name of servers in domain registration

    Thank you!

    Hello CarmitBen,

    If you host your site on BusinessCatalyst then you can see the steps mentioned in the link below.

    When you host your site on a multitude of third party, you must load your FTP host site using the file > Upload Ftp host and then do some domain points to your hosting server with the help of your hosting provider.

    Adobe help Muse | Download a Site from Muse Adobe on a third-party hosting service

    Kind regards


  • A Remote Assistance connection could not be established because the DNS name of the remote computer could not be resolved

    I am trying to use remote assistance to help with my brothers computer. We both use XP, but when I try to open remote assistance to view and or even take control of his computer, I get an error message: connection A Remote Assistance could not be established because the DNS name of the remote computer cannot be resolved. Why this might be happening?


    It depends on how the computers are connected and their intellectual property regime.

    They are on the same network (e.g., connected to the same router)?

    Through the Internet? Something else?

    Jack - Microsoft MVP, Windows networking. WWW.EZLAN.NET

  • I am trying to accept an invitation from my mom's remote assistance and this is what I got after entering the password: connect Remote Assistance could not be established because the DNS name of the remote computer cannot be resolved.

    I am trying to accept an invitation from my mom's remote assistance and this is what I got after entering the password: connect Remote Assistance could not be established because the DNS name of the remote computer cannot be resolved.

    You get the error "a Remote Assistance connection could not be established because the DNS name of the remote computer could not be resolved" when the requesting computer (the computer 'demand' help) sends its private IP address instead of its public IP address in the request for assistance. The solution is 'easy' for some and difficult for others. I present here for your perusal:

    (1) obtain the public IP address of the requesting computer (by visiting a web page such as
    (2) save the remote assistance request computers
    (3) modify the remote request for Assistance (RcBuddy.MsRcIncident) using a text editor (such as notepad) and replace the private - section of IP address should be something like this:
    RCTICKET = 65538,1, «»
    with the public IP address from or elsewhere - should be something like this:
    RCTICKET = 65538,1, «»
    (4) save the file of RcBuddy.MsRcIncident 'new '.
    (5) double click it to connect to the computer needing help
    (6) cross your fingers and hope it works!

    I hope this helps someone else - if it's too much trouble, feel free to use the tools mentioned elsewhere in this thread.

    -Computers Acorp

  • Unable to join the domain "DNS name does not exist."

    Working on this computer remotely in my company, it has more a problem but at this moment, that we focus on trying to reach the area. We removed everything first to see if it would fix the trust relationship issues she felt the long side not being able to browse the files all computer network or servers.
    When trying to join the field, that's what we get in the dcdiag.txt in the debug folder.
    The domain name 'xxxxx' can be a NetBIOS domain name.  If this is the case, check that the domain name is properly registered with WINS.
    If you are certain that the name is not a NetBIOS domain name, then the following information can help you troubleshoot your DNS configuration.
    The following error occurred when DNS was questioned about the resource record (SRV) service location used to locate an Active Directory (AD DC) domain controller for the domain "xxxxx":
    The error was: "the DNS name does not exist."
    (0x0000232B RCODE_NAME_ERROR error code)
    The query was for the SRV record for _ldap._tcp.dc._msdcs.xxxxx
    Common causes of this error are:
    -The DNS SRV records to locate an AD DC for the domain are not registered in DNS. These records are automatically saved with a DNS server when an AD domain controller is added to a domain. They are updated by the AD DC at set intervals. This computer is configured to use DNS servers with the following IP addresses:
    -One or more of the following areas do not include delegation to its child zone:
    . (the root zone)
    XXXXX = domain
    Also the listed IP addresses have been changed.

    I worked on this computer for about 2 days, and then the user is able to work remotely with a server terminal server, they will need access to the server later.

    Reset the network device - completely.  Uninstall the network driver and have someone there install the latest manufacturer.

    Manually enter the DNS information for the DNS servers of your company on the computer - even if it uses DHCP.

    Make sure that its time/time zone is the same as your DNS server.

    Reset all default HOSTS file.

    Ping the DNS server.

    When you join - use the FQDN (mycompany.local, etc..)

  • Configuration remote access VPN (IPSec) using FULL domain name

    Hi friends of Cisco,

    We have the DNS (only the internal IP) within our network, right now that we have configured VPN for remote access using public IP address and connect us with the same public IP address. I need help to use the domain name FULL rather than use public IP.

    Can you please provide the configuration for this.

    Feature: ASA 5520

    Type of configuration: IPSec

    Thank you


    Hi Philippe,.

    You can use one of the free Web of DNS dynamic sites and configure ASA to dynamic DNS.

    Reference -



  • RVS4000 > ROUTER set to use custom dns?

    Here's my situation:

    my ISP assigns me a dynamic ip address. That's pretty standard. with my IP, I get my DNS settings as well. This is quite normal. I totally understand this.

    However, I want to use CUSTOM DNS. in windows, I can do this very easily. in the "Network connections" window, I select my network card properties. If I change the properties of the TCP/IP Protocol, I get the dialog box that is present in the "windows.png" file attached to this post. Here, I'm able to make my computer receives the dynamic IP address, but I then overwrite the DNS and use my own.


    I want to do this on my RVS4000 router. I want to set up custom dns as shown in the subject.

    before you start screaming about 'server settings (DHCP)' section in the 'lan' tab in the 'setup', this is NOT correct. Why, you say? because when you configure it that way, the DNS information to DHCP clients. This does NOT change the dns from the ROUTER. I want to know how to change the dns from the ROUTER.

    still, the scenario of windows that I described above, I should be able to tell the ROUTER to use a custom DNS. BUT WAIT! before you shout "use the Internet Connection Type" "wan" in the "setup", take into account the fact that I have a commercial ISP and I have AI TO USE DHCP to obtain an IP address and connect to the internet. and believe me, I already tried workarounds... I put my DHCP router, got an address, then without rebooting the modem from the ISP, I changed my "internet connection type" to "static ip", using the information that I had when I was in dynamic mode. IT DOES NOT WORK. PERIOD. THE INTERNET DOES NOT WORK, DESPITE THE THOUGHT, IT IS MUST. I'm sure that the ISP is forcing something down my throat. Moreover, even if this DID work, it would be counterintuitive. Why? because if my ip was reassigned, I would lose the network connection. by design, I should use DHCP, and I shouldn't try to get around.

    so now that I've explained clearly the question and all of the obstacles, how can I configure DNS custom my router while in DHCP mode (just like windows has RIGHT WATCH IS EASILY POSSIBLE SINCE PROBABLY 1995)?

    Another question, you can ask yourself - why not just let my clients get the custom DNS and be happy? because I have that I still want to have access to some of the names of internal network. If customers have custom dns turned directly to them, they will never be able to resolve internal names. If I can just tell my router stupid to use custom DNS, clients always use the router as their DNS, and when the router receives requests, it can then determine whether the DNS query is internal and send it to the network card, or if she needs to go outside.

    I would REALLY appreciate to answer CISCO on this


    I understand your frustration and I would like to help. If possible, can you send me your email address, because I'd like to set a time to talk one on one with you.

    Thank you

    John Clark

  • There is no activation problem error 0x8007232B DNS name code

    * Original title: Activation


    How can I activate my Pc? He asked me the DNS name, and now I wonder what to do to activate it, each time the error 0x8007232B DNS code, the name does not exist. Kindly help

    You use a KMS key and it cannot connect to the KMS server.  You must activate with a key legitimate

  • Remote touch the codec using the host name - matching cache of IPv4

    Pairing for some of the features of my remote client contact is often lost/broken. It uses the DHCP protocol for codecs and uses dynamic DNS entries as 'host name' at the time of the twinning contact to the codec devices.
    While this works for pairing at first, it seems the cache keys resolved IPv4 address of the codec instead of the host name. Whenever the IP address of the codec changes, the pairing is lost.
    Am I wrong? I came to the conclusion that codecs must be treated using static IPs or DHCP reservations for Peel remote to work reliably
    Click Select codec manually..., enter the IP address or host name of the codec and tap Start matching.
    / David

    Appears this is a limitation of the Touch and/or codec, see bug CSCua05282.  The contact must use the IP address, which is why when you entered the hostname of the endpoint it solved its IP address and used it.

  • How to start Alerts notification to visitors using the DNS and IP society?

    1. I need to configure alerts for notification of visitor using the society of DNS and IP? How to do this?

    2 - second thing is what is the common use of DNS and IP society in the fields of account?

    Thank you


    It is largely something E9 - the notification feature a much simpler with Profiler (Yes, there is a separate fee)

    without prospect Profiler: (I think I have the actual documentation at my office - will check once I'm back from #mme15 )

    1. go to settings, profiles of visitors, then change your display to show the fields you want to see.  Since you ask specifically about DNS and IP address, the view of the "technical information" is a good starting point.

    2. go into Setup and default user settings for users, configurations of Notification to visitors.  You can use the default or create new (lower right corner)

    Specify the view you want to use.  You can also create a custom for this notification by electronic mail header.

    3. go to settings, Notifications

    Configure your notification rules.

    for your second question - common use of DNS and IP name in the account fields, I don't think that there is a "common use" since the visitor record will show exactly the IP address and most organizations have a range of IP addresses, any sort of comparison of the visitor to the account is difficult.

    If your use case must match their account of visitors, e-mail domain is much easier.  Create a field on the Contact and account for the 'area of email address', a string manipulation cloud app to take the email address and delete everything before him ' @' accounts will be filled with the domain via a data load (or you can approach with a rule/validation rule set update to the name of the company (, remove the spaces and special characters and add with ".com")

    You could then: linking contacts to accounts using this field (will need to ensure that duplicate any record company) or use a rule of Match/deduplication to enter the values for the table of the company to update the contact. (or vice versa)

    I hope this helps.


  • The value of VM = DNS name

    Morning he

    I have been using the script with great success but who want to see if it could be refined below. What I intend to do is to say rename all VMs with different names BUT exclude any virtual machine whose DNS name contains 'local; TMP'

    The reason is that we have many instances where devices of vmware gets deployed where the hostname is localhost and details of vApp is the descriptive part.

    Current script:

    Connect-VIServer # MyvCenterSRV

    # State whether your virtual machine names the FQDN

    $IncludeFQDN = $false

    Get-VM | { $_. {PowerState -eq 'Receiving' } | Foreach {

        If ($IncludeFQDN) { }

    $Name = $_. Guest.Hostname

    } Else {}

    $Name = (([string]$_. (Guest.HostName). Split (".")) [0]


    If ($_. {(Nom -ne $Name)}

    If ($_. Guest.Hostname) {}

                Write "Name VM ' $($_.)" Name) "" is not the same as the $Name hostname ""

      Set-VM $_. Nom -nom $Name - whatif -confirmer:$false

    } Else {}

    Writing "Unable to read hostname $ ($_.). (Name) - no VMTools? »




    Proposed changes:

    Connect-VIServer # MyvCenterSRV

    # State whether your virtual machine names the FQDN

    $IncludeFQDN = $false

    $excludeNAME = localhost, TEMP... (Do not know where to call them that)

    Get-VM | { $_. {PowerState -eq 'Receiving' } | Foreach {

        If ($IncludeFQDN) { }

    $Name = $_. Guest.Hostname

    } Else {}

    $Name = (([string]$_. (Guest.HostName). Split (".")) [0]


    If ($_. {(Nom -ne $Name)}

    If ($_. Guest.Hostname) {}

                Write "Name VM ' $($_.)" Name) "" is not the same as the $Name hostname ""

      Set-VM $_. Nom -nom $Name - whatif -confirmer:$false

    } Else {}

    Writing "Unable to read hostname $ ($_.). (Name) - no VMTools? »




    Hope someone have a suggestion.

    Thank you


    Try something like this

    #Connect-VIServer MyvCenterSRV# Specify if your virtual machine names include the FQDN$IncludeFQDN = $false$excludeNAME = "localhost|TEMP"
    Get-VM | Where { $_.PowerState -eq "PoweredOn" } | Foreach {  If ($_.Guest.Hostname) {    If ($IncludeFQDN) {      $Name = $_.Guest.Hostname    } Else {      $Name = (([string]$_.Guest.HostName).Split("."))[0]    }    If ($_.Name -ne $Name -and $Name -notmatch $excludeNAME) {      Write "VM name '$($_.Name)' is not the same as the hostname $Name"      Set-VM $_.Name -Name $Name -whatif -confirm:$false    }  }  Else {    Write "Unable to read hostname for $($_.Name) - No VMTools ?"  }}

    The script uses an expression (operator of match) RegEx to check if the hostname does not contain 'localhost' or 'TEMP' (the vertical bar in the string is the part of GOLD)

  • Customer Web couldn't connect to VMware Lookup Service error with the old server DNS name


    I had a Vcenter server named ( with Vcenter 5.1 (with SSO, inventory, Webclient) on a windows 2008 R2 with a MSSQL2012 db.

    I tried to upgrade from 5.1 to 5.5u1 and he failed, Vcenter & Webclient installers have been crashing before you finish update

    So I decided to make a clone of my Vcenter and still have my production work while trying to update.

    My clone has been with a new IP

    I uninstalled everything for the webclient service that I had to clean files and registry entries manually, because he didn't find the uninstall program when I was clicking on uninstall.

    Then the installation went well, everything except the webclient service works very well

    When you try to connect to the new vcenter: / vsphere client / I got:

    Unable to connect to the VMware Research Service -The SSL certificate verification failed.

    Why the error message is wearing the old DNS name?

    And why when installing, the webclient service to connect to the search service perfectly and then it doesn't work?

    After 1 day, uninstall/reinstall/install, try SSL things and many things, that I found online, the solution is the STUPIDEST thing ever.
    WHY DON'T C:\ProgramData\VMware\ls_url.txt USE VMWARE to provide the URL of the LookupService for the Webclient service? During the installation provide you the URL for registration with SSO, why the hell isn't it written that URL somewhere and use it after?

    And why the hell with all the gel/reinstalling ALL THE COMPONTENT of the Vcenter, I did, this MUTE txt file has not been updated with the new DNS name of my server?

    In any case, my webclient is currently working, but 1 day of work and mental torture do not understand why the hell my client was not working due to a file text fucking, it's depressing.

  • How gemfire locator can be configured to return the full DNS name for the customer?

    We have an index running before 2 cache servers,

    Locator.DomainA == > Server1.DomainA, Server2.DomainA.

    the problem is when the customer (customer. DomainB) try to access gemfire via locator, it up ' get: not connected to GemFire' exception, the reason is that the Client.DomainB uses the full name "Locator.DomainA" to access the gemfire, the Locator maintains only the servers host name, when the client runs the query, it access Server1 or Server2, but in this case, the networking is not connected.

    How gemfire locator can be configured to return the full DNS name for the customer?

    in, Locator attribute is full domain name already.

    Thank you


    There is a parameter for hostname for the customers that you can put in your cache.xml file cache-server element. It is a string that is passed the server for the location, and then on the Locator for the customer. You must set this client-to-host name in each of your cache servers.

Maybe you are looking for