Tried to install CS4 of DVDs on the computer windows 7, but the serial number is not accepted

A new PC with Windows 7 and want to install DVD my CS4 application.

It stops at the point where to enter serial number, to me the serail number is not recognized, and yet he is 100% correct.

How can I solve this problem?

Kglad thanks for your support...

However, he didn't get what I wanted... to install my CS4...

Finally I had done however, and maybe it's my unconsciousness of the download.

1 > when downloading files, a file has the extension. . 7z.

2 > after downloading this file, it is shown as a document file in my download directory... I didn't know how to go on this subject...

3 > Finally I'm brilliant and checked on the internet what one. file 7z is and found it's a file compressed in open source.

4 > I downloaded the 7. zipper Zip software and who ran on the file object

5 > guess what... it opened files and I went to installCS4 without a flaw.

I answer largely your kind response in the hope someone else, like me not so computer literate/smart,

will not loose several days to fix this problem.

To contact Adobe cat may also not constantly, so we were just waiting and waiting.

Adobe should really improve their support, but perhaps that they are very interested not because they may prefer to sell you their CLOUD solution.

Thank you for bearing with me. / / Ko

Tags: Adobe

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