Validation for the reset button message


I would like to have a validation popup message when a user presses the reset button. I would like to read something like:

"This button will reset the data in the table. Are you sure you want to proceed? »

Thank you


Hi Wes,

You can send a pop-up message in the click event of the button reset using ();

To be able to ask a question to get an answer and then executing code, you must specify the correct parameters to this function.

for example

var response = ("this button resets the table data.") Are you sure you want to proceed? ","reset the form ', 2, 2);

If (response == 4) {} ();


You can have different answers with messageBox according to what kind of options you give to the user.

In the function messageBox() after 'Reset form': the first integer that is '2' is here to show the image to display, for example:

0 : « X »,



3: "I."

The second integer is to specify the buttons to be displayed, for example:

1: ok Cancel

2: Yes No

3: No Yes No Cancel

4: ok

The messageBox() function and returns an integer that translates the user's response, for example:

1 = ok

2 = cancel

3 = no

4 = Yes

Tags: Adobe LiveCycle

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    Hi Fred Cornell,.

    ·         You have any problems with the performance of the printer?

    ·         What operating system is installed on your computer?

    ·         The printer works well before?

    You can check the link mentioned on official website of HP that describes the problem for the specific printer model you are using.

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    Alternatively, you can contact HP support for help on the issue.

    HP support

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    In Firefox, a list of other names of the non-empty object overrides and replaces the common name field. If you need to list all the relevant host names in the field of SAN in your certificate.

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    Please see these documents.

    APP-COMPENSATION-07092 this action is not valid for the current record by trying to access assignment [813815.1 ID]
    PERWSHRG APP-COMPENSATION-07092 when you navigate to assignments [796523.1 ID] screen
    PERWSHRG APP-COMPENSATION-07092 trying to access assignment [ID 1434212.1]
    PERWSEAC cannot enter costs for the Contingent Workers APP-PAY-07092 [1458000.1 ID]
    App-pay - 07092:Action not valid for registration: current salary for the potential asset Asg [ID 360168.1]
    Method of payment when opening errors: APP-COMPENSATION-07092: this process is not valid for the current record. [ID 289691.1

    Thank you

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    Is there a way that I can put the button Reset to 0 field, or even just an empty space or '-' to default?

    (with the value by default as white would be the best option for me - then I wouldn't even need the 0 option)

    mouse to the top of action script to increase the number of caption button;

    var Nlimit = 4; maximum limit of more than 1 for number of legend;

    var nCaption = Number ( ()); get the number of caption button;

    nCaption ++; Legend of the increment;

    nCaption = nCaption % Nlimit; modulo Nlimit or 0 - Nlimit - 1; (nCaption); set number of legend;

    end action mouse;

    Using a script like this:

    this.getField("Text1").required = false;
    this.getField("Text2").required = false;


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    Thank you..

    Afraid to tell you, but you will not find any reset button, because there is only a power button. You will need to restart your laptop by using the windows or hold down the power button to turn it off completely and start it again.

    Maybe you could try the old combination of CTRL + ALT + DELETE to restart your system.

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    Modem... doing and... model number you have?

    What operating system do you use on your Mac, or you are using an iPhone or iPad set things up... or a PC?

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    Discs formatted with the FAT be limited to files with a maximum of 4 GB. You can format outside
    drive drive with NTFS, contact the manufacturer if necessary pilot or split the file into parts under
    at 4 GB.

    Overview of FAT, HPFS, and NTFS file systems

    How to go beyond the limit of 4 GB on FAT32


    The ZIP file and then divided the ZIP which helps maintain the integrity of sharing files and restoring.

    Zip and Split - free

    Split and Zip - free

    Akhir Split Zip - free

    I hope this helps.

    Rob Brown - Microsoft MVP<- profile="" -="" windows="" expert="" -="" consumer="" :="" bicycle=""><- mark="" twain="" said="" it="">

  • What settings should I use for the rear button focus put in place for the d5 mark 3? TIA

    5 d Mark 3

    When you press the menu button, highlight on (using the knob on the front of the camera) menu "C.Fn2: disp.» "/ Operation" orange. (it's the icon of a camera that has an index of points for a light meter below - right of the wrench, to the left of the star icon).

    Each of these menus on the 5 d III have several pages.  This is the 2nd page (the 2nd point from left to right) who has the category of "custom controls".  Note that (using the wheel on the back this time) and click on the set"" button.

    Which displays a menu showing each of the important controls on the back of the camera and what they do.  Highlight the icon for the shutter button (this modifies the behavior of a half-press) and change to 'measure and AF start' to just 'start of counting.

    "AF-ON" button (on the back of your camera) is probably already put 'measure and AF Start' (I think that this is the default factory setting).

    If you're not so much focus to enable back-button (which is probably already active) you're more "power off" the focus when the shutter button is pressed to halfway.

    Good luck

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