Weblogic Web service timeout


I have user JDev with weblogic 10.3.6, I create the web service and deploy to weblogic server, how can I set expire for weblogic webservice? can I do this? If this is not the case, what is the code I have to add in the project?

Hi channel with me work, I put the two parameters (Idle Connection Timeout, Connect Timeout) 10 10 seconds, but when I test web service some time take more than 10 seconds without stopping, and appear also to monitor the connection of channel 1, which means its still live after 10 seconds.

Tags: Fusion Middleware

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    Hi all

    I'm on the development of an application j2EE, weblogic and Jboss servers and I intend to use web services to access the external data. So I had to search for web services implementations that fit well with my needs. I read that Rest and SOAP are the two main categories and I went to the rest, because it is no longer used those recently. for the category of rest, I read that JAX - RS are more complete implementation. the most used framework used and that implements JAX - RS is Apache CXF, Jersey, RESTEasy...

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    Can you please give me your opinion on my selection and the framework that fits well with the weblogic service (10.3.6 and above)

    Thank you

    Best regards.

    Default WebLogic has a frame of webservice work services. It supports SOAP. It takes care of all the party webservices.jars 3rd, provided him clearly tell the server where to pick them of / use.

    Is this all you want?

    Kind regards

  • Debugger debug Remotelly WebLogic Web Service - cannot connect

    I've been able to debug locally when I'm leaving debug IntegratedWebLogicServer,
    but I was not able to debug sure although I have deploied successfully to WebLogic Server and I got the correct result when testing SoapUI.
    For the purpose of debugging make sure the simple web service described below, I did these steps on my environment:

    On WebLogic
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    (2) to startWebLogic.cmd I added:
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    Set debugFlag = true
    If '% debugFlag % 'is' true')
    Set JAVA_DEBUG =-Xdebug - Xnoagent - Xrunjdwp: transport = dt_socket, address = % DEBUG_PORT %, server is y, suspend = n - Djava.compiler = NONE
    set JAVA_OPTIONS = % JAVA_OPTIONS % enableHotswapFlag %-ea-da: com.bea-da: Javelin--da: weblogic... - ea:com.bea.wli... - ea:com.bea.broker... - ea:com.bea.sbconsole...
    After this, I restarted the weblogic.

    About JDeveloper
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    In the window of my newspaper, I received this message:
    "Debugger tries to connect to a remote process to 4000 LocalHost.
    ... Unable to connect to the Remote Debugger process. »

    I expect to be able to call the web service of SoapUI and then stops on my breakpopint. What should I do?

    The only suggestion found online, I did not was
    «In order for JDeveloper work with WebLogic he will need a copy of the weblogic.jar file which can be found at \weblogic1001\server\lib [WLS-root], copy this file into the \jdev\lib\ext [jdev-root] directory and restart JDeveloper.»
    (http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/developer-tools/jdev/remotedebugwls-086628.html) I have not found the path [jdev-root] \jdev\lib\ext in my computer.

    My Sources:

    package demo;
    Import javax.jws.WebService;
    Import javax.xml.ws.BindingType;
    Import javax.xml.ws.soap.SOAPBinding;
    @WebService (portName = "HelloWorldSoap12HttpPort")
    @BindingType (SOAPBinding.SOAP12HTTP_BINDING)
    public class HelloWorld {}
    public String sayHello (String firstname, String lastname) {}
    Return "Hello" + firstname + "" + lastname;

    <? XML version = "1.0" encoding = "windows-1252"? >
    < web - app xmlns: xsi = "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance".
    xsi: schemaLocation = "http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee/web-app_2_5.xsd".
    version = "2.5" xmlns = "http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee" >
    < servlet >
    < name servlet - > HelloWorldSoap12HttpPort < / servlet-name >
    < servlet-class > demo. HelloWorld < / servlet-class >
    < load-on-startup > 1 < / load-on-startup >
    < / servlet >
    < servlet-mapping >
    < name servlet - > HelloWorldSoap12HttpPort < / servlet-name >
    <>url-pattern / HelloWorldSoap12HttpPort < / url-pattern >
    < / servlet-mapping >
    < / web - app >

    Find out which port is actually used by your WLS for debug.
    Some instructions here:

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    And when I authenticate this challenge, I am able to get the data. (we are usiing the Weblogic-level LDAP authentication)

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    401 Unauthorized <

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    Thank you

    Hello Scott,

    Thank you. There is a function for rest in the package:

    function make_rest_request(
    -- This function invokes a RESTful Web service with the supplied name value pairs, body clob, or body blob
    -- the response as an clob.
    -- Arguments:
    --   p_url                  The url endpoint of the Web service
    --   p_http_method          The HTTP Method to use, PUT, POST, GET, HEAD or DELETE
    --   p_username             The username if basic authentication is required for this service
    --   p_password             The password if basic authentication is required for this service
    --   p_proxy_override       The proxy to use for the request
    --   p_body                 The HTTP payload to be sent as clob
    --   p_body_blob            The HTTP payload to be sent as binary blob (ex., posting a file)
    --   p_parm_name            The name of the parameters to be used in name/value pairs
    --   p_parm_value           The value of the paramters to be used in name/value pairs
    --   p_wallet_path          The filesystem path to a wallet if request is https
    --                          ex., file:/usr/home/oracle/WALLETS
    --   p_wallet_pwd           The password to access the wallet
        p_url               in varchar2,
        p_http_method       in varchar2,
        p_username          in varchar2 default null,
        p_password          in varchar2 default null,
        p_proxy_override    in varchar2 default null,
        p_transfer_timeout  in number default 180,
        p_body              in clob default empty_clob(),
        p_body_blob         in blob default empty_blob(),
        p_parm_name         in wwv_flow_global.vc_arr2 default empty_vc_arr,
        p_parm_value        in wwv_flow_global.vc_arr2 default empty_vc_arr,
        p_wallet_path       in varchar2 default null,
        p_wallet_pwd        in varchar2 default null ) return clob;

    My point was that using the API makes things easier if you have to look for a solution.

    Denes Kubicek

  • Catch the event Web Service Session Timeout

    Hi all

    I have a LV Web Service communicate to a web client (Chrome, IE, FF, etc.).  The user connects to the server and create a new session for him to help create Session VI.  One of the entrances to this function is a timeout value (default 60000ms).  The sessions behavior is such that if the user does not activate an application for web service (GET/POST/PUT/etc) within the time limit, then the session is automatically destroyed by the web service.  That's what I want, it's fantastic.

    My question is How can I detect when the session timeout happens? Another way to say, How can I detect when the user session is automatically destroyed?

    What I tried:

    • Of course, I can provide a "logout" link to the user calling ultimately "Destroy Session" VI, but I can't count on the user actually click this link (e.g. you really explicitly sign out of gmail or simply close your web browser?)
    • I thought that the only way to proceed would be to save the cookie of session ID returned by create Session VI and then query this ID to see if the session still exists (check if Session exists VI).  If the session does not exist, well, I know it has expired or the user manually destroyed it.  However, even if I save the cookie ID, I don't see where I can actually use it any where (especially not check if Session is VI). It just seems no value given to the range of sessions.

    Is this possible?

    Thank you


    Sorry, Thomas, but that isn't going to work.  Think about it - you do not request a web service during the time-out period. You get ONLY a web service request when the client actually asked something.  The customer does not have during a timeout; It's just times out... so, there is no node on the block diagram to check because there is no block diagram... get it?

    No worries, however, I found the solution [read: workaround], even if the LV can do it (from 2013sp1).

    The best way to detect if a user session times out / out times would be for LV to this exhibit as an event in the web service. The following approach would be for LV accepts a cookie as an entry ID and then provides information on this session (i.e. the session exists).  I have a smell of two feature requests...

    But because BT cannot do these things (or not exposed to the developer), you will need to get creative on the client side.  Since I'm on Javascript/jQuery/AJAX on my front end, then it is possible for me to detect when the customer leaves the page or close the browser.  It comes to $(window) .unload () in jQuery.  Then, I can take this event and an asynchronous AJAX command of fire to one of my web service VI that will eventually call the "destroy Session" VI.

    For more information see the site here:


    Hope this helps someone.

  • Service timeout web Dynamics/attempts...

    Hi all

    I had just my trusted application and up to App World, yay! .. Thanks RIM team as timeliness on the approval process so well happy with it!

    A question however about the licensing of web service dynamic aspect that I put in place... It turns out that my hosted server decided to go down mysteriously overnight last night, not sure why but it's my problem to fix... but it was down for about 4 hours and I was wondering what happens to any request of App World, entering the dynamic licensing service during this period that they will of course have no answer?

    App World has a sequence of attempts to obtain a license to say in a similar way to how smtp mail again after a period of time? Or is it an attempt only once?

    In addition, if a server is busy, what is the value of timeout to get a response in ms or seconds?

    Of course, I don't want to miss any sales (3 so far! ) so just know what the procedure is when App World cannot get a license of Dynamics etc.

    Thank you


    Hey Derek,

    App World wait 10 seconds before exhaling.  And he tries only once.  If the license server does not respond, they still sell the application to the client, but there is no license packed with it.  In this case, your client must communicate with you for the license.

    We use licmax.com, because we did not want the hassle of establishing a license server dynamic for all the different shops and to worry about the maintenance and server availability.  So far, we relieved much headaches.

    HTH, Posri

  • SOA Gateway - timeout when calling a web service custom Pl/SQL using SOAP


    I developed and deployed my PL/SQL web service custom repository integration SOA Gateway.

    The web service works well, but sometimes its execution time exceeds 60 seconds, and I get the following time-out error: java.net.SocketTimeOutException: Read timed out

    Here's my env:

    Oracle E-Business Suite integrated SOA Gateway
    IBM AIX on POWER Systems (64-bit)

    I would like to know if there is a way to increase this time-out?


    I took a quick glance at this doc errors of timeout in Web Services deployment (Doc ID 1073270.1( )

    and modified the $ORA_CONFIG_HOME/10.1.3/opmn/conf/opmn.xml file

    then bounced oacore, oafm, but it did not work.

    EDIT 2:

    I tried to change the timeout setting in the file httpd.conf ( $IAS_ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Apache/conf/httpd.conf )

    restart apache and the server, but it didn't work.

    Thank you

    Kind regards


    In fact, I tried to play with the values that you mentioned, I put the maximum Heap space in JAVA to 2048M and in Apache timeout to 3600 seconds and after a wait of cca. 20 minutes I got the answer I needed the SOAP service.

    Kind regards


  • How to fire a manager class when consuming web service in java - weblogic

    With the help of Axis 1.4 I created client application that consumes the external server services.

    The response of the application server with the soap message that include tags header as well as the body tag.

    My problem with the header tag, I'm trying to find away to get the header element.

    What happened so far:

    I found that I need to use a handler that extends BasicHandler using this class, I can get the header tag. source: dealing with SOAP in the axis headers

    But how this handler to operate during the use of web services? I mean how to call this handler whenever I received the response from the server to get his header .

    Some articles suggest I should use .wsdd file. I use with weblogic 10.3.6 Jdeveloper environment where I don't know web.xml configuration file.

    Question: How to bind this information (Manager class, .wsdd file and web.xml ) to collect and the Manager works for the heading tags?

    The best start was to check the Axis guide on: Apache-Axis reference Guide where you will have an overview of the workflow. (Thanks to Timo)

    To configure the handlers be trigger on the client side you need to do the following:

    1- Create class Manager basically something similar to the following:

    package mypackge; 
     import javax.xml.soap.SOAPException;
     import org.apache.axis.AxisFault;
     import org.apache.axis.MessageContext;
     import org.apache.axis.handlers.BasicHandler;
     import org.apache.axis.message.SOAPHeader;
     import org.apache.axis.message.SOAPHeaderElement; 
     public class SoapHeaderConsumerHandler extends BasicHandler
         public void invoke(MessageContext messageContext) throws AxisFault 
         { // Your logic for request or response handling goes here. 
          // Basically you need to make use of the parameter 
         // messageContext where you can access the soap header and body tags. 

    2- Create the client-config.wsdd file. It will look like the following:

    http://xml.apache.org/axis/wsdd/" xmlns:java="http://xml.apache.org/axis/wsdd/providers/java">

    You can see that I only use handlers for incoming response side server. So whenever the client application receives a response from the server the class Manager SoapHeaderConsumerHandler is triggered and the method invoke will be called by default.

    Note: if you want to access the outgoing request before sending to the server you need to add an additional label for to add the request handler.

    Check the Reference Deployment (WSDD) of the guide of the axis:

    3- Where to place the client-config.wsdd file?

    You will need to place the .wsdd file in the working directory. You can easily find the location of the working directory using:

    System.out.println("Working Directory = " + System.getProperty("user.dir"));

    Source: Get the Current Working Directory in Java

    You just place the .wsdd file here.

    Useful links:

    Where to place the file client - config.wsdd in Railo

    Handler axis V It is an example to managers of the side server.

    Dealing with SOAP headers in the axis

  • Advanced Web services addition of Weblogic for JAX - WS extending resources to new managed server

    If we add a server managed additional to a weblogic domain that has been configured to support Web Services Advanced to Weblogic for the Extensions of JAX - WS in the creation of the domain, what is the right method to add the resources to the new managed server? All of these objects are created automatically when the wls_webservice_jaxws.jar is selected in the creation of the field. However, it is not possible to reuse the model to add resources to a newly added managed server.

    We tried to use the wls_webservice_complete_update_utils.py to create these objects, but when this script is pointing to a single server, it seems that to create the JaxWsSafAgent and no other resource is created for the new managed server.

    in the event of possible it helps someone who may have the same question, I got, I developed the following wlst script to add and configure the resources of JAX - WS Adv Svcs for a managed server newly added to an area that already has the support of the service.


    # Oracle documentation:

    # Configure a JMS server, service agent of Store-and-forward (SAF) and store persistent on each WebLogic Server.

    # In a cluster, each to a target (not the server) local migratable target.

    # Host server 'default migratable target' is sufficient in most cases.

    # Target JMS modules to a cluster (or single server if not not using a clustered environment).

    # Create exactly a subdeployment by module.

    # and fill the subdeployment with JMS servers applicable or SAF agents only, not servers.

    # Target JMS destinations the subdeployment (called Advanced Targeting in the Administration Console).

    # JMS destinations do not use by default the targeting option.

    # The following variables are used in the table:

    server_designator # specifies an ID that is generated automatically by the configuration infrastructure.

    # In general, this ID is in the format auto_number.

    # uniqueID specifies a unique digital ID that is generated automatically by the configuration infrastructure.

    # In General, this ID is a numeric value, for example 1234.

    # servername specifies the name specified by the user to the server.

    # http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E23943_01/web.1111/e13758/setenv.htm#CACJHIJD

    # RESOURCE NAME                                                                                                                                                                         RESOURCE TYPE

    # WseeJaxwsJmsModule                                                                                                                                             JMS Module

    # File WseeJaxwsFileStore_server_designator storage

    # WseeJaxwsJmsServer_server_designator JMS server

    # WseeJaxwsJmsServeruniqueID JMS Subdeployment

    # Manager weblogic.wsee.jaxws.mdb.DispatchPolicy of work

    # Service ReliableWseeJaxwsSAFAgent_server_name SAF agent

    # Queue JMS WseeBufferedRequestQueue_server_designator

    # Queue JMS WseeBufferedRequestErrorQueue_server_designator

    # Queue JMS WseeBufferedResponseQueue_server_designator

    # Queue JMS WseeBufferedResponseErrorQueue_server_designator

    # WseeStore                                                                                                                                                                                      Logical store

    import sys

    import random

    # import os

    def main():

    Connect ("weblogic', ' password ',' t3: / / hostname:8001")

    domainType = "osb".

    # change the index value to coincide with the index number of the managed server

    # that needs resources, for example osb_server3 or wls_server3 would be all two use index = 3

    # osb_server4 would need to index = 4, etc.

    index = 3

    managedServerName = domainType + '_server %s' % index

    print ' managedServerName is: "+ managedServerName

    print (' check if server ' + managedServerName + "exists...")

    CD ('/Servers')

    Server = ls('c')

    If (servers.find (managedServerName)! = - 1):

    Print ('Server' + managedServerName + "exists...")

    # Get the Configuration Manager and check for existing session

    cfgManager = getConfigManager()



    Print ("failed to open an editing session.  Please clear any open the locks on the configuration. ")

    Print ("Please investigate the lock and try again the script. Script output. ")






    Print ("creation WseeStore LogicalStore...")

    createLogicalStore (managedServerName, 1).

    Print ("WseeStore LogicalStore...")

    Print ('creating JMS resources and configuration UDQs...')

    createJMSResources (managedServerName, index)

    print ("resources created JMS and configured UDQs... »)

    Print ("activate changes...")


    Print ("enabled... changes")

    print ("disconnection of AdminServer...")


    Print ("disconnected from AdminServer...")

    Print ("Script completed successfully.  Please check the changes you made. ")


    Another thing:

    There are 0 =

    print (managedServerName + "does not exist in this area.)  Script will now stop. »)



    def createLogicalStore (managedServerName, setAsDefault):

    CD ('/ servers /' + managedServerName + ' / WebService /' + managedServerName + ' / WebServicePersistence /' + managedServerName + ' / ' WebServiceLogicalStores)

    logicalStores = ls('c')

    If (logicalStores.find ('WseeStore')! = - 1):

    Print ("ERROR: LogicalStore WseeStore exist already for ' + managedServerName")

    Print ("Please study.  Script output. ")




    Another thing:

    CD ('/ servers /' + managedServerName + ' / WebService /' + managedServerName + ' / WebServicePersistence /' + managedServerName)

    cmo.createWebServiceLogicalStore ('WseeStore')

    CD ('/ servers /' + managedServerName + ' / WebService /' + managedServerName + ' / WebServicePersistence /' + managedServerName + ' / WebServiceLogicalStores/WseeStore ')

    cmo.setPersistenceStrategy ('LOCAL_ACCESS_ONLY')

    cmo.setRequestBufferingQueueJndiName ('weblogic.wsee.BufferedRequestQueue')

    cmo.setResponseBufferingQueueJndiName ('weblogic.wsee.BufferedResponseQueue')

    If setAsDefault == 1:

    CD ('/ servers /' + managedServerName + ' / WebService /' + managedServerName + ' / WebServicePersistence /' + managedServerName)

    cmo.setDefaultLogicalStoreName ('WseeStore')

    def createJMSResources (managedServerName, index):

    targetServer = jarray.array ([ObjectName ('com.bea:Name =' + managedServerName + ", Type = server '")], ObjectName)

    # creating persistence store for jms Server

    # NOTE: you will need to create the physical folder for the storage of files

    print ('* FileStore creation ')

    filestore_list = ["WseeJaxwsFileStore"]

    Count = 0

    limit = 1

    While County<>

    CD ('/Deployments')

    Filestore = ls('c')

    Filestore = filestore_list [count] + '_auto_ %s' % index

    If (fileStores.find (filestore)! = - 1):

    print ("' ERROR: Filestore ' filestore + ' already exists!")

    Print ("Please study.  Script output. ")




    Another thing:

    print ('* adding ' + filestore)


    cmo.createFileStore (filestore)

    CD ('/ deployments /' + filestore)

    cmo.setDirectory (filestore)

    objectives (", target server)

    print ("Filestore" + filestore + "created")

    # create file storage directory, if there is no

    dir = System.getenv ('DOMAIN_HOME') + ' / ' + filestore


    OS.stat (dir)


    OS.mkdir (dir)

    Count += 1

    # the server jms creation

    print ('* creating WseeJaxws JMS Server "")

    # create server jms WseeJaxwsJmsServer_auto_x

    CD ('/JMSServers')

    jmsServers = ls('c')

    If (jmsServers.find (' %s '% index WseeJaxwsJmsServer_auto_)! = - 1):

    print ("ERROR: WseeJaxwsJmsServer_auto_ % if % index + ' already exists!")

    Print ("Please study.  Script output. ")




    Another thing:


    cmo.createJMSServer (' %s '% index WseeJaxwsJmsServer_auto_)

    CD ('/ JMSServers/WseeJaxwsJmsServer_auto_ % if % index)

    cmo.setPersistentStore (getMBean ('/ deployments/WseeJaxwsFileStore_auto_ % if % index))

    objectives (", target server)

    targetWseeJaxwsJmsServer = jarray.array ([ObjectName ('com.bea:Name = WseeJaxwsJmsServer_auto_ % be % index + ", Type = JMSServer")], ObjectName)

    print (index "WseeJaxwsJmsServer_auto_ %s" % + "created")

    # creating WseeJaxwsJmsModule components

    print ('* create queues: index % WseeBufferedRequestQueue_auto_ % to + ', WseeBufferedRequestErrorQueue_auto_ % if % index + ', WseeBufferedResponseQueue_auto_ % if % index + ' and WseeBufferedResponseErrorQueue_auto_ % if % index)

    # check if subdeployment in WseeJaxwsJmsModule

    # targeted on the new JMS server already exists


    wseejaxwsSubs = ls ("c", returnMap = 'true')

    for wseejaxwsSub in wseejaxwsSubs:

    CD ('/ JMSSystemResources/WseeJaxwsJmsModule/SubDeployments /' + wseejaxwsSub + "/ target")

    existingSubTargets = ls ("c", returnMap = 'true')

    for existingSubTarget in existingSubTargets:

    CD ('/ JMSSystemResources/WseeJaxwsJmsModule/SubDeployments /' + wseejaxwsSub + ' / objectives /' + existingSubTarget)

    If (existingSubTarget == 'WseeJaxwsJmsServer_auto_ %s' % index):

    print (' ERROR: SubDeployment WseeJaxwsJmsModule ' + wseejaxwsSub + ' already exists and is intended for the %s '% index WseeJaxwsJmsServer_auto_)

    Print ("Please study.  Script output. ")




    # create subdeployment in WseeJaxwsJmsModule


    # Number of eight random numbers to generate and convert to string

    # If the subname will conform to the standard naming convention

    # using numbers beginning with four to ensure it is random in existing facilities

    # and try to create some level of self-documentation to coincide with the index server

    uniqueID = str (random.randrange (00000000,99999900))

    subName = "%s WseeJaxwsJmsServer" % index + uniqueID

    cmo.createSubDeployment (subName)

    print ('SubDeployment' + subName + "created")

    # create queue WseeBufferedRequestQueue_auto_x


    queue = ls('c')

    If (queues.find (' %s '% index WseeBufferedRequestQueue_auto_)! = - 1):

    print ("ERROR: WseeBufferedRequestQueue_auto_ % if % index + ' already exists!")

    Print ("Please study.  Script output. ")




    Another thing:


    cmo.createQueue (' %s '% index WseeBufferedRequestQueue_auto_)

    CD ('/ JMSSystemResources/WseeJaxwsJmsModule/JMSResource/WseeJaxwsJmsModule/Files/WseeBufferedRequestQueue_auto_ % if % index)

    cmo.setJNDIName ('weblogic.wsee.BufferedRequestQueue_auto_ % if % index)

    cmo.setSubDeploymentName (subName)

    CD ('/ JMSSystemResources/WseeJaxwsJmsModule/SubDeployments /' + subName)

    Set ('Targets', targetWseeJaxwsJmsServer)

    print (index ' WseeBufferedRequestQueue_auto_ %s "% +" created")

    # create queue WseeBufferedRequestErrorQueue_auto_x


    queue = ls('c')

    If (queues.find (' %s '% index WseeBufferedRequestErrorQueue_auto_)! = - 1):

    print ("ERROR: WseeBufferedRequestErrorQueue_auto_ % if % index + ' already exists!")

    Print ("Please study.  Script output. ")




    Another thing:


    cmo.createQueue (' %s '% index WseeBufferedRequestErrorQueue_auto_)

    CD ('/ JMSSystemResources/WseeJaxwsJmsModule/JMSResource/WseeJaxwsJmsModule/Files/WseeBufferedRequestErrorQueue_auto_ % if % index)

    cmo.setJNDIName ('weblogic.wsee.BufferedRequestErrorQueue_auto_ % if % index)

    cmo.setSubDeploymentName (subName)

    CD ('/ JMSSystemResources/WseeJaxwsJmsModule/SubDeployments /' + subName)

    Set ('Targets', targetWseeJaxwsJmsServer)

    print (index ' WseeBufferedRequestErrorQueue_auto_ %s "% +" created")

    # create queue WseeBufferedResponseQueue_auto_x


    queue = ls('c')

    If (queues.find (' %s '% index WseeBufferedResponseQueue_auto_)! = - 1):

    print ("ERROR: WseeBufferedResponseQueue_auto_ % if % index + ' already exists!")

    Print ("Please study.  Script output. ")




    Another thing:


    cmo.createQueue (' %s '% index WseeBufferedResponseQueue_auto_)

    CD ('/ JMSSystemResources/WseeJaxwsJmsModule/JMSResource/WseeJaxwsJmsModule/Files/WseeBufferedResponseQueue_auto_ % if % index)

    cmo.setJNDIName ('weblogic.wsee.BufferedResponseQueue_auto_ % if % index)

    cmo.setSubDeploymentName (subName)

    CD ('/ JMSSystemResources/WseeJaxwsJmsModule/SubDeployments /' + subName)

    Set ('Targets', targetWseeJaxwsJmsServer)

    print (index ' WseeBufferedResponseQueue_auto_ %s "% +" created")

    # create queue WseeBufferedResponseErrorQueue_auto_x


    queue = ls('c')

    If (queues.find (' %s '% index WseeBufferedResponseErrorQueue_auto_)! = - 1):

    print ("ERROR: WseeBufferedResponseErrorQueue_auto_ % if % index + ' already exists!")

    Print ("Please study.  Script output. ")




    Another thing:


    cmo.createQueue (' %s '% index WseeBufferedResponseErrorQueue_auto_)

    CD ('/ JMSSystemResources/WseeJaxwsJmsModule/JMSResource/WseeJaxwsJmsModule/Files/WseeBufferedResponseErrorQueue_auto_ % if % index)

    cmo.setJNDIName ('weblogic.wsee.BufferedResponseErrorQueue_auto_ % if % index)

    cmo.setSubDeploymentName (subName)

    CD ('/ JMSSystemResources/WseeJaxwsJmsModule/SubDeployments /' + subName)

    Set ('Targets', targetWseeJaxwsJmsServer)

    print (index ' WseeBufferedResponseErrorQueue_auto_ %s "% +" created")

    print (queues "in the created WseeJaxwsJmsModule")

    # try except block is sufficient to avoid any problem if these queues

    # have already been added to the queues of dist WseeJaxws

    # If this is the case, the following exception is thrown:

    # weblogic.descriptor.BeanAlreadyExistsException: bean already exists


    print ('* addition of the queues in distributed queues)

    queue_list = ['WseeBufferedRequestErrorQueue', 'WseeBufferedResponseQueue', 'WseeBufferedRequestQueue', 'WseeBufferedResponseErrorQueue']

    Count = 0

    limit = 4

    While County<>

    queue = queue_list [count] + '_auto_ %s' % index

    dist_queue = "dist_" + queue_list [count] + 'sent '.

    print ('* added ' queue + 'to' + dist_queue)

    CD ('/ JMSSystemResources/WseeJaxwsJmsModule/JMSResource/WseeJaxwsJmsModule/DistributedQueues /' + dist_queue)

    cmo.createDistributedQueueMember (tail)

    CD ('/ JMSSystemResources/WseeJaxwsJmsModule/JMSResource/WseeJaxwsJmsModule/DistributedQueues /' dist_queue ' / DistributedQueueMembers /' ++ queue)

    cmo.setWeight (1)

    Print ("queue added to UDQ")

    Count += 1


    Print ("an exception was encountered adding JMS queues for distributed queues '")

    Print ("Please study using the thread dump information provided.'")

    Print ("the script will now stop.")




    # create ReliableWseeJaxwsSAFAgent

    Print ("Creating ReliableWseeJaxwsSAFAgent_auto_ %s" % index + '...')

    CD ('/SAFAgents')

    safAgents = ls('c')

    If (safAgents.find (' %s '% index ReliableWseeJaxwsSAFAgent_auto_)! = - 1):

    print ("ERROR: SAFAgent ReliableWseeJaxwsSAFAgent_auto_ % index %s 'exists already for' + managedServerName")

    Print ("Please study.  Script output. ")



    Another thing:


    cmo.createSAFAgent (' %s '% index ReliableWseeJaxwsSAFAgent_auto_)

    CD ('/ SAFAgents/ReliableWseeJaxwsSAFAgent_auto_ % if % index)

    cmo.setStore (getMBean ('/ filestore/WseeJaxwsFileStore_auto_ % if % index))

    Set ('Targets', TargetServer)

    cmo.setServiceType ('Both')

    Print ('Created ReliableWseeJaxwsSAFAgent_auto_ %s "% index)

    If __name__ == "main":


  • Application of Web service on weblogic 10.3.6 (Illegal treatment target instruction ("xml"), xml (not case sensitive) is booked by the plug.)

    I built a server service web application in Jdeveloper and deploy it on weblogic 10.3.6 to the demands of the external partner is used.

    I tested the app using the tool SoapUI and everything works fine and I get as a response from the server.

    Use case:

    1 - the customer can not get as a response from the server. They always receive 500 internal error from Server

    2 - I have faced this problem before with other clients because the client sent not writing xml format that is accepted by the server. Problem is solved at the time when they start to send the right xml format.

    3 - newspapers, I see the following stack (part of it): (Google, I knew there's something wrong with xml, the client sends to the server: wso2 - how can I manage this in Wso2ESB that does not Respone to the Client - Stack Overflow)

    4. now I need a way to know exactly what is to reach my server as xml. Is it possible to save the queries coming to the server weblogic. xml Without knowing what will happen on the server, I don't know what is going wrong in the xml file.

    < error > < com.sun.xml.ws.transport.http.HttpAdapter > < BEA-000000 > < could not create a SOAP message because of the exception: XML reader error: com.ctc.wstx.exc.WstxParsingException: Illegal treatment target instruction ("xml"); (not case sensitive) xml is reserved by specs.

    [row, col {source unknown}]: [10,16]

    com.sun.xml.ws.protocol.soap.MessageCreationException: cannot create SOAP message because of the exception: XML reader error: com.ctc.wstx.exc.WstxParsingException: illegal treatment target instruction ("xml"); XML (not case sensitive) is booked by the specifications.

    [row, col {source unknown}]: [10,16]

    at com.sun.xml.ws.encoding.SOAPBindingCodec.decode(SOAPBindingCodec.java:295)

    at com.sun.xml.ws.transport.http.HttpAdapter.decodePacket(HttpAdapter.java:294)

    at com.sun.xml.ws.transport.http.HttpAdapter.access$ 500 (HttpAdapter.java:102)

    to com.sun.xml.ws.transport.http.HttpAdapter$ HttpToolkit.handle (HttpAdapter.java:519)

    at com.sun.xml.ws.transport.http.HttpAdapter.handle(HttpAdapter.java:253)

    at com.sun.xml.ws.transport.http.servlet.ServletAdapter.handle(ServletAdapter.java:141)

    at weblogic.wsee.jaxws.WLSServletAdapter.handle(WLSServletAdapter.java:172)

    to weblogic.wsee.jaxws.HttpServletAdapter$ AuthorizedInvoke.run (HttpServletAdapter.java:708)

    at weblogic.security.acl.internal.AuthenticatedSubject.doAs(AuthenticatedSubject.java:363)

    at weblogic.security.service.SecurityManager.runAs(SecurityManager.java:146)

    at weblogic.wsee.util.ServerSecurityHelper.authenticatedInvoke(ServerSecurityHelper.java:103)

    to weblogic.wsee.jaxws.HttpServletAdapter$ 3.run(HttpServletAdapter.java:311)

    at weblogic.wsee.jaxws.HttpServletAdapter.post(HttpServletAdapter.java:336)

    Update 1: I found that I need to add the following lines of code to enable logging on the server. But I thing execution is not to join them and fail before that. No idea how to highlight the execution of any request. Maybe in jdeveloper and weblogic server?

    System.setProperty ("com.sun.xml.ws.transport.http.client.HttpTransportPipe.dump", "true");

    System.setProperty ("com.sun.xml.internal.ws.transport.http.client.HttpTransportPipe.dump", "true");

    System.setProperty ("com.sun.xml.ws.transport.http.HttpAdapter.dump", "true");

    System.setProperty ("com.sun.xml.internal.ws.transport.http.HttpAdapter.dump", "true");

    System.setProperty ("javax.net.debug", "true");

    Update 2: I just need to set the following properties of java (-Dcom.sun.xml.ws.transport.http.HttpAdapter.dump = true) in the setDomainEnv this file for the side server, see this link: How to apply Log and response with Java JAX - WS Client and web service server? But how to connect their good in files not just their output in the console?

    I am in a position to know what is the cause of the error (Illegal treatment target instruction ("xml"), xml (not case sensitive) is booked by the plug.)

    Update 2 in the question, I am able to see which is reached from the server console. The customer was sending additional labels and with in the body tag, which is not recognized by the server of web service application and it throw the customer 500 internal server error. The problem is solved by sending exactly the XML except without additional or missing tags.

  • How to set the timeout property Web Service partner link in the new version of the SOA Suite, it is missing


    I have a use case in which I'll call synchronous external Web Service and the form of this service, I get the answer after 80 seconds.

    I know that this console form EM soa-infra-> SOA Administration-> BPEL proprieties-> under 'more BPEL Configuration Properties..' in SyncMaxWaitTime can I change the default 45 second in 80 seconds, but it will apply to all synchronous services in this area, and I want only the value appeal of Web Service of particular external reference (link partner).

    For the limit of timeout for the particular web service (partner of external reference link):

    I saw a post at < http://www.mandsconsulting.com/asynchronous-vs-synchronous-bpel-processes > in which there is an option in 'Link partner Edit' form property tab dialog box, we can add "timeout" property but in SOA Suite11.1.1.7 I am not able to find this property form the list.

    on this post < http://abhishek-soablog.blogspot.in/2010/06/timeout-for-partnerlink.html > is also described the same way, but it's just the source code of the highest way of GUI to set the timeout property and it does not work with a new version.

    Can someone please tell me in a new version ( of SOA suite, which is how to set the timeout for the particular web service (partner of external reference link).

    Thank you

    Can someone please tell me in a new version ( of SOA suite, which is how to set the timeout for the particular web service (partner of external reference link).


    Click em-> composite-> Services and references-> select need to reference and click on-> properties: 'HTTP Timeout of read' and 'HTTP timeout.

    developing composites:

    Click on a reference-> property inspector-> link properties-> plu green and add oracle.webservices.httpConnTimeout with the necessary value and oracle.webservices.httpReadTimeout with the necessary value

    for the same domain defined: oracle.webservices.local.optimization = false

    You can watch

    Administration of Web Services - 11g Release 1 (

    How to set a timeout for a Web Service in SOA 11 g (Doc ID 979683.1)

    SOA 11 g: political malpractice not to intercept 'service Endpoint unreachable' error (Doc ID 1503989.1)

  • How to create a Web services to an external service and deploy to weblogic


    I am trying to create a Web service for the wsdl
    who will help me to validate the number of the NBA.

    And I would like to create a war file and deploy it to a weblogic server,
    But the server is running behind the firewall,
    I could run the webservice of jdeveloper, but when deploy us in weblogic server
    the Web service does not work,

    We need to give the parameter in the Web service itself or the proxy details must exist in the weblogic proxy server?

    Thank you.

    With respect,


    IMO, it would be preferable to apply the proxy settings on a global scale.

    I can't see a specific proxy settings page on my weblogic instance. Perhaps, you must add the properties of the JAVA virtual machine directly in the weblogic startup script.

    Edit: For a server JVM Arguments can be configured in the WLS console-> choose the server and go to Configuration-> start server.

    Published by: BijeshKrishnadas on October 18, 2010 21:01

  • deployment problems web services on weblogic server 10.2

    Hello... I have completed the first web service to web service tutorial and when I want to deploy the .war generated I have this error

    * An error occurred during activation of the changes, please see the log for more details.

    * Cannot load the webapp: "HelloWorldImpl.war."

    * cl/slider/webservices/HelloWorldImpl: classversion unsupported 50.0

    Can U help me please,

    Thanks in advance

    WebLogic 10.2 always uses the JDK 1.5. You have compiled your war with JDK 1.6.

    I would recommend recompile your application with JDK 1.5 or using the indicator 'target' to generate the JDK 1.5 class files.


  • Tips for creating an application with web services please?

    I created a simple application for a client who interacts / monitors a device VISA with LV 2009.  The architecture is essentially a state machine with a timeout for VISA calls that retrieve the current state.

    The client asked that the app will also be controlled via the web and asked me to set up a demo with one or two simple functions.  I have the experience to bring charges against the Server Web LV7 model, but not with web services.

    So here's what I did...

    (1) added a line to my application that would inject actions in the state machine.

    (2) created a simple VI pushes these actions in the queue and plans to use it as the Web Service.

    And then I followed the examples for Web Services, thinking that the Web server is running in the same program as the development environment, such as the version LV7.  This doesn't seem to work.

    Could someone give me a quick overview on how best to do that, or to report an article?  I have simple working WS, but here are a few questions...

    @ Jed Davidow:

    We met this difficulty with our web app (LV 2009) as well.  Because now we feel the solution the easiest way is to activate the VI server in your main application (EXE) VI and place calls to its hierarchy of web services in the open Application > VI Open > call by Ref > close VI > structure to close the Application.

    Although we try to minimize the use of the present in web services, it makes sense for some resources shared and accessible throughout the world as references to database, configuration globals, etc.

    I also note that there seems to be an instability that we have not been able to identify which may (or not) be attributed to the use of this technique.  The symptom is LabVIEW from memory immediately at some point.

    I am currently looking into migration towards 2010 LV, and it seems that the same constraints between instances of the application are in place.  I expect that, but I was expecting some more simplified with the next version of LV interprocess communication methods.



  • Exception during consumption of huge data from a web service.


    I m developing an application to receive data from a Web Service and retain the data received on the device.

    App is developed for OS 4.3.0

    The Web Service call is made using Ksoap. The Code receives the data from the web service, analyzes the data and stores it in an object. This object is then persisted on the device. The data are essentially the coordinates. It takes the number of contacts required as input and passes it to the Web Service. The Web Service then returns the requested number of records

    The code works if I ask data of up to ~ 600 cases. If I specify more than 600 cases, it throws the following exception

    Chain rg.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParserException:unexpected type (position: TEXT entity request in T...@1:24 in java.io.InputStreamReader@1f87d1b4)

    When I debugged using Eclipse, this exception is thrown on this statement ht.call (soapAction, envelope);

    Would it be because of a time-out? OT is because the Analyzer is not able to analyze huge data?

    Given that this exception occurs on the declaration of ht.call, I guess the problem is with the web service call and not with the code for persistent storage.

    I have included the code here... Is could someone please show me what the problem is?

    C ode to call Web Services

    public Vector getWebData(String count)
       Vector personsVectorto = new Vector();
        StringBuffer receivedContent = new StringBuffer();
        String serviceUrl = "........";
        String serviceNamespace = ".....";
        String soapAction = ".........";
       SoapObject rpc = new SoapObject(serviceNamespace, "GetContactsList");
            //rpc.addProperty("listSize", "5");
            rpc.addProperty("listSize", count);
         SoapSerializationEnvelope envelope = new SoapSerializationEnvelope(SoapEnvelope.VER11);
            envelope.bodyOut = rpc;
            envelope.dotNet = true;
            envelope.encodingStyle = SoapSerializationEnvelope.XSD;
            HttpTransport ht = new HttpTransport(serviceUrl);
            ht.debug = true;
            ht.call(soapAction, envelope); // This is where thexmlpullparser exception occurs
     Object obj = envelope.getResponse();
            SoapObject soapResult = (SoapObject)obj;
                for(int i=0; i < soapResult.getPropertyCount(); i++)
                  PersonDTO personto = new PersonDTO();
               SoapObject choice = (SoapObject)soapResult.getProperty(i);
                if( choice!=null)
                    for(int j = 0; j < choice.getPropertyCount(); j++)
                      receivedContent.append(" Reading Property Number" + String.valueOf(j) + " Value = " + choice.getProperty(j).toString());
         if (j==0) personto.setElement(1,choice.getProperty(j).toString());
        if (j==1) personto.setElement(2,choice.getProperty(j).toString());
        if (j==2) personto.setElement(3,choice.getProperty(j).toString());
        if (j==3) personto.setElement(4,choice.getProperty(j).toString());
        if (j==4) personto.setElement(5,choice.getProperty(j).toString());
         if (j==5) personto.setElement(6,choice.getProperty(j).toString());
         if (j==6) personto.setElement(7,choice.getProperty(j).toString());
          if (j==7) personto.setElement(8,choice.getProperty(j).toString());
         if (j==8) personto.setElement(9,choice.getProperty(j).toString());
       if (j==9) personto.setElement(10,choice.getProperty(j).toString());
            }catch(org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParserException ex2)
                String bah1 = ex2.toString();
                Dialog.alert("String: " + bah1);
                String bah2 = ex2.getMessage();
                Dialog.alert("Message: " + bah2); 
            catch(Exception ex){
                String bah = ex.toString();
                Dialog.alert("Response: " + bah);
                return personsVectorto;

    Thank you

    Hi Philippe,.

    First Question: Print server response

    Yes - I think for you too in fact just print the answer you'll have to do a regular HTTP call to the server and print it like this:

    StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();

    int thumb;

    HttpConnection httpConn = (HttpConnection) Connector.open (url);

    httpConn.setRequestMethod (HttpConnection.GET); or by POST depending on your needs

    in = httpConn.openInputStream ();

    While ((thumb = in.read ())! = - 1).


    SB. Append ((Char) inCh);


    System.out.println ("server response:" + sb.toString ());

    Try and see if you get a request too large entity. Note: you should probably put your SOAP request in GET or POST http request.

    Second Question: Is zipping required?

    This is how I chose to do for my particular needs that transfer me a large amount of data and the compression algorithm seems to keep all my data well below 40 k. However, it is not the only way, you could actually make several requests and get data piece by piece, but I don't know if it works well with SOAP responses. Depending on the type of Network Setup Blackberry you have, you can also set this limit to be higher (I think a maximum of 1 024 Ko for BES).

    Third Question: Timeout Logging

    For wait times, usually the exception you get should indicate that there was a timeout, but if you are suspicious that it's a timeout check your web service and see.

    Hope that helps!


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