Advanced Web services addition of Weblogic for JAX - WS extending resources to new managed server

If we add a server managed additional to a weblogic domain that has been configured to support Web Services Advanced to Weblogic for the Extensions of JAX - WS in the creation of the domain, what is the right method to add the resources to the new managed server? All of these objects are created automatically when the wls_webservice_jaxws.jar is selected in the creation of the field. However, it is not possible to reuse the model to add resources to a newly added managed server.

We tried to use the to create these objects, but when this script is pointing to a single server, it seems that to create the JaxWsSafAgent and no other resource is created for the new managed server.

in the event of possible it helps someone who may have the same question, I got, I developed the following wlst script to add and configure the resources of JAX - WS Adv Svcs for a managed server newly added to an area that already has the support of the service.


# Oracle documentation:

# Configure a JMS server, service agent of Store-and-forward (SAF) and store persistent on each WebLogic Server.

# In a cluster, each to a target (not the server) local migratable target.

# Host server 'default migratable target' is sufficient in most cases.

# Target JMS modules to a cluster (or single server if not not using a clustered environment).

# Create exactly a subdeployment by module.

# and fill the subdeployment with JMS servers applicable or SAF agents only, not servers.

# Target JMS destinations the subdeployment (called Advanced Targeting in the Administration Console).

# JMS destinations do not use by default the targeting option.

# The following variables are used in the table:

server_designator # specifies an ID that is generated automatically by the configuration infrastructure.

# In general, this ID is in the format auto_number.

# uniqueID specifies a unique digital ID that is generated automatically by the configuration infrastructure.

# In General, this ID is a numeric value, for example 1234.

# servername specifies the name specified by the user to the server.


# RESOURCE NAME                                                                                                                                                                         RESOURCE TYPE

# WseeJaxwsJmsModule                                                                                                                                             JMS Module

# File WseeJaxwsFileStore_server_designator storage

# WseeJaxwsJmsServer_server_designator JMS server

# WseeJaxwsJmsServeruniqueID JMS Subdeployment

# Manager weblogic.wsee.jaxws.mdb.DispatchPolicy of work

# Service ReliableWseeJaxwsSAFAgent_server_name SAF agent

# Queue JMS WseeBufferedRequestQueue_server_designator

# Queue JMS WseeBufferedRequestErrorQueue_server_designator

# Queue JMS WseeBufferedResponseQueue_server_designator

# Queue JMS WseeBufferedResponseErrorQueue_server_designator

# WseeStore                                                                                                                                                                                      Logical store

import sys

import random

# import os

def main():

Connect ("weblogic', ' password ',' t3: / / hostname:8001")

domainType = "osb".

# change the index value to coincide with the index number of the managed server

# that needs resources, for example osb_server3 or wls_server3 would be all two use index = 3

# osb_server4 would need to index = 4, etc.

index = 3

managedServerName = domainType + '_server %s' % index

print ' managedServerName is: "+ managedServerName

print (' check if server ' + managedServerName + "exists...")

CD ('/Servers')

Server = ls('c')

If (servers.find (managedServerName)! = - 1):

Print ('Server' + managedServerName + "exists...")

# Get the Configuration Manager and check for existing session

cfgManager = getConfigManager()



Print ("failed to open an editing session.  Please clear any open the locks on the configuration. ")

Print ("Please investigate the lock and try again the script. Script output. ")






Print ("creation WseeStore LogicalStore...")

createLogicalStore (managedServerName, 1).

Print ("WseeStore LogicalStore...")

Print ('creating JMS resources and configuration UDQs...')

createJMSResources (managedServerName, index)

print ("resources created JMS and configured UDQs... »)

Print ("activate changes...")


Print ("enabled... changes")

print ("disconnection of AdminServer...")


Print ("disconnected from AdminServer...")

Print ("Script completed successfully.  Please check the changes you made. ")


Another thing:

There are 0 =

print (managedServerName + "does not exist in this area.)  Script will now stop. »)



def createLogicalStore (managedServerName, setAsDefault):

CD ('/ servers /' + managedServerName + ' / WebService /' + managedServerName + ' / WebServicePersistence /' + managedServerName + ' / ' WebServiceLogicalStores)

logicalStores = ls('c')

If (logicalStores.find ('WseeStore')! = - 1):

Print ("ERROR: LogicalStore WseeStore exist already for ' + managedServerName")

Print ("Please study.  Script output. ")




Another thing:

CD ('/ servers /' + managedServerName + ' / WebService /' + managedServerName + ' / WebServicePersistence /' + managedServerName)

cmo.createWebServiceLogicalStore ('WseeStore')

CD ('/ servers /' + managedServerName + ' / WebService /' + managedServerName + ' / WebServicePersistence /' + managedServerName + ' / WebServiceLogicalStores/WseeStore ')

cmo.setPersistenceStrategy ('LOCAL_ACCESS_ONLY')

cmo.setRequestBufferingQueueJndiName ('weblogic.wsee.BufferedRequestQueue')

cmo.setResponseBufferingQueueJndiName ('weblogic.wsee.BufferedResponseQueue')

If setAsDefault == 1:

CD ('/ servers /' + managedServerName + ' / WebService /' + managedServerName + ' / WebServicePersistence /' + managedServerName)

cmo.setDefaultLogicalStoreName ('WseeStore')

def createJMSResources (managedServerName, index):

targetServer = jarray.array ([ObjectName ('com.bea:Name =' + managedServerName + ", Type = server '")], ObjectName)

# creating persistence store for jms Server

# NOTE: you will need to create the physical folder for the storage of files

print ('* FileStore creation ')

filestore_list = ["WseeJaxwsFileStore"]

Count = 0

limit = 1

While County<>

CD ('/Deployments')

Filestore = ls('c')

Filestore = filestore_list [count] + '_auto_ %s' % index

If (fileStores.find (filestore)! = - 1):

print ("' ERROR: Filestore ' filestore + ' already exists!")

Print ("Please study.  Script output. ")




Another thing:

print ('* adding ' + filestore)


cmo.createFileStore (filestore)

CD ('/ deployments /' + filestore)

cmo.setDirectory (filestore)

objectives (", target server)

print ("Filestore" + filestore + "created")

# create file storage directory, if there is no

dir = System.getenv ('DOMAIN_HOME') + ' / ' + filestore


OS.stat (dir)


OS.mkdir (dir)

Count += 1

# the server jms creation

print ('* creating WseeJaxws JMS Server "")

# create server jms WseeJaxwsJmsServer_auto_x

CD ('/JMSServers')

jmsServers = ls('c')

If (jmsServers.find (' %s '% index WseeJaxwsJmsServer_auto_)! = - 1):

print ("ERROR: WseeJaxwsJmsServer_auto_ % if % index + ' already exists!")

Print ("Please study.  Script output. ")




Another thing:


cmo.createJMSServer (' %s '% index WseeJaxwsJmsServer_auto_)

CD ('/ JMSServers/WseeJaxwsJmsServer_auto_ % if % index)

cmo.setPersistentStore (getMBean ('/ deployments/WseeJaxwsFileStore_auto_ % if % index))

objectives (", target server)

targetWseeJaxwsJmsServer = jarray.array ([ObjectName ('com.bea:Name = WseeJaxwsJmsServer_auto_ % be % index + ", Type = JMSServer")], ObjectName)

print (index "WseeJaxwsJmsServer_auto_ %s" % + "created")

# creating WseeJaxwsJmsModule components

print ('* create queues: index % WseeBufferedRequestQueue_auto_ % to + ', WseeBufferedRequestErrorQueue_auto_ % if % index + ', WseeBufferedResponseQueue_auto_ % if % index + ' and WseeBufferedResponseErrorQueue_auto_ % if % index)

# check if subdeployment in WseeJaxwsJmsModule

# targeted on the new JMS server already exists


wseejaxwsSubs = ls ("c", returnMap = 'true')

for wseejaxwsSub in wseejaxwsSubs:

CD ('/ JMSSystemResources/WseeJaxwsJmsModule/SubDeployments /' + wseejaxwsSub + "/ target")

existingSubTargets = ls ("c", returnMap = 'true')

for existingSubTarget in existingSubTargets:

CD ('/ JMSSystemResources/WseeJaxwsJmsModule/SubDeployments /' + wseejaxwsSub + ' / objectives /' + existingSubTarget)

If (existingSubTarget == 'WseeJaxwsJmsServer_auto_ %s' % index):

print (' ERROR: SubDeployment WseeJaxwsJmsModule ' + wseejaxwsSub + ' already exists and is intended for the %s '% index WseeJaxwsJmsServer_auto_)

Print ("Please study.  Script output. ")




# create subdeployment in WseeJaxwsJmsModule


# Number of eight random numbers to generate and convert to string

# If the subname will conform to the standard naming convention

# using numbers beginning with four to ensure it is random in existing facilities

# and try to create some level of self-documentation to coincide with the index server

uniqueID = str (random.randrange (00000000,99999900))

subName = "%s WseeJaxwsJmsServer" % index + uniqueID

cmo.createSubDeployment (subName)

print ('SubDeployment' + subName + "created")

# create queue WseeBufferedRequestQueue_auto_x


queue = ls('c')

If (queues.find (' %s '% index WseeBufferedRequestQueue_auto_)! = - 1):

print ("ERROR: WseeBufferedRequestQueue_auto_ % if % index + ' already exists!")

Print ("Please study.  Script output. ")




Another thing:


cmo.createQueue (' %s '% index WseeBufferedRequestQueue_auto_)

CD ('/ JMSSystemResources/WseeJaxwsJmsModule/JMSResource/WseeJaxwsJmsModule/Files/WseeBufferedRequestQueue_auto_ % if % index)

cmo.setJNDIName ('weblogic.wsee.BufferedRequestQueue_auto_ % if % index)

cmo.setSubDeploymentName (subName)

CD ('/ JMSSystemResources/WseeJaxwsJmsModule/SubDeployments /' + subName)

Set ('Targets', targetWseeJaxwsJmsServer)

print (index ' WseeBufferedRequestQueue_auto_ %s "% +" created")

# create queue WseeBufferedRequestErrorQueue_auto_x


queue = ls('c')

If (queues.find (' %s '% index WseeBufferedRequestErrorQueue_auto_)! = - 1):

print ("ERROR: WseeBufferedRequestErrorQueue_auto_ % if % index + ' already exists!")

Print ("Please study.  Script output. ")




Another thing:


cmo.createQueue (' %s '% index WseeBufferedRequestErrorQueue_auto_)

CD ('/ JMSSystemResources/WseeJaxwsJmsModule/JMSResource/WseeJaxwsJmsModule/Files/WseeBufferedRequestErrorQueue_auto_ % if % index)

cmo.setJNDIName ('weblogic.wsee.BufferedRequestErrorQueue_auto_ % if % index)

cmo.setSubDeploymentName (subName)

CD ('/ JMSSystemResources/WseeJaxwsJmsModule/SubDeployments /' + subName)

Set ('Targets', targetWseeJaxwsJmsServer)

print (index ' WseeBufferedRequestErrorQueue_auto_ %s "% +" created")

# create queue WseeBufferedResponseQueue_auto_x


queue = ls('c')

If (queues.find (' %s '% index WseeBufferedResponseQueue_auto_)! = - 1):

print ("ERROR: WseeBufferedResponseQueue_auto_ % if % index + ' already exists!")

Print ("Please study.  Script output. ")




Another thing:


cmo.createQueue (' %s '% index WseeBufferedResponseQueue_auto_)

CD ('/ JMSSystemResources/WseeJaxwsJmsModule/JMSResource/WseeJaxwsJmsModule/Files/WseeBufferedResponseQueue_auto_ % if % index)

cmo.setJNDIName ('weblogic.wsee.BufferedResponseQueue_auto_ % if % index)

cmo.setSubDeploymentName (subName)

CD ('/ JMSSystemResources/WseeJaxwsJmsModule/SubDeployments /' + subName)

Set ('Targets', targetWseeJaxwsJmsServer)

print (index ' WseeBufferedResponseQueue_auto_ %s "% +" created")

# create queue WseeBufferedResponseErrorQueue_auto_x


queue = ls('c')

If (queues.find (' %s '% index WseeBufferedResponseErrorQueue_auto_)! = - 1):

print ("ERROR: WseeBufferedResponseErrorQueue_auto_ % if % index + ' already exists!")

Print ("Please study.  Script output. ")




Another thing:


cmo.createQueue (' %s '% index WseeBufferedResponseErrorQueue_auto_)

CD ('/ JMSSystemResources/WseeJaxwsJmsModule/JMSResource/WseeJaxwsJmsModule/Files/WseeBufferedResponseErrorQueue_auto_ % if % index)

cmo.setJNDIName ('weblogic.wsee.BufferedResponseErrorQueue_auto_ % if % index)

cmo.setSubDeploymentName (subName)

CD ('/ JMSSystemResources/WseeJaxwsJmsModule/SubDeployments /' + subName)

Set ('Targets', targetWseeJaxwsJmsServer)

print (index ' WseeBufferedResponseErrorQueue_auto_ %s "% +" created")

print (queues "in the created WseeJaxwsJmsModule")

# try except block is sufficient to avoid any problem if these queues

# have already been added to the queues of dist WseeJaxws

# If this is the case, the following exception is thrown:

# weblogic.descriptor.BeanAlreadyExistsException: bean already exists


print ('* addition of the queues in distributed queues)

queue_list = ['WseeBufferedRequestErrorQueue', 'WseeBufferedResponseQueue', 'WseeBufferedRequestQueue', 'WseeBufferedResponseErrorQueue']

Count = 0

limit = 4

While County<>

queue = queue_list [count] + '_auto_ %s' % index

dist_queue = "dist_" + queue_list [count] + 'sent '.

print ('* added ' queue + 'to' + dist_queue)

CD ('/ JMSSystemResources/WseeJaxwsJmsModule/JMSResource/WseeJaxwsJmsModule/DistributedQueues /' + dist_queue)

cmo.createDistributedQueueMember (tail)

CD ('/ JMSSystemResources/WseeJaxwsJmsModule/JMSResource/WseeJaxwsJmsModule/DistributedQueues /' dist_queue ' / DistributedQueueMembers /' ++ queue)

cmo.setWeight (1)

Print ("queue added to UDQ")

Count += 1


Print ("an exception was encountered adding JMS queues for distributed queues '")

Print ("Please study using the thread dump information provided.'")

Print ("the script will now stop.")




# create ReliableWseeJaxwsSAFAgent

Print ("Creating ReliableWseeJaxwsSAFAgent_auto_ %s" % index + '...')

CD ('/SAFAgents')

safAgents = ls('c')

If (safAgents.find (' %s '% index ReliableWseeJaxwsSAFAgent_auto_)! = - 1):

print ("ERROR: SAFAgent ReliableWseeJaxwsSAFAgent_auto_ % index %s 'exists already for' + managedServerName")

Print ("Please study.  Script output. ")



Another thing:


cmo.createSAFAgent (' %s '% index ReliableWseeJaxwsSAFAgent_auto_)

CD ('/ SAFAgents/ReliableWseeJaxwsSAFAgent_auto_ % if % index)

cmo.setStore (getMBean ('/ filestore/WseeJaxwsFileStore_auto_ % if % index))

Set ('Targets', TargetServer)

cmo.setServiceType ('Both')

Print ('Created ReliableWseeJaxwsSAFAgent_auto_ %s "% index)

If __name__ == "main":


Tags: Fusion Middleware

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    To configure the handlers be trigger on the client side you need to do the following:

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     import org.apache.axis.handlers.BasicHandler;
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         public void invoke(MessageContext messageContext) throws AxisFault 
         { // Your logic for request or response handling goes here. 
          // Basically you need to make use of the parameter 
         // messageContext where you can access the soap header and body tags. 

    2- Create the client-config.wsdd file. It will look like the following:" xmlns:java="">

    You can see that I only use handlers for incoming response side server. So whenever the client application receives a response from the server the class Manager SoapHeaderConsumerHandler is triggered and the method invoke will be called by default.

    Note: if you want to access the outgoing request before sending to the server you need to add an additional label for to add the request handler.

    Check the Reference Deployment (WSDD) of the guide of the axis:

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    You will need to place the .wsdd file in the working directory. You can easily find the location of the working directory using:

    System.out.println("Working Directory = " + System.getProperty("user.dir"));

    Source: Get the Current Working Directory in Java

    You just place the .wsdd file here.

    Useful links:

    Where to place the file client - config.wsdd in Railo

    Handler axis V It is an example to managers of the side server.

    Dealing with SOAP headers in the axis

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    Hi there user,

    Recently, I've implemented something similar on OSB, if authentication has been with the user name token and the SSL was pure transport level, i.e. was not part of the political configuration of GOSA.

    That's what I did:

    1 created users (in embedded LDAP)

    2. created LDAP groups and made users members of them. For simplicity, I created a hasAccess group and the other - hasNoAccess and added User1 to user2 to hasNoAccess and hasAccess

    3. has created a new policy of security GOSA

    4. the newly created policy added assertion of authentication - in my username token case

    5. the newly created policy added AuthZ assertion of type binding-authorization

    6 set the AuthZ liaison-authorization assertion as follows:

    -action game *.

    -resources match *.

    -added the hasAccess groups of the embedded in the roles of article selection options "selected roles.

    7. fix new GOSA policy to your component of the service binding.

    In short you need not create application roles. You can work directly with the LDAP groups with authZ assertions.



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    Best regards.

    Default WebLogic has a frame of webservice work services. It supports SOAP. It takes care of all the party webservices.jars 3rd, provided him clearly tell the server where to pick them of / use.

    Is this all you want?

    Kind regards

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    2 are PL/SQ skills necessary to query and update the data source (Oracle), or the structure of connectors contains of classes/methods/etc, that to do this at a higher level (i.e. just by specifying the details of db connection & fields)?

    I am aware of the example of project (that I'll study in parallel), but just ask quickly here as well.

    Thanks in advance,


    I'm not aware of a web services connector pre-built from Oracle for HCM, but it is possible that there is something developed by a partner of Oracle.

    The structure of connectors is really an architecture and a set of definitions of the web services any connector must support. It is possible to build a connector that uses the JDBC API, PL/SQL, other Java API, or call other web services. The main requirement is that it should provide a mapping to something that resembles the structure of the Table/column/line/field expect web services of the OPA.

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    I created a simple application for a client who interacts / monitors a device VISA with LV 2009.  The architecture is essentially a state machine with a timeout for VISA calls that retrieve the current state.

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    (1) added a line to my application that would inject actions in the state machine.

    (2) created a simple VI pushes these actions in the queue and plans to use it as the Web Service.

    And then I followed the examples for Web Services, thinking that the Web server is running in the same program as the development environment, such as the version LV7.  This doesn't seem to work.

    Could someone give me a quick overview on how best to do that, or to report an article?  I have simple working WS, but here are a few questions...

    @ Jed Davidow:

    We met this difficulty with our web app (LV 2009) as well.  Because now we feel the solution the easiest way is to activate the VI server in your main application (EXE) VI and place calls to its hierarchy of web services in the open Application > VI Open > call by Ref > close VI > structure to close the Application.

    Although we try to minimize the use of the present in web services, it makes sense for some resources shared and accessible throughout the world as references to database, configuration globals, etc.

    I also note that there seems to be an instability that we have not been able to identify which may (or not) be attributed to the use of this technique.  The symptom is LabVIEW from memory immediately at some point.

    I am currently looking into migration towards 2010 LV, and it seems that the same constraints between instances of the application are in place.  I expect that, but I was expecting some more simplified with the next version of LV interprocess communication methods.



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    I'm under JDEVADF_11. build

    I want to use the result of a check of SOAP Web Service data as input for a router on a workflow; lines will only ever return 0-1 control of data.

    Is it possible declaratively on the workflow diagram by simply using a SOAP data control, or should I access the data control through a managed bean, or go on the road of web service proxy?

    I'm new to ADF some detailed guidance would be appreciated.

    Thank you very much.


    routers can have their own binding ADF file, so yes its possible. Select the router and then use the right button of the mouse to go to the pageDef file. As it does not exist it will be created. Then add a method binding point to the method on the WS to invoke domain controller. In the router, you should be able to use #{bindings.methodName.execute} as the EL. If the method returns a value, then it went to the assessment.

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  • Any OOB Web Service or HTTP adapter in IOM for Recon?

    Are there any OOB, Web Service or HTTP adapter in the use of the IMO which user account data can be compared to a SOA service?

    Web service STANDARD is available for commissioning only. This is also mentioned in the Administrator's guide. Not sure if oracle has any future plans to offer it in recon too.

  • HP photosmart 7525: hp 7525 unable to connect to web services

    I recently bought an Imac, and now I can't get my hp 7525 to analyze correctly. It says unable to connect to web services. I tried to uninstall wirless and re-login.  Help, please!


    My apologies for jumping.

    To add more, the latest firmware MUST be installed to maintain connectivity of the web services.

    Click on the configuration icon and select Tools, then print a printer status report.

    Locate the firmware listed, if it is a value lower than ELM1CN1607AR (see "BOLD" kinds) you will be required to update the firmware.

    Unfortunately, a Mac OS firmware update utility is not currently available, so you must use a Windows PC to update the printer:

    Once obtained the latest firmware, try to use Web Services again and check for the difference.

    Kind regards


  • OfficeJet 5740 e-all-in-one: the printer display shows 'downloading' message despite no web service implemented

    I got a new Officejet 5740 e-all-in-one and put in place a few days ago. It is implemented in a router which is also a modem.  I've implemented any web service.  My network is password protected, and I'm the only one on this subject.

    A couple of times I arrived in front of the printer and there was a screen that says that there is a current download, and he showed the percent completed. This surprised me because I have not implemented in web services for the printer.

    I cancelled the download, both times.  The second time I accidentally typed the screen again.  I don't know what button I hit, but it has printed a message that says that my printer is now web enabled.  He also says that my printer has an email address.

    I went into the web installer, and it seemed to me that I had not implemented the web.

    1. what could it possibly download?

    2. If it does not complete a download while I'm not looking for, will there be a record of this?

    Hi @Andrew111,

    Thanks for joining the Forums of HP Support for a solution to your printer problem.

    I understand that you use a 5740 Officejet from HP printer e-all-in-one with a computer of Windows 7 and you noticed that the screen of the printer said there was a current download, which you surprised because you but you did not set up web services. I would like to help with that.

    You mentioned that the printer has its own e-mail address. Web services have been enabled for the printer to have an address of mail It is possible to disable the ePrint and printable HP once the HP Web Services has been enabled.

    The download that was underway was probably a printer update, which will come by automatically. Nothing to do with the computer. I don't think there is a record of updates of the printer anywhere.

    Please let me know if that answers your question...

  • deploy the web service to xp embedded

    Hi all

    I struggle to run a web service on an xp embedded system. The web service works very well in my LV 2011 development environment and I have created an installer for my main application it is the lvws file is included as described in web services FAQ:

    After the installation on the target computer, I can't access the web service. Also if you call localhost:3580, then I get an access error.

    But in the System Control Panel administrative tools, I can see that the server system OR like many Web server OR Web applications are started.

    For further investigation, I added the 'Distributed System Manager' to my Installer. With this tool, I see that all my web services deployed on my development system, but on the XP embedded system with TEN target is listed.

    I installed my application for a professional reference XP system to exclude that the problem is caused by embedded XP. But the behavior is exactly the same. So far, I tested only local so that settings security like firewalls and ports system should pose no problems. But to be sure I have disabled the firewall without success... I can't access the Web service. I have often found the suggestions in the forum to check if the web service is enabled. But I am not already and then access to http://localhost:3580.

    Any ideas?

    Thank you!

    This help document is somewhat outdated.

    You see 2 different problems: 1) you can not display the Configuration utility and do not install Web using localhost:3580 2) your web service monitoring.

    For the first number-->

    You probably did not understand the "Interface Web NI 2011 infrastructure" in your Setup program.  The doc to help you mentioned does not tell you to do, because it is not necessary for your web service works. However, if you want to change one of the settings of your web server after the installation, you will need this extra setup program.

    For the second question-->

    You probably didn't get your Spec to build Web services as a source file in your Setup program.  The help doc says to put your LVWS file as your installation source, but this is not correct. You must include the technical article to build real web service as a source file (not the web service create out of spec files, like LVWS).

    Let me know if any of these will help you.


  • Unable to connect to the server of Web Services


    I'm trying to implement my C310a for the first time.

    The printer is connected to my wireless router.

    My computers and iPads can access and print using the printer.

    BUT when I try to use Web tools

    (1) product update,

    (2) activate ePrint or

    (3) enable Web Services

    I get the error message USELESS "Problem connecting to the server of Web Services"

    I am able to connect to the Internet using a web browser, so I don't have an ISP issue.

    I'll put in place the printer at home behind a CGD24N wireless router.

    The implementation for the browser does not use a proxy, so I have no proxy information.

    Is anyone able to help.

    Thank you


    I worked on it.

    I had put the impression of having a static IP address and did not address primary and auxiliary DNS server.

    Once he had these links now.

    Thank you.

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