Add VMFS5 virtual machine disk using Perl SDK


Each of my VM has only a single disc on nfs datastore

9 VirtualLsiLogicController = HASH (0x46f5bc0)

"busNumber' = > 0

'controllerKey' = > 100

'device' = > ARRAY (0x520e190)

0 2000

"deviceInfo" = > Description = HASH (0x520e148)

'label' = > ' controller SCSI 0'

'Summary' = > 'LSI Logic.

'hotAddRemove' = > 1

'key' = > 1000

'scsiCtlrUnitNumber' = > 7

'sharedBus' = > VirtualSCSISharing = HASH (0x520de78)

'val' = > 'noSharing '.

I need an option to add a new disk that is located on another data store (Serial attached SCSI for each ESXi disk) - name dscs1-vp-sb1


Name: vp-dscs1-sb1

Location: ds: / / / vmfs/volumes/5309af02-0ba1ac70-e723-10604bb454c8 /.

File system: VMFS

Maximum capacity: 931,25 GB

Available space: 930.2978515625 GB

I tried to use a, but it is not an option to use different data store for a new drive and always creates a new drive on a nfs datastore.

It is fairly easy to do with a wizard, but I have to run it ~ 50 times

Thank you

$devspec = VMUtils::get_vdisk_spec (vm => $entity_view,)
backingtype-online 'normal time ',.
diskMode-online $diskMode,
file name => $vm_disk_filename.
controllerKey-online $controllerKey,
unitNumber-online $unitnumber,
size-online $disksize);

You must specify the new data store name in the file name variable.

for example $vm_disk_filename = "[new_datastore] tstvm/tstvm.vmdk".

Tags: VMware

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    I'm using VMware Workstation 6.5.5 under Win XP. I tried to import a virtual machine that was created by using the option 'Split' virtual disks into files of 2 GB. The import fails and presents a pop-up: ' Conversion Assistant/cannot determine the guest operating system. The log file includes the line "could not find the disk cofortcol3v01 - cl1.vmdk. This file does not exist of course, there are more files cofortcol3v01-cl1 - s001.vmdk, cofortcol3v01-cl1 - s002.vmdk and so on. The machine virtual original (cofortcol3v01) has been created under VMware Workstation 5.1, and it does not under Workstation 6.5.5.

    Is this a known problem in the conversion utility? Is there a work around for this problem?

    Thank you.

    -Phil Anzel

    FYI... VMware Workstation peut import a Virtual Machine that uses twoGbMaxExtentSparse discs.

    The log file includes the line "could not find the disk cofortcol3v01 - cl1.vmdk. This file does not exist of course, rather there are files cofortcol3v01-cl1 - s001.vmdk, cofortcol3v01-cl1 - s002.vmdk and so on. The machine virtual original (cofortcol3v01) has been created under VMware Workstation 5.1, and it does not under Workstation 6.5.5.

    Is this a known problem in the conversion utility? Is there a work around for this problem?

    The problem is that you're missing the "disk DescriptorFile", "cofortcol3v01 - cl1.vmdk" and which is why it's a failure and not a limitation of the Conversion utility.

    Also if you actually had a Virtual Machine created in VMware Workstation 5.1 you can simply run directly under VMware Workstation 6.5.5 without having to run the import command.

    Anyway, if you have a backup that you can recover the file "cofortcol3v01 - cl1.vmdk" then you should be fine and if you have not then a new can be created.  If you can archive (compress) files vmware*.log (usually 4 of them) in a single zip file archive and tied him to a post in response, then one of us will create a new file "cofortcol3v01 - cl1.vmdk", based on the information contained in files vmware.log for you, if you don't know how to do it yourself.

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    Thank you


    vCenter is required to set up and manage a distributed switch.

  • Blocking task - add a virtual machine to VAPP

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    If you duplicated one of the workflow approval of all notifications, try to paste the following in the Get scaffolding Scriptable this workflow task... He will certainly need a cleaning according to your needs. It is a part of my test code for extraction of information of this type of operation...

    var vcdHost = vApp.getHost();
    //User info
    var username =;
    var userDescription = user.description;
    var userFullName = user.fullName;
    var userEmailAddress = user.emailAddress;
    var userTelephone = user.telephone;
    var userIm =;
    var userDeployedVmQuota = user.deployedVmQuota;
    if (userDeployedVmQuota == 0) userDeployedVmQuota = "Unlimited";
    var userStoredVmQuota = user.storedVmQuota;
    if (userStoredVmQuota == 0) userStoredVmQuota = "Unlimited";
    var userRole = vcdHost.getEntityByReference(VclEntityType.ROLE, user.role).name;
    if (blockingTask != null) {
        var task = vcdHost.getEntityByReference(VclEntityType.TASK, blockingTask.getTask());
        var XMLstring = task.toXml();
        System.log("Task XML: \n"+XMLstring);
        // Now begin typical XML Processing for this set of action types:
        // These come from the "Add, Move or Delete Virtual Machines from vApp" blocking task being enabled
        // This workflow requires a single input - a string containing the XML to be processed.
        // It generates the following outputs:
        // operationType - this is a string that is either "create" "delete" or "move"
        // the other output is a Array/Properties object with the following possible properties:
        // vmName - string
        // hostName - string
        // osName - string
        // hwVersion - string
        // cpuCount - string
        // memoryMB - string
        var doc = new XML(XMLstring);
        default xml namespace = doc.namespace();
        // initialize the outputs:
        var operationType = null;
        var vmPropsArray = new Array();
        // Determine action type from XML:
        if (doc.Params.DeleteItem != null && doc.Params.DeleteItem.length() > 0){
            System.log("This is a Delete operation");
            operationType = "delete";
            //    DELETE ITEM Processing
            System.log("DeleteItem Count: "+doc.Params.DeleteItem.length());
            for each (c in doc.Params.DeleteItem){
                var vmProps = new Properties();
                System.log("VM to Delete: "[email protected]());
                vmProps.put("vmName",[email protected]());
        if(doc.Params.CreateItem != null && doc.Params.CreateItem.length() > 0){
            System.log("A blank VM is being added to the vApp");
            operationType = "create";
            System.log("CreateItem Count: "+doc.Params.CreateItem.length());
            for each (c in doc.Params.CreateItem){
                var vmProps = new Properties();
                System.log("VM to Add: "[email protected]());
                System.log("Description: "+c.Description.toString());
                vmProps.put("vmName",[email protected]());
        // ADD/MOVE Testing:
        if(doc.Params.SourcedItem != null){
            System.log("SourcedItem Count: "+doc.Params.SourcedItem.length());
            for each (c in doc.Params.SourcedItem){
                var vmProps = new Properties();
                if(c.@sourceDelete == "true"){
                    operationType = "move";
                    operationType = "create";
                System.log("This is an "+operationType+" operation");
                //System.log("sourceDelete: "+c.@sourceDelete);
                var instantiationParams = c.InstantiationParams;
                System.log("VM Name: "+instantiationParams.GuestCustomizationSection.ComputerName.toString());
                System.log("Host Name: "+instantiationParams.*::VirtualHardwareSection.*::System.*::VirtualSystemIdentifier.toString());
                vmProps.put("osName", instantiationParams.*::OperatingSystemSection.*::Description.toString());
                System.log("Operating System: "+instantiationParams.*::OperatingSystemSection.*::Description.toString());
                System.log("Hardware Version: "+instantiationParams.*::VirtualHardwareSection.*::System.*::VirtualSystemType.toString());
                var n2 = new Namespace("");
                var n3 = new Namespace("");
                var items = instantiationParams.*::VirtualHardwareSection.n2::Item;
                for each (i in items){
                    if(i.n3::Description.toString() == "Number of Virtual CPUs"){
                        System.log("CPU Count: "+i.n3::VirtualQuantity.toString());
                    if(i.n3::Description.toString() == "Memory Size"){
                        System.log("Memory (MB): "+i.n3::VirtualQuantity.toString());
    //vApp Info
    var vAppName =;
    var vAppDescription = vApp.description;
    var vAppVdc =;
    var org = vApp.parent.parent;
    //Using query service to get further information on the to be deployed vApp
    var queryService = vcdHost.toAdminObject().toAdminExtensionObject().getExtensionQueryService();
    var expression = new VclExpression(VclQueryVAppField.NAME,, VclExpressionType.EQUALS);
    var filter = new VclFilter(expression);
    var params = new VclQueryParams();
    var resultSet = queryService.queryAllVappRecords(params);
    while (resultSet != null) {
        var records = resultSet.getRecords();
        for each (var record in records) {
            //Since we got the vApp by its name we want to check it is the right one
            if (record.href == vApp.getReference().href) {
                var vAppCreationDate = VclMiscObjectFactory.convertToGregorianCalendar(record.creationDate).toString();
                var vAppNumberOfVMs = record.numberOfVMs;
                var vAppStorageMB = record.storageKB / 1024;
                var map = record.otherAttributes;
                var vAppAutoDeleteDate = "Unlimited";
                for each (k in map.keys) {
                    if (k.getLocalPart() == "autoDeleteDate") {
                        var vAppAutoDeleteDateString = map.get(k);
                        if  (vAppAutoDeleteDateString != null && vAppAutoDeleteDateString != undefined) {
                            var vAppAutoDeleteDateXmlGregorianCalendar = VclMiscObjectFactory.xmlGregorianCalendarFromString(vAppAutoDeleteDateString);
                            var vAppAutoDeleteDate = VclMiscObjectFactory.convertToGregorianCalendar(vAppAutoDeleteDateXmlGregorianCalendar).toString();
                        System.log(k.getLocalPart() + " : " + map.get(k));
        resultSet = resultSet.getNextPage();
    var vmsProperties = new Array();
    var queryService = vcdHost.getQueryService();
    expression = new VclExpression(VclQueryVMField.CONTAINER, vApp.getReference().href, VclExpressionType.EQUALS);
    filter = new VclFilter(expression);
    params = new VclQueryParams();
    var resultSet = queryService.queryRecords(VclQueryRecordType.ADMINVM, params);
    while (resultSet != null) {
        var records = resultSet.getRecords(new VclQueryResultAdminVMRecord());
        System.log(records.length + " VM records found");
        for each (var record in records) {
            var vmProp = new Properties();
            vmProp.put("guestOs", record.guestOs);
            vmProp.put("memoryMB", record.memoryMB);
            vmProp.put("numberOfCpus", record.numberOfCpus);
            if (record.networkName != null) {
                vmProp.put("networkName", record.networkName);
            else {
                vmProp.put("networkName", "");
        resultSet = resultSet.getNextPage();
    function addInfoTitle(info, title) {
        info += "" + title + "
    \n"; return info; } function addInfoEntry(info, label, entry) { info += "
  • " + label + " : " + entry + "\n"; return info; } function addInfoSeparation(info) { info += "

\n"; return info; } content = ""; content = addInfoTitle(content, "Requestor"); content = addInfoEntry(content, "Username", username); content = addInfoEntry(content, "Description", userDescription); content = addInfoEntry(content, "Full Name", userFullName); content = addInfoEntry(content, "Email Address", userEmailAddress); content = addInfoEntry(content, "Telephone Number", userTelephone); content = addInfoEntry(content, "Instant Messenger ID", userIm); content = addInfoEntry(content, "Deployed VM Quota", userDeployedVmQuota); content = addInfoEntry(content, "Stored VM Quota", userStoredVmQuota); content = addInfoEntry(content, "Role", userRole); content = addInfoSeparation(content); content = addInfoTitle(content, "vApp"); content = addInfoEntry(content, "Name", vAppName); content = addInfoEntry(content, "Description", vAppDescription); content = addInfoEntry(content, "VDC", vAppVdc); content = addInfoEntry(content, "Creation Date", vAppCreationDate); content = addInfoEntry(content, "Number of VMs", vAppNumberOfVMs); content = addInfoEntry(content, "Disk Size", System.formatNumber((vAppStorageMB / 1024), "0")+ " GB"); content = addInfoEntry(content, "Storage Lease", vAppAutoDeleteDate); System.log("=================================================\n"); System.log("Operation Type: "+operationType); // Process the vmPropsArray: // vmName - string // hostName - string // osName - string // hwVersion - string // cpuCount - string // memoryMB - string if (vmPropsArray != null){ for each (vmProps in vmPropsArray){ System.log("vmName: "+vmProps.get("vmName")); System.log("hostName: "+vmProps.get("hostName")); System.log("osName: "+vmProps.get("osName")); System.log("cpuCount: "+vmProps.get("cpuCount")); System.log("memoryMB: "+vmProps.get("memoryMB")); content = addInfoSeparation(content); content = addInfoTitle(content, "VM"+" ("+operationType+")"); content = addInfoEntry(content, "\tName", vmProps.get("vmName")); // This is the "Full Name" or "Display Name" if(vmProps.get("description")!="n/a"){ content = addInfoEntry(content,"\tDescription", vmProps.get("description")); } if(vmProps.get("hostName")!="n/a"){ content = addInfoEntry(content, "\tHost Name", vmProps.get("hostName")); // This is the hostname or Computer Name } if(vmProps.get("osName")!="n/a"){ content = addInfoEntry(content, "\tGuest OS name", vmProps.get("osName")); } if(vmProps.get("cpuCount")!="n/a"){ content = addInfoEntry(content, "\tvCPUs", vmProps.get("cpuCount")); } if(vmProps.get("memoryMB")!="n/a"){ content = addInfoEntry(content, "\tRAM (MB)", vmProps.get("memoryMB")); } // content = addInfoEntry(content, "\tNetwork name", vmProp.get("networkName")); } } var displayContent = content; // Retrieve the full webview url here: should be like http://your.vco.server:8280/vmo/approvals var webViewUrl = configurationElement.getAttributeWithKey("webViewUrl").value; // Extract the host from the url var vcoHost = webViewUrl.match(/^(ftp:\/\/|https?:\/\/)?(.+@)?([a-zA-Z0-9\.\-]+).*$/)[3]; // Now build the answer URL to be placed in e-mail var urlAnswer = "here" ; content = addInfoSeparation(content); content += "Click "+urlAnswer +" to approve or reject this request."; content = addInfoSeparation(content); content += "** This is an automated workflow email. Do not reply. **";
  • Unable to add the virtual machine to inventory

    Unable to add the virtual machine to inventory

    Hi assane, is vmware-cmd same available on ESXi 5.0 and later versions?

    To the OP:

    If you use 5.0 or later ESXi, vmware-cmd will not work. Alternatively, you can use:

    Vim - cmd solo/registervm /vmfs/volumes/datastore_name/VM_directory/VM_name.vmx

    That said, it could be several reasons of failure regarding the registration of the VM. Can put you up a screenshot of the error / symptom you see when it breaks down?

  • Workflow list and range from virtual machine disk


    I need to create a workflow that virtual disks of list of a virtual machine, defined in the input parameter.

    So I have 2 questions:

    How can I list a specific virtual machine disks?

    -I can't find how to access this information

    -Is it possible to fill a field of presentation after you have selected the virtual machine?


    Best regards


    find the code of an action that loops through all the devices of a given virtual computer and returns an array containing the keys of the device below. You can then use it in a decorator for the workflow to let the user select a drive.

    See you soon,.


    var devices = vm.config.hardware.device;
    var diskCount = 0;
    var diskArray = new Array();
  • Virtual MACHINE disk, but not in the inventory

    I have a virtual machine that has disappeared from the inventory, but is still in the (non-local) data store. In my view, that it was off. I tried to add to the inventory, but received a message that a virtual machine is already registered with that name. I believe that these are the steps that led to this State:

    I had a consultant in an ESXi host to replace it with a new one and a few weeks ago. All virtual machines have been moved out of the old host. The virtual machine in question was arrested that we did not use it. I just noticed today that it was not in the inventory because now I'm ready to use it.

    Another change that happened a few weeks ago was replacement unit vCenter vCenter. I don't know if who had nothing to do with him or not.

    Any suggestions how I could see the virtual machine in the inventory again?


    As you can see this message, "received a message that a virtual machine is already registered with that name", while adding another virtual machine name use inventory. However, be sure that this virtual machine is not already.



  • Virtual machine set up their: consolidation of necessary virtual machine disk.

    a virtual machine guest: set up number: consolidation of necessary virtual machine disk.

    I click on this virtual machine > > snapshot > > Consolidation.then about a minute.

    He failed: cannot access < unspecified file name > file because it is locked


    This question well in the base backup tool VADP Storage API. This file is locked by worker VPXA get. Then restart (host managegemnt connection) services vpxa and spend on your host and redo the consolidation 1) disable alarm processing host connection failure and failure of network connection (to avoid unnecessary alarm0 2) connection to the host through ssh) 3 run # /etc/init.d/hostd restart and restart # etc/init.d/vpxa, 4) re-do the consolidation of the vm.

  • How can I connect to a virtual machine that uses a NAT map from outside via RDP

    Hi, I'm under workstation 7.11. I have a windows xp virtual machines all use adapter NAT of VMware Workstation for connectivity. I am only able to connect to the VMs with RDP client via the host. If I try to anywhere else, I am unable to connect.

    You can use linked by a bridge instead of NAT?  If this isn't the case, you need to enable Port Forwarding on the VMnet in the virtual network Editor.  FWIW, if you do not enable Port Forwarding I recommend setting up on a VMnet custom as VMnet2 example and assign the NIC of the virtual machine.  This keep the default VMnet8 for an unaltered NAT network.

    Default port for RDP is TCP 3389

  • ESXi 4.0 on Dell 1850 this host doesn't support VT you have configured the virtual machine to use an operating system 64-bit client.


    , I have in 3 data centers Dell 1850, identical hardware configurations.  I installed Esxi 4.0 to the ISO from site Web de VMware dell custom help. He is successfully installed on all servers, without error at all. I've updated them all to the last generation, using VMware vSphere Client. I have a problem with one of the server when I want to use 64-bit machines, he realizes: this host does not support VT you have configured the virtual machine to use an operating system 64-bit client.  However, this host is not able to run 64-bit virtual machines or virtual computer has 64-bit support disabled. For more information, see I don't understand why I got this, servers are identical, versions of BIOS, firmware, and all updates are the same. There is also a warning in the configuration tab, on the State of health link.

    Thanks in advance for any helpful suggestion.

    Yes according to the description of CPU, it seems that they do not support intel VT:, SL7HH, SL7PF, SL7TD, SL8KQ

    Please give points for any helpful answer.

  • Two virtual machines always "using network", while the rest of the cluster is "using SCSI hot add.

    The testing of VDR 1.2 in a cluster 4.1 with around 60 virtual servers.

    I have two Windows Server 2008 R2 VMs who is always using the network, with a full tank and after that all incremental backups.

    Nothing matches the conditions of the related knowledge base article and there are several other 2008 R2 servers deployed from the same template that uses SCSI hot add.

    The only thing that differs from the other virtual machines, it is that both are mailbox servers in a cluster, Exchange 2010 DAG.

    OLE Thomsen

    Check the block size for VMFS data store where the VDR-appliance is running. If the larger disk of your virtual machine is greater than the maximum file size of supportet on the VMFS where the VDR, VDR uses the network instead of add to hot. Move another VMFS-store data in big block with the VDR solves the problem in my environment. Also, in this case when the disk you lorsque le disque vous sauvegardez back up is a RAW device physikal mode, which should be ignored for VDR, VDR, but makes the network backup of the other disk of this virtual machine.


  • Cannot resize the virtual disk, the virtual machine by using a «child» vmdk file

    Release: VMWare workstation 9

    SE host: Windows 7 64-bit

    Screenshots below.

    I want to resize my VM from 50 GB to 100 GB.

    It seems that VMware workstation 9 uses a child for my VM vmdk.  In my case, using its "Windows Server 2008 R2 x 64 - 000001.vmdk" for its virtual disk file.  The correct file should be "Windows Server 2008 R2 x64.vmdk", I think.

    There are currently no snapshots registered for this virtual machine, I see.

    The virtual machine works well as is, but I can't resize the disk without the VMWare gui, saying I should be perform the operation on the parent vmdk file.

    It seems that I do run a snapshot that is not really a snapshot?  How to merge with the older files - Sxx.vmdk to 0000xx - Sxxx.vmdk

    I also tried to use the command line tool to manually resize the vmdk parent, but I get permission "access denied" errors.

    Kind regards



    Parameters of the HARD disk:






    He no snapshots are displayed in the Manager of snapshot with the check box 'Show AutoProtect snapshots' verified then the snapshot is an orphan and the best way I use normally to fix this if I want the contents of the snapshot of orphan to be among the basic disk is with tab of the virtual machine in VMware Workstation GUI closed I simply delete the .vmsd file and then open the virtual machine tab in the VMware Workstation GUI and cover and immediately remove a snapshot in the Snapshot Manager.  This will force the orphan snapshot to merge with the parent disk.  Then to clean I still remove the .vmsd file and orphans, .vmsn and .vmem file.

    Note: Before the procedure you have a good backup of the virtual machine in case you accidentally mess something up.

  • How files request for vmdk with location of store data using perl sdk


    I need to retrieve a list of (xxx - flat hard) and vmdk files for a virtual machine on an ESX Server.

    The virtual machine I have has two disks that are in different data stores.

    I changed the /usr/lib/vmware-vcli/apps/vm/ to dump the full data.

    I spilled the $vm_view and found that the data you are looking for do not print.

    I'm new to VMWare and don't know how to go forward.

    Any help will be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks in advance


    You should be able to use just LayoutEx property of the VirtualMachine.  Keep in mind this property gets refreshed on a schedule, so don't always present not unless you explicitly referesh it yourself.  However, that can add some overhead VI retesting the data store (s).

    The attached script is quite simple, but it can help you get started.  To % disk_parts hash key is the key of the device, you can use this to get configuration-> hardware-> device information.  The string under layoutEx-> disc keys should be descriptor-> measure.  You can query the type of the object file if you need to be sure or want to only print as well.

    You can exit the script in certain functions or map() calls to make it more readable.  You need to work through the key tables nested loop, so it would probably be good to format into something easier to follow.  Another option would be to create a hash of the file of the key values card, so you can do research without expensive loops.


    $ perl - username = administrator - password = VMware1! -Server =\(Renamed\)
    2000: Test [VLAB-ESX-01_LOCAL] (renamed) _1/Test (renamed) hard, [VLAB-ESX-01_LOCAL] Test (renamed) _1/Test (renamed) - flat hard
  • Get the name of the cluster which is on a virtual machine by using the virtual machine name


    I wrote a code to get the various bits of information about our machines virtual for use in the capacity planning, we have 5 virtual centers, each has at least two clusters.

    My code already gets a handle to the virtual computer object (using the code snippet below) I can get the hostname.  Is there anyway to determine which cluster this host resides on, for example, is there a property of the virtual computer object that can be used to get this info?

    Public Sub connectVC()


    string URI = " " https:// "+ Server +" / sdk "; "

    customer. Connect (Uri);

    customer. Login (username, password);


    Public Sub get_vms()


    NameValueCollection filter = new NameValueCollection();

    filter. Add ("name", "^ wks");

    IList & lt; EntityViewBase & gt; vmList = customer. FindEntityViews (typeof (VirtualMachine), null, filter, null);

    foreach (VirtualMachine vm in vmList)


    "Do things


    Thank you


    Take a look at this Perl script that gets what you are looking for, you may need to translate this into another language if you are not using Perl bindings: - Find that your VM clustered belongs (requires a vCenter)


    William Lam

    VMware vExpert 2009

    Scripts for VMware ESX/ESXi and resources at:

    repository scripts vGhetto

    VMware Code Central - Scripts/code samples for developers and administrators

    If you find this information useful, please give points to "correct" or "useful".

  • Unable to add the virtual machine network services


    I already read that warning Virtual PC 2007 is not compatible with win 7-64.
    However, I read that it is "unofficially" possible launch.
    OK, I installed it and it worked except networking.
    Basically, I need to install the Virtual Machine Network Services.
    I right click on my network card-> properties-> install-> services-> virtual machine network services (VPC2007 folder: where I can see VMNetSrv.inf)
    Then says Windows: it is impossible to add the requested feature. The specified service has been marked for deletion.

    The problem is that I get this error even on WinXP SP3, so I think that there is something else wrong.

    And of course, Virtual PC 2007 available networks are only: no connection, Local, NAT.  (Missing my physical adapter)

    Thank you!!!


    The question you posted would be better suited to the TechNet community. Please visit the link below to find a community that will provide the support you want.

    Hope this information is useful.

  • Maybe you are looking for