Can I add a virtual machine to a dvswitch without using vcentre?


Our vcentre is not set up to handle the dvswitches on the host - bit of a long story.

Until he does, can we use the command line to add a virtual machine to a dvswitch?

If so, can someone help me with this?

Thank you


vCenter is required to set up and manage a distributed switch.

Tags: VMware

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    Certainly it's one of the advantages of virtual machines - portability.

    Note that you must build it the smallest common denominator - use only 1 virtual CPU and RAM virtual any more than the other host can provide.

  • Unable to add the virtual machine to inventory

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    Hi assane, is vmware-cmd same available on ESXi 5.0 and later versions?

    To the OP:

    If you use 5.0 or later ESXi, vmware-cmd will not work. Alternatively, you can use:

    Vim - cmd solo/registervm /vmfs/volumes/datastore_name/VM_directory/VM_name.vmx

    That said, it could be several reasons of failure regarding the registration of the VM. Can put you up a screenshot of the error / symptom you see when it breaks down?

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    Is there a way I can add multiple virtual computers to inventory collectively without doing it for each individual computer?


    Not with vSphere client if this is what you need.

    If this post was useful/solved your problem, please mark the points of wire and price as seem you. Thank you!

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    Any ideas?


    Are the other machines available when you try to add an invidiaul machine?  I was wondering if you virtual center connectivity is working properly.

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  • How can I register a virtual machine in the command line?

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    I have the vmx file. I can do this by using the command line?

    If not, how can I do it automatically?

    Thanks in advance.

    There are two main methods you can interact with the Virtual Machines outside user of VMware Fusion, the VIX API and vmrun interface and with the registration of these two commands are not supported with VMware Fusion (or VMware Workstation.* (* Non-exclussive VM)}.)  Recording controls are used primarily with vSphere.  VMware Server also supported recording orders.

    BTW, from a Machine virtual Finder by double-clicking on the file of configuration of Machine virtual package or .vmx if it is already running and is not created through the interface user of VMware Fusion, for example created in VMware Workstation VM and copied on a Mac, created manually or via a script solution.  Although she will then have to be manually recorded.  Registered/not registered in this context the Virtual Machine appears in the library of virtual machines VMware Fusion.

  • Blocking task - add a virtual machine to VAPP

    Which block task will begin when I add a virtual machine to a Palsy of a catlog. The "add, move or delete virtual machines of VAPP" seems to send a job blocking, but the xml of the blocking task does not include the vcloud:vm, only the vcloud:vapp

    I want to send a notification when the new VM is complete provisioning and include details on the new virtual machine.

    If you duplicated one of the workflow approval of all notifications, try to paste the following in the Get scaffolding Scriptable this workflow task... He will certainly need a cleaning according to your needs. It is a part of my test code for extraction of information of this type of operation...

    var vcdHost = vApp.getHost();
    //User info
    var username =;
    var userDescription = user.description;
    var userFullName = user.fullName;
    var userEmailAddress = user.emailAddress;
    var userTelephone = user.telephone;
    var userIm =;
    var userDeployedVmQuota = user.deployedVmQuota;
    if (userDeployedVmQuota == 0) userDeployedVmQuota = "Unlimited";
    var userStoredVmQuota = user.storedVmQuota;
    if (userStoredVmQuota == 0) userStoredVmQuota = "Unlimited";
    var userRole = vcdHost.getEntityByReference(VclEntityType.ROLE, user.role).name;
    if (blockingTask != null) {
        var task = vcdHost.getEntityByReference(VclEntityType.TASK, blockingTask.getTask());
        var XMLstring = task.toXml();
        System.log("Task XML: \n"+XMLstring);
        // Now begin typical XML Processing for this set of action types:
        // These come from the "Add, Move or Delete Virtual Machines from vApp" blocking task being enabled
        // This workflow requires a single input - a string containing the XML to be processed.
        // It generates the following outputs:
        // operationType - this is a string that is either "create" "delete" or "move"
        // the other output is a Array/Properties object with the following possible properties:
        // vmName - string
        // hostName - string
        // osName - string
        // hwVersion - string
        // cpuCount - string
        // memoryMB - string
        var doc = new XML(XMLstring);
        default xml namespace = doc.namespace();
        // initialize the outputs:
        var operationType = null;
        var vmPropsArray = new Array();
        // Determine action type from XML:
        if (doc.Params.DeleteItem != null && doc.Params.DeleteItem.length() > 0){
            System.log("This is a Delete operation");
            operationType = "delete";
            //    DELETE ITEM Processing
            System.log("DeleteItem Count: "+doc.Params.DeleteItem.length());
            for each (c in doc.Params.DeleteItem){
                var vmProps = new Properties();
                System.log("VM to Delete: "[email protected]());
                vmProps.put("vmName",[email protected]());
        if(doc.Params.CreateItem != null && doc.Params.CreateItem.length() > 0){
            System.log("A blank VM is being added to the vApp");
            operationType = "create";
            System.log("CreateItem Count: "+doc.Params.CreateItem.length());
            for each (c in doc.Params.CreateItem){
                var vmProps = new Properties();
                System.log("VM to Add: "[email protected]());
                System.log("Description: "+c.Description.toString());
                vmProps.put("vmName",[email protected]());
        // ADD/MOVE Testing:
        if(doc.Params.SourcedItem != null){
            System.log("SourcedItem Count: "+doc.Params.SourcedItem.length());
            for each (c in doc.Params.SourcedItem){
                var vmProps = new Properties();
                if(c.@sourceDelete == "true"){
                    operationType = "move";
                    operationType = "create";
                System.log("This is an "+operationType+" operation");
                //System.log("sourceDelete: "+c.@sourceDelete);
                var instantiationParams = c.InstantiationParams;
                System.log("VM Name: "+instantiationParams.GuestCustomizationSection.ComputerName.toString());
                System.log("Host Name: "+instantiationParams.*::VirtualHardwareSection.*::System.*::VirtualSystemIdentifier.toString());
                vmProps.put("osName", instantiationParams.*::OperatingSystemSection.*::Description.toString());
                System.log("Operating System: "+instantiationParams.*::OperatingSystemSection.*::Description.toString());
                System.log("Hardware Version: "+instantiationParams.*::VirtualHardwareSection.*::System.*::VirtualSystemType.toString());
                var n2 = new Namespace("");
                var n3 = new Namespace("");
                var items = instantiationParams.*::VirtualHardwareSection.n2::Item;
                for each (i in items){
                    if(i.n3::Description.toString() == "Number of Virtual CPUs"){
                        System.log("CPU Count: "+i.n3::VirtualQuantity.toString());
                    if(i.n3::Description.toString() == "Memory Size"){
                        System.log("Memory (MB): "+i.n3::VirtualQuantity.toString());
    //vApp Info
    var vAppName =;
    var vAppDescription = vApp.description;
    var vAppVdc =;
    var org = vApp.parent.parent;
    //Using query service to get further information on the to be deployed vApp
    var queryService = vcdHost.toAdminObject().toAdminExtensionObject().getExtensionQueryService();
    var expression = new VclExpression(VclQueryVAppField.NAME,, VclExpressionType.EQUALS);
    var filter = new VclFilter(expression);
    var params = new VclQueryParams();
    var resultSet = queryService.queryAllVappRecords(params);
    while (resultSet != null) {
        var records = resultSet.getRecords();
        for each (var record in records) {
            //Since we got the vApp by its name we want to check it is the right one
            if (record.href == vApp.getReference().href) {
                var vAppCreationDate = VclMiscObjectFactory.convertToGregorianCalendar(record.creationDate).toString();
                var vAppNumberOfVMs = record.numberOfVMs;
                var vAppStorageMB = record.storageKB / 1024;
                var map = record.otherAttributes;
                var vAppAutoDeleteDate = "Unlimited";
                for each (k in map.keys) {
                    if (k.getLocalPart() == "autoDeleteDate") {
                        var vAppAutoDeleteDateString = map.get(k);
                        if  (vAppAutoDeleteDateString != null && vAppAutoDeleteDateString != undefined) {
                            var vAppAutoDeleteDateXmlGregorianCalendar = VclMiscObjectFactory.xmlGregorianCalendarFromString(vAppAutoDeleteDateString);
                            var vAppAutoDeleteDate = VclMiscObjectFactory.convertToGregorianCalendar(vAppAutoDeleteDateXmlGregorianCalendar).toString();
                        System.log(k.getLocalPart() + " : " + map.get(k));
        resultSet = resultSet.getNextPage();
    var vmsProperties = new Array();
    var queryService = vcdHost.getQueryService();
    expression = new VclExpression(VclQueryVMField.CONTAINER, vApp.getReference().href, VclExpressionType.EQUALS);
    filter = new VclFilter(expression);
    params = new VclQueryParams();
    var resultSet = queryService.queryRecords(VclQueryRecordType.ADMINVM, params);
    while (resultSet != null) {
        var records = resultSet.getRecords(new VclQueryResultAdminVMRecord());
        System.log(records.length + " VM records found");
        for each (var record in records) {
            var vmProp = new Properties();
            vmProp.put("guestOs", record.guestOs);
            vmProp.put("memoryMB", record.memoryMB);
            vmProp.put("numberOfCpus", record.numberOfCpus);
            if (record.networkName != null) {
                vmProp.put("networkName", record.networkName);
            else {
                vmProp.put("networkName", "");
        resultSet = resultSet.getNextPage();
    function addInfoTitle(info, title) {
        info += "" + title + "
    \n"; return info; } function addInfoEntry(info, label, entry) { info += "
  • " + label + " : " + entry + "\n"; return info; } function addInfoSeparation(info) { info += "

\n"; return info; } content = ""; content = addInfoTitle(content, "Requestor"); content = addInfoEntry(content, "Username", username); content = addInfoEntry(content, "Description", userDescription); content = addInfoEntry(content, "Full Name", userFullName); content = addInfoEntry(content, "Email Address", userEmailAddress); content = addInfoEntry(content, "Telephone Number", userTelephone); content = addInfoEntry(content, "Instant Messenger ID", userIm); content = addInfoEntry(content, "Deployed VM Quota", userDeployedVmQuota); content = addInfoEntry(content, "Stored VM Quota", userStoredVmQuota); content = addInfoEntry(content, "Role", userRole); content = addInfoSeparation(content); content = addInfoTitle(content, "vApp"); content = addInfoEntry(content, "Name", vAppName); content = addInfoEntry(content, "Description", vAppDescription); content = addInfoEntry(content, "VDC", vAppVdc); content = addInfoEntry(content, "Creation Date", vAppCreationDate); content = addInfoEntry(content, "Number of VMs", vAppNumberOfVMs); content = addInfoEntry(content, "Disk Size", System.formatNumber((vAppStorageMB / 1024), "0")+ " GB"); content = addInfoEntry(content, "Storage Lease", vAppAutoDeleteDate); System.log("=================================================\n"); System.log("Operation Type: "+operationType); // Process the vmPropsArray: // vmName - string // hostName - string // osName - string // hwVersion - string // cpuCount - string // memoryMB - string if (vmPropsArray != null){ for each (vmProps in vmPropsArray){ System.log("vmName: "+vmProps.get("vmName")); System.log("hostName: "+vmProps.get("hostName")); System.log("osName: "+vmProps.get("osName")); System.log("cpuCount: "+vmProps.get("cpuCount")); System.log("memoryMB: "+vmProps.get("memoryMB")); content = addInfoSeparation(content); content = addInfoTitle(content, "VM"+" ("+operationType+")"); content = addInfoEntry(content, "\tName", vmProps.get("vmName")); // This is the "Full Name" or "Display Name" if(vmProps.get("description")!="n/a"){ content = addInfoEntry(content,"\tDescription", vmProps.get("description")); } if(vmProps.get("hostName")!="n/a"){ content = addInfoEntry(content, "\tHost Name", vmProps.get("hostName")); // This is the hostname or Computer Name } if(vmProps.get("osName")!="n/a"){ content = addInfoEntry(content, "\tGuest OS name", vmProps.get("osName")); } if(vmProps.get("cpuCount")!="n/a"){ content = addInfoEntry(content, "\tvCPUs", vmProps.get("cpuCount")); } if(vmProps.get("memoryMB")!="n/a"){ content = addInfoEntry(content, "\tRAM (MB)", vmProps.get("memoryMB")); } // content = addInfoEntry(content, "\tNetwork name", vmProp.get("networkName")); } } var displayContent = content; // Retrieve the full webview url here: should be like http://your.vco.server:8280/vmo/approvals var webViewUrl = configurationElement.getAttributeWithKey("webViewUrl").value; // Extract the host from the url var vcoHost = webViewUrl.match(/^(ftp:\/\/|https?:\/\/)?(.+@)?([a-zA-Z0-9\.\-]+).*$/)[3]; // Now build the answer URL to be placed in e-mail var urlAnswer = "here" ; content = addInfoSeparation(content); content += "Click "+urlAnswer +" to approve or reject this request."; content = addInfoSeparation(content); content += "** This is an automated workflow email. Do not reply. **";
  • We can recover a virtual machine of flat files without committing snapshots?

    I have a virtual machine that has died due to having excessive snapshots. "Too many levels of redo logs.

    Can I get out this virtual machine to the top without committing the delta files, IE just use original flat files?

    I tried going through the KB1004545 to solve the problem of the snapshot, and it fails

    Thanks in advance!

    It's really kind of unusual, but we will try to fix things.

    1.) create multiple subdirectories which you will pass some files during this procedure
    -not used


    (2.) do a cleaning of unused files
    -move all the files to "...-ctk.vmdk" for the "unused" subdirectory
    -move the "000002" files in the subdirectory "unused" (not in the chain of snapshot)
    -move the '000239' files in the subdirectory "unused" (not in the chain of snapshot)
    -move the "000258' - '000287' files in the 'unused' subdirectory (contain no user data)

    3.) backs up the descriptor files

    -Copy all the hard of descriptor/header files in the subdirectory "backup."

    4.) merging the snapshots in the basic disk using the vmkfstools utility
    Given that problems with two virtual disks are the same, I'll explain the procedure for the first disc of "nzaklapp11" only. Once you are done with the first virtual disk, repeat steps to 'nzaklapp11_1 '.

    First round:

    • run: vmkfstools-i nzaklapp11 - 000030.vmdk temp/nzaklapp11.vmdk
    • the files '000030' moving 'nzaklapp11.vmdk', "nzaklapp11 - flat hard" as well as the "000001" - to the subdirectory 'done '.
    • Move hard files created in sub-repertoire 'temp' in the virtual machine file
    • Edit "nzaklapp11 - 000031.vmdk".
      parentFileNameHint = "nzaklapp11.vmdk".
      parentCID =

    Repeatedly executes:

    • run: vmkfstools-i nzaklapp11 - 000060.vmdk temp/nzaklapp11.vmdk
    • move the "000031' -"000060"files in the subdirectory 'done '.
    • Remove "nzaklapp11.vmdk", "nzaklapp11 - flat hard."
    • Move hard files created in sub-repertoire 'temp' in the virtual machine file
    • Edit "nzaklapp11 - 000061.vmdk".
      parentFileNameHint = "nzaklapp11.vmdk".
      parentCID =

    Repeat the "works on several occasions" by increasing the number of 30 until you are finished with all snapshots.

    Once finished with the two discs, and you confirmed that the new disks are ok, you can remove the subdirectories created in step 1.

    If anything is unclear, please feel free to ask.


  • Can I remote in virtual machines directly?

    I run vmware player on windows 7 and have a few virtual machines from CentOS 6 for Windows Server 2008.  I know that I can access virtual machines by remote access in the host operating system, but it's kind of messy.  I can remote directly in virtual machines? I know I would probably mess with some network settings to make it work, but before that I just want to know if it CAN be done with virtual machines running on VMware player or if I need another (non-free) version or what.

    Thank you

    Access to a Virtual Machine, everywhere, is not fundamentally different, then access to a physical Machine act accordingly and correctly configure makes directly accessed remotely if you want.  The value of the Bridged network adapter, set up your router correctly to the packages before him and you're in business.  It can also be done with the virtual machine Network Adapter the value NAT however this technique requires additional configuration and another layer of process so the bridged configuration and physical router configuration is easier and more direct.

  • Can not power on virtual machines "cannot access the file because it is locked.

    Virtual machines have been working well - then the storage system is down.  After the storage system returns upwards that I can't turn on a number of virtual machines.  Get this error when I try to turn it on:

    Cannot power on vmname on Unable to access file < unspecified file name > because it is locked

    1. To check the locks on the Service Console on non ESXi servers, run the command:

      lsof | grep

      71fd60b6-3631 root 4r REG 0.9 10737418240 23533

      Note: If there is no Console of Service process the locking file, you should receive no printed output. If you receive results, however, file a support request to identify the process and to determine the causes.  If it is a third-party process, however, contact the appropriate provider to determine the cause before you kill the process ID, because it can happen again in the future.

      Stop the process and the lock ID using the kill command. In the example above, the process ID is 3631:

      kill the 3631

      After the termination of the process, you can try to turn on the virtual machine or access the file resource.

    2. To check if the virtual machine is always a world ID assigned, run these commands on all ESX/ESXi hosts:

      VM-support - x

      Available to debug worlds:
      WID =

      On the ESX/ESXi host where the virtual machine still works, kill the VM, which releases the lock on the file. To kill the virtual machine, run the command:

      VM-support - X

      Where the is the ID of the world of the virtual machine with the locked file.

      Note: this command takes 5-10 minutes to complete. Answer No to "can I include a screenshot of the virtual machine", and answer Yes to all subsequent questions.

      After the termination of the process, you can turn on the virtual machine or access the file resource.

    Deleting the file .lck (NFS only)

    The virtual machine files can be locked via NFS storage. You can identify this as reported by .lck files. # (where # is the ID of the world that holds the lock file) at the end of the file name. It is a NFS file lock and appears only when you use the ls command as it is the hidden file.
    Beware: they can be removed safely only if the virtual machine is not running.

    Note: VMFS volumes have no .lck files. The locking mechanism for VMFS volumes is managed within VMFS metadata on the volume.

    You must kill the process that is locked, if it is not the case, you probably need to restart the VMware host.
    I tell you from experience most likely end up rebooting it.

  • I can't access my Virtual Machine when the internet connection is disabled...

    Hello... I'm newbie here... I don't know if Iam asking stupid

    question or good question... Well I can't access my Virtual Machine

    When the internet connection is off... it is quite common... or

    obnormal... In my area there is a lot of electricity cuts... and

    interruptions of network of regular power 5 hours ago

    cut... and power cuts not notified... So I can't access the internet

    constantly... Is there any solution for this... Thank you

    your valuable suggestions...

    Thank you and best regards,


    Just to clarify - you are unable to connect using the default management tools to the servers in your office.

    Have you tried to remote desktop, telnet, ssh, otherwise?

    I'm kind of thinking he's trying to communicate to the world for the validity of a SSL key

  • How the physical machine can communicate with the virtual machines as well as the internet should work on a virtual machine

    Hi team,

    I ask that you forgive for asking a silly question without doing a free search.

    I'm using VMware workstation 6.5. I am able to communicate with both machines by selecting 'only option of home. "

    Is there a way by which the physical machine can communicate with the virtual machines.

    At the same time through the VMS, is it possible to access the Internet from the physical amchine.

    Help, please.



    When you use a bridged vNIC the customer acts as any other host, so that you can access is by his IP (or name if a DNS configuration exists as you acceding to any other host.) What tools you can use depends on the guest operating system and the software available.

    I assume you mean access deskopt. Then you can use RDP (Windows Terminal services) or VNC (tight/tiny).

    For Linux, you can use this last or all the flavors of SSH. In the case of Linux, I use VNC through SSH tunnel. You can also tunnel X through SSH, so if you have an X server on another host (such as the Hummingbird for Windows), you can open your own office remotely there.

    If you found this information useful, please consider awarding points to 'Correct' or 'Useful' answers and answers. Thank you!!

  • Smart card reader does not correctly connect once the virtual machine is restored from sleep using the vmrum controls

    Smart card reader does not correctly connect once the virtual machine is restored from sleep using the vmrum controls

    Scenario is,

    1. smart card reader is connected to the VM with card inserted in

    2 initiate a prompt suspension of the VM toolbar

    3. now to resume the virtual machine by using vmrun command into the host machine

    WS t vmrun start xxx.vmx

    Now, the recovery of VM but the smart card reader that was previously connected does not work properly in VM that is to say, sometimes after CV chip card reader driver is uninstalling and a few other times, chip connected to the drive is not available on a virtual computer

    My requirement is after power, smart card reader can stay connected to the virtual computer with the already installed driver and the smart card.

    Kindly help with this problem.

    Host operating system: Victoire 2012 R2

    The VM OS: win 10 x 64

    Thank you!!

    Dear all,

    I had a work around for this problem. By adding "usb.autoConnect.device0 ="0xVID:0xPID"" this statement to the VMX file, solves this problem, that is, whenever the VM is wake-up by clicking on the link CV or using vmrun commands, it connects the unit in question automatically and it is charging correctly with his driver. Obtaining smart card detected after sleep\hibernate with no problems.

    VID & PID is respective ID of the device that can be seen in the properties of the Device Manager "Device Instance path".

    For more information about this, visit VMware KB: automatic connection of USB devices to the virtual machine power on

    ~ Surendra

  • Unable to add the virtual machine network services


    I already read that warning Virtual PC 2007 is not compatible with win 7-64.
    However, I read that it is "unofficially" possible launch.
    OK, I installed it and it worked except networking.
    Basically, I need to install the Virtual Machine Network Services.
    I right click on my network card-> properties-> install-> services-> virtual machine network services (VPC2007 folder: where I can see VMNetSrv.inf)
    Then says Windows: it is impossible to add the requested feature. The specified service has been marked for deletion.

    The problem is that I get this error even on WinXP SP3, so I think that there is something else wrong.

    And of course, Virtual PC 2007 available networks are only: no connection, Local, NAT.  (Missing my physical adapter)

    Thank you!!!


    The question you posted would be better suited to the TechNet community. Please visit the link below to find a community that will provide the support you want.

    Hope this information is useful.

  • All of a sudden can only run a virtual machine on a workstation to 12G, used to be able to run at least three

    After years of use of my computer, I have a problem suddenly as the likes of which I've never seen elsewhere.  On a machine that was able to run three virtual computers, I now get error messages when I try to run more than one.

    The message I get is displayed as an attachment.  It indicates only 1192 MB is available for the second virtual machine, I try to run.  See error message when you try to run a second virtual machine.png

    The preferences that I set myself for VMWare Workstation show until 9210 MB should be available for virtual machines.  See the preferences.png workstation.

    Who is running when I try to launch a second is set to use 2 GB.  See machine running virtual preferences.png

    Resource monitor shows also that it should be 5376 available MB.

    I'm puzzled.  What could happen?  How can I solve this?

    I am running 8.0.1 build-528992.

    find your config.ini file
    Win7: C:\ProgramData\VMware\VMware Workstation\config.ini
    XP and 2003: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\VMware\VMware Workstation\config.ini

    and change or add these 2 lines
    prefvmx.useRecommendedLockedMemSize = "FALSE".
    prefvmx.minVmMemPct = '0 '.

    These settings should allow you to assign 12 GB of RAM or more for your virtual machines
    If this is not the case - I would switch to 7.1.4

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