Cf11 - Type is not supported by this SQL driver based ORM Update

We test on one of our web applications in CF11.

We have a feature of updated base of entity ORM that retrieves an object individually called several setters and then registers the entity inside a transaction in cfscript. We are working with Microsoft SQL Standard 2012 edition. It worked under CF9 and CF10.

Under CF11, we get the following error:

Error: An exception occurred when the validation of the transaction. The main cause of this exception is: coldfusion.orm.hibernate.HibernateSessionException: type [macromedia] [SQLServer JDBC Driver] specified SQL is not supported by this driver...

The line of code is throwing the error, it's what is the last line in the transaction {} block.

Follows the SQL running. This is a great Basic. What happens here?

Journal of hibernation:

05/07 17:21:04 [ajp-bio-8014-exec-1] HIBERNATE DEBUG - update dbo.registrations set childID=?, registered=?, dropped=?, droppedBy=?, droppedDate=?, neverPlayed=?, WL=?, WLRemoveDate=?, WLRemoveBy=?, sexdiv=?, age_calc=?, Scholarship=?, VIP=?, PlayerSchool=?, Grade=?, PlayerHeight=?, PlayerWeight=?, PlayerEmail=?, PlayerCellPhone=?, LBrother=?, RecentlyMoved=?, submitterID=?, submitType=?, comments=?, RegistrationComments=?, CommentsDivDir=?, DroppedComments=?, RegistrarOnly=?, MedicalInsCarrier=?, MedCond=?, Mediprobs=?, PhysicianName=?, DoctorFull=?, EmergencyContact=?, EmergencyPhone=?, seasonID=?, moveUp=?, moveUpStatus=?, moveUpAsked=?, MoveUpOldDiv=?, PlayedLastYear=?, MethodOfPayment=?, Fee=?, RefundAmount=?, RefundDate=?, AmountPaid=?, InvoiceNo=?, Div=?, batchNum=?, sexdivNextYear=?, email_other=? , dateCreated =?, dateModified =?, lastModifiedBy =?, playerNum =?, refund =?, refundBy =?, Don =?, isAYSOExtra =?, yearbooksGiven =?, yearbooksOrdered =?, noPracticeDay =?, coed =?, clientID =?, seasonUID =? where registrationID =?

05/07 17:21:04 [ajp-bio-8014-exec-1] TRACE HIBERNATE - parameter binding [1] as [VARCHAR] - 37F22B1B-066D-45CB-BBDA-677D8059159D

05/07 17:21:04 [ajp-bio-8014-exec-1] TRACE HIBERNATE - related parameter [2] boolean - true

05/07 17:21:04 [ajp-bio-8014-exec-1] TRACE HIBERNATE - related parameter [3] as [BOOLEAN] - false

05/07 17:21:04 [ajp-bio-8014-exec-1] TRACE HIBERNATE - connection parameter [4] like [VARCHAR] - < null >

05/07 17:21:04 [ajp-bio-8014-exec-1] TRACE HIBERNATE - parameter binding [5] as [TIMESTAMP] - < null >

05/07 17:21:04 [ajp-bio-8014-exec-1] TRACE HIBERNATE - related parameter [6] as [BOOLEAN] - false

05/07 17:21:04 [ajp-bio-8014-exec-1] TRACE HIBERNATE - related parameter [7] as [BOOLEAN] - false

05/07 17:21:04 [ajp-bio-8014-exec-1] TRACE HIBERNATE - parameter binding [8] like [TIMESTAMP] - < null >

05/07 17:21:04 [ajp-bio-8014-exec-1] TRACE HIBERNATE - parameter binding [9] as [VARCHAR] - < null >

05/07 17:21:04 [ajp-bio-8014-exec-1] TRACE HIBERNATE - parameter binding [10] like [VARCHAR] - B19

05/07 17:21:04 [ajp-bio-8014-exec-1] TRACE HIBERNATE - related parameter [11] as [INTEGER] - 6

05/07 17:21:04 [ajp-bio-8014-exec-1] TRACE HIBERNATE - related parameter [12] as [BOOLEAN] - false

05/07 17:21:04 [ajp-bio-8014-exec-1] TRACE HIBERNATE - related parameter [13] as [BOOLEAN] - false

05/07 17:21:04 [ajp-bio-8014-exec-1] TRACE HIBERNATE - parameter binding [14] as [VARCHAR] - Test

05/07 17:21:04 [ajp-bio-8014-exec-1] TRACE HIBERNATE - related parameter [15] as [VARCHAR] - 3

05/07 17:21:04 [ajp-bio-8014-exec-1] TRACE HIBERNATE - related parameter [16] as [VARCHAR] - 23

05/07 17:21:04 [ajp-bio-8014-exec-1] TRACE HIBERNATE - related parameter [17] as [VARCHAR] - 44

05/07 17:21:04 [ajp-bio-8014-exec-1] TRACE HIBERNATE - related parameter [18] as [VARCHAR]-

05/07 17:21:04 [ajp-bio-8014-exec-1] TRACE HIBERNATE - related parameter [19] as [VARCHAR]-

05/07 17:21:04 [ajp-bio-8014-exec-1] TRACE HIBERNATE - related parameter [20] as [VARCHAR]-

05/07 17:21:04 [ajp-bio-8014-exec-1] TRACE HIBERNATE - related parameter [21] as [BOOLEAN] - false

05/07 17:21:04 [ajp-bio-8014-exec-1] TRACE HIBERNATE - parameter binding [22] as [VARCHAR] - 75F5114C-B32A-4BDA-A125-93FAB7EB3834

05/07 17:21:04 [ajp-bio-8014-exec-1] TRACE HIBERNATE - parameter binding [23] as [VARCHAR] - father

05/07 17:21:04 [ajp-bio-8014-exec-1] test TRACE HIBERNATE - parameter binding [24] as [VARCHAR].

05/07 17:21:04 [ajp-bio-8014-exec-1] test TRACE HIBERNATE - parameter binding [25] as [VARCHAR].

05/07 17:21:04 [ajp-bio-8014-exec-1] TRACE HIBERNATE - parameter binding [26] as [VARCHAR] - < null >

05/07 17:21:04 [ajp-bio-8014-exec-1] TRACE HIBERNATE - parameter binding [27] as [VARCHAR] - < null >

05/07 17:21:04 [ajp-bio-8014-exec-1] test TRACE HIBERNATE - parameter binding [28] as [VARCHAR].

05/07 17:21:04 [ajp-bio-8014-exec-1] TRACE HIBERNATE - parameter binding [29] as [VARCHAR] - BCS

05/07 17:21:04 [ajp-bio-8014-exec-1] TRACE HIBERNATE - related parameter [30] as [BOOLEAN] - false

05/07 17:21:04 [ajp-bio-8014-exec-1] TRACE HIBERNATE - related parameter [31] as [VARCHAR]-

05/07 17:21:04 [ajp-bio-8014-exec-1] TRACE HIBERNATE - related parameter [32] as [VARCHAR]-

05/07 17:21:04 [ajp-bio-8014-exec-1] TRACE HIBERNATE - related parameter [33] as [VARCHAR]-

05/07 17:21:04 [ajp-bio-8014-exec-1] TRACE HIBERNATE - parameter binding [34] as [VARCHAR] - LK

05/07 17:21:04 [ajp-bio-8014-exec-1] HIBERNATE TRACE - setting binding [35] as [VARCHAR] - 302-555-1212

05/07 17:21:04 [ajp-bio-8014-exec-1] TRACE HIBERNATE - related parameter [36] as [INTEGER] - 9

05/07 17:21:04 [ajp-bio-8014-exec-1] TRACE HIBERNATE - related parameter [37] as [SMALLINT] - 1

05/07 17:21:04 [ajp-bio-8014-exec-1] TRACE HIBERNATE - related parameter [38] as [INTEGER] - 0

05/07 17:21:04 [ajp-bio-8014-exec-1] TRACE HIBERNATE - related parameter [39] as [BOOLEAN] - false

05/07 17:21:04 [ajp-bio-8014-exec-1] TRACE HIBERNATE - parameter binding [40] as [VARCHAR] - < null >

05/07 17:21:04 [ajp-bio-8014-exec-1] TRACE HIBERNATE - parameter binding [41] as [BOOLEAN] - < null >

05/07 17:21:04 [ajp-bio-8014-exec-1] TRACE HIBERNATE - parameter binding [42] as [VARCHAR] - credit card - automated

05/07 17:21:04 [ajp-bio-8014-exec-1] TRACE HIBERNATE - related parameter [43] as [DOUBLE] - 100.0

05/07 17:21:04 [ajp-bio-8014-exec-1] TRACE HIBERNATE - parameter binding [44] did [DOUBLE] - < null >

05/07 17:21:04 [ajp-bio-8014-exec-1] TRACE HIBERNATE - parameter binding [45] as [TIMESTAMP] - < null >

05/07 17:21:04 [ajp-bio-8014-exec-1] TRACE HIBERNATE - parameter binding [46] as [DOUBLE] - < null >

05/07 17:21:04 [ajp-bio-8014-exec-1] TRACE HIBERNATE - connection parameter [47] as [VARCHAR] - 7176

05/07 17:21:04 [ajp-bio-8014-exec-1] TRACE HIBERNATE - related parameter [48] as [SMALLINT] - 8

05/07 17:21:04 [ajp-bio-8014-exec-1] TRACE HIBERNATE - parameter binding [49] as [VARCHAR] - < null >

05/07 17:21:04 [ajp-bio-8014-exec-1] TRACE HIBERNATE - parameter binding [50] as [VARCHAR] - B8

05/07 17:21:04 [ajp-bio-8014-exec-1] TRACE HIBERNATE - related parameter [51] as [VARCHAR]-

05/07 17:21:04 [ajp-bio-8014-exec-1] HIBERNATE TRACE - setting binding [52] as [TIMESTAMP] - 2013-07-19 12:29:50.0

05/07 17:21:04 [ajp-bio-8014-exec-1] TRACE HIBERNATE - related parameter [53] as [TIMESTAMP] - {ts ' 2014-05-07 19:21:04 '}

05/07 17:21:04 [ajp-bio-8014-exec-1] TRACE HIBERNATE - parameter binding [54] as [VARCHAR] - 75F5114C-B32A-4BDA-A125-93FAB7EB3834

05/07 17:21:04 [ajp-bio-8014-exec-1] TRACE HIBERNATE - related parameter [55] as [INTEGER] - 18973

05/07 17:21:04 [ajp-bio-8014-exec-1] TRACE HIBERNATE - related parameter [56] as [BOOLEAN] - false

05/07 17:21:04 [ajp-bio-8014-exec-1] TRACE HIBERNATE - parameter binding [57] as [VARCHAR] - < null >

05/07 17:21:04 [ajp-bio-8014-exec-1] TRACE HIBERNATE - parameter binding [58] as [DOUBLE] - < null >

05/07 17:21:04 [ajp-bio-8014-exec-1] TRACE HIBERNATE - related parameter [59] as [BOOLEAN] - false

05/07 17:21:04 [ajp-bio-8014-exec-1] TRACE HIBERNATE - related parameter [60] as [SMALLINT] - 0

05/07 17:21:04 [ajp-bio-8014-exec-1] TRACE HIBERNATE - related parameter [61] as [SMALLINT] - 0

05/07 17:21:04 [ajp-bio-8014-exec-1] TRACE HIBERNATE - connection parameter [62] as [VARCHAR] - Wednesday

05/07 17:21:04 [ajp-bio-8014-exec-1] TRACE HIBERNATE - related parameter [63] as [BOOLEAN] - false

05/07 17:21:04 [ajp-bio-8014-exec-1] TRACE HIBERNATE - parameter binding [64] as [VARCHAR] - 2BDE1C40-A442-46D0-AD11-2E9E9F078069

05/07 17:21:04 [ajp-bio-8014-exec-1] TRACE HIBERNATE - parameter binding [65] like [VARCHAR] - 8FD74B93-990E-4DFE-8D0A-352EA5461180

05/07 17:21:04 [ajp-bio-8014-exec-1] TRACE HIBERNATE - parameter binding [66] as [VARCHAR] - 42E5F844-1310-41CE-BDD6-BB4E6FB8D847

05/07 17:21:04 [ajp-bio-8014-exec-1] HIBERNATE ERROR - [macromedia] [SQLServer JDBC Driver] the specified SQL type is not supported by this driver.

The problem is that CF11 uses a version of hibernation in the Boolean fields that contain a null values are tapped in MS SQL. It is in the release notes and Adobe has shown no indication that they plan to update Hibernate in CF11 to fix. I added a vote for the bug:

Bug #3518916 - the attempt to insert Null into primitive Boolean type throws error for SQLServer

The solution is to replace the ormtype = "boolean" with ormtype = "numeric_boolean". I have not tried that we had held off the coast in the hope they would patch to a later version of Hibernate, but no luck so far.

Tags: ColdFusion

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    Hi Raul,

    Use the Microsoft Safety Scanner in full scan mode and remove all threats that is not detected by it and see if the problem persists.

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    Hi 1043414,

    APEX 5 works on 12 c, where SH512 is supported. Default APEX uses the most secure algorithm on the platform where you develop. If you need to copy the app to 11g, please make sure that the checksum algorithm is supported on this platform. Go for the shared components > security attributes and click the Bookmarks button expire, where you can change the algorithm.

    Kind regards


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    no ip address
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    interface BVI1
    IP address 98.x.x.x
    IP virtual-reassembly
    VPN crypto card

    Hello DialerString,

    I fear that the ACL is not related to the question, so I expect not to see anything in the debug output

    Hope to help


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    You can use Xming

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    As you have a PPC or Power Mac the last form of waiver Mozilla to work on the PPC is Firefox 3.6. *

    3.6.23 Firefox can be found at

    Since you have a PPC Mac, there is this option of third-party for Firefox 7.0.1

    From Firefox 4.0, a Mac Intel with OS x 10.5 + is required for versions of Mozilla's Firefox.


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    The latest version of Mozilla that works on the old 10.4 has Firefox 3.6.18. From Firefox 4.0 and newer Intel Mac and OSX 10.5 and newer is necessary to make it work.

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    URL of affected sites


    To work around this problem, you can also try using the User Agent Switcher add-on to give the impression that you are using IE on the site.

    You can contact the site owner to inform them of their poor support for Firefox.

    Alternatively, you can report a broken help site.

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    Hello Larry,.

    Welcome to the community of Sony.

    This problem has been resolved and is now available in your TV to Netflix.

    If my post answered your question, please mark it as an "accepted Solution".

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    Both an example and my application fail trowing the exception [-1074118656] 'the device was not recognized.  The device is not supported with this driver or version. " class constructor is called.

    DMM = new InstrumentDriverInterop.Ivi.nidmm ("PXI3::12:INSTR", true, true);

    I guess it is function of device PXI!

    I also tried to use a VISA alias as "pippo" and then I tried to insert a device unexistent name. In any case the same exception was trown.

    NOR-DAQmx 8.9.5

    NOR-DMM 3.0.1

    NI-VISA 4.6.1

    NOR-MAX 4.6.2f1


    Hello Robson,

    Maybe you areusing an incorrect descriptor itrument, try please the instructions contained in the following document:

    KB 33A96PCW: receive error-1074118656 when running OR DMM screws

    Let me know if this might help.

    Best regards.

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    You get the error message?

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