Extensometer - project value


I use extensometer to measure the deformation of an axis in brass. I installed an extensometer via connector 9944 to NI 9237 tends in NI 9162 carrier (or NI 9174, I think that no matter what carrier I use).

It works very well, but every now and then when I run the program I get "project of value." For example, when I start the program, the value is 0.020, but then it starts to write in + or - although I do not move or bend axis. So the values can change from 0.020 to 1,200. I can't find the reason for this error.

Then I start to reset the card or program and change the cable ports several times until it stops, it can take 20 minutes or more.

Help is needed, thank you!

Tags: NI Products

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    I thought about it. It turns out that it wasn't a race condition. Where I placed my probes and where I put breakpoints, it looked like the data that has been taken out of the subIV and the data in the top VI did not correspond to the top. It turns out that the DUT has a firmware which sometimes returns incorrect data.

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    I want in the end

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    What do I do?

    At the project level, stated 2 variables var1 and var2 alphanumeric two, without history

    In the package

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    The value of VAR2 attaches not to the value of VAR1.


    I am sure that I answered a question similar at least twice in recent months. Please do a search...

    However do this changes

    • put your variable to the most RECENT VALUE
    • Rename them in capital LETTERS
    • Equip your package the following steps
      1. declare VAR1
      2. say VAR2
      3. Refresh VAR1
      4. Assign VAR2 with this #PROJECT value. VAR1

    Let us know.

  • Ant problem - could not create task or type of project


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    < default = project name "PruebaHibernate" = "run" >
    < target name = "init" >
    * < name = "src.dir project" value = "src" / > * "
    < name = "project classes.dir" value = "bin" / > "
    < name = "lib.dir project" value = "" lib"" / > "
    < name of project = 'mainclass"value =" mx.uam.hibernate.ManejadorLibro"/ >"
    < path id = "classpath" >
    < pathelement location = "${classes.dir}" / > "
    < dir = "${lib.dir fileset}" >
    < name = "*.jar" / >
    < / fileset >
    < / path >
    < / target >
    < target name = "prepare" depends = "init" >
    < dir = "${mkdir classes.dir}" / > "
    < dir = "${lib.dir mkdir}" / > "
    < / target >
    < target name = "compile" depends = "copy-resources" >
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    < classpath refid = "classpath" / >
    < / javac >
    < / target >
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    < copy todir = "${classes.dir}" >
    < dir = "${src.dir fileset}" >
    < exclude name = "" * / *.java "/ >"
    < / fileset >
    < / copy >
    < / target >
    < target name = "run" depends = "compile" >
    < java classname fork = "${mainclass}" = "true" >
    < value arg = "add" / >
    < value arg = "Tutorial" / >
    < arg value = "IngSW" / >
    < classpath refid = "classpath" / >
    < / java >
    < / target >
    < / project >


    But unfortunately it doesn´t run. If gices me the following error message: (the error is in the row has highlighted in bold)


    C:\Documents and Settings\egoitz\workspace\PruebaHibernate\build.xml:3: problem: could not create task or type of project

    Cause: The name is not defined.
    Action: Check the spelling.
    Action: Check that all custom tasks/types have been declared.
    Action: Check that any < presetdef > / < macrodef > statements took place.


    I'd be very grateful if someone could tell me how it solved.

    Thanks forward

    Published by: user1577231 on October 24, 2010 09:56

    user1577231 wrote:
    Hi Kayaman,

    Sorry, but unfortunately not well understood.

    Could you explain a bit more what I do, please?

    Thanks forward

    Well, you have a project, and yet you have 5 project labels in your build.xml.

    Maybe you should read the documentation for the Ant also?

  • By the way the parameter and value pop-up window?


    I have created a context menu, calling for another page, using url whose target is set:

    Then I have a code in the header:
    < script >
    function modalWin() {}
    If (window.showModalDialog) {}
    window.showModalDialog ("f? p = & APP_ID.:3: & SESSION. ": POP: NO:P3_PROJECT_ID: #PROJECT_ID #:", "name", "dialogWidth:600px;" dialogHeight:400px");
    else {}
    Window.Open ("f? p = & APP_ID.: & PAGE_ID.: & SESSION. "" ": POP: NO:": P3_PROJECT_ID: #PROJECT_ID #: ","name "," height = 400, width is 600, toolbar = no, directories = no, status = no, menubar = no, scrollbars = no, resizable = no, modal = yes");"
    < /script >

    Everything works fine, except for the most part - the link doesn't past not the project value to the window!

    What could be wrong in the code above? Am I missing something?

    Thank you


    The main problem was that you had 2 colones more than necessary in the constructed URL, afte r No. and before P3_PROJECT_ID.
    Looks like that to correct him

     I have fixed it on  apex.oracle.com for you to see.
    Noticed that the POPUP page does not close and opens another window.
    Not sure if this is an issue in your real application so did not delve into it.
  • the LAST_VALUE function and forecasts

    Dear gurus,

    I need to return a result set with the last value from the last date of my contracts, table of projects; that later, I'll have to use this game to project values for the months remaining of my earnings forecasts.

    I don't seem to be getting anywhere, I need to take the last date, the pair value per project / contract and project.

    I only went as far as the first part, which is to extract the last date, value; will also need assistance for the second part, which must take this bring and project.

    Here we go:

    my table

    Contrato projeto, data, valor

    C001P1APRIL 1, 1510
    C001P1APRIL 1, 1510
    C001P11 MAY 1515
    C001P21 MAY 1519
    C001P21 JUNE 1521
    C002P1JULY 1, 1519
    C002P21 AUGUST 1519

    my query




    Select CONTRATO, PROJETO, periodo,




    My result set, repeat the values for the month, only need one value per month;

    C001P110APRIL 1, 15
    C001P110APRIL 1, 15
    C001P1151 MAY 15
    C001P2191 MAY 15
    C001P2211 JUNE 15
    C002P119JULY 1, 15
    C002P2191 AUGUST 15

    Thank you very much!

    Forecasts up to 2015-12-31




    , to_char (pmonth, ' MONTH YYYY ',' NLS_DATE_LANGUAGE = ENGLISH ') month

    valor v



    Contrato, projeto

    trunc (max (period), "MM") pmonth

    , max (valor) valor of Dungeon (dense_rank last order by period)


    Contrato group, projeto



    partition of (contrato, projeto)

    dimension (r 0)

    measures (v valor, pmonth)

    iterate (1e6) rules until (add_months(pmonth[0],iteration_number) > = DATE '' 2015-12-31))

    pmonth [iteration_number] = ADD_MONTHS(pmonth[0],iteration_number)

    v [iteration_number] = v [0]


    order of contrato, projeto, pmonth


    'C001' 'P1' 'MAY 2015', '15 '.

    'C001' 'P1' 'JUNE 2015', '15 '.

    'C001' 'P1' 'JULY 2015', '15 '.

    'C001' 'P1' 'AUGUST 2015', '15 '.

    'C001' 'P1' 'SEPTEMBER 2015', '15 '.

    'C001' 'P1' 'OCTOBER 2015', '15 '.

    'C001' 'P1' 'NOVEMBER 2015', '15 '.

    'C001' 'P1' 'DECEMBER 2015', '15 '.

    'C001' 'P1' 'JANUARY 2016"'15 '.

    'C001' 'P2' 'JUNE 2015' "21".

    'C001' 'P2' 'JULY 2015' "21".

    'C001' 'P2' 'AUGUST 2015' "21".

    'C001' 'P2' 'SEPTEMBER 2015' "21".

    'C001' 'P2' 'OCTOBER 2015' "21".

    'C001' 'P2' 'NOVEMBER 2015' "21".

    'C001' 'P2' 'DECEMBER 2015' "21".

    'C001' 'P2' 'JANUARY 2016"'21 '.

    "C002' 'P1' 'JULY 2015'"19. "

    "C002' 'P1' 'AUGUST 2015'"19. "

    "C002' 'P1' 'SEPTEMBER 2015'"19. "

    "C002' 'P1' 'OCTOBER 2015'"19. "

    "C002' 'P1' 'NOVEMBER 2015'"19. "

    "C002' 'P1' 'DECEMBER 2015'"19. "

    "C002" "P1" "JANUARY 2016", "19".

    "C002' 'P2' 'AUGUST 2015'"19. "

    "C002" "P2" 'SEPTEMBER 2015' "19."

    "C002' 'P2' 'OCTOBER 2015'"19. "

    "C002' 'P2' 'NOVEMBER 2015'"19. "

    "C002' 'P2' 'DECEMBER 2015'"19. "

    "C002" "P2" "JANUARY 2016", "19".

  • getJSON application using ColdFusion proxy

    I'm following this article by Ben Nadel - do not know if there is some other better tutorials out there. In any case, I kept getting the Variable ALLARTICLESDATA is not defined. error.

    < script type = "text/javascript" >

    Run when the DOM is ready.

    $(function() {})

    jForms var = $(le «formulaire»);

    Connect the form.

    () jForm.submit

    function (objEvent) {}

    Get the Owl knowledge items.


    Prevent default.

    Return (false) End Function



    This method performs cross-site AJAX

    using a ColdFusion proxy page.

    function GetArticles() {}

    {$('#searharea').keyup (function ()}

    var searchField = $('#searharea').val ();

    var myExp = new RegExp (searchField, "i");

    $.getJSON('ajaxProxy-KB.cfm', {proxyURL: 'https://app.knowledgeowl.com/api/head/article.json', )

    name: {}

    $regex: searchField.

    $options: "I."


    {function (Data)}

    Console.log (data.valid, data.data); Data.Data is an array of information!

    output var = ' < ul class = "search results" > ";

    $(data.data, fonction (i, article) {} .each)

    output += '< li > ";

    " output += ' < h5 > < a href =" https://kb.mysite.com/help/pdfexport/id/'+ article.id + ' "> ' + article.name + ' < / h5 > '; "

    output += "< /li >";


    output += '< /ul > ";

    $('#resultarea').html (output);

    }); get JSON



    < /script >

    < cfoutput >

    < section class = 'block' >

    < ul class = "tabs" >

    < li > < a href = "# tab1" > Search < /a > < /li >

    < li > < a href = "# tab2" > Article < /a > < /li >

    < li > < a href = "# tab 3" > class < /a > < /li >

    < /ul >

    < section id = "tab1" >

    < input type = "text" id = "searharea" name = "searcharea" placeholder = "Search the article name" > < / input >

    < div id = "resultarea" > < / div >

    < / item >

    < section id = "tab2" >

    < cfif! IsJSON (allArticlesData) >

    < h3 > The URL you requested does not valid JSON < / h3 >

    < cfelse >

    < cfset allArtData = DeserializeJSON (allArticlesData) >

    < cfif structKeyExists (allArtData, 'data') >

    < cfloop index = "i" = "1" to = "#arrayLen (allArtData.data) #" >

    " < h5 > < a href =" https://KB.mysite.com/help/pdfexport/ID/#allArtData.Data [i] user.user # "> #allArtData.data [i] .name # < /a > < / h5 > .

    < / cfloop >

    < / cfif >

    < / cfif >

    < / item >

    < section id = "3" tab >

    < cfif! IsJSON (cateData) >

    < h3 > The URL you requested does not valid JSON < / h3 >

    < cfelse >

    < cfset cfDJData = DeserializeJSON (cateData) >

    < cfif structKeyExists (cfDJData, 'data') >

    < cfloop index = "i" = "1" to = "#arrayLen (cfDJData.data) #" >

    < h5 > #cfDJData.data [i] .name #-#cfDJData.data [i] user.user # < / h5 >

    < / cfloop >

    < / cfif >

    < / cfif >

    < / item >

    < / section >

    < / cfoutput >

    And here is my proxy page.


    Check if the page request is a POST or a GET.

    On this basis, we can understand our target URL.


    < cfif (CGI.request_method EQ "get") >

    <!-based on a URL get target url. ->

    < cfset strTargetURL = URL. ProxyURL / >

    <!-remove the target URL. ->

    < cfset StructDelete (URL, 'ProxyURL') / >

    < cfelse >

    <!-get target url FORMS-based. ->

    < cfset strTargetURL = FORM. ProxyURL / >

    <!-remove the target URL. ->

    < cfset StructDelete (FORM, 'ProxyURL') / >

    < / cfif >


    Remove any AJAX anit-setting cache which has been used by jQuery. This

    a random number is intended to help ensure that the GET URL are

    not implemented cache.


    < cfset StructDelete (URL, '_') / >


    Make the HTTP proxy request for help. When we do that, trying to convey information to CGI that was made by the initial application of AJAX.


    "< result cfhttp ="objRequest' url = "#UrlDecode (strTargetURL)" # "method =" #CGI.request_method # "useragent =" "#CGI.http_user_agent #" timeout = "15" > "

    <!-add the referer which was past-po->

    < cfhttpparam type = "header" name = "referer" value = "" #CGI.http_referer # "/ >"

    <!-pass the values to the URL. ->

    < point cfloop = collection 'strKey' = "#URL #" >

    "< cfhttpparam type ="url"name =" (strKey) #LCase "#" value = "#URL [strKey] #" / >

    < / cfloop >

    <!-transmit the values of the FORM. ->

    <!-< element cfloop = 'strKey' collection = "# FORM #" >

    "< cfhttpparam type ="formfield"name =" (strKey) #LCase "#" value = "#FORM [strKey] #" / >

    < / cfloop >->

    < cfhttpparam type = "url" name = "_authbykey" value = "56a7d8c123131c4058361567" >

    < cfhttpparam type = "url" name = "project" value = "55c4ffd123131c567e294fe6" >

    < cfhttpparam type = "url" name = "status [$in] []" value = "published" >

    < cfhttpparam type = "url" name = "status [$in] []" value = "review" >

    < cfhttpparam type = "url" name = "_fields []" value = "name" >

    < / cfhttp >


    <!-debug requires more up-to-date. ->

    < cfset objDebug = {}

    CGI = double (CGI)

    URL = double (URL),

    = Double (SHAPE) SHAPE,

    Ask = double (objRequest)

    } / >

    <!-debug output to the file. ->

    < cfdump

    var = "" #objDebug # ""

    output = "#ExpandPath ('.)" (/ ajax_prox_debug.htm") #

    format = "HTML".

    / >



    Get the content as a byte array (by converting it to binary,

    We can send the appropriate length as well as use it in

    the binary response stream.


    < cfset binResponse = ToBinary (ToBase64 (objRequest.FileContent)) / >

    <!-Echo back the response code. ->

    "< cfheader statuscode =" #Val (objRequest.StatusCode) "#" statustext = "#ListRest (objRequest.StatusCode, ' ') #" / >

    <!-Length response Echo back. ->

    < name cfheader = "content-length" value = "#ArrayLen (binResponse)" # "/ >"

    <!-Echo back all heaers response. ->

    < item cfloop = 'strKey' collection = "#objRequest.ResponseHeader #" >

    <!-Check if this header is a simple value. ->

    < cfif IsSimpleValue (objRequest.ResponseHeader [strKey]) >

    <!-back Echo header value. ->

    "< name cfheader =" "#strKey #" value = "#objRequest.ResponseHeader [strKey] #" / >

    < / cfif >

    < / cfloop >


    Echo of content with the appropriate mime type. With the help of

    the Variable attribute, we will ensure that the content

    Stream is reset to zero and THAT the response will be returned.


    "< cfcontent type =" "#objRequest.MimeType #" variable = "#binResponse #" / >

    It turns out that I don't need this block of code cfloop. The error is actually the cfheader tag. It works fine without the cfloop in this moment, so I'll just remove.

  • Help the cfhttpparam work.

    That's what it says on the API Basics | KnowledgeOwl site. But it seemed to me that to make it work, the full URL look something like this.

    project & https://app.knowledgeowl.com/API/Head/Category/5697c6a632131cd740bd3123.JSON?_authbykey=56 a7d8c512331c4058361687...

    So, here's my attempt using cfhttpparam.

    " < cfhttp url = ' https://app.knowledgeowl.com/API/head/category/.JSON ? "method ="GET"> ".

    < cfhttpparam name = "categoryID" value = "c6a632131cd740bd3123" >

    < cfhttpparam name = "_authbykey" value = "56a7d8c512331c4058361687" >

    < cfhttpparam name = "project" value = "55c4ffd131231c527e294fe6" >

    < / cfhttp >

    Well, then I got error error in the script module custom . Any suggestion is appreciated.

    The url in the CFHTTP tag should not end with a '? '.   In addition, you must type = "url" on the plates of Landau.

  • Parsing XML feed

    I have codes as follows:
    feedURL VARCHAR2 (500);
    xmlparser parser. Analyzer;
    feedXML xmldom. DOMDocument;
    titles xmldom. DOMNodeList;

    titles_found NUMBER;
    curNode xmldom. DOMNode;
    textChild xmldom. DOMNode;


    feedURL: = '3Aproject % & v = query-meta & query = HOOD & render.function = xml-feed-display & content-type = text/xml';

    Parser: = xmlparser.newParser;
    feedXML: = xmlparser.parse (feedURL);
    xmlparser.freeParser (parser);

    titles: = xmldom.getElementsByTagName(feedXML,'*');

    FOR j IN LOOP 1.xmldom.getLength (titles)
    curNode: = xmldom.item(titles,j-1);
    textChild: = xmldom.getFirstChild (curNode);

    dbms_output.put_line ('('||) LPAD(j,2) |') '|| xmldom.getNodeValue (textChild));

    xmldom.freeDocument (feedXML);


    Above codes generate result:
    (11) 150
    * (12) H0OH18101 *.
    (13) < span class = "vivbold qt0" > </span > HOOD, RONALD E
    (16) 155
    * (17) H8OH07073 *.
    (18) < span class = "vivbold qt0" > </span >, RONALD EDWARD HOOD
    (23) H0oh18101, hood, Ronald
    (25) Edward, Hood, Ronald
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

    You can see by browsing, oracle shows all items in the feed url. From the results above, I need to display only items 12 and 17, and ignore the rest. I also provide XML feed below:

    <? XML version = "1.0"? >
    -vce >
    < param name = "v: sources" value = "cansumtest" / >
    < param name = "v: project ' value = 'query-meta' / >
    < param name = "query" value = "HOOD" / >
    < param name = "render.function" value = "xml-feed-display" / > "
    < param name = "content-type" value = "text/xml" / >
    -added source = test-strictly 'test-strictly"name ="cansumtest"type ="vse"modified"1355412925"="1.3"over-request = num = '200' status 'questioned' = asked ="200"query-xml-Jack in charge ="query-xml-support' vse - vse = 'vse - vse"total-results = '2' admin-url ="http://velocity/vivisimo/cgi-bin/admin"stem"depluralize"stem2 = 'none' = list of stopwords = 'none' search-ms ="1"recovery-ms = '0' total-results-with-duplicates = '2' retrieved '2' = >
    < parse url = " & mode = normal & strength-binning binning = 0 & max = 300 & start = 0 & num = 200 & staging = 0 & collection = cansumtest & r-o-p = 0 & sort keys = 1 & shingles = 1 & sum = 1 & = 1 & cache-data cache = 0 & score = 0 & show-duplicates =" 0 & gen - key = 0 & n-collapse = 0 & is is collapsed binning = 0 "start time"57"end of time = = http ="64"status" 200 OK"status =" "read treated analysis ' recovered '2' = / >" "
    < / source added >
    -< path list = "" num = "2" level = '0' start '0' by = '10' = > "
    -document url = "oracle:// / orcl /?" key - val = 9' rank = '0' source = "cansumtest" score = "0.111111" truncated url = "oracle:// / orcl /?" key - val = 9"context =" 3astate % & v = % 28root % 29% 7croot & v % 3aframe = tree & subquery = id % 3aNdoc0 & % active 3d = root & v % 3asubsearch = 1 & ">
    < = "size" type = "text" > 150 happy name < / content >
    < happy name = "CAND_ID" type = "text" > H0OH18101 < / content >
    < happy name = "CAND_NM" type = "text" > < span class = "vivbold qt0" > </span > HOOD, RONALD E < / content >
    < happy name = "extract" type = "html" / >
    < / document >
    -document url = "oracle:// / orcl /?" key - val = 4015"="1"source ="cansumtest"rank score = '0.1' truncated url =" oracle:// / orcl /? " key - val = 4015"context =" 3astate % & v = % 28root % 29% 7croot & v % 3aframe = tree & subquery = id % 3aNdoc1 & % active 3d = root & v % 3asubsearch = 1 & ">
    < happy name = "size" type = "text" > 155 < / content >
    < happy name = "CAND_ID" type = "text" > H8OH07073 < / content >
    < happy name = "CAND_NM" type = "text" > < span class = "vivbold qt0" > </span >, RONALD EDWARD HOOD < / content >
    < happy name = "extract" type = "html" / >
    < / document >
    < / list >
    -< tree base-url = "" & v: state = ' recluster-base-url = " &" > "
    -< node type = 'high' level = '0' Sindocs = '2' active = '1' subnodes = '0' ts = "|" root' ls = "root |" root' bs = "|" root">
    -< node type = 'document' level = '1' Sindocs = '1' ts = "(root) |" root' ls = "root |" N0"bs =" (root) | " N0 ">"
    < description > H0oh18101, hood, Ronald < / description >
    < / node >
    -< node type = 'document' level = '1' Sindocs = '1' ts = "(root) |" root' ls = "root |" N1"bs =" (root) | " N1 ">"
    < description > Edward, Hood, Ronald < / description >
    < / node >
    < / node >
    < / tree >
    < / vce >

    The easiest way is probably to apply a regular expression, either by post-processing of the column:

    SQL> select cand_id
      2       , regexp_replace(cand_nm, '<[^>]+>') as cand_nm
      3  from xmltable(
      4         '/vce/list/document'
      5         passing xdburitype('/public/feed.xml').getxml()
      6         columns
      7           cand_id   varchar2(30)  path 'content[@name="CAND_ID"]'
      8         , cand_nm   varchar2(80)  path 'content[@name="CAND_NM"]'
      9       )
     10  ;
    CAND_ID                        CAND_NM
    ------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    H0OH18101                      HOOD, RONALD E
    H8OH07073                      HOOD, RONALD EDWARD

    or directly in XMLTable:

    SQL> select cand_id
      2       , cand_nm
      3  from xmltable(
      4         '/vce/list/document'
      5         passing xdburitype('/public/feed.xml').getxml()
      6         columns
      7           cand_id   varchar2(30)  path 'content[@name="CAND_ID"]'
      8         , cand_nm   varchar2(80)  path 'ora:replace(content[@name="CAND_NM"], "<[^>]+>", "")'
      9       )
     10  ;
    CAND_ID                        CAND_NM
    ------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    H0OH18101                      HOOD, RONALD E
    H8OH07073                      HOOD, RONALD EDWARD
  • Encoding format Blu - ray destroyed my black levels - that I'm going to hurt?

    I need to burn a short to Blu - ray for a future projection, but whenever first/encoder/still ends the disc, the levels of black look anything like what I saw in my project schedule OR even preview. Blacks are soft, gray, with way too many details in them. Research led me to believe that my question has something to do with the color of my project values is from 0 to 255, but that Adobe Media Encoder that will pass automatically to the 16-235. Or something. I don't know, this is all new to me in the last 12 hours.

    I've missed around with the effect levels in first just to test this hypothesis, and when I came out of 0 to 16 in the timeline panel black levels, he did reproduce the difference I saw in the finish of the blu.

    I scoured all the parameters in first and still a way to control the levels of black get in / out of encoder, but couldn't find anything. Someone please tell me what stupid thing I overlooked so that I can make this film to look right.

    For reference, my video source is:

    Images of .mov DSLR, 1920 x 1080, 23.976

    And I export to Blu - ray using the following parameters:

    MPEG 2 (also tried H.264, same result)


    CBR (from the film only 22 minutes), but I also tried VBR 2 pass to max, minimum target and 25mbps 35mbs 40mbps.

    Profile: 5.0

    Rendering quality Max, maximum depth, max everything.

    First Pro Cs5.5 running

    You were right about that. The settings in the graphics card drive (which apparently I put manually) had the card using its own settings for office and most applications (like the first), but default to the default settings of the program for some video players (that is, only Power DVD). I now see the contrast values constantly between PP and blu reading on the computer, but there is still a question (much more subtle) contrast and gamma when I burn on blu. Will try some of the suggestions above and after return. Thank you guys.

  • table of facts with different granularity

    I have a table of facts, the measure with different granualrity, for example, there is a fact table named project and in the project, there is a certain columns as project, value of opportunity, (an opporuntity have many project). So I add the value of the project and the value of Opportuntity
    per month, how the sum of the value of opportuntity? (I want the sum of the separate Opportuntity value). someone at - it Suggetions. Thanks in advance.

    It is a problem of command in the Planner. We have solved like this
    Add a flag column in the fact table to identify the unique opportunity. Let's say that

    OPP project val FLAG

    1 1 100
    100 1 0
    200 1 1
    200 1 0

    The value - SUM (project value) of the project
    OPP brush - Filter (sum (opp) indicator = 1) gives you the value of the separate opp.

    Another way is to divide your fact LTS1 and LTS2... You can try, but I feel THAT FLAG is acquisitions.

  • Receiving Ant error when you try to clean up the scene: deployment customized taskfl

    V JDev
    WebCenter PS4 (

    Today when I tried to re - deploy a custom workflow (no changes have been made to the workflow, it's just a test) I noticed a new error in the Ant log when performing cleaning. I've not seen this before and I am reluctant to go ahead with the deployment without knowing where it comes from. Error details:

    BuildFile: W:\ProjectConnect_Source_20120203\MortensonWebCenterSpacesExtensions\WebCenterSpacesSharedLibExtension\build.xml
    * [taskdef] could not load definitions from resource net/sf/antcontrib/antcontrib.properties. It was impossible to found.*

    *[echo] ----------------------------*
    * [echo] - cleaning deploy directory-*.
    *[echo] ----------------------------*


    *[echo] ----------------------------*
    * [echo] - update manifest file with the *.
    version of specification and implementation version
    *[echo] ----------------------------*
    * [propertyfile] property of update file: W:\ProjectConnect_Source_20120203\MortensonWebCenterSpacesExtensions\WebCenterSpacesSharedLibExtension\manifestImpl.properties*
    * [propertyfile] property of update file: W:\ProjectConnect_Source_20120203\MortensonWebCenterSpacesExtensions\WebCenterSpacesSharedLibExtension\manifestImpl.properties*

    W:\ProjectConnect_Source_20120203\MortensonWebCenterSpacesExtensions\WebCenterSpacesSharedLibExtension\internal-targets.XML:127: Caveat: did not find file W:\Personal\JDEV\MortensonWebCenterSpacesExtensions\WebCenterSpacesSharedLibExtension\MANIFEST. MF. TEMPL to copy.

    Total time: 0 seconds

    internal - targets.xml table of contents:
    <? XML version = "1.0" encoding = "US-ASCII"? >
    <! - ant buildfile generated by Oracle JDeveloper - >
    <!-generated Sep 29, 2009 23:47:41 >
    "< name of project = default"WebCenterSpacesSharedLibExtensionInternal"="init"basedir =". »
    xmlns:WLS = "Oracle.WebCenter.Tools.WLS" > "

    < Import file = ' internal - targets.xml "/ >

    ' < file property = "... / config. Properties "/ >"
    < = "build.properties" file / property >

    "< taskdef resource="net/sf/antcontrib/antcontrib.properties ">
    < classpath >
    < pathelement location="${jdeveloper.install.home.directory}/modules/net.sf.antcontrib_1.1.0.0_1-0b2/lib/ant-contrib.jar"/ >
    < / classpath >
    < / taskdef >
    < taskdef = "ojdeploy" name
    ClassName = "Oracle.JDeveloper.deploy.ant.OJDeployAntTask"
    URI = "oraclelib:OJDeployAntTask".
    classpath="${Oracle.JDeveloper.Ant.library}"/ >

    < target name = "init" >
    < tstamp / >
    < mkdir dir = "${output.dir}" / >
    < / target >

    < target name = "clean" description = "Cleans the project" >
    < echo - > < / echo >
    Echo <>- cleaning deploy directory - < / echo >
    < echo - > < / echo >

    < remove includeemptydirs = "true" quiet = "true" >
    "< dir="${extending.spaces.home.dir}/deploy fileset "includes =" * / * "/ >
    < dir = "${output.dir fileset} ' includes =" * / * "/ >"
    < dir = "${fileset oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.dir} ' includes =" * / * "/ >"

    < dir = "${fileset extending.spaces.out.dir} ' includes =" * / * "/ >"
    "< dir="${extending.spaces.home}/classes fileset "includes =" * / * "/ >

    < / delete >
    < / target >

    < name target = 'clean-local-manifest-file.
    Description = "this goal cleans the manifesto created locally.
    properties file">
    < queue = "manifestImpl.properties remove" quiet = "true" / > "
    < / target >

    < target name = "precompile".
    Description = "Specifies the version number of the manifest file" >
    < echo - > < / echo >
    Echo <>- updated the manifest file with the
    version of specification and implementation version
    -< / echo >
    < echo - > < / echo >

    <!-check if the number of restart is set in the properties file, if not
    Then set the default setting->
    < value = "${restart.implementation.version.suffix property}" name = "restartVer" / > "
    < if >
    < length string = "${restartVer}" = trim 'superior' = 'true' length = "30" / >
    < do >
    < property name = "varValeurProp" value = "1" / >
    < / may >
    < other >
    < property name = "varValeurProp" value = "${restartVer}" / >
    < / else >
    < /if >

    < if >
    <!-check if the manifest file is available->
    < queue = "manifestImpl.properties available" property = "propavailable" / > "
    < do >
    < file = "manifestImpl.properties" / property >
    <!-get the biggest 2 numbers, properties
    and the local-> manifest file
    < property = "${lastNumber}" name = "lastCount" / >
    < if >
    < bool >
    < isgreaterthan arg1 arg2 = "${lastCount}" = "${varValeurProp}" / >
    < / bool >
    < do >
    < property name = "valueToConsider" value = "${lastCount}" / >
    < / may >
    < other >
    < property name = "valueToConsider" value = "${varValeurProp}" / >
    < / else >
    < /if >
    < / may >
    < other >
    <!-definition of the properties file if it does not exist->
    < propertyfile file = "manifestImpl.properties"
    Comment = 'Version of the application' >
    < enter key = value="${default.implementation.version}"/ "implVersion" >
    < / propertyfile >
    < property name = "valueToConsider" value = "${varValeurProp}" / >
    < / else >
    < /if >

    <! - from value incrementing the value of one - >
    < name var = "op1" value = "${valueToConsider}" / >
    < name var = "op2" value = "1" / >
    < name var = "op" value = "+" / >

    < result math = 'result' operand1 = "${op1}.
    operation = operand2 ' ${op} "=" ${op2} "datatype ="int"/ >

    <! - definition of value in the properties file - >
    < propertyfile file = "manifestImpl.properties" >
    < enter key = "lastNumber" type = "int" value = "${result}" / >
    < / propertyfile >

    < file = "manifestImpl.properties" / property >
    < property name = "tempManifestImpelVersion" value = "${implVersion}." ${result} "/ >"

    < propertyfile file = "manifestImpl.properties" >
    < key = "enter manifest.implementation.version"
    value = "${tempManifestImpelVersion}" / >
    < / propertyfile >

    < copy file="${manifest.template.directory}/MANIFEST. MF. TEMPL.
    ToFile="${manifest.file.Directory}/manifest. MF.
    Overwrite = "true" >
    < filterset >

    < token filter = "IMPLEMENTATION_VERSION".
    value = "${tempManifestImpelVersion}" / >
    < token filter = "LibraryName".
    value="${customer.library.name}"/ >
    < token filter = 'CUSTOMER_NAME '.
    value = "${Customer.Name}" / >
    < / filterset >
    < / copy >

    < path id = "custom.profile.attribute.classpath" >
    < pathelement location="${jdeveloper.install.home.directory}/jdeveloper/webcenter/modules/oracle.webcenter.framework_11.1.1/search-crawl-spi.jar"/ >
    < pathelement location="${jdeveloper.install.home.directory}/jdeveloper/webcenter/modules/oracle.webcenter.framework_11.1.1/search-admin.jar"/ >
    < pathelement location="${jdeveloper.install.home.directory}/jdeveloper/webcenter/modules/oracle.webcenter.framework_11.1.1/search-auth-plugin.jar"/ >
    < pathelement location="${jdeveloper.install.home.directory}/jdeveloper/webcenter/modules/oracle.webcenter.framework_11.1.1/search-auth-share.jar"/ >
    < pathelement location="${jdeveloper.install.home.directory}/jdeveloper/webcenter/modules/oracle.webcenter.framework_11.1.1/search-crawl-ses.jar"/ >
    < pathelement location="${jdeveloper.install.home.directory}/jdeveloper/webcenter/modules/oracle.webcenter.framework_11.1.1/search-crawl-ucm.jar"/ >
    < pathelement location="${jdeveloper.install.home.directory}/jdeveloper/webcenter/modules/oracle.webcenter.framework_11.1.1/search-api.jar"/ >
    < pathelement location="${jdeveloper.install.home.directory}/jdeveloper/webcenter/modules/oracle.webcenter.framework_11.1.1/search-adapter.jar"/ >
    < pathelement location="${jdeveloper.install.home.directory}/jdeveloper/webcenter/modules/oracle.webcenter.framework_11.1.1/search-model.jar"/ >
    < pathelement location="${jdeveloper.install.home.directory}/jdeveloper/webcenter/modules/oracle.webcenter.framework_11.1.1/search-service-view.jar"/ >
    < pathelement location="${jdeveloper.install.home.directory}/jdeveloper/webcenter/modules/oracle.webcenter.framework_11.1.1/search-skin.jar"/ >
    < pathelement location="${jdeveloper.install.home.directory}/jdeveloper/webcenter/modules/oracle.webcenter.framework_11.1.1/searchlet.jar"/ >
    < pathelement location="${jdeveloper.install.home.directory}/jdeveloper/webcenter/modules/oracle.webcenter.framework_11.1.1/activity-streaming-model.jar"/ >
    < pathelement location="${jdeveloper.install.home.directory}/jdeveloper/webcenter/modules/oracle.webcenter.framework_11.1.1/security-extension.jar"/ >
    < pathelement location="${jdeveloper.install.home.directory}/jdeveloper/webcenter/modules/oracle.webcenter.framework_11.1.1/peopleconnections-preference-model.jar"/ >
    < pathelement location="${jdeveloper.install.home.directory}/jdeveloper/webcenter/modules/oracle.webcenter.framework_11.1.1/peopleconnections-profile-model.jar"/ >
    < pathelement location="${jdeveloper.install.home.directory}/jdeveloper/webcenter/modules/oracle.webcenter.framework_11.1.1/serviceframework.jar"/ >
    < pathelement location="${jdeveloper.install.home.directory}/modules/javax.jsp_1.2.0.0_2-1.jar"/ >
    < pathelement path="${extending.spaces.home.dir}/ProfileCrawler/classes"/ >
    < / path >
    < path id = "library. JSF.1.2 ">"
    < pathelement location="${jdeveloper.install.home.directory}/oracle_common/modules/oracle.jsf_1.2.9/glassfish.jsf_1.0.0.0_1-2-15.jar"/ >
    < pathelement location="${jdeveloper.install.home.directory}/oracle_common/modules/oracle.jsf_1.2.9/glassfish.jstl_1.2.0.1.jar"/ >
    < pathelement location="${jdeveloper.install.home.directory}/oracle_common/modules/oracle.jsf_1.2.9/javax.jsf_1.1.0.0_1-2.jar"/ >
    < pathelement location="${jdeveloper.install.home.directory}/oracle_common/modules/oracle.jsf_1.2.9/wls.jsf.di.jar"/ >
    < / path >
    < path id = "library.WebCenter.Common" >
    < pathelement location="${jdeveloper.install.home.directory}/jdeveloper/webcenter/modules/oracle.webcenter.framework_11.1.1/command-api.jar"/ >
    < pathelement location="${jdeveloper.install.home.directory}/jdeveloper/webcenter/modules/oracle.webcenter.framework_11.1.1/command-spi.jar"/ >
    < pathelement location="${jdeveloper.install.home.directory}/jdeveloper/webcenter/modules/oracle.webcenter.framework_11.1.1/generalsettings-model.jar"/ >
    < pathelement location="${jdeveloper.install.home.directory}/jdeveloper/webcenter/modules/oracle.webcenter.framework_11.1.1/lifecycle-client.jar"/ >
    < pathelement location="${jdeveloper.install.home.directory}/jdeveloper/webcenter/modules/oracle.webcenter.framework_11.1.1/lifecycle-model.jar"/ >
    < pathelement location="${jdeveloper.install.home.directory}/jdeveloper/webcenter/modules/oracle.webcenter.framework_11.1.1/lifecycle-service.jar"/ >
    < pathelement location="${jdeveloper.install.home.directory}/jdeveloper/webcenter/modules/oracle.webcenter.framework_11.1.1/lock-service-model.jar"/ >
    < pathelement location="${jdeveloper.install.home.directory}/jdeveloper/webcenter/modules/oracle.webcenter.framework_11.1.1/search-api.jar"/ >
    < pathelement location="${jdeveloper.install.home.directory}/jdeveloper/webcenter/modules/oracle.webcenter.framework_11.1.1/search-adapter.jar"/ >
    < pathelement location="${jdeveloper.install.home.directory}/jdeveloper/webcenter/modules/oracle.webcenter.framework_11.1.1/search-model.jar"/ >
    < pathelement location="${jdeveloper.install.home.directory}/jdeveloper/webcenter/modules/oracle.webcenter.framework_11.1.1/scope-service-model.jar"/ >
    < pathelement location="${jdeveloper.install.home.directory}/jdeveloper/webcenter/modules/oracle.webcenter.framework_11.1.1/security-extension.jar"/ >
    < pathelement location="${jdeveloper.install.home.directory}/jdeveloper/webcenter/modules/oracle.webcenter.framework_11.1.1/serviceframework.jar"/ >
    < pathelement location="${jdeveloper.install.home.directory}/jdeveloper/webcenter/modules/oracle.webcenter.framework_11.1.1/wc-concurrent.jar"/ >
    < pathelement location="${jdeveloper.install.home.directory}/jdeveloper/webcenter/modules/oracle.portlet.server_11.1.1/oracle-portlet-api.jar"/ >
    < pathelement location="${jdeveloper.install.home.directory}/jdeveloper/webcenter/modules/oracle.portlet.server_11.1.1/wsrp-container.jar"/ >
    < / path >
    < path id = "library. WebCenter.Spaces.Client">
    < pathelement location="${jdeveloper.install.home.directory}/jdeveloper/webcenter/modules/oracle.webcenter.framework_11.1.1/webcenter-core-api.jar"/ >
    < pathelement location="${jdeveloper.install.home.directory}/jdeveloper/webcenter/modules/oracle.webcenter.framework_11.1.1/spaces-api.jar"/ >
    < pathelement location="${jdeveloper.install.home.directory}/jdeveloper/webcenter/modules/oracle.webcenter.framework_11.1.1/spaces-webservice-client.jar"/ >
    < / path >
    < path id = "library.ADF.Common.Runtime" >
    < pathelement location="${jdeveloper.install.home.directory}/oracle_common/modules/oracle.adf.view_11.1.1/trinidad-api.jar"/ >
    < pathelement location="${jdeveloper.install.home.directory}/oracle_common/modules/oracle.adf.share_11.1.1/adf-share-support.jar"/ >
    < pathelement location="${jdeveloper.install.home.directory}/oracle_common/modules/oracle.adf.share.ca_11.1.1/adf-share-ca.jar"/ >
    < pathelement location="${jdeveloper.install.home.directory}/oracle_common/modules/oracle.adf.share.ca_11.1.1/adf-share-base.jar"/ >
    < pathelement location="${jdeveloper.install.home.directory}/oracle_common/modules/oracle.adf.share_11.1.1/adfsharembean.jar"/ >
    < pathelement location="${jdeveloper.install.home.directory}/oracle_common/modules/oracle.adf.share_11.1.1/adflogginghandler.jar"/ >
    < pathelement location="${jdeveloper.install.home.directory}/oracle_common/modules/oracle.idm_11.1.1/identitystore.jar"/ >
    < pathelement location="${jdeveloper.install.home.directory}/oracle_common/modules/oracle.javacache_11.1.1/cache.jar"/ >
    < pathelement location="${jdeveloper.install.home.directory}/oracle_common/modules/oracle.adf.security_11.1.1/adf-share-security.jar"/ >
    < pathelement location="${jdeveloper.install.home.directory}/oracle_common/modules/oracle.adf.security_11.1.1/adf-controller-security.jar"/ >
    < pathelement location="${jdeveloper.install.home.directory}/oracle/modules/javax.activation_1.1.0.0_1-1.jar"/ >
    < / path >
    < path id = "library. WebCenter-app-core - model .jar">
    "< pathelement location ="... /SourceFiles/lib/WebCenter-App-Core-Model.jar"/ >
    < / path >
    < path id = "library. Spaces - model .jar">
    "< pathelement location ="... /SourceFiles/lib/Spaces-Model.jar"/ >
    < / path >
    < path id = "library. "Space-model - web.jar" >
    "< pathelement location ="... /SourceFiles/lib/Spaces-Model-Web.jar"/ >
    < / path >
    < path id = "library. SDM. Runtime">
    < pathelement location="${jdeveloper.install.home.directory}/oracle_common/modules/oracle.mds_11.1.1/mdsrt.jar"/ >
    < / path >
    < path id = "library. SDM. Runtime.Dependencies">
    < pathelement location="${jdeveloper.install.home.directory}/oracle_common/modules/oracle.mds_11.1.1/oramds.jar"/ >
    < pathelement location="${jdeveloper.install.home.directory}/oracle_common/modules/oracle.adf.share_11.1.1/adf-share-support.jar"/ >
    < pathelement location="${jdeveloper.install.home.directory}/oracle_common/modules/oracle.adf.share_11.1.1/adflogginghandler.jar"/ >
    < pathelement location="${jdeveloper.install.home.directory}/oracle_common/modules/oracle.adf.share.ca_11.1.1/adf-share-ca.jar"/ >
    < pathelement location="${jdeveloper.install.home.directory}/oracle_common/modules/oracle.adf.share.ca_11.1.1/adf-share-base.jar"/ >
    < pathelement location="${jdeveloper.install.home.directory}/modules/javax.servlet_1.0.0.0_2-5.jar"/ >
    < pathelement location="${jdeveloper.install.home.directory}/modules/javax.jsp_1.2.0.0_2-1.jar"/ >
    < pathelement location="${jdeveloper.install.home.directory}/wlserver_10.3/server/ext/jdbc/oracle/11g/ojdbc6_g.jar"/ >
    < pathelement location="${jdeveloper.install.home.directory}/oracle_common/jlib/commons-cli-1.0.jar"/ >
    < pathelement location="${jdeveloper.install.home.directory}/oracle_common/modules/oracle.adf.share_11.1.1/commons-el.jar"/ >
    < pathelement location="${jdeveloper.install.home.directory}/oracle_common/modules/oracle.adf.share_11.1.1/jsp-el-api.jar"/ >
    < pathelement location="${jdeveloper.install.home.directory}/oracle_common/modules/oracle.adf.share_11.1.1/oracle-el.jar"/ >
    < pathelement location="${jdeveloper.install.home.directory}/oracle_common/modules/oracle.bali.share_11.1.1/share.jar"/ >
    < pathelement location="${jdeveloper.install.home.directory}/oracle_common/modules/oracle.xmlef_11.1.1/xmlef.jar"/ >
    < pathelement location="${jdeveloper.install.home.directory}/oracle_common/modules/oracle.dms_11.1.1/dms.jar"/ >
    < pathelement location="${jdeveloper.install.home.directory}/oracle/modules/javax.activation_1.1.0.0_1-1.jar"/ >
    < pathelement location="${jdeveloper.install.home.directory}/oracle_common/modules/oracle.xdk_11.1.0/xml.jar"/ >
    < pathelement location="${jdeveloper.install.home.directory}/oracle_common/modules/oracle.xdk_11.1.0/xmlparserv2.jar"/ >
    < pathelement location="${jdeveloper.install.home.directory}/oracle_common/modules/oracle.javacache_11.1.1/cache.jar"/ >
    < pathelement location="${jdeveloper.install.home.directory}/oracle_common/modules/oracle.ucp_11.1.0.jar"/ >
    < pathelement location="${jdeveloper.install.home.directory}/oracle_common/modules/oracle.odl_11.1.1/ojdl.jar"/ >
    < pathelement location="${jdeveloper.install.home.directory}/oracle_common/modules/oracle.javatools_11.1.1/javatools-nodeps.jar"/ >
    < pathelement location="${jdeveloper.install.home.directory}/oracle_common/modules/oracle.jmx_11.1.1/jmxframework.jar"/ >
    < pathelement location="${jdeveloper.install.home.directory}/oracle_common/modules/oracle.jmx_11.1.1/jmxspi.jar"/ >
    < pathelement location="${jdeveloper.install.home.directory}/modules/javax.management_1.2.1.jar"/ >
    < pathelement location="${jdeveloper.install.home.directory}/modules/javax.management.j2ee_1.0.jar"/ >
    < / path >
    < path id = "classpath" >
    < path refid = "library. JSF.1.2"/ >
    < refid="library.WebCenter.Common"/ path >
    < path refid = "library. WebCenter.Spaces.Client"/ >
    < refid="library.ADF.Common.Runtime"/ path >
    < path refid = "library. WebCenter-app-core - model .jar "/ >"
    < path refid = "library. Spaces - model .jar "/ >"
    < path refid = "library. Spaces-model - web.jar "/ >"
    < path refid = "library. SDM. Runtime "/ >"
    < path refid = "library. SDM. Runtime.Dependencies "/ >"
    < refid="custom.profile.attribute.classpath"/ path >
    < / path >

    < / target >

    < target name = 'stage' description = 'Déployer JDeveloper profiles'
    function = "init, precompile" >

    < echo - > < / echo >
    < Echo > - Compling Custom WebCenterSpaces - < / echo >
    < echo - > < / echo >

    < xmlns:ora ora: ojdeploy = "oraclelib:OJDeployAntTask".
    Executable = "${Oracle.JDeveloper.ojdeploy.Path}" "
    Ora:statuslog="${Oracle.JDeveloper.deploy.dir}/ojdeploy-statuslog. XML">
    < ora: deployment >

    < name of ora: parameter = 'space '.
    value="${Oracle.JDeveloper.workspace.path}"/ >
    < name of ora: parameter = 'project '.
    value="${Oracle.JDeveloper.project.name}"/ >
    < name of ora: parameter = "profile".
    value = "custom_webcenter_spaces_war" / >
    < name of ora: parameter = value "nocompile" = "false" / >
    < name of ora: parameter = "outputfile".
    value="${Oracle.JDeveloper.deploy.outputfile}"/ >
    < / ora: deployment >
    < / ora: ojdeploy >
    < Echo > wrote the war as follows
    location ${oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.dir}/${shared.library.name} < / echo >
    < mkdir dir="${oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.dir}/exploded"/ >
    < mkdir dir="${oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.dir}/exploded/${customer.library.name}.war"/ >
    "{< Unzip src="${oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.dir}/${shared.library.name}.
    dest="${Oracle.JDeveloper.deploy.dir}/exploded/${customer.library.name}. War "/ >"
    < / target >

    < name target = "init-wls" >
    < path id = "wls.classpath" >
    < pathelement path="${wls.home}/server/lib/weblogic.jar"/ >
    < pathelement path="${wls.home}/server/lib/xqrl.jar"/ >
    < / path >
    < taskdef = "wldeploy" classpathref = "wls.classpath" name
    ClassName="WebLogic.ant.taskdefs.Management.WLDeploy"/ >

    < / target >
    < / project >

    Published by: SethBW on February 16, 2012 12:10

    Published by: SethBW on February 16, 2012 12:11

    Do not know if has something to do with your problem, but

    [taskdef] Could not load definitions from resource net/sf/antcontrib/antcontrib.properties. It could not be found.

    points to some missing properties that can cause the error.

    You can debug the ant (http://tompeez.wordpress.com/2012/02/07/jdeveloper-gem-debug-ant-scripts/ control) script and see what is exactly the problem.


  • Query to get the total effort Projectwise

    I have the following table
    create table Allocation 
      projID varchar(10),
      projName varchar(20),
      associateID number,
      associateName varchar(10),
      allocationStartDate Date,
      allocationEndDate Date,
      allocationPercent number
      PRIMARY KEY(associateID,associateName)
    insert into Allocation values ('123','Mr.A','Prj1','Green Computing','to_date('05/15/2011', 'mm/dd//yyyy')','to_date('07/15/2011', 'mm/dd//yyyy')','50');
    insert into Allocation values ('123','Mr.A','Prj2','Cloud Computing','to_date('05/31/2011', 'mm/dd//yyyy')','to_date('06/30/2011', 'mm/dd//yyyy')','70');
    insert into Allocation values ('1234','Mr.B','Prj1','Green Computing','to_date('06/15/2011', 'mm/dd//yyyy')','to_date('07/31/2011', 'mm/dd//yyyy')','60');
    create table Project
      projID varchar(10),
      projName varchar(20),
      StartDate Date,
      EndDate Date,
      PRIMARY KEY(associateName)
    insert into Project values ('Prj1','Green Computing','to_date('05/01/2011', 'mm/dd//yyyy')','to_date('07/31/2011', 'mm/dd//yyyy')');
    insert into Project values ('Prj2','Cloud Computing','to_date('05/15/2011', 'mm/dd//yyyy')','to_date('08/31/2011', 'mm/dd//yyyy')');
    I want to select the effort wise project. the number of work days multiplied by the 9hrs for each day for all associated with the title of a project. The result should look like this

    Project ID     Project Name     Associate ID     Associate Name     Effort
    Prj1             Green Computing     123                Mr.A            100
    Prj1             Green Computing     1234                Mr.B            120
    Oracle version: 9i 10g / 11g

    I made my mind reading attempt (to correct mistakes in the script). Do you mean the following:

    CREATE TABLE Allocation
       associateID           VARCHAR (10),
       associateName         VARCHAR (100),
       projID                VARCHAR (10),
       projName              VARCHAR (20),
       allocationStartDate   DATE,
       allocationEndDate     DATE,
       allocationPercent     NUMBER,
       CONSTRAINT pk_allocation PRIMARY KEY (associateID, ProjID)
    INSERT INTO Allocation
         VALUES ('123',
                 'Green Computing',
                 TO_DATE ('05/15/2011', 'mm/dd/yyyy'),
                 TO_DATE ('07/15/2011', 'mm/dd/yyyy'),
    INSERT INTO Allocation
         VALUES ('123',
                 'Cloud Computing',
                 TO_DATE ('05/31/2011', 'mm/dd/yyyy'),
                 TO_DATE ('06/30/2011', 'mm/dd/yyyy'),
    INSERT INTO Allocation
         VALUES ('1234',
                 'Green Computing',
                 TO_DATE ('06/15/2011', 'mm/dd/yyyy'),
                 TO_DATE ('07/31/2011', 'mm/dd/yyyy'),
    CREATE TABLE Project
       projID      VARCHAR (10),
       projName    VARCHAR (20),
       StartDate   DATE,
       EndDate     DATE,
       CONSTRAINT pk_project PRIMARY KEY (projID)
    INSERT INTO Project
         VALUES ('Prj1',
                 'Green Computing',
                 TO_DATE ('05/01/2011', 'mm/dd/yyyy'),
                 TO_DATE ('07/31/2011', 'mm/dd/yyyy'));
    INSERT INTO Project
         VALUES ('Prj2',
                 'Cloud Computing',
                 TO_DATE ('05/15/2011', 'mm/dd/yyyy'),
                 TO_DATE ('08/31/2011', 'mm/dd/yyyy'));
    SELECT a.projid "Project ID",
           p.projname "Project Name",
           a.associateid "Associate ID",
           a.associatename "Associate Name",
              WHEN a.allocationenddate - a.allocationstartdate >= 0
                  /*if project begins and ends on the same day,
                    we still want to allocate 9 hrs,
                    so we use a "1 + " to account for the first day*/
                  to_char((1 + (a.allocationenddate - a.allocationstartdate) * 9))
              WHEN a.allocationenddate is null or a.allocationstartdate is null
                 /*if project is still underway*/
                 'Project is in progress'
              WHEN a.allocationenddate - a.allocationstartdate < 0
                  /*begin date is later than end date*/
                 'Invalid data - begin date must occur before end date'
      FROM allocation a
      JOIN project p
      ON a.projid = p.projid;
  • reactive work

    Hi I need advice please

    IM reactive it anytime, 1 year of a project value and work of the dba on my shoulder and every day is a new constraint and the problem, 2 directors have resigned from their posts and things aren't better, I was asked by one of those that I be then to resign... I find myself shouting to pepole who push me to unrealistic time and unpaid work extensions and still not be able to meet some expectations of peoples

    These people say that?

    Thank you

    800113 wrote:
    Hi I need advice please

    IM reactive it anytime, 1 year of a project value and work of the dba on my shoulder and every day is a new constraint and the problem, 2 directors have resigned from their posts and things aren't better, I was asked by one of those that I be then to resign... I can't see a proactive commitment (no commitment of management) and I find myself shouting to pepole who push me to unrealistic time and unpaid work extensions and still not be able to meet some expectations of peoples

    These people say that?

    We dnt have OEM or grid to support 2 TB db. using sqldeveloper! :(

    Thank you

    Sometimes it is mismanagement, sometimes a bad fit for s/n, some people are not cut out for the DBA work. Some places that you have to shout.

    Is - how in other departments in your organization work?

    Expectations are indeed the keys and their definition is a useful skill. It is also a dynamic skill, the details vary widely. But the key is to get management buy-in to improve a bad situation. It's impossible in some places, these places need people who thrive in such an environment - the traditional DBA From Hell. There are people who say things like "If you can't explain what you do to a child of 12 years old, you don't understand it", and accept that sometimes helps me to explain things to the uninitiated, or even those who should know better.

    All you can really do is try to change what you can or get out. If you are so stressed out and don't thrive on stress, maybe you should be the next to resign. It is difficult to explain in an interview for the next post if, you definitely don't want be considered bad or negative, so practical in looking at the good side of things of life and to give short answers that quickly redirects to something positive when they ask why you are leaving your current position. It is difficult to reconcile the truth with what will fill people when there are (and should be) summary Details.

    Of course, some people are sensitive and overreact to normal tensions of this type of position, and some negative people blame others for their own problems. Only you can know the truth of your situation. If you can find someone local outside your organization to advise you, that might help.

    OEM is not the answer to everything. It does not have certain things be easier, but there are many DBA who ignore it and fine. It is just a tool, and how useful depends on the version and the use of it. There are certainly parts which can lead to more unnecessary work.

    Good luck and as a journalist used to close, Courage.

  • Yet CS5 does not burn m4v on Verbatim Blu - Ray disc?

    I have CS5 and burner Pioneer BD - RW BDR-206 (1.04 Firmware) drives and made my first program Blu - Ray in first CS5 and exported on Blu - Ray (m4v), but when trying to burn it on my system, Encore CS5 doesn't recognize not the blank disc (Verbatim BD - R 25 GB 6 x HardCoat) and keeps asking for a disk.

    I put in a regular DVD and he recorded it without problems... but it is Blu - ray.

    What is going on?  I have to do a 'simple' mistake somewhere.  Thanks for your help.

    Sounds weird.

    The project value BD?

    You have the settings panel of comics and drives and BD - 25G?

    Can you build in a BD folder?

    Many of us prefer ImgBurn to burn real disc. You can create a folder BD imager and try burning with ImgBurn.

Maybe you are looking for

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