HP G60 507DX: Ugh help works forgotten pass

don't remember not pass sys to disable the code 82114343

Help, please


Enter: 33872985

Kind regards

DP - K

Tags: Notebooks

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  • Need help working Oracle/PHP to ASP/Oracle conversion

    I don't know if it's the right place, but I was pulling my hair out trying to convert a PHP page in VBScript (ASP) without a bit of luck to all. Hours of research on Google and trial and error and grrrr... I hope someone can help.

    I am new to Oracle and PHP, but old in ASP/VBScript

    Windows Server 2003 R2

    I have an Oracle procedure on a remote computer on which I can NOT change. Out of my control. There is a PHP page on a web server that calls it and works very well. My boss wants me to convert the PHP ASP script (I know, but I have to work within those parameters. Sorry). On the one hand, I can't find many examples of the use of ASP with Oracle procedures. And those that I find are not complete examples or are displayed as questions. Everything I've tried so far either causes an error message I don't understand or not errors, but no data either. So, here is what I got:

    p_doc_num in VARCHAR2


    v_curr_sos_ric Pkg.curr_sos_ric%TYPE: = NULL;
    v_data VARCHAR2 (1000): = NULL;
    v_depot_ric Pkg.depot_ric%TYPE: = NULL;
    v_doc_num Rqn.Doc_Num%TYPE: = NULL;
    v_dodaac Rqn.cnsgne_dodaac%TYPE: = NULL; v_found_pkg BOOLEAN: = FALSE;
    v_found_rqn BOOLEAN: = FALSE;
    v_ic_cl_of_supply_cd Item_Control.cl_of_supply_cd%TYPE: = NULL;
    v_index directory: = 0;
    v_itcn Pkg.itcn%TYPE: = NULL;
    v_lca_inst Cddb_Force.lca_inst%TYPE: = NULL;
    v_pkg_niin Pkg.niin%TYPE: = NULL;
    v_proj_cd Rqn.proj_cd%TYPE: = NULL;
    v_rqn_niin Rqn.niin%TYPE: = NULL;

    -variables defined by the procedures define_status and package pkg_procsusl v_errcd VARCHAR2 (10): = NULL;
    v_errmsg VARCHAR2 (600): = NULL;
    v_errproc VARCHAR2 (30): = NULL;
    v_syserr BOOLEAN: = FALSE;

    -the variables defined by the procedure define_status

    v_status_cd VARCHAR2 (2): = NULL;
    v_status_dt DATE: = NULL;

    -package pkg_procsusl-defined variables

    v_citcn Ship_Unit.citcn%TYPE: = NULL;
    v_dep_ship_su Ship_Unit.dt_dep_ship%TYPE: = NULL;
    v_dt_ccps Ship_Unit.dt_ccps%TYPE: = NULL;
    v_dt_crpr Ship_Unit.dt_crpr%TYPE: = NULL;
    v_dt_hubr Ship_Unit.dt_hubr%TYPE: = NULL;
    v_dt_hubs Ship_Unit.dt_hubs%TYPE: = NULL;
    v_dt_lift SL.dt_lift%TYPE: = NULL;
    v_dt_ssar Ship_Unit.dt_ssar%TYPE: = NULL;
    v_dt_umfps Ship_Unit.dt_umfps%TYPE: = NULL;
    v_hub_tcn Ship_Unit.hub_tcn%TYPE: = NULL;
    v_mfst_ref SL.mfst_ref%TYPE: = NULL;
    v_mfst_sta SL.mfst_sta%TYPE: = NULL;
    v_mod_shp Ship_Unit.mod_shp%TYPE: = NULL;
    v_mode VARCHAR2 (10): = NULL;
    v_msn_num Flt.msn_num%TYPE: = NULL;
    v_save_erl_poel SL.dt_poel%TYPE: = NULL;
    v_save_erl_poel_pair SL.dt_poel%TYPE: = NULL;
    v_save_erl_poer SL.dt_poer%TYPE: = NULL;
    v_save_erl_poer_pair SL.dt_poer%TYPE: = NULL;
    v_save_lat_podf Ship_Unit.dt_podf%TYPE: = NULL;
    v_save_lat_podf_pair Ship_Unit.dt_podf%TYPE: = NULL;
    v_save_lat_podr Ship_Unit.dt_podr%TYPE: = NULL;
    v_save_lat_podr_pair Ship_Unit.dt_podr%TYPE: = NULL; v_pod Ship_Unit.pod%TYPE: = NULL;
    v_poe SL.poe%TYPE: = NULL;
    v_voyage_no SL.voyage_no%TYPE: = NULL;
    v_tdi Ship_Unit.tdi%TYPE: = NULL;


    CURSOR c_rqn (doc_num_in VARCHAR2) IS
    SELECT *.
    OF tangible
    WHERE doc_num = doc_num_in;

    CURSOR c_pkg (doc_num_in VARCHAR2) IS
    SELECT *.
    WHERE doc_num = doc_num_in
    AND sup_pipe_cat <>'OB '.
    AND sup_pipe_cat <>"IA";


    r_pkg Pkg % ROWTYPE;
    r_rqn tangible % ROWTYPE;

    -- functions ---------------------------------------------------------

    FUNCTION Find_Lca_Inst (dodaac_in VARCHAR2)

    v_lca_cd Cddb_Force.lca_inst%TYPE;


    SELECT lca_inst from v_lca_cd
    OF Cddb_Force
    WHERE dodaac = dodaac_in;
    RETURN v_lca_cd;


    END Find_Lca_Inst;


    FUNCTION Find_Supply_Cd (niin_in VARCHAR2)

    v_supply_cd Item_Control.cl_of_supply_cd%TYPE;


    SELECT cl_of_supply_cd from v_supply_cd
    OF Item_Control
    WHERE only = niin_in;
    RETURN v_supply_cd;


    END Find_Supply_Cd;



    DBMS_OUTPUT. ENABLE (2000000);
    v_doc_num: = upper (p_doc_num);

    OPEN c_rqn (v_doc_num);

    SEEK c_rqn INTO r_rqn;
    v_found_rqn: = TRUE;
    v_dodaac: = NVL (r_rqn.cnsgne_dodaac, r_rqn.s_cnsgne_dodaac);
    v_rqn_niin: = NVL (r_rqn.niin, r_rqn.s_niin);
    v_proj_cd: = NVL (r_rqn.proj_cd, r_rqn.s_proj_cd);
    IF v_dodaac IS NOT NULL THEN
    v_lca_inst: = FIND_LCA_INST (v_dodaac);
    v_lca_inst: = NULL;
    END IF;

    -output of tangible column values

    DBMS_OUTPUT. Put_LINE ('Tangible database');

    v_data: = r_rqn.doc_num | '|' || r_rqn.req_geo_flag | '|' ||
    r_rqn.estb_dic | '|' || r_rqn.niin | '|' ||
    r_rqn.asg_cd | '|' || r_rqn. Qty | '|' ||
    r_rqn.unit_price | '|' || r_rqn.dmd_cd | '|' ||
    v_proj_cd | '|' || r_rqn. Priority | '|' ||
    r_rqn. RDD | '|' || r_rqn.cl_of_supply_cd | '|' ||
    To_char(r_rqn.dt_rqn_estb,'MM/dd/yyyy'). '|' ||
    To_char (r_rqn.dt_first_bo, "MM/DD/YYYY '") | ' |' |
    To_char (r_rqn.dt_first_can_req, "MM/DD/YYYY '") | ' |' |
    r_rqn.supadd | '|' || r_rqn. UI | '|' ||
    v_lca_inst | '|' || r_rqn.sig_cd | '|' ||
    r_rqn.fd_cd | '|' || r_rqn.med_stat_cd | '|' ||
    r_rqn.ssf_flag | '|' || To_char (r_rqn.lst_updt, "MM/DD/YYYY");
    DBMS_OUTPUT. Put_line (v_data);
    DBMS_OUTPUT. Put_line ('PKG database');
    OPEN c_pkg (v_doc_num);

    SEEK c_pkg INTO r_pkg;
    v_found_pkg: = TRUE;
    v_curr_sos_ric: = NVL (r_pkg.curr_sos_ric, r_pkg.s_curr_sos_ric);
    v_depot_ric: = NVL (r_pkg.depot_ric, r_pkg.s_depot_ric);
    v_pkg_niin: = NVL (r_pkg.niin, r_pkg.s_niin);

    IF v_pkg_niin IS NOT NULL THEN
    v_ic_cl_of_supply_cd: = Find_Supply_Cd (v_pkg_niin);
    v_ic_cl_of_supply_cd: = NULL;
    END IF;

    Define_Status (r_pkg,
    IF v_syserr THEN
    DBMS_OUTPUT. Put_line (' ERROR in Define_Status: ' | v_errmsg);
    END IF;
    v_itcn: = NULL;
    Pkg_Procsusl.Process_Susl ('XT',
    r_pkg. STCN,
    IF v_syserr THEN
    DBMS_OUTPUT. Put_line (' ERROR in Pkg_Procsusl: ' | v_errmsg);
    END IF;

    v_data: = r_pkg.doc_num | '|' || r_pkg.pkg_id | '|' ||
    Trim (r_pkg.input_stk_num) | '|' || v_status_cd | '|' ||
    To_char (v_status_dt, "MM/DD/YYYY '") | ' |' |
    To_char (r_pkg.dt_est_ship, "MM/DD/YYYY '") | ' |' |
    To_char (r_pkg.dt_rel, "MM/DD/YYYY '") | ' |' |
    To_char (r_pkg.dt_dep_ship, "MM/DD/YYYY '") | ' |' |
    To_char (r_pkg.dt_rcpt, "MM/DD/YYYY '") | ' |' |
    To_char (r_pkg.dt_maint_ret_rcpt, "MM/DD/YYYY '") | ' |' |
    To_char (r_pkg.dt_idt_rcpt, "MM/DD/YYYY '") | ' |' |
    To_char (r_pkg.dt_mrd, "MM/DD/YYYY '") | ' |' |
    v_curr_sos_ric | '|' || v_pkg_niin | '|' ||
    r_pkg. Qty | '|' || v_depot_ric | '|' ||
    r_pkg.ssf_flag | '|' || r_pkg. UI | '|' ||
    r_pkg.sfx_cd | '|' || r_pkg.direct_fill | '|' ||
    r_pkg. STCN | '|' || v_ic_cl_of_supply_cd | '|' ||
    To_char (v_dt_ssar, "MM/DD/YYYY '") | ' |' |
    To_char (v_dt_crpr, "MM/DD/YYYY '") | ' |' |
    To_char (v_save_lat_podr, "MM/DD/YYYY");
    DBMS_OUTPUT. Put_line (v_data); END LOOP;
    CLOSE C_pkg;

    CLOSE C_rqn;
    IF this is v_found_rqn THEN
    DBMS_OUTPUT. Put_line (' NO data available for doc_num = ' | v_doc_num);
    END IF;


    IF c_rqn % ISOPEN THEN
    CLOSE C_rqn;
    END IF;
    IF c_pkg % ISOPEN THEN
    CLOSE C_pkg;
    END IF;

    END X_Doc_Num_Query;


    Here is the PHP page:

    <? PHP
    error_reporting (0);

    PutEnv ("NLS_LANG = English_America.WE8ISO8859P1");

    $don = isset($_REQUEST["don"])? $_REQUEST ['gift']: "asdf1234"; If no value passed, use the value of test
    Enable or DISABLE dbms_output.
    function SetServerOutput ($con, $p)
    If ($p)
    $s = "BEGIN DBMS_OUTPUT. ENABLE (1000000); END; « ;
    on the other

    $r = false;
    $stid = doParse ($con, $s);
    If {($stid)
    $r = doExecute ($stid);
    @OCIFreeStatement ($stid);
    Return $r;

    Retrieve and display any dbms_output
    function DisplayDbmsOutput ($con)
    $r = GetDbmsOutput ($con);
    $cnt = sizeof ($r);
    If (! $r)
    print ' < p > no dbms_output < /p > \n ";
    on the other
    $orders = $r;
    $number_of_orders = count ($orders);
    If ($number_of_orders == 0)
    {echo "< p > < strong > no orders pending."}
    Please try again later. < facilities > < / p > ';
    echo "< body leftmargin = 0 topmargin = 0 > ';
    for ($i = 0; $i < 1; $i ++)
    $line2 = explode ("|", $orders [$i]);
    echo "< BR > < b > $line2 [0] < /b >."

    for ($i = 1; $i < 2; $i ++)
    $line2 = explode ("|", $orders [$i]);

    echo "< table border = 1 bordercolor = #000000 cellpadding = 2 cellspacing = 0 > \n < TR > < th bgcolor = Color #FFFFFF = #000000 > DON < table >.
    < th bgcolor = Color #FFFFFF = #000000 > GEO FLAG < table >
    < th bgcolor = Color #FFFFFF = #000000 > < table > DIC
    < th bgcolor = Color #FFFFFF = #000000 > < table > ONLY
    < th bgcolor = Color #FFFFFF = #000000 > ASG CD < table >
    < th bgcolor = Color #FFFFFF = #000000 > < table > QTY
    < th bgcolor = Color #FFFFFF = #000000 > PRICE UNIT < table >
    < th bgcolor = Color #FFFFFF = #000000 > DMD CD < table >
    < th bgcolor = Color #FFFFFF = #000000 > PROJ CD < table >
    < th bgcolor = Color #FFFFFF = #000000 > < table > PRIORITY
    < th bgcolor = Color #FFFFFF = #000000 > < table > RDD
    < th bgcolor = Color #FFFFFF = #000000 > CLS OF < table > SUPPLY
    < th bgcolor = Color #FFFFFF = #000000 > ESTAB DTE < table >
    < th bgcolor = Color #FFFFFF = #000000 > FIRST BO DTE < table >
    < th bgcolor = Color #FFFFFF = #000000 > FIRST DTE CAN < table >
    < th bgcolor = Color #FFFFFF = #000000 > SUPADD < table >
    < th bgcolor = Color #FFFFFF = #000000 > < table > UI
    < th bgcolor = Color #FFFFFF = #000000 > LCA INST < table >
    < th bgcolor = Color #FFFFFF = #000000 > GIS CD < table >
    < th bgcolor = Color #FFFFFF = #000000 > FD CD < table >
    < th bgcolor = Color #FFFFFF = #000000 > MED STAT CD < table >
    < th bgcolor = Color #FFFFFF = #000000 > SSF FLAG < table >
    < th bgcolor = Color #FFFFFF = #000000 > DTE UPDT < table >

    < b >
    < td align = "center" > $line2 [0] < table >
    < td align = "center" > $line2 [1] < table >
    < td align = "center" > $line2 [2] < table >
    < td align = "center" > $line2 [3] < table >
    < td align = "center" > $line2 [4] < table >
    < td align = "center" > $line2 [5] < table >
    < td align = "center" > $line2 [6] < table >
    < td align = "center" > $line2 [7] < table >
    < td align = "center" > $line2 [8] < table >
    < td align = "center" > $line2 [9] < table >
    < td align = "center" > $line2 [10] < table >
    < td align = "center" > $line2 [11] < table >
    < td align = "center" > $line2 [12] < table >
    < td align = "center" > $line2 [13] < table >
    < td align = "center" > $line2 [14] < table >
    < td align = "center" > $line2 [15] < table >
    < td align = "center" > $line2 [16] < table >
    < td align = "center" > $line2 [17] < table >
    < td align = "center" > $line2 [18] < table >
    < td align = "center" > $line2 [19] < table >
    < td align = "center" > $line2 [20] < table >
    < td align = "center" > $line2 [21] < table >
    < td align = "center" > $line2 [22] < table >

    < /tr >
    < /table > ';
    for ($i = 2; $i < 3; $i ++)
    $line2 = explode ("|", $orders [$i]);
    echo "< BR > < BR > < b > $line2 [0] < /b >."


    echo "< table border = 1 bordercolor = #000000 cellpadding = 2 cellspacing = 0 >
    < TR > < th bgcolor = Color #FFFFFF = #000000 > < table > DON
    < th bgcolor = Color #FFFFFF = #000000 > PKG ID < table >
    < th bgcolor = Color #FFFFFF = #000000 > < table > ONLY
    < th bgcolor = Color #FFFFFF = #000000 > STATUS CD < table >
    < th bgcolor = Color #FFFFFF = #000000 > STATUS DT < table >
    < th bgcolor = Color #FFFFFF = #000000 > SHIP DTE IS < table >
    < th bgcolor = Color #FFFFFF = #000000 > REL DT < table >
    < th bgcolor = Color #FFFFFF = #000000 > DT DEP SHIP < table >
    < th bgcolor = Color #FFFFFF = #000000 > RCPT DT < table >
    < th bgcolor = Color #FFFFFF = #000000 > DT MAINT RET RCPT < table >
    < th bgcolor = Color #FFFFFF = #000000 > DT IDT RCPT < table >
    < th bgcolor = Color #FFFFFF = #000000 > DT MRD < table >
    < th bgcolor = Color #FFFFFF = #000000 > SOS RIC < table >
    < th bgcolor = Color #FFFFFF = #000000 > PKG ONLY < table >
    < th bgcolor = Color #FFFFFF = #000000 > < table > QTY
    < th bgcolor = Color #FFFFFF = #000000 > DEPOSIT CIR < table >
    < th bgcolor = Color #FFFFFF = #000000 > SSF FLAG < table >
    < th bgcolor = Color #FFFFFF = #000000 > < table > UI
    < th bgcolor = Color #FFFFFF = #000000 > SFX CD < table >
    < th bgcolor = Color #FFFFFF = #000000 > DIRECT FILL < table >
    < th bgcolor = Color #FFFFFF = #000000 > < table > STCN
    < th bgcolor = Color #FFFFFF = #000000 > POWER CL < table >

    < th bgcolor = Color #FFFFFF = #000000 > DT SSAR < table >
    < th bgcolor = Color #FFFFFF = #000000 > DT MCEA < table >
    < th bgcolor = Color #FFFFFF = #000000 > DT LAT ME < table >
    for ($i = 3; $i < $number_of_orders; $i ++)
    $line2 = explode ("|", $orders [$i]);

    ECHO '.
    < b >
    < td align = "center" > $line2 [0] < table >
    < td align = "center" > $line2 [1] < table >
    < td align = "center" > $line2 [2] < table >
    < td align = "center" > $line2 [3] < table >
    < td align = "center" > $line2 [4] < table >
    < td align = "center" > $line2 [5] < table >
    < td align = "center" > $line2 [6] < table >
    < td align = "center" > $line2 [7] < table >
    < td align = "center" > $line2 [8] < table >
    < td align = "center" > $line2 [9] < table >
    < td align = "center" > $line2 [10] < table >
    < td align = "center" > $line2 [11] < table >
    < td align = "center" > $line2 [12] < table >
    < td align = "center" > $line2 [13] < table >
    < td align = "center" > $line2 [14] < table >
    < td align = "center" > $line2 [15] < table >
    < td align = "center" > $line2 [16] < table >
    < td align = "center" > $line2 [17] < table >
    < td align = "center" > $line2 [18] < table >
    < td align = "center" > $line2 [19] < table >
    < td align = "center" > $line2 [20] < table >
    < td align = "center" > $line2 [21] < table >
    < td align = "center" > $line2 [22] < table >
    < td align = "center" > $line2 [23] < table >
    < td align = "center" > $line2 [24] < table >
    < /tr > ";
    echo "< / table >";


    Returns an array of rows dbms_output or false.
    function GetDbmsOutput ($con)
    $res = false;
    $stid = doParse ($con, "BEGIN DBMS_OUTPUT. GET_LINE (: LN,: ST); END; ») ;
    If {($stid)
    If (doBind ($stid, ': LN ', $ln, 255 "") & &)
    doBind ($stid, ": ST", $st, "")) {}
    $res = array();
    While ($succ = {doExecute ($stid))}
    If ($st)
    [] $res = $ln;
    If (! $succ)
    $res = false;
    @OCIFreeStatement ($stid);
    return ($res);

    function doParse ($con, $stmt)
    $stid = @OCIParse ($con, $stmt);
    If (! $stid)
    PrintOCIError (@OCIError ($con));
    return ($stid);

    function doBind ($stid, $bn, & $bv, $ln)
    $s = @OCIBindByName ($stid, $bn, $bv, $ln);
    If (! $s)
    PrintOCIError (@OCIError ($stid));
    return ($s);

    function doExecute ($stid)
    $s = @OCIExecute ($stid);
    If (! $s)
    PrintOCIError (@OCIError ($stid));
    return ($s);

    OIC display error
    function PrintOCIError ($err)
    echo "< p > < b > error < /b >: < /p > < pre > \n"..htmlentities($err['message'])"< / pre > \n";

    $con = @OCILogon ("username", "password", "Server");
    If (! $con) {}
    PrintOCIError (@OCIError ());
    Turn on serveroutput
    SetServerOutput ($con, true);

    Create the dbms_output
    $s = doParse ($con, "begin data_pull_views.x_doc_num_query('$don'); end; ») ;
    If ($s)
    doExecute ($s);
    OCILogoff ($con);

    The output display
    OCILogoff ($con);
    DisplayDbmsOutput ($con);


    ? >

    < / body >
    < / html >


    What I've learned so far PHP code somehow seizes the dbmd_output buffer and load it in a table before you display it on the screen. Fine. I can even take a stab at some ODBC in VBScript with ASP commands, but it almost seems like it is not yet possible. Just a stab here's to it in ASP which is not error, but also returns no data.

    < %
    Van Goethem = request ("don")
    If van Goethem = "" then
    Van Goethem = "asdf1234".
    End If

    Set gv_con = Server.CreateObject ("ADODB. Connection")
    gv_con. ConnectionString = "Data Source = dsource; User = username ID; Password = password; »
    gv_con. Open

    the value of cmd = Server.CreateObject ("ADODB.Command")
    cmd ActiveConnection in the Group gv_con

    cmd.CommandText = "begin data_pull_views.x_doc_num_query ('" & van goethem & "');" end; »
    cmd.CommandType = 1

    Set the param = cmd.createparameter ("OutPut" 200,4, 50)
    cmd. Parameters.Append param

    cmd. run

    Response.Write "strText =" & cmd ("OutPut") & "< BR BR > > <" "»
    % >

    So I obviously have no idea what I'm doing. Any help getting this race would be appreciated greately.


    I don't know anything about PHP either, but a quick look at the code, it seems that the procedure is pretty much just "all wrong", and unfortunately now it is your task to continue the tradition rather than fix the stored procedure.

    The thing that makes me say that it is "all wrong", it's that he uses dbms_output to communicate data. DBMS_OUTPUT is not intended to be used to return the results of a procedure, or be used as a reporting tool; It's supposed to be used to add debugging for troubleshooting instructions. The right thing to do is to return the results of a procedure stored via a parameter, refcursors, etc.

    Anyway, as you can not change the procedure, the problem boils down to the buffer that was completed by telephone dbms_output.put_line obtaining using calls to dbms_outout.get_line and here is a simple example that shows how you can go about this using ADO and ODBC.

    It will be useful,


    create or replace procedure populate_dbms_buffer as


    Const adLongVarChar = 201
    Const adInteger = 3
    Const adParamOutput = &H0002
    set con = createobject("adodb.connection")
    con.open "dsn=orcl;uid=scott;pwd=tiger"
    set cmd = CreateObject("adodb.command")
    set cmd.ActiveConnection = con
    cmd.commandtext = "begin dbms_output.enable(32000);end;"
    cmd.CommandText = "begin populate_dbms_buffer(); end;"
    cmd.CommandText = "begin dbms_output.get_line(?,?);end;"
    Set prmv2 = cmd.CreateParameter("",adLongVarChar, adParamOutput, 32767,"")
    Set prmnum = cmd.CreateParameter("", adInteger,adParamOutput,,1)
    cmd.Parameters.Append prmv2
    cmd.Parameters.Append prmnum
    while (stillmore<>1)
    stillmore = prmnum.value
    if (stillmore<>1) then
      wscript.echo prmv2.value
    end if
    'cleanup ommitted
    wscript.echo "done"


    Microsoft (R) Windows Script Host Version 5.7
    Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
  • Webcam integrated in HP G60-635DX does not work [windows 7]

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    Im having a problem with the integrated webcam. Ive looked all forums on this topic and there is question not quite like mine. I will do my best to describe my problem with my computer.

    Best guarantee of purchase is in place, and they are the ones who caused this problem because I sent this computer to them for repairs.

    (Best buy sent the laptop to manufacturing to get my keyboard replaced, and they replaced the lower part of the labtop).

    In any case, I looked at several forums that led me to the "Device Manager" here's the problem:

    (1) it is prohibited "imaging device" and not "unknow" devices that

    (2) I tried to "Add legacy hardware" and found the imaging device driver, but I guess that the "HP Webcame 101" is not yet installed on this computer more.

    (3) ive even downloaded DriverDoc did and it scanned all my drivers and I saw that I got "HP Webcam 101" but I am not able to find it myself, but whatever... If someone could help me that would be amazing, I spent like 4 hours on it. Laughing out loud


    In this case, please call HP technical support & get the part replaced.

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    You can try this.

    Delete the VC server host.

    Stop and start the mgmt-vmware. Do you see multiples?

    If no add to VC (If Yes, I guess you have to anyway).

    These actions should also not affect running virtual machines.

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    Hi all

    I have a sony ex3 and working with xdcam ex codec - I have a time-lapse sequence of JPEG images that are long 22 seconds

    When I'm trying to make it in 1920 x 1080 @ 25 fps using several methods and formats I keep ending up with 3 GB file sizes and more

    / 3 gb is crazy for a clip of 22sec

    Those someone has suggestions on the correct setting to use when rendering the above sequence

    I'm using cs5

    Thank you and best regards



    / 3GB is not crazy at all for 22 seconds of uncompressed HD video.

    Depending on what you want to do with the film long term, you can return on an intermediate rendering without loss (something like a Quicktime movie using the PNG compression) and then compress this film using Adobe Media Encoder (or a similar compression tool) in a format of delivery more suited to your file size concerns (i.e. 2-pass VBR h.264 encoding with flow). If you do not have the storage, then you can always ditch the not compressed / lossless compressed after that you have your final product. The reason for which you would like the middle stage is then you can get the best possible compression. XDCAM (whatever flavor you're using) is a highly compressed codec and limiting the acquisition. You don't want to go to him, most likely.

    So, the question is, what will you do with your final product? Web site?

  • Context-sensitive help works does not in RoboEngine

    I publish WebHelp Pro content to a RoboEngine server on a Windows 2000 Server. Because it is a driver of this technology for us, I use a web server on port 8081, so my help is served from http://sps01:8081 /

    It works very well, with research and everything else as a stand-alone web site, but the integration with our application (VIsual Studio .NET application) does not work with context sensitive help.

    I created the map ID is. I know this works because when I publish the Microsoft HTML Help (CHM file) and the application works very well.

    If I open the help page for the URL I used is:

    http://sps01:8081/Robo/bin/Robo.dll?TPC=%2Frobo%2Fprojects%2Fkeystone%2Fgetting_started%2f getting_started.htm%3FRINoLog28301%3DT & mgr = agm & wnd = ___defaultSystemWindow___ & agt = wsm & ctxid =

    I expect to be able to get to the context-sensitive help for the 3004 category to

    http://sps01:8081/Robo/bin/Robo.dll?TPC=%2Frobo%2Fprojects%2Fkeystone%2Fgetting_started%2f getting_started.htm%3FRINoLog28301%3DT & mgr = agm & wnd = ___defaultSystemWindow___ & agt = wsm & ctxid = 3004

    But I don't know if the same page by default.

    I tested on a number of HelpID familiar work otherwise, so I'm happy with my card ID.

    Looking at the deployment of RoboEngine guide, examples of URLS on page 30 have (RoboHelp Pro only). I am created with RoboHelp X 5, it's my problem, my version not support context-sensitive help in WebHelp Pro?

    Any help would be appreciated.

    Hi Chet,

    Problem solved. Thanks for the tip on the CSH test tool. I tried to use it and found that it was not launching help at all. It made me study my maps. Looking for card ID 3004 mapping, I found that it * was * a topic mapped (to the Unassign button has been activated), but there is no title in the subject. It seems that there is a broken link on the subject. I have not assigned the mapping, then then reallocated, and the problem was solved.

    In total, he had 5 broken mappings, including all the ones I was testing!

    Thanks again for the pointer. The CSH test tool works pretty well actually.

  • help needed to pass query using double SYS REFCURSOR?


    I tried to figure out how I will be able to pass a string to sys_refcursor in a function. The query I want it back should be like this:

    Select '123' 'number', 'xyz' 'Value', 'XYZABC', 'Desc' of the double
    Select '345' 'numbers', 'sats' 'Value', 'XYFEF', 'Desc' of the double

    I'm forming the query by passing values to different variables:

    FUNCTION to CREATE or REPLACE xxxxx (xxxx IN varchar2)
    RETURN sys_refcursor
    x sys_refcursor;

    var1: = 123;  -the values come from the different results of query like 'select number in < table_name > var1;'
    var2: = "xyz";
    var3: = 'XYZABC ';
    v_sub_query: = 'choose ' | var1 | "'Number'," | " var2 | "'Value'," | " var3 | ""Desc"' | 'from DUAL;
    v_union: = "UNION ALL";
    v_query: = v_sub_query | v_union | v_query;
    -for several figures record of cursor, I'll use v_union *, otherwise I'll be back only query.*

    dbms_output.put_line (v_query);

    Open x v_query
    Return x;

    exception block
    end xxxxxx;

    The result of the function is:

    Keyword not found where expected

    Because the generated query is: Select 123 'number', xyz 'Value' XYZABC 'Desc' from dual;
    That is, the values of the variables should have been locked up in *' ' *, but they are not.

    I am not able to insert this ' ' (single quotes) in the generated query and therefore make mistakes.

    Please give an idea, that my mind stopped working on it. :)


    v_sub_query := 'select '||var1||' "NUmber", '''||var2||''' "Value", '''||var3||''' "Desc" from DUAL';

    I just added two quotes together where I want an apostrophe to appear. This tells oracle to consider the first single quote which he appears as a single quote rather than a string terminator.

  • Forgotten pass

    I forgot my password. And two not to verify that your code does not work,

    Did you go http://iforgot.apple.com?

  • d help password forgotten on hp mini PC 110-3731CL tried everything what said always the wrong password

    Need help ASAP

    Get it fixed, just thank you reset factory

  • Detailed help works not

    When I the context help active (pop-up showing) and I try to click on the 'Detailed help' link, nothing happens. That is, I don't get any help from retail

  • How to fix my forgotten pass on tab 7

    Please help to fix the password on one of my slate children 7? Thank you.

    The easiest way is to perform a factory image restore.  If you have saved the tablet to your Google account, then life is good!

    The video shows the methods for any device Fatz

  • BlackBerry smartphones HELP! Forgotten password and secret question answer!

    I forgot my password and secret answer to my account ID Blackberry. On my phone, he said that, if you forgot your password and your secret answer to your blackberry ID I have to go online and reset my password and secret my answer, but put it back online, there only one option is to reset your password and by doing this I need to write in my secret answer to my question that I forgot. All solutions?

    To reset a forgotten password, you need your secret answer. Period. If you forgot the secret answer, you will not reset the password to your BlackBerry ID. You will need to create a BlackBerry ID and try again. There is no way around that, it's a part of the security of a BlackBerry phone.

    Sorry I can't be more positive. See you soon.

  • Reset and blackBerry-help blackberry Smartphones pass word login

    I forgot my password and I not clicked the forgot password link, I was asked to answer my security question on my device I did a link has been sent to my email. I clicked on the link, but it does not accept the answer to my security question after several attempts I was blocked for 15 minutes. I said I don't have that one more attempt before my camera will be permanently blocked. I don't know if I have the right answer. It's frustrating.

    No, it is not impossible to solve, but I was really confused by your original question.

    So, you really need to make sure that if you had a capital letter in the password and secret question.

    It must be remembered the BlackBerryID password or secret answer to the question. Without either, you're stuck.
    Your choice is:
    -Use a different e-mail account to create a new BlackBerryID (with which you will lose access to all apps purchased using the 'forgotten' first BlackBerryID, or)
    -Find the initial email you have been sent to confirm the initial BlackBerryID and there are a link to click to cancel and delete the account. Click on this, delete the account and then you can use that same e-mail to create a new account.
    Good luck.

  • Help! Forgotten password

    Hi, I have install change password and cannot log on again. Help, please.

    Connect your pc to the pix console port, and then restart the pix and watch the boot process. When you start, you should see the version of the current operating system.

  • How do I help work better?

    I find that the help system does not a great job for me. I guess that it is a rant.

    Here is an example. I see "Organizing open files" in the file menu. I think that to organize the files that I currently opened, but when I select it, it comes up with a backup dialog box. Well, I must have misunderstood.

    So I chose help from help/Photoshop Elements, and I see a page for labeled: learn & Support / help of Photoshop Elements. Perfect.

    I'm looking to organize files open, and I get this:


    This isn't Photoshop Elements help. I tell him to search only the results of the elements and still not get what I want. I see a video on the elements Organizer. Maybe that's what I want.

    I am looking in the Photoshop PDF reference elements, but "open organization" doesn't appear anywhere in the file.

    What I want is something that says:

    File / organize files allows to blah blah blah. When you choose it, you will see a save dialog box. To do this and do that to blah blah.

    Okay, rant over.

    Is it possible to get the most out of the help system?

    Good question...

    Very often, you get much better help using Google search or similar.

    Anyway, it is usually quicker to ask here to waste your time for hours or days...

Maybe you are looking for

  • Some Dungeon reset my password

    Some keep trying to guess my password I guess and keeps resetting it randomly. In the last 2 days I had to create 8 new passwords. What should I do about it?

  • Cannot install 'Digital Camera Solution Disk'

    I have a new Power Shot G1X and I can't install the programs of "Digital Camera Solution Disk" on a new Windows 8, which has all the updates that are installed. I get the error message, "this software does not support your system configuration. Advic

  • Impossible to use programs

    I got a 60 gb hhd almost full, moved some files to a USB stick, then XP Pro wouldn't let me restart and boot up... I added a 80 GB hhd, installed XP Pro but it doesn't recognize any of my programs. What should I do to be able to use them?  Reference

  • Temporary WLID blocked

    Don't let not access my live account xbox, go to account.info and then he says: my live id is temporarily blocked. On my console it says sorry, something is wrong with your microsoft account and give the code 831188fb

  • I restarted my computer and now she's asking user password and name. never had any username or password before how do after that?

    I have vista and you use the recpvery Manager to restart my computer. When he returned to the top I need a user name and pass word ot get in. I never used a user name and password before so I don't know what to do to get can in. someone help me. Than