OBI EE way home

Hi all

I have two questions

(1) I wanted to know the House OBIEE path if it is installed on a different machine (the Client Machine). I do not know where they have installed OBIEE. I have access to the machine.

I wanted to update the .css files present on the machine, but before the update file that I should know the path home, so that I can go to a .css file and update accordingly.

The path of the CSS files depends on the web server used by OBIEE.

When the IIS web server is used, the CSS files in the OracleBI_HOME\web\app\res directory

When OC4J is used, the CSS in OracleBI_HOME\oc4j_bi\j2ee\home\applications\analytics\analytics\res

(2) is it possible to know what web application server is installed on the clients machine

Thanks in advance. !!!

Published by: user8654331 on July 27, 2009 23:35

Published by: user8654331 on July 28, 2009 03:57

You don't specify what OS is the computer of the customer.

As said Guna, under Windows, you will normally find in C:\OracleBI

On Unix, use this command to find out:
*$find /-name index_bi_ee.html*
Expect to get permissions error if you do not use the command as root
You should get I hope that something like this:
What is your path home OracleBI/app/oracle/product/obiee

Tags: Business Intelligence

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    It is very likely that you use at home the same subnet exists at your office. For example, if you use 192.168.1.X and the VPN is configured to send all traffic through the tunnel 192.168.1.X because it's your office network, you would see this symptom. A simple solution would be to change your home network 192.168.0.X

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    First download the autonomy application and see what it says about the health of your battery.

    If your information is correct and you have an iPhone 5, you should check out this article:

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    com Apple.imagent.plist

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    The captain also lacks the ability to open preview

    This photo is also an AIM chat who actually sent this photo 'online' if I zip (Compress) them.

    com Apple.iChat.plist is not holder iMessage 'story' that he she now holds the recent list of cat (which is useless because there is no option in the file Menu to access).  It also holds all preferences and Settings Menu d ' option.

    com holds the account names of all accounts that you have and are involved in logging operations behind the scenes. There is a process called image that starts when the computer does and it will be based on the setting in the General Section identify enough to 'listen' servers. The parameter in the section general read "when I leave Messages, set the status offline" - it does not affect the iMessages account that will always show offline Messages. it is not longer used.  Yosemite El Capitan, it uses instead.  It is also only on the info on behalf of iMessages and not on the 'history' or how pictures of cats are treated.

    com Apple.IMessage.Bag.plist it lists only the last used Apple iMessages server.

    However, there are these some .plist in ~/Library/Containers/ which also play a role.

    Note the location of the path bar across the bottom. very probably watching the wick she holds a record of all the files and images sent to you, but in the hex names.

    View of Xcode.

    com Apple.quicklookconfig.plist doesn't seem to have relevant information.

    The next would be the Preview but .plist which is as empty as the at a glance.

    The real "live .plist lies in ~/Library/Containers/ , rather than having an Alias point in the folder ~/Library/Preferences.

    That said, and after reviewing through it I see no reference to what applications it is allowed to work with.

    This seems to be a question that involves 3 apps, look and preview Messages.

    All have read and write routes through ~/Library/Containers and the file final storage ~/Library/preferences.

    I am tempted to check the number of files that have lost your property and read and write permissions see this thread and useful item before the green marked resolved one.  Reset Home Folder permissions and ACLs error  (Linc offers first - marked text relatively useful, then a "Fix" that is the Green post resolved.

    20:40 on Friday. May 6, 2016

     iMac 2.5 Ghz i5 2011 (El Capitan)
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     MacBookPro (Snow Leopard 10.6.8) 2 GB
     Mac OS X (10.6.8).
     iPhone and iPad (2)

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    Thank you!


    I think you should try upgrading the BIOS
    BIOS default value, and then try to charge the battery again.

    > get the impression, the problem is not the battery as the battery controller, so I don't want to invest in a new battery without knowing it, the problem will be solved.
    Well, it of really difficult to tell if the battery or the mobo may be affected
    In my opinion, the battery must be tested without a doubt

  • set the configuration of appeal vi for node reference vi call

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    Thank you.

    CBR is irrelevant in the present case, since he already receives a VI reference.

    If you use the primitive opening VI refers to open this reference, then the VI will be charged the first time you call the primitive.

    If the VI leaves no memory (and you do not configure it on the way home), subsequent calls to the prim OVR returns the reference to the first VI you have opened. This is equivalent to the load and keep it.

    If you close and reopen the VI reference, it is equivalent to recharge.

    If you use a static reference to the VI, it is equivalent to the load with the appellants.

    Personally, I have all my default subVIs charge with the appellants.

  • spawn the dynamic number of incoming clones (PtByPt vi)


    I remember a few years ago, I saw an example of what I'm trying to do now, but I can't find it. I have an idea of which way to go, but I would ask first of all here advanced coders.

    Scenario: I need to follow some binary a TCP/IP stream indicators, and a useful VI is the " of through Boolean" for this. However, I have a lot of channels I need to monitor the 'rising edge' independently. If I had just a few channels, I could go into the following not too elegant statically (see below, the case of structure must be configured manually for all items).

    I know that the solution involves a dynamic technique of appeal VI, but I would like to ask your advice, how to properly and effectively? Thank you very much!

    Have you seen this page here?

    More specifically, read the last two points - if you open a single reference, then it will run the VI on the way home. If you open the reference several times, it is allocated in advance for each call (reference) should retain its own memory space.

    For an example - look at the second diagram at this link:

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    That is closely modeled after one found here:

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  • Static reference of VI VI reentrant

    Is it possible to use a static reference of VI to dynamically launch a VI on the way home?

    I found this old post,, the user can find a work around, but it of ugly, isn't it

    The last snapshot in your link shows the best way to invoke an instance of a reentrant VI dynamically. The only thing I would change from that is to use the Name of VI property instead of the Path of VI property to wire open VI return. You can simply use the name of VI if the VI is in memory, which is more effective. Since you have a static reference of VI, the VI will certainly be in memory.

    I agree that it's a bit ugly. Personally, I created a Subvi to hide the ugliness and make him feel more simple!

  • lack a second data


    I have a DAQMx reading temeratures, pressure and speed and sensors of the flow of an engine attached to a dynamomator. I read in and writing theses in a PDM file at a rate of 1 Hz.When I opened the file to run some post processing it jumps a second unstable. I tried to know how fast my curls are running. They run in seconds +-.00001 of 1 Hz, so it cannot be slow loops. The architecture is a producer consumer loop where the data is written to the loop of the consumer. I tried all I could think. Any help is welcome. I am aware that you need to enter the code, but I need to post my entire project which I do not. Here are the pictures, please tell me what VI I need to post. Producer is on top, the consumer is low. Thanks for your help!


    I had a quick cup of coffee and on my way home it struck me. I managed to do start logging every second. I replaced a control with a constant. I was stuck on this dilemma for a few weeks.

  • Canon HF-R400 in cold weather

    How responsive is the HF-R400 LCD screen in cold weather?  On occasion I will be filming animals outside below zero until maybe 15 degrees or more.  I see recommended operating temperatures are 32 to 104 degrees F.

    Any other question, I met and precautions should I take?

    So far the camera performs really well here in Florida.  I'm going on the way home in a few weeks.


    Hi Bill,

    While we offer no recommendations to operate the camcorder outside the recommended temperature range to avoid fogging of the lenses, we recommend that change you the operating environment little by little.

    It's a good idea to keep the camcorder to a single carrier.  A carrier will cool gradually, avoiding internal fogging of the lens of the camera.

  • OfficeJet Pro 8610: Mac and printer do not connect


    I installed my printer operated a couple of months and it as a printer wireless to my MacBook. Everything went very well.

    Yesterday I tried to print a document, but my Mac was telling me that the printer was not connected, even if the two were connected to the same wifi. I turned off both devices, reconnected the printer for wifi on the way home the password, but nothing has worked. I decided to 'remove' the printer from my Mac in order to reinstall it again. The software is installed, but I'm stuck in one step:

    The printer is not and so I cannot connect my printer with my Mac, instructions say that you could also connect thorugh the printer using the Wifi the Printer Wizard. I plugged the printer several times to my wifi at home but I am not able to connect it to my computer, it does not find it.

    I am really grateful for any advice!

    Thanks in advance.

    Best regards


    Welcome to the HP community @JETaubenberger ,

    I read about the problems that you encounter when you try to connect your Officejet 8610 to your Mac via the wireless network. I have a few ideas in mind that should help connect you again!

    • Try power cycling network devices:

    Turn off the printer and the computer and unplug the router for 1 minute (do not press the buttons on the router).
    Plug the router back in and wait another minute, turn on the printer and the computer and attempt to print something.

    • If the connection still does not, try the following steps in the following order:
    1. Reset the printing system
    2. Repair disk permissions
    3. Restart the Mac.
    4. Install the complete driver here: HP Officejet Pro 8610 e-all-in-one printer
    5. In addition, to download this driver: HP v3.0 for OS X printer drivers

    You must be connected at this time, please let me know the result!

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