Problem with the creation of date range with PL/SQL WHERE clause

Hello, everyone:

I'm unable to develop and the SQL statement to filter records today and seven days back. My condition is as follows:
 from  wsualumni.wsu_online_giving_table
       where ALM_OG_ACTIVITY_DATE >= SYSDATE - 7
       and ALM_OG_CAMPAIGN_CODE = 'MED' 
I think I'm to mess with the (to_char (ALM_OG_ACTIVITY_DATE, ' mm/dd/yyyy ' ")) statement.

The actual code is below to:
set serveroutput ON SIZE 1000000
set heading off                
set feedback off                
set trimspool off               
set echo off                    
set pagesize 0                  

    v_data_line_hdr      varchar2(1000);
    v_data_file          varchar2(80);
    v_sch_code            varchar2(10);
    v_instance_name       varchar2(10);
    ws_path            payroll.pybutfl.pybutfl_utl_file_path%TYPE; 
    v_data_line           VARCHAR2 (4000)                              := NULL;
    fhandle_o             UTL_FILE.file_type;
    v_line_count          NUMBER                                       := 0;
    v_selected_count      NUMBER                                       := 0;
    v_error_count         NUMBER                                       := 0;
    v_written_count       NUMBER                                       := 0;
    v_error_text          VARCHAR2 (50)       := ' Unable to write the line. ';
    v_errm                VARCHAR2 (255);
    v_sqlerrm             VARCHAR2 (255);


select RTRIM
    ALM_OG_ID                                           ||'|'||                                                                 
    NULL                                                ||'|'||   
    (to_char(ALM_OG_AMOUNT, '999,999.99'))              ||'|'||            
    'Cash'                                              ||'|'||             
    'Credit Card'                                       ||'|'||             
    (to_char(ALM_OG_ACTIVITY_DATE, 'mm/dd/yyyy'))       ||'|'||                    
    ALM_OG_ACCI_CODE                                    ||'|'|| 
    'On-Line Giving'                                    ||'|'||       
    'On-Line giving'                                    ||'|'||    
    ALM_OG_HONOR_MEM_NAME                               ||'|'||        
    NULL                                                ||'|'||   
    'Do not post'                                       ||'|'|| 
    'StandardThankYou'                                  ||'|'||  
    'Not Acknowledged'                                  ||'|'||        
    'Do not receipt'                                    ||'|'||      
    NULL                                                ||'|'|| 
    'Banner Gift Number'                                ||'|'|| 
    ALM_OG_BANNER_GIFT_NO ||'.'|| ALM_OG_ACCI_CODE      ||'|'|| 
    (to_char(ALM_OG_ACTIVITY_DATE, 'mm/dd/yyyy'))       ||'|'|| 
    NULL                                                ||'|'|| 
    'Web ID'                                            ||'|'|| 
    ALM_OG_WEBID                                        ||'|'|| 
    NULL                                                ||'|'|| 
    'Source'                                            ||'|'||  
    ALM_OG_CAMPAIGN_CODE                                ||'|'||
    'On-Line Giving'    ) data_line 
       from  wsualumni.wsu_online_giving_table
       where ALM_OG_ACTIVITY_DATE >= SYSDATE - 7
       and ALM_OG_CAMPAIGN_CODE = 'MED' 
 select RTRIM(
                'ConsID'        ||'|'||
                'GFImpID'       ||'|'||
                'GFTAmt'        ||'|'||
                'GFType'        ||'|'||
                'GFPayMeth'     ||'|'||
                'GFDate'        ||'|'||
                'FundID'        ||'|'||
                'CAMPID'        ||'|'||
                'GFAppeal'      ||'|'||
                'GfRef'         ||'|'||
                'GfPostDate'    ||'|'||
                'GfPostStatus'  ||'|'||
                'GfltrCode'     ||'|'||
                'GfAck'         ||'|'||
                'GfRcpt'        ||'|'||
                'GfAttrlmpID00' ||'|'||
                'GfAttrCat00'   ||'|'||
                'GfAttrdesc00'  ||'|'||
                'GfAttrDate00'  ||'|'||
                'GfAttrlmpD01'  ||'|'||
                'GfAttrCat01'   ||'|'||
                'GfAttrdesc01'  ||'|'||
                'GfAttrlmpID02' ||'|'||
                'GfAttrCat02'   ||'|'||
                'GfAttrdesc02'  ||'|'||
                'GfSubType'      ) line_header      from DUAL;

/*                Main Program Processing                             */


DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('Program Started in wsualumni.wsu_online_giving_online');
IF UTL_FILE.is_open (fhandle_o)
   UTL_FILE.fclose (fhandle_o);

/* Name The File Here */
v_data_file := ('MED_SCH_' || TO_CHAR(sysdate, 'dd-MON-yyyy') || '_OG_DATA.txt');

SELECT RTRIM (pybutfl_utl_file_path)
      INTO ws_path
      FROM payroll.pybutfl;

      fhandle_o := UTL_FILE.fopen (ws_path, v_data_file, 'w');
      DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('UTLFILE file for this run is: ' || ws_path||'/'||v_data_file);
      v_written_count := 0;   
FOR c2_rec IN C2 LOOP
        v_selected_count := v_selected_count + 1;
        v_data_line_hdr := rtrim(c2_rec.line_header);
        UTL_FILE.put_line (fhandle_o, v_data_line_hdr);
        v_written_count := v_written_count + 1;
       DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line (v_error_text);
       v_error_count := v_error_count + 1;

FOR c1_rec IN C1 LOOP
        v_selected_count := v_selected_count + 1;
        v_data_line := rtrim(c1_rec.data_line);
        UTL_FILE.put_line (fhandle_o, v_data_line);
        v_written_count := v_written_count + 1;
       DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line (v_error_text);
       v_error_count := v_error_count + 1;

     DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('Number of Records Selected: ' || v_selected_count);
     DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('Number of Records Written: ' || v_written_count);

      IF UTL_FILE.is_open (fhandle_o)
         UTL_FILE.fclose (fhandle_o);
      END IF;

000013505||      20.00|Cash|Credit Card|06/22/2009|221686|On-Line Giving|On-Line giving|||Do not post|StandardThankYou|Not Acknowledged|Do not receipt||Banner Gift Number|1179534.221686|06/22/2009||Web ID|000013505||Source|MED|On-Line Giving
000013505||      20.00|Cash|Credit Card|06/22/2009|770830|On-Line Giving|On-Line giving|||Do not post|StandardThankYou|Not Acknowledged|Do not receipt||Banner Gift Number|1179534.770830|06/22/2009||Web ID|000013505||Source|MED|On-Line Giving


The problem is due to the "OR" condition (I did not pay attention to it earlier).

Because of this condition, your query is given beyond 7 days recovery. You need to rewrite the code as:


Instead of


This will do the magic for you.


Asif Momen

Tags: Database

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    Published by: Preston on May 3, 2011 12:05

    where the AGL - X, or PGL - X should be incremented to AGL - Y, or PGL - Y

    A combination of ASCII and CHR functions could do this:

    SQL> with t as (
     select 'AGL-X' code from dual union all
     select 'SGH-J' code from dual union all
     select 'LFG-A' code from dual union all
     select 'PGL-X' from dual
    select code, substr(code, 1, instr(code,'-')) || chr(ascii(substr(code, instr(code,'-') + 1)) + 1) new_code from t
    ------- ---------
    AGL-X   AGL-Y
    SGH-J   SGH-K
    LFG-A   LFG-B
    PGL-X   PGL-Y    
    4 rows selected.
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    If you wish to have proportionately more sizes with the same radius of rounding, you can:

    1) begins with a rectangle (not rounded) and effect > Distort & Transform > transform with the setting to the desired scale and the number of copies;

    (2) object > expand appearance.

    (3) effect > esthetics > rounded corners with a desired RADIUS.

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    Thank you.

    Best regards.

    I see this in support KB article


    • Title

      SQL in DB2 Top instructions are truncated in the delivered report of Top SQL

    • Description

      SQL in DB2 Top instructions are truncated in the delivered report of Top SQL

    • Resolution

    • Resolution A DDB-3673 request improvement with Support software Dell to show the full text of SQL high in the report Top SQL for DB2.

      Workaround At this point you should be able to make a custom report by cloning the Top SQL existing and then customizing report. »

    I know that this is not the solution, more of an explanation and guidance on how to solve this problem by using customizations.


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    • Will there be any changes made prior to this issue?
    • What version of Windows are you using?

    Step 1: I recommend to run the Windows Media Player settings Troubleshooter and check.

    Step 2: If the problem is to uninstall and reinstall Windows Media Player. Here's how.

    Uninstalling and reinstalling Windows Media Player:

    (A) uninstall Windows Media Player:

    a. go to start and in the search type 'Turn Windows has or not'.

    b. click on "Turn Windows features on or off".

    c. find multimedia and uncheck the brand in the face of Windows Media Player.

    d. restart the computer

    (B) reinstall Windows Media Player:

    a. go to start and in the search type 'Turn Windows has or not'.

    b. click on "Turn Windows features on or off".

    c. find the multimedia functions and place a check mark in front of the Windows Media Player.

    d. restart the computer.

    For more information, see the article below:

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    I did a few Google and found that we need to add something in the Essbase.cfg file as below.

    Dynamics Processor Calc 1012704 fails to more blocks ESM number for the calculation, please increase the CalcLockBlock setting, and then try again (a small data cache setting can also cause this problem, check the size of data cache setting).

    Possible problems

    Analytical services cannot lock enough blocks to perform the calculation.

    Possible solutions

    Increase the number of blocks of analytical Services can allocate to a calculation:

    1. Set the maximum number of blocks of analytical Services can allocate at least 500.
      1. If you are not a $ARBORPATH/bin/essbase.cfg on the file server computer, create one using a text editor.
      2. In the essbase.cfg folder on the server computer, set CALCLOCKBLOCKHIGH to 500.
      3. Stopping and restarting Analysis server.
    2. Add the command SET LOCKBLOCK STUDENT at the beginning of the calculation script.
    3. Set the cache of data large enough to hold all the blocks specified in the CALCLOCKBLOCKHIGH parameter.

    In fact in our queue (essbase.cfg) Config Server we have given below added.

    CalcLockBlockHigh 2000

    CalcLockBlockDefault 200

    CalcLockBlocklow 50

    So my question is if edit us the file Essbase.cfg and add the above settings restart services will work?  and if yes, why should change us the configuration file of server if the problem concerns a Cal Script application. Please guide me how to do this.

    Kind regards


    Yes it must *.

    Make sure that you have "migrated settings cache of database as well. If the cache is too small, you will have similar problems.

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    I am trying to create a view, materialized with sysdate in where clause. This makes the complex query, and so I can't create a quick refreshment mview.

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    I was wondering if someone can advise me, how can I accomplish this task, which would be really appreciated.

    The query is:

    create a materialized view PS_MEETING

    build the DEFERRED payment

    Refresh quickly with rowid


    SELECT *.


    WHERE state_desc = 'VIC '.

    OR Meet_date < TRUNC (SYSDATE);

    the behavior is documented:

    General restrictions on update quickly

    The definition of the materialized view query is limited as follows:

    • The materialized view must not contain references to non-repetitive phrases such as SYSDATE and ROWNUM .

    So I guess that you would need a more static than sysdate condition - or another strategy update.

  • What is the problem with my sql says invalid identifier


    (proj # NUMBER (6) NOT NULL,)

    p_name VARCHAR2 (15) NOT NULL,

    p_desc VARCHAR2 (150) NOT NULL,

    p_budget NUMBER (8).

    CONSTRAINT project_proj PRIMARY KEY #pname_pk (proj #, p_name));


    (wo # NUMBER (6))

    proj # NUMBER (6).

    wo_desc VARCHAR2 (150).

    wo_assigned VARCHAR2 (30),

    wo_hours NUMBER (5),

    wo_start DATE,

    wo_due DATE,

    wo_complete char (1),

    CONSTRAINT workorders_wo #_pk KEY(wo#) primary SCHOOL.

    CONSTRAINT workorders_wo #_fk FOREIGN KEY (proj #)


    Workorders_wodesc_uk of CONSTRAINT UNIQUE (wo_desc).

    CONSTRAINT workorders_hours_ck CHECK (wo_hours > = 0).

    CONSTRAINT workorders_wocomplete_ck CHECK (wo_complete in ('Y', 'n')));

    Whenever you have an error message the best thing to do is post a copy of your session with your statement sqlplus output. Like this.

    I have no problem with your first statement regarding the syntax and semantics

    SQL> create table project
      2  (
      3  proj# number(6) not null,
      4  p_name varchar2(15)not null,
      5  p_desc varchar2(150)not null,
      6  p_budget number(8),
      7  constraint project_proj#pname_pk primary key (proj#, p_name)
      8  );
    Table created.

    Second table a problem that his tent to make reference to project.proj #. But the problem is that it doesn't have a primary or unique key defined in this topic.

    SQL> create table workorders
      2  (
      3  wo# number(6),
      4  proj# number(6),
      5  wo_desc varchar2(150),
      6  wo_assigned varchar2(30),
      7  wo_hours number(5),
      8  wo_start date,
      9  wo_due date,
     10  wo_complete char(1),
     11  constraint workorders_wo#_pk primary key(wo#),
     12  constraint workorders_wo#_fk foreign key (proj#)
     13  references project (proj#),
     14  constraint workorders_wodesc_uk unique (wo_desc),
     15  constraint workorders_hours_ck check (wo_hours >=0),
     16  constraint workorders_wocomplete_ck check (wo_complete in ('y' ,'n'))
     17  );
    references project (proj#),
    ERROR at line 13:
    ORA-02270: no matching unique or primary key for this column-list

    I defined a

    SQL> alter table project add constraint project_proj#_uk unique (proj#);
    Table altered.

    Now, the second table is also created correctly

    SQL> create table workorders
      2  (
      3  wo# number(6),
      4  proj# number(6),
      5  wo_desc varchar2(150),
      6  wo_assigned varchar2(30),
      7  wo_hours number(5),
      8  wo_start date,
      9  wo_due date,
     10  wo_complete char(1),
     11  constraint workorders_wo#_pk primary key(wo#),
     12  constraint workorders_wo#_fk foreign key (proj#)
     13  references project (proj#),
     14  constraint workorders_wodesc_uk unique (wo_desc),
     15  constraint workorders_hours_ck check (wo_hours >=0),
     16  constraint workorders_wocomplete_ck check (wo_complete in ('y' ,'n'))
     17  );
    Table created.

    My Version of DB's

    SQL> select * from v$version where rownum = 1;
    Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bi
  • Problem with dynamic setting where the clause OFA

    Hi all

    I have a view object with the following query:

    SELECT rownum LINENUM,

    B.line_id LINE_ID,







    AND "on" =: 1


    AND A.request_number = NVL(:5,A.REQUEST_NUMBER)


    SELECT rownum LINENUM,

    a.wip_entity_id LINE_ID,




    eam_work_orders_v b

    WHERE a.wip_entity_id = b.wip_entity_id

    AND "on" =: 2


    and b.wip_entity_name = NVL(:6,b.wip_entity_name)

    I need to dynamically pass a condition to my where clause that I can manage it by setting two binding settings in the query of vo and can pass it on but the problem is the connection variable contains a string like 1311,13112,14445 that I need to spend for a domain like B.line_id in the first query and b.wip_entity_id in the second query , so when I'm passing the string as a value it works fine, but it gives for value separetd by comma prob.

    so I tried passing dynamic where clause, but there is every time that the execution of the first clause only how can I dynamically pass both queries.

    vo.setWhereClause ("LINE_ID in" + wherclause);

    Please help me




    Actually I'm passing the parameter to the basic page popup, so in page popup page and the base, I was using the VO even to run then, probably due to that he was running again for all data, so for the basic page I created a new VO and tried to pass the parameter like when clause for questioning now it runs very well Thank you for all your help

  • Do not understand the problem with My SQL...

    Greetings! Having a bit of a weird problem here...

    We update a Web site that uses forms and a database, and we did this once a year for the last 3 years. The man who worked on this subject before me created the elaborate together thing and then it died while he has put us in an awkward position... In any case... We have this form of quotation, and when the people, fill it out and click on submit, the information is sent to us and we fill then his quote based on the information the customer provides and then send us the quotation to the email they provided in the form. All this is done to a "base". OK so now when I fill out the quote form myself as a test and clicking on send, it says this...

    Warning : mysql_connect() [Function.mysql - connect]: Unknown MySQL server host '' (0) by /home/content/76/12767976/HTML/backend/configHR.php online 7
    can't do

    So by the looks of it, something is wrong in MySQL, am I right? It's something that I know much, but something is not communicate it would seem. He has never done this before.

    In case you wanted to know what it says in 'configHR.php, it contains these lines of code... ".

    <? PHP

    $host = "";

    $username = "duser1";

    $pass = "Dosaur1";

    $database = "duser1";

    mysql_connect ($Host, $username, $Pass) or die ("cannot do '");

    @mysql_select_db ($Database);

    ? >

    I changed the names a little bit, so I don't understand our account...

    Now, it is important to point out that it recently had to change the user name ftp and password with GoDaddy to make changes to this website via Dreamweaver this year. Don't ask me why, they just made to us, and once we reconnect to the site with the new user name and password, this problem started occurring.

    So, what do you think?

    Thank you very much.

    Seems to me that there is a problem with your connection to the MySql database.  If the former web developer used old fashioned MySql connections and your server has been recently upgraded to PHP 5.5, which could explain the gap because the MySql connections are no longer supported in PHP 5.5 +.  To confirm this yourself, create a new page test.php with the following code and download on your remote server.  Then view the results in your browser


    Nancy O.

  • Reference Dell EQL PS4100xv problem with MS SQL replication


    I have a Dell PowerEdge server R420 connected to an EQL. Is installed ESXi 5.1 U1 (free version). It is only a data store.

    VM is running Windows 2008 R2 STD with MS SQL 2008 R2 STD. The change in size of database per day is around 2 to 3 MB of base on my daily full backups via the MS SQL backup.

    However, when I throw a replication session between my EQL PROD and DR EQL which size of delta is ranging from 1 GB to 50 GB every time that I run a replication? Interval is about 5 to 10 minutes. I tried 20 minutes also the size to replicate is erratic.

    Why is so huge its more than 1000 MB per replication.

    Hope someone can help me with that.

    Thank you


    Re: Storage Direct.  Yes, if you configure these volumes SQL replication, only the changed data will be included.  Only VM will see to all the files in the data store.   However, you still want to replicate your VMFS, but not as often as SQL datastore.

    Re: optimize.  Article I included has the registry setting you need.  This works for all storage formatted to NTFS.

    In addition, when you format the SQL data / log volumes, has the NTFS 64 K cluster size.   The default value is usually 4 or 8 K.  This will align all the writings and readings on the 64K of distribution of the EQL table size.   This improves performance of I/o.

  • Windows Backup & restore leaves gaps in the backup period date ranges

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    Jan 26: 12-18 Mar, 12 GB 10.40

    Apr 04, 12-13 Apr, 12 GB 19.62

    27 April, 12-27 Apr, 12 GB 05.16

    May 06,12 - May 06,12 02.41 GB

    May 27.12 - 17 Jun, 12 GB 03.41

    What is the importance of gaps?

    How can I tell that B & R is fully backup all files that changed since the last backup run?

    How can I varify the 1st backup is a backup full?

    How can I varify that the system image backup is up-to-date?

    I save approximately once a week to a USB external hard drive. I use options "Include a system image" and "Let me choose" to select the files and have selected the option 'keep only the last frame system & minimize the space used '.


    Backups are created in sets called backup periods. To maximize your disk space, Windows backup backup all folders selected, the first time it's run and then it only backs up files that are new or have been modified since the last backup was made. Periodically, Windows creates a new, full backup. Each full backup is called in a backup. When you view your backups of files, you can see all the backup periods with date ranges. If you decide to delete backups of files, you should always keep the most recent backup of the file.


    Should what backup settings I use to maximize my disk space?

    Back up and restore: frequently asked questions

  • ODI 12 - problem with LKM SQL for Oracle

    Hi again,

    Three days ago, that I asked about the problem with the data types of data warehouses in models that were missing. After you apply the ideas suggested by Rita (thank you very much ) I got from their work.

    But after that, we came across a new problem. When you run a mapping (Oracle for Oracle databases), it failed on the second stage - ' "work table create. "When we checked the generated code was something like this: '(" CREATE TABLE < work_table_name >). None of the names of columns or data types have been described in parentheses and as expected, the ODI execution error was "invalid identifier". It seems that API odiRef.getColList(params)%> does not work. I tried loading using LKM Oracle Oracle (DB LINK) but once again the columns are missing in the generated script.

    I have to mention the master and work repositories are different databases from Oracle and ODI Agent is not installed because of some problems.

    We are still beginners of ODI and would appreciate any help from more experienced guy (or other beginners).

    Thank you in advance.

    Just by chance, we found the soluton today!

    The reason of missing generated code was that the description of the types of data was not entirely cofigured.

    We found that the fields "create table syntax" and "'syntax of data accessible in writing' in each type of data in the topology definition were empty." After filling them, the generation of the script is running properly.

    Before that we had problems with missing data types in models and we realized the reverse engineering of the types of data, but obviously it is insufficient.

    Thanks to all those who participated in the discussion and tried to help us!

  • Are there problems in the creation of a virtual machine in VMware Workstation or Server and then move it to ESXi?


    I intend to pass our mailserver's current installation of Windows Server 2003 running on native hardware in a Windows Server 2008 running in a virtual machine on ESXi.

    This is the same machine as we will reuse so I would prefer to be able to create the virtual machine on a different computer and test it before wiping Windows and install ESXi. Are there problems with the creation of the virtual machine in VMware Server and then migrate to ESXi using VMware Converter? I won't if the result is not a 'perfect' virtual machine that performs as well as if it had been created on ESXi from the beginning.

    All our other VMs were created on ESXi from the beginning.

    Kind regards

    René Frej Nielsen

    If you are not sure, you can load VMware Server 2 and then install ESXi in it and test your configuration.  Do all this from your desktop (as it is decent).  You can also do in my computer.  A quick google search should give you all the information you need to get something like this configuration.

  • Problems with Oracle sql developer


    I have problems with my Oracle SQL developer 3.0.04 Version. It makes windows unstable once the query tries to display too many rows of data (for example, 300 k). Is there a way to solve this problem in addition to increasing the amount of physical memory? I currently have only 1 GB of RAM on this machine. Thank you.


    Upgrading hardware can be a very satisfying experience, especially as it is almost always little expensive compared to the value of your time. Virtual memory / paging on the Windows and PC hardware is a huge disappointment, so more memory on Windows is a cure-all. With more and more common 64-bit operating systems, laptop computers and the PC is currently available with 8G of memory.

    That said, I think few users have a business case for the visualization of the hundreds of thousands of lines via a graphical user interface.

    Getting back to what concerns the management of memory in java, I want to put in a plug for the garbage and first new Garbage Collector. It will be the production in JDK 1.7, but can be found in the JDK 1.6 u14 & high in experimental option. The most recent revision update, the better it is. Just add something like this in your sqldeveloper.conf file:

    AddVMOption - XX: + UnlockExperimentalVMOptions
    AddVMOption - XX: + UseG1GC
    AddVMOption - XX: + G1YoungGenSize = 25 m
    AddVMOption - XX: + G1ParallelRSetUpdatingEnabled
    AddVMOption - XX: + G1ParallelRSetScanningEnabled

    It does a much better job of actually release unused memory in the context of the o/s.
    To learn more on this subject:

    Gary Graham
    SQL DeveloperTeam

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