On please thinking of the CAP: the creation of a range in PL/SQL similar to C++

Well, I had to walk on go "Whoa!"

Objective: write a segment of code that will detect and identify a value within a range and then replace it with the following progress on the next item. In other words to rank A.. Z and the value is the current value. I want to detect "D" and update 'E '. I saw an example of use of DECODE as follows:
For example:

You could use the decode function in an SQL statement as follows:

SELECT supplier_name,
decode(supplier_id,     10000,     'IBM',
10001,     'Microsoft',
10002,     'Hewlett Packard',
'Gateway') result
FROM suppliers;
But you must always have logic increment the value in the range to the next higher value. Well, it can be done, but it sounds like it could be painful without a creation based on the Oracle. The code I have adjust below where the AGL - X, or PGL - X should be incremented to AGL - Y, or PGL - Y. It might be easier to use only decode and hard fix 26 values for each case.

cursor c1 is
select * from alumni.amrexrt
where amrexrt_pidm = 2895;

cursor c2 is
select * from alumni.amrexrt
where amrexrt_pidm = 2895;

amrexrt_rec     alumni.amrexrt%rowtype;
r2              alumni.amrexrt%rowtype;


    for amrexrt_rec in c1 loop
    if (amrexrt_rec.amrexrt_exrs_code = 'AGL') then
    update amrexrt
        set amrexrt_exrs_code = 'AGL-X'
        where amrexrt_pidm = 2895
        and amrexrt_exrs_code = 'AGL';
    elsif (amrexrt_rec.amrexrt_exrs_code = 'MGL') then
    update amrexrt
        set amrexrt_exrs_code = 'MGL-X'
        where amrexrt_pidm = 2895
        and amrexrt_exrs_code = 'MGL';
    elsif (amrexrt_rec.amrexrt_exrs_code = 'PGL') then
    update amrexrt
        set amrexrt_exrs_code = 'PGL-X'
        where amrexrt_pidm = 2895
        and amrexrt_exrs_code = 'PGL';
    end if;
    Insert into alumni.amrexrt
        '754',                                 --amrexrt_rec.amrexrt_ext_score,
    end loop;
    for r2 in C2 loop
    dbms_output.put_line('PIDM: ' || r2.amrexrt_pidm || 'EXRS_CODE: ' || r2.amrexrt_exrs_code);
    end loop;

In C++, you can specify a range and write it so that the compiler can detect the position within the range. I do not or think that PL/SQL to do this in the same way. Any thoughts? I'm dry of ideas.

Published by: Preston on May 3, 2011 12:05

where the AGL - X, or PGL - X should be incremented to AGL - Y, or PGL - Y

A combination of ASCII and CHR functions could do this:

SQL> with t as (
 select 'AGL-X' code from dual union all
 select 'SGH-J' code from dual union all
 select 'LFG-A' code from dual union all
 select 'PGL-X' from dual
select code, substr(code, 1, instr(code,'-')) || chr(ascii(substr(code, instr(code,'-') + 1)) + 1) new_code from t
------- ---------
PGL-X   PGL-Y    

4 rows selected.

Tags: Database

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     from  wsualumni.wsu_online_giving_table
           where ALM_OG_ACTIVITY_DATE >= SYSDATE - 7
           and ALM_OG_CAMPAIGN_CODE = 'MED' 
           OR ALM_OG_CAMPAIGN_CODE = 'MED1';
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    set serveroutput ON SIZE 1000000
    set heading off                
    set feedback off                
    set trimspool off               
    set echo off                    
    set pagesize 0                  
        v_data_line_hdr      varchar2(1000);
        v_data_file          varchar2(80);
        v_sch_code            varchar2(10);
        v_instance_name       varchar2(10);
        ws_path            payroll.pybutfl.pybutfl_utl_file_path%TYPE; 
        v_data_line           VARCHAR2 (4000)                              := NULL;
        fhandle_o             UTL_FILE.file_type;
        v_line_count          NUMBER                                       := 0;
        v_selected_count      NUMBER                                       := 0;
        v_error_count         NUMBER                                       := 0;
        v_written_count       NUMBER                                       := 0;
        v_error_text          VARCHAR2 (50)       := ' Unable to write the line. ';
        v_errm                VARCHAR2 (255);
        v_sqlerrm             VARCHAR2 (255);
    select RTRIM
        ALM_OG_ID                                           ||'|'||                                                                 
        NULL                                                ||'|'||   
        (to_char(ALM_OG_AMOUNT, '999,999.99'))              ||'|'||            
        'Cash'                                              ||'|'||             
        'Credit Card'                                       ||'|'||             
        (to_char(ALM_OG_ACTIVITY_DATE, 'mm/dd/yyyy'))       ||'|'||                    
        ALM_OG_ACCI_CODE                                    ||'|'|| 
        'On-Line Giving'                                    ||'|'||       
        'On-Line giving'                                    ||'|'||    
        ALM_OG_HONOR_MEM_NAME                               ||'|'||        
        NULL                                                ||'|'||   
        'Do not post'                                       ||'|'|| 
        'StandardThankYou'                                  ||'|'||  
        'Not Acknowledged'                                  ||'|'||        
        'Do not receipt'                                    ||'|'||      
        NULL                                                ||'|'|| 
        'Banner Gift Number'                                ||'|'|| 
        ALM_OG_BANNER_GIFT_NO ||'.'|| ALM_OG_ACCI_CODE      ||'|'|| 
        (to_char(ALM_OG_ACTIVITY_DATE, 'mm/dd/yyyy'))       ||'|'|| 
        NULL                                                ||'|'|| 
        'Web ID'                                            ||'|'|| 
        ALM_OG_WEBID                                        ||'|'|| 
        NULL                                                ||'|'|| 
        'Source'                                            ||'|'||  
        ALM_OG_CAMPAIGN_CODE                                ||'|'||
        'On-Line Giving'    ) data_line 
           from  wsualumni.wsu_online_giving_table
           where ALM_OG_ACTIVITY_DATE >= SYSDATE - 7
           and ALM_OG_CAMPAIGN_CODE = 'MED' 
           OR ALM_OG_CAMPAIGN_CODE = 'MED1';
     select RTRIM(
                    'ConsID'        ||'|'||
                    'GFImpID'       ||'|'||
                    'GFTAmt'        ||'|'||
                    'GFType'        ||'|'||
                    'GFPayMeth'     ||'|'||
                    'GFDate'        ||'|'||
                    'FundID'        ||'|'||
                    'CAMPID'        ||'|'||
                    'GFAppeal'      ||'|'||
                    'GfRef'         ||'|'||
                    'GfPostDate'    ||'|'||
                    'GfPostStatus'  ||'|'||
                    'GfltrCode'     ||'|'||
                    'GfAck'         ||'|'||
                    'GfRcpt'        ||'|'||
                    'GfAttrlmpID00' ||'|'||
                    'GfAttrCat00'   ||'|'||
                    'GfAttrdesc00'  ||'|'||
                    'GfAttrDate00'  ||'|'||
                    'GfAttrlmpD01'  ||'|'||
                    'GfAttrCat01'   ||'|'||
                    'GfAttrdesc01'  ||'|'||
                    'GfAttrlmpID02' ||'|'||
                    'GfAttrCat02'   ||'|'||
                    'GfAttrdesc02'  ||'|'||
                    'GfSubType'      ) line_header      from DUAL;
    /*                Main Program Processing                             */
    DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('Program Started in wsualumni.wsu_online_giving_online');
    IF UTL_FILE.is_open (fhandle_o)
       UTL_FILE.fclose (fhandle_o);
    END IF;
    /* Name The File Here */
    v_data_file := ('MED_SCH_' || TO_CHAR(sysdate, 'dd-MON-yyyy') || '_OG_DATA.txt');
    SELECT RTRIM (pybutfl_utl_file_path)
          INTO ws_path
          FROM payroll.pybutfl;
          fhandle_o := UTL_FILE.fopen (ws_path, v_data_file, 'w');
          DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('UTLFILE file for this run is: ' || ws_path||'/'||v_data_file);
          v_written_count := 0;   
    FOR c2_rec IN C2 LOOP
            v_selected_count := v_selected_count + 1;
            v_data_line_hdr := rtrim(c2_rec.line_header);
            UTL_FILE.put_line (fhandle_o, v_data_line_hdr);
            v_written_count := v_written_count + 1;
         WHEN OTHERS
           DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line (v_error_text);
           v_error_count := v_error_count + 1;
    FOR c1_rec IN C1 LOOP
            v_selected_count := v_selected_count + 1;
            v_data_line := rtrim(c1_rec.data_line);
            UTL_FILE.put_line (fhandle_o, v_data_line);
            v_written_count := v_written_count + 1;
         WHEN OTHERS
           DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line (v_error_text);
           v_error_count := v_error_count + 1;
         DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('Number of Records Selected: ' || v_selected_count);
         DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('Number of Records Written: ' || v_written_count);
          IF UTL_FILE.is_open (fhandle_o)
             UTL_FILE.fclose (fhandle_o);
          END IF;
    000013505||      20.00|Cash|Credit Card|06/22/2009|221686|On-Line Giving|On-Line giving|||Do not post|StandardThankYou|Not Acknowledged|Do not receipt||Banner Gift Number|1179534.221686|06/22/2009||Web ID|000013505||Source|MED|On-Line Giving
    000013505||      20.00|Cash|Credit Card|06/22/2009|770830|On-Line Giving|On-Line giving|||Do not post|StandardThankYou|Not Acknowledged|Do not receipt||Banner Gift Number|1179534.770830|06/22/2009||Web ID|000013505||Source|MED|On-Line Giving


    The problem is due to the "OR" condition (I did not pay attention to it earlier).

    Because of this condition, your query is given beyond 7 days recovery. You need to rewrite the code as:


    Instead of


    This will do the magic for you.


    Asif Momen

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    Hi all

    My version of Oracle is 64-bit

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    Use of memory on the server is too high.

    AP - GV - SP713:orasop 55 > free t m

    total used free shared buffers cached

    MEM: 258341 257482 859 43775 8 219455

    -/ + buffers/cache: 38018 220322

    Swap: 65535 3919 61616

    Total: 323877 261401 62475

    AP - GV - SP713:orasop 56 >

    Top of PAGE process 10 consuming the most memory is below -.

    AP - GV - SP713:orasop 56 > ps to the | Sort - nk + 4 | tail

    orasop 15385 3.7 0.0 30937152 9916440?    SS Nov23 01:40 ora_dbw2_SOP

    orasop 15408 3.7 0.0 30933376 9809912?    SS Nov23 01:39 ora_dbw5_SOP

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    orasop 7121 3.8 0.1 30932164 10296904?   SS Nov24 01:51 oracleSOP (LOCAL = NO)

    orasop 10997 3.9 0.3 30928188 10457696?   SS Nov24 03:34 oracleSOP (LOCAL = NO)

    orasop 15371 3.9 0.0 30937024 10399132?   SS Nov23 01:44 ora_dbw1_SOP

    orasop 7216 4.7 0.8 30929072 12475216?   SS 05:08 03:55 oracleSOP (LOCAL = NO)

    orasop 14793 5.0 0.6 30940416 13390616?   SS Nov24 06:29 oracleSOP (LOCAL = NO)

    orasop 18524 5.0 0.7 30928112 13329416?   SS Nov24 07:08 oracleSOP (LOCAL = NO)

    orasop 31019 11.2 5.9 30926108 15609268?   RS 06:14 42: 21 oracleSOP (LOCAL = NO)

    AP - GV - SP713:orasop 57 >

    In the oracle memory setting is:

    SQL > select decode(pool,null,name,pool), round (sum (bytes) / 1024/1024,4) MB in Group v$ sgastat by decode (pool, null, name, pool) order by 2 desc;


    -------------------------- ----------

    BUFFER_CACHE 15360

    Shared pool 13952

    pool of Java 448

    log_buffer 56.9688

    fixed_sga 2.1634

    Please suggest if the memory must be increased and also I see a dynamic memory management is not turn on on the server.

    SQL > show parameter sga_target


    ------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------

    SGA_TARGET large integer 0

    SQL > show the memory_target parameter


    ------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------

    memory_target large integer 0

    SQL >

    SQL > show parameter sga_max_size


    ------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------

    very large integer SGA_MAX_SIZE 29952 M

    SQL >

    Please suggest.

    Thank you before acting.


    Jean Louis

    Yvon says:

    Please check the error of the alerts log when the database is set automatically.

    WARNING: VKTM detected a drift of the time.

    Time derivatives may cause unexpected behavior, such as wait times. Check the file path for more details.

    Mon 23 Nov 20:41:17 2015

    Closure of proceedings (immediate)

    Closure of proceedings: in addition to logons disabled

    Stop background MMNL process

    MMON background process stop

    The high waters = 53 license


    ORA-1507 marked during: ALTER DATABASE CLOSE NORMAL...

    ARCH: Disabled archives due to the stop: 1089

    Stop process to archive

    Archiving is disabled

    ARCH: Disabled archives due to the stop: 1089

    Stop process to archive

    Archiving is disabled

    Mon 23 Nov 20:41:20 2015

    Stop background VKTM process

    Mon 23 Nov 20:41:22 2015

    Instance shutdown complete


    Jean Louis

    I say that DB was reduced by human intervention based on below

    Accident never issue SHUTDOWN IMMEDIATE

    After the accident alert log shows DB followed by BOOT messages running.

    > Closing instance (immediate)

    Problem exists between keyboard and Chair only.

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    Thank you very much

    Tried your code. Got a popup saying:

    Error: addChild() is not available in this category. Instead, use addElement(), or change the skin, if you have a.

    MyCanvas.addChild (myRichEditableText) has changed; at myCanvas.addElement (myRichEditableText); and it worked.

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    Thanks in advance



    Found a calling areas of property which returns a collection of the areas of each of them continues a range object.  Simply cycled through these areas using the earlier technique, build the table I want.  See below

    Thank you


    PS I can KUDOS

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    Hi, me - Joshua, using Mozilla Version 38.0.1, please share the information of the creation of tab double... Thank you.



    This solution should help you


       Ctrl-click or middle-click the Reload button to open the current page in a new tab.
       Ctrl-click or middle-click items in the history of the Back and Forward buttons to open a page from that list in a new tab.
       Duplicate a tab with its history by pressing CTRL and dragging the tab to a new position on the tab bar.
       Dragging a tab in the browser window will detach the tab and move it to a new window, this is called tab tearing.
       Drag a tab back to the tab bar in the original or anther window to undo a detach or move a tab to a specific window. If a window gets empty (you tear off the last tab) then that window will be closed automatically. "
  • We live errors in the creation of recovery media. Please try again


    I bought the windows 8 hp pavilion series laptop and tried to create the recovery with blank disc DVD - R disc.

    While burning data first drive the HP Recovery Manager application up the pop-up message like "we live errors in the creation of recovery media. Please try again' with the OK key.

    Press the button Ok app closed automatically once.

    Model laptap

    HP Pavilion n003tx-15 Notebook PC (Windows 8)

    Please someone help me.

    Thanks in advance



    Have you tried to burn in Mode safe?


  • DEV_SOAINFRA account got locked so that the soa_infra please think whatto do to unlock the purge?

    DEV_SOAINFRA account got locked so that the soa_infra please think whatto do to unlock the purge?


    If you have access to the user SYS (user sys password), then you could change the user DEV_SOAINFRA with the following command.


    You can also look into changing the default profile for the user above.  (LIMIT FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS UNLIMITED; default EDIT PROFILE)

    It will be useful.

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    Hello. Hard drive of my computer totally crashed & I had to wipe my hard drive. I wasn't able to log out of my apps for the creation of clouds which my wife has 2 licenses for us. Can someone please explain the process to re download these apps please? Thank you..


    Please refer to the help documents below to download the application Adobe CC:

    Creative cloud to desktop

    Download, install, update or uninstall applications

    Kind regards


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    But on Apple TV 4, I can find no option to create a Genius playlist.  I hope that they add it in an update.  There must be a lot of users like me who don't agree not to music from Apple, but have a great local music library with which they want to create Genius playlists.

    What do you think are the prospects of the genius feature brings Apple to Apple TV for us?  (because it still works very well in the eco-system)

    mrlogic wrote:

    What do you think are the prospects of the genius feature brings Apple to Apple TV for us?  (because it still works very well in the eco-system)

    What we think is irrelevant. Speculation and rumor are banned by Apple Support communities terms of use.

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    What is your question? You have described what the program is supposed to do, but it is unclear what you're asking about. Do you need help to get started? If so, what you have gone through the tutorials of LabVIEW? You and look at the material in tutorials the NI Developer Zone Learning Center , which provides links to other materials and other. You can also take a course online for free. Have you looked through numerous examples provided with LabVIEW for data acquisition?

  • The creation of sequence error. Help, please

    I use following script to create the sequence but in error
    Error report:
    SQL error: ORA-01722: invalid number
    01722 00000 - "invalid number."

    MAXVALUE 999999999999999999

    FYI... The bulletin_master_id column data type is NUMBER (22.0)
    Help, please.

    Published by: user11228834 on May 29, 2013 10:22

    Published by: user11228834 on May 29, 2013 10:23

    Published by: user11228834 on May 29, 2013 10:25

    Oracle doesn't like the ' (select max (bulletin_master_id) + 1 bl_btn_master)' statement incorporated in the CREATE SEQUENCE statement because if you look at the syntax it expects an acual number.» You can use run immediately to create the sequence in this way:

    number of v_seq;
    v_statement varchar2 (200);
    SELECT max (bulletin_master_id) + 1
    in v_seq
    of bl_btn_master;

    v_statement: = 'CREATE the SEQUENCE BL_BTN_MASTER_SEQ |
    "MINVALUE 1' |
    "MAXVALUE 999999999999999999' |
    ' INCREMENT OF 1' |
    'START WITH ' | v_seq |

    execute immediate (v_statement);

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    HP Pavilion p7 - 1269c using Windows 7 Home premium desktop PC. How to reset the creation process so the Recovery Manager will allow me to start over again?

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    Anyone know what could be the problem? It's only for PDF files created by some users, another shared review, a PDF file created with Acrobat Pro 11.0.11 or superior open fine in drive 11.0.11 or above. I think maybe it's a setting that is not correct for some users...

    Thank you!!

    -Paul Masalsky

    McAfee (which is now part of the security of Intel)

    Hi paulm85910772,

    Please see this KB document for the creation of a shared review Acrobat help. Starting a PDF review. On the other end uses can participate in a shared review using Adobe Reader help of Acrobat Reader | Share, comment and review from.

    Try the most recent Adobe Acrobat Reader DC Adobe - Adobe Acrobat Reader DC Distribution.

    Let me know how it goes.

    Kind regards


  • What is the limit for the creation of a primary key?

    Hi friends I have an another question... .Please help me...

    What is the limit for the creation of a primary key?

    Thank you

    I think that its 32

    Yes from the doc

    Primary and unique keys because composites are limited to 32 columns, a composite foreign key is also limited to 32 columns.

    Published by: Karthick_Arp on January 13, 2010 22:04

Maybe you are looking for