vCAC 6.0 error: user get banned when connecting error


one of the user of the VCAC becomes an error when connecting to vCAC 6.0 "prohibited." Please close the browser window and connecting a new window", when I have the tail of Catalina.out to error on the SSO server located under the log entry

04/07/22 11:02:21, 282 Builder DEBUG [DefaultIdmAccessorFactory] DefaultIdmAccessorFactory

2014-07-22 11:02:21, 282 DEBUG [DefaultIdmAccessorFactory] DefaultIdmAccessorFactory getIdmAccessor

2014-07-22 11:02:21, 282 DEBUG [CasIdmAccessor] CasIdmAccessor constructor called

2014-07-22 11:02:21, DEBUG state [AuthnRequestState] 282 specified relay has been

2014-07-22 11:02:21, 282 DEBUG [AuthnRequestState] parseRequestForTenant, vsphere.local tenant

2014-07-22 11:02:21, 283 attack by reconstitution DEBUG [AuthnRequestState] detected - request authentication who REFUSES

2014-07-22 11:02:21, 283 DEBUG [BaseSsoController] caught exception java.lang.IllegalStateException analysis: forbidden

2014-07-22 11:02:21, 283 DEBUG [AuthnRequestState] addResponseHeaders, org.apache.catalina.connector.ResponseFacade@144d6c10 response

2014-07-22 11:02:21, 283 DEBUG [AuthnRequestState] generateResponseForTenant, vsphere.local tenant

2014-07-22 11:02:21, 283 INFO [BaseSsoController] responded with ERROR 403 Forbidden message! Please close the browser window and connecting a new window

So when I tried to check for the administrative user account > VCAC users, I have a step able to list out sound it is actually member of ad groups. It's strange because, in reality user groups listed in the Active Directory log.

Please help me get this problem

Thanks in advance



Steve anywhere today...

2014-07-22 11:02:21, 283 attack by reconstitution DEBUG [AuthnRequestState] detected - request authentication who REFUSES

This line indicates that someone is trying to reuse an expired session token. Ensure that people use not SSO, or a bookmark of a page being cached for SSO.


Tags: VMware

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  • Redirect 302 get only when connected via BES loop


    I have a problem when I am connected via BES, I get a server redirection loop (it returns a 302 with the originial URL response in the "location" header field). When it is connected via the BIS-B, WiFi or carrier, the server returns redirects as expected and the app works. However I require a BES connection and him give a priority when they are available.

    Note that I checked the connection returned by string is correct (we add ";) (deviceside = false' when BES is to be using).

    Here's the network code I use:

    package [redacted]
     * This code is based on the connection code developed by Mike Nelson of AccelGolf.
    import net.rim.device.api.system.CoverageInfo;
    import net.rim.device.api.system.DeviceInfo;
    import net.rim.device.api.system.WLANInfo;
    public class Networking
    // Whether or not to the simulator should use MDS to connect.
    // By default this should be false, however if you are testing
    // in an environment where MDS will be the expected connection method,
    // set this to true to have the simulator attempt to use MDS.  This variable
    // has no effect on what happens on a real device.
        private static final boolean isMDS = false;
        // the timeout
        public static final int TIMEOUT = 30000;
         * Determines what connection type to use and returns the necessary string
         * to use it.
         * @return A string with the connection info
        public static String getConnectionString()
            String connectionString = null;
            // Simulator behavior is controlled by the USE_MDS_IN_SIMULATOR variable.
            if (DeviceInfo.isSimulator())
                if (isMDS)
                    connectionString = ";ConnectionTimeout=" + TIMEOUT + ";deviceside=false";
                    connectionString = ";ConnectionTimeout=" + TIMEOUT + ";deviceside=true";
            // Check for an MDS connection instead (BlackBerry Enterprise Server)
            else if ((CoverageInfo.getCoverageStatus() & CoverageInfo.COVERAGE_MDS) == CoverageInfo.COVERAGE_MDS)
                System.out.println("MDS coverage found");
                connectionString = ";ConnectionTimeout=" + TIMEOUT + ";deviceside=false";
            else if ((CoverageInfo.getCoverageStatus() & CoverageInfo.COVERAGE_BIS_B) == CoverageInfo.COVERAGE_BIS_B)
                // otherwise, use the Uid to construct a valid carrier BIS-B request
                System.out.println("Using BIS");
                connectionString = ";ConnectionTimeout=" + TIMEOUT + ";deviceside=false;ConnectionType=[redacted]";
            // Wifi is the preferred transmission method
            else if (WLANInfo.getWLANState() == WLANInfo.WLAN_STATE_CONNECTED)
                System.out.println("Using WIFI");
                connectionString = ";interface=wifi";
            // Is the carrier network the only way to connect?
            else if ((CoverageInfo.getCoverageStatus() & CoverageInfo.COVERAGE_DIRECT) == CoverageInfo.COVERAGE_DIRECT)
                // Has carrier coverage, but not BIBS.  So use the carrier's TCP network
                System.out.println("Device is connected Direct");
                connectionString = ";ConnectionTimeout=" + TIMEOUT + ";deviceside=true";
            // If there is no connection available abort to avoid bugging the user unnecssarily.
            else if (CoverageInfo.getCoverageStatus() == CoverageInfo.COVERAGE_NONE)
                System.out.println("There is no available connection.");
            // In theory, all bases are covered so this shouldn't be reachable.
                System.out.println("no other options found, assuming device.");
                connectionString = ";ConnectionTimeout=" + TIMEOUT + ";deviceside=true";
            return connectionString;

    Here is sendRequest managed the connection method and the redirection:

    public HttpResponse sendRequest(HttpRequest request)
            String url = request.getUrl();
            if (url == null)
                HttpResponse result = new HttpResponse();
                result.responseCode = 404;
                result.responseMessage = "Not Found";
                return result;
            ConnectionWrapper cw = connectionWrapperForRequest(request);
            if (cw == null)
                return null;
            boolean compressionEnabled = !request.disableCompression() && COMPRESSION_ENABLED;
            HttpResponse result = new HttpResponse();
                String finalURL = url.trim() + Networking.getConnectionString();
                cw.connection = (HttpConnection), Connector.READ_WRITE, false);
                System.out.println("Connection string: " + Networking.getConnectionString());
                System.out.println("Full connec.  URL: " + finalURL);
                if (cw.connection == null)
                    result.errorMessage = "Could not open a network connection.";
                    result.completedWithError = true;
                    return result;
                if (compressionEnabled)
                    cw.connection.setRequestProperty("Accept-Encoding", "gzip");
                        "" + DeviceInfo.getManufacturerName() + "/" + DeviceInfo.getDeviceName() + "/" + Config.getVersionNumber());
                if (request.username() != null)
                    cw.connection.setRequestProperty("Authorization", "Basic " + Utils.base64Encode(request.username() + ":" + request.password()));
                // set this header so BES servers will not change the content of the headers
                cw.connection.setRequestProperty("x-rim-transcode-content", "none");
                //add cookies
                if (HttpCookieJar.getInstance().cookieCount() > 0)
                    cw.connection.setRequestProperty("Cookie", HttpCookieJar.getInstance().getCookiesAsString());
                //pull request headers from HttpRequest
                Hashtable headers = request.getHeaders();
                for (Enumeration e = headers.keys(); e.hasMoreElements();)
                    String key = (String) e.nextElement();
                    cw.connection.setRequestProperty(key, (String) headers.get(key));
                byte[] upstreamBytes = request.requestBytes();
                if (upstreamBytes != null && upstreamBytes.length > 0)
                    Logger.getLogger().log(new String(upstreamBytes));
                    cw.connection.setRequestProperty(HttpProtocolConstants.HEADER_CONTENT_LENGTH, String.valueOf(upstreamBytes.length));
                    cw.outputStream = cw.connection.openOutputStream();
                Logger.getLogger().log("Get response");
                result.responseCode = cw.connection.getResponseCode();
                result.responseMessage = cw.connection.getResponseMessage();
                Logger.getLogger().log("Status Code: " + result.responseCode);
                Logger.getLogger().log("Status Message: " + result.responseMessage);
                //suck out the cookies here
                int fieldNo = 0;
                String headerField;
                while ((headerField = cw.connection.getHeaderField(fieldNo)) != null)
                    if (cw.connection.getHeaderFieldKey(fieldNo).equals("Set-Cookie"))
                System.out.println("get redirect");
                //get redirect location
                String location;
                if ((location = cw.connection.getHeaderField("Location")) != null)
                    if (location == url.trim())
                        Logger.getLogger().log("Redirect loop");
                    Logger.getLogger().log("Redirect: " + location);
                    result.redirectLocation = location.trim();
                    result.redirectLocation = null;
                byte[] buffer = new byte[HTTP_BUFFER_SIZE];
                int count;
                cw.inputStream = cw.connection.openInputStream();
                if (compressionEnabled)
                    String encoding = cw.connection.getEncoding();
                    if ("gzip".equalsIgnoreCase(encoding))
                        cw.inputStream = new GZIPInputStream(cw.inputStream);
                cw.inputStream = new DataInputStream(cw.inputStream);
                System.out.println("output stream");
                ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
                    while ((count = >= 0)
                        out.write(buffer, 0, count);
                    result.bytes = out.toByteArray();
                Logger.getLogger().log("Response complete");
            catch (IOException e)
                result.errorMessage = e.getMessage();
                result.completedWithError = true;
                Logger.getLogger().log("ERROR!:" + e.getMessage());
            return result;

    Here's the whole for the context of the SendRequest method above:

    public class HttpService
        private static HttpService _instance;
        private static final boolean COMPRESSION_ENABLED = false;
        private static final int HTTP_BUFFER_SIZE = 1024;
        public static synchronized HttpService instance()
            if (_instance == null)
                _instance = new HttpService();
            return _instance;
        private WorkQueue _requestQueue = new WorkQueue(1024, 4);
        private Hashtable _connections = new Hashtable(10);
        private HttpService()
            // singleton
        private ConnectionWrapper connectionWrapperForRequest(HttpRequest request)
            ConnectionWrapper cw = null;
            synchronized (request)
                if (!request.cancelled())
                    cw = new ConnectionWrapper(request);
                    synchronized (_connections)
                        _connections.put(request, cw);
            return cw;
        private void removeConnectionWrapper(ConnectionWrapper cw)
            synchronized (_connections)
        public void cancelRequest(HttpRequest request)
            ConnectionWrapper cw = null;
            synchronized (request)
                synchronized (_connections)
                    cw = (ConnectionWrapper) _connections.remove(request);
            if (cw != null)
        public void executeRequest(final HttpRequest request)
            _requestQueue.addWorkItem(new Runnable()
                public void run()
                    HttpResponse response = sendRequest(request);
                    if (!request.cancelled() && response != null)
        public HttpResponse sendRequest(HttpRequest request)
            String url = request.getUrl();
            if (url == null)
                HttpResponse result = new HttpResponse();
                result.responseCode = 404;
                result.responseMessage = "Not Found";
                return result;
            ConnectionWrapper cw = connectionWrapperForRequest(request);
            if (cw == null)
                return null;
            boolean compressionEnabled = !request.disableCompression() && COMPRESSION_ENABLED;
            HttpResponse result = new HttpResponse();
                String finalURL = url.trim() + Networking.getConnectionString();
                cw.connection = (HttpConnection), Connector.READ_WRITE, false);
                System.out.println("Connection string: " + Networking.getConnectionString());
                System.out.println("Full connec.  URL: " + finalURL);
                if (cw.connection == null)
                    result.errorMessage = "Could not open a network connection.";
                    result.completedWithError = true;
                    return result;
                if (compressionEnabled)
                    cw.connection.setRequestProperty("Accept-Encoding", "gzip");
                        "" + DeviceInfo.getManufacturerName() + "/" + DeviceInfo.getDeviceName() + "/" + Config.getVersionNumber());
                if (request.username() != null)
                    cw.connection.setRequestProperty("Authorization", "Basic " + Utils.base64Encode(request.username() + ":" + request.password()));
                // set this header so BES servers will not change the content of the headers
                cw.connection.setRequestProperty("x-rim-transcode-content", "none");
                //add cookies
                if (HttpCookieJar.getInstance().cookieCount() > 0)
                    cw.connection.setRequestProperty("Cookie", HttpCookieJar.getInstance().getCookiesAsString());
                //pull request headers from HttpRequest
                Hashtable headers = request.getHeaders();
                for (Enumeration e = headers.keys(); e.hasMoreElements();)
                    String key = (String) e.nextElement();
                    cw.connection.setRequestProperty(key, (String) headers.get(key));
                byte[] upstreamBytes = request.requestBytes();
                if (upstreamBytes != null && upstreamBytes.length > 0)
                    Logger.getLogger().log(new String(upstreamBytes));
                    cw.connection.setRequestProperty(HttpProtocolConstants.HEADER_CONTENT_LENGTH, String.valueOf(upstreamBytes.length));
                    cw.outputStream = cw.connection.openOutputStream();
                Logger.getLogger().log("Get response");
                result.responseCode = cw.connection.getResponseCode();
                result.responseMessage = cw.connection.getResponseMessage();
                Logger.getLogger().log("Status Code: " + result.responseCode);
                Logger.getLogger().log("Status Message: " + result.responseMessage);
                //suck out the cookies here
                int fieldNo = 0;
                String headerField;
                while ((headerField = cw.connection.getHeaderField(fieldNo)) != null)
                    if (cw.connection.getHeaderFieldKey(fieldNo).equals("Set-Cookie"))
                System.out.println("get redirect");
                //get redirect location
                String location;
                if ((location = cw.connection.getHeaderField("Location")) != null)
                    if (location == url.trim())
                        Logger.getLogger().log("Redirect loop");
                    Logger.getLogger().log("Redirect: " + location);
                    result.redirectLocation = location.trim();
                byte[] buffer = new byte[HTTP_BUFFER_SIZE];
                int count;
                cw.inputStream = cw.connection.openInputStream();
                if (compressionEnabled)
                    String encoding = cw.connection.getEncoding();
                    if ("gzip".equalsIgnoreCase(encoding))
                        cw.inputStream = new GZIPInputStream(cw.inputStream);
                cw.inputStream = new DataInputStream(cw.inputStream);
                System.out.println("output stream");
                ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
                    while ((count = >= 0)
                        out.write(buffer, 0, count);
                    result.bytes = out.toByteArray();
                Logger.getLogger().log("Response complete");
            catch (IOException e)
                result.errorMessage = e.getMessage();
                result.completedWithError = true;
                Logger.getLogger().log("ERROR!:" + e.getMessage());
            return result;
        private static class ConnectionWrapper
            final HttpRequest request;
            InputStream inputStream = null;
            OutputStream outputStream = null;
            HttpConnection connection = null;
            public ConnectionWrapper(HttpRequest request)
                this.request = request;
            public void close()
                    if (outputStream != null)
                catch (Exception e)
                    if (inputStream != null)
                catch (Exception e)
                    if (connection != null)
                catch (Exception e)

    Sorry for the amount of code.

    I had our BES admin visit problematic page via a browser on the Server BES itself.

    Running, the Web server was an update of AJAX-style page that informs the user that they had no access to that particular content. Programmatically, see us all is "the page has been moved here" - but in a browser, it's a different story.

    Thanks again Peter for your insight!

  • I don't get sound when connecting my LED TV to my laptop under windows 8


    I have a laptop HP with windows 8. When I try to connect it to my LED tv using a HDMI cable I get the picture but the sound comes from the laptop only, not LED TV. I don't know the reasons. If anyone can help get the sound on my LED TV.

    Thank you

    Hi Ram,

    I understand that when you connect to LED TV to your Windows 8 HP laptop using an HDMI cable, you get the picture on the LED screen but sound comes only from the laptop. There is no sound in LED.

    This problem can be caused if the digital audio HDMI is disabled. Please follow the provided steps and check to see if that solves the problem:

    Method 1: Activate digital audio HDMI:

    Follow these steps to enable digital audio HDMI:

    (a) the speaker icon on the right side of the taskbar on the right click desktop background.

    (b) click on playback devices

    (c) right click Digital HDMI audio and then click Activate.

    (d) put a check mark: Show disconnected devices and see the disabled devices.

    (e) check if you get audio on the led connected to the laptop via a HDMI cable.

    Method 2: Check if the cables are connected properly:

    See the section under step 2 HDMI cables in the following link:

    No sound in Windows:

    Hope, it helps to solve the problem, if you have any other questions relating to Windows 8, do not hesitate to post.

    Kind regards

  • To display user-defined message when connect you to oracle

    Dear all,

    I display a message when the connection or connect to oracle Sql more why I created following pl/sql block.

    ls_global_name varchar2 (4000);
    ls_user varchar2 (30);
    Select global_name
    in ls_global_name
    from global_name;

    Select user
    in ls_user

    ls_global_name: = ls_user | '@' || ls_global_name;
    dbms_output.put_line (ls_global_name);

    Above block display username@database name: SCOTT@TEST_DB:

    This messaes I want to display during each new session connection.

    Could you please suggest me for what I do.

    Waiting for your valuable comments.

    Thanks in advance:

    Vinod Gupta


    If sqlplus starts, it searches files glogin.sql and login.sql. Glogin.SQL must be in $ORACLE_HOME/sqlplus/admin then begins as the connection is established. After that, there is the call to login.sql. This file must be output in the current working directory or in the path given by the variable SQLPATH.

    If both can be used.

    a flie content can be

    / * Start script * /.
    Set serveroutput on

    ls_global_name varchar2 (4000);
    ls_user varchar2 (30);
    Select global_name
    in ls_global_name
    from global_name;

    Select user
    in ls_user

    ls_global_name: = ls_user | '@' || ls_global_name;
    dbms_output.put_line (ls_global_name);

    / * End script * /.

    Maybe instead of through dbms_output display, you can set the sqlplus prompt using "set sqlprompt ls_global_name.

    Take a look at the users guide SQLPLUS documentation:

    Herald tiomela

  • can not get sound when connected to the tv viahdmi

    I'm trying to find the audio and graphic drivers for my compaq 8510p.

    I tried all of the recommended things

    Hi nrob7208,

    Welcome to the Forums of HP Support!

    I understand that you do not get sound from your HP Compaq 8510p Notebook PC, and you want the graphics and audio drivers. He is a professional computer, and you will get the best results for your question, here, to the HP Enterprise Business Community.

    I hope this helps.

    Thank you and have a great day!

  • get nothing when connect my HP slate to my TV, what am I am I doing wrong? pls help

    I tried to connect my slate hp7 to my TV to watch Netflix from my tablet, but nothing happens. I'm not good with gadgets, I do something wrong? pls help

    steepeljack42 wrote:

    Hi, it's the 7 slate, nothing says also 4601.there the model is 4601 on the species of the brand back.thanks


    Now, we know that you have the first iteration of the series 7 of the slate, and as you mentioned that you have the 16 GB model.

    My previous statement remains true - it has no video capabilities.


  • Hide the username / password when connecting to the database

    I need to find a way to hide the user name / password when connecting to the database (via a script), or by encryption or any other method that hides this information when I connect to the database.

    I use Oracle 11 g.

    I tried with the portfolio method, but could not connect to the database of the error below, even the user name and password:


    ORA-01017: invalid username / password; connection refused

    I plugged this way (after the cover configuration):

    sqlplus /@DB

    Please help me.



    Hi Luiza,

    Try to find out why the portfolio method does not work, check the implementation using ref 340559.1 Note

    Check also for example client and server versions / compatibility, evolves sec_case_sensitive_logon relevant parameter (as a test, because it must be true) etc.


    Damage ten Monkshood

  • Sat T135D: error message 'the user name or password is incorrect' when connecting


    I bought a PC laptop Toshiba T 135 d, and after a few days, I worked with it, I changed something in the users account and now it gives me this error "the user name or password is incorrect" when connecting. I mention that I have not introduced any password before.

    Can you help me?

    > I changed something in the users account
    And how to help? Who knows what you did there.

    I can tell you that it's really bad situation now. Without correct password, you will not be able to start the new installation of the operating system using the HDD recovery procedure.

  • Disabled user account control, when try to turn on the States of error message "you don't have the appropriate permissions to perform this action.

    Disabled user account control, when try to turn on the States of error message "you don't have the appropriate permissions to perform this action.

    What type of account selected for this account you upward?

    And your administrator account is now or not?

    go in Start > Control Panel > user accounts see what is written under your username.

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    What is the error code 646?  I get this when I try to install the update KB977304.  I tried to install this update several times.

    Look at the point previously addressed in I hope this helps.
    Good day.

  • Clarification: OUD entry get deleted when IOM user is deleted


    We have activated the LDAP synchronization between IOM and the OUD (One way IOM-> OUD). We are 11 GR 2 PS2 and OUD 11gR2PS2

    When we create the user to the IOM, the user gets synchronized to the OUD.

    But what happens when the user is deleted? The entrance in OUD gets permanently deleted (no entry exists) or the record exist?

    Please provide details

    Thank you

    Yes, it should get deleted in OUD. Do you see a difference in behavior?

    This process copies the user IOM (add, modify, delete) changes for Oracle Internet Directory (OID) via Oracle Virtual Directory (OVD)

    ~ J

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    When you try to convert a word document I get "an error occurred when connecting to the service. "Please try again later".


    We apologize for the inconvenience. The site is under maintenance at the moment, the concern team strives to resume the services soon.

    Kind regards


  • When connecting with DB name Error Getting

    Conn scott/tiger@Db1;
    I got error like:
    ORA-12541: TNS:no listener.
    But if I write like

    Enter user_name: scott
    Enterr password: *.
    Connect with success.

    Why it happened what is the reason.
    Please give the reason
    Thank you

    Using the first case, you can access the remote database using the connect identifier specified n your tnsname.orafile

    Also the user through which you connect should be available in the remote database.

    Suppose I want to connect to a remote user scott database while the user must be present in the remote database, so only he can connect

  • Get a "Cannot find driver" error when connecting to my HP Laserjet 4350 PCL5 for workgroup computer.

    * Original title: problem with HP Laserjet 4350 PCL5

    I have a shared network printer. But when connect us to another computer in the workgroup. It says that it cannot find the driver. Computer has Windows 7 64 bit. I tried my drivers and .inf files, but nothing works.


    This problem may occur if the printer drivers are not installed properly.

    I suggest you run the HP print and Scan from following link doctor and see if that fixes the problem.

    You can try to install the last printing software, drivers from the following link and check if it helps.

    For more information, see the links.

    Problem for HP LaserJet 4350 printers

    Share a printer

    Install a printer on a home network

    Keep us informed on the status of the issue.

Maybe you are looking for