Cisco Services

Where is my upload of CPA?

I just had my rebuilt EPSC server, I had problems downloading my inventory. I followed the quick start instructions. I followed the instructions posted on this link (The inte

Upgrade to version 2.6 CSP problem

When I try to load the upgrade patch file, I got the following on the screen error message: Patch File Upload operation failed: /opt/cisco/ss/adminshell/applications/CSPC/webui/tmp/patches/ (no such file or

Shoot of disorder for the Cisco router

Hello I want to know how many times router restarted what command I need to use

Process to repair material

Hello How can I find a Cisco EX90 in repair or replacement? (It is a part of the inventory of the Department of defence). Thank you

What is the process of obtaining the latest patches of CPA?

What is the process of obtaining the latest patches of CPA?I can't find any mention of this in any of the Cisco CSPC/SNTC documents, nor Noah it seems any available information on the Cisco support pages?

Regarding cisco EOS

Hello. I want to subscribe to cisco EOS, please. How he do it by e-mail? Would you help me?

Sequence of triggers

UseCase: I have some different triggers working on the same status. And I need a specified sequence operation triggers. Is it possible to define the sequence?The "SeqNr' triggers to influence the sequence of triggers to work on the same status?

Carry the account root Gateway 4.1.1

Hi experts, Is the account 'root' for CHS TG removed in the 4.1.1 release eggs? It seems that the "tguser" account is no longer usable on this version, but it is not an authorization to change the ip address or reboot TG VM configuration. Can you ple
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