SanDisk Sansa

How to view the songs that were on the "rocket" using windows Explorer?

How to view the songs that were on the "rocket" when buying using windows Explorer?

For MP3 file size limit?

I have the Sansa Fuze 8 GB with 16 GB Sandisk microSD, firmware version v02.01.17A card.Internal memory has 48.1 MB free external card has 4.72 GB free.3419 mp3 files, 281 records  I record internet radio directly to MP3 (mp3directcut) for my weekend

Videos will not play!

Recently I put a video through the Sansa Media Converter to a Sandisk 2 GB microsd card and when I tried to play, he read "Unsupported Media Format". Does anyone know why it does not work?

Car radio will not rocket read

I have a Pioneer DEH-4000UB in my car, which has a USB Port. The radio is capable of playing MP3s and WMA (VBR, CBR up to 320KBit/s, ID3 - Tag 1.0, 1.1, 2.2 - 4). It only accepts the MSC-disks with in bulk-protocoll (whatever) upward to 250 GB and fo

FM recording recording file size problem...

Hey when I record radio on my sansa fuze 4GB.each file takes a lot of space.isnt there a way to reduce the space used when recording?

Compatibility issue with stereo w/USB Port (and radio too) with the "rocket" GB 2

I bought a 2 GB rocket. In MSC Mode, I downloaded a few songs and I went to connect to my Sony MHC GT222 (with the USB cable), and he said "No Media". Read the manual, I found that the MHC can only read on devices FAT16 or FAT32. My question is this:

Help! My sansa fuse will not work

When I turn my sansa logo appears and then the screen will flash white for 2 seconds. After that the logo plays again and it freezes. Anyone know how to solve this problem, or what has caused this problem?

loaded from the PC?

Hello, I'm Antonio again I'm new Sansa 2 GB ususario... It is normal that the appliance does not work all is loaded from the PC?

help for a newbie

well, I don't know how to get the video on my 8 gb sansa fuze. I looked at some of the other posts on this site about the same problem, but he's going right over my head. I have windows media player, and I recently downloaded SMC. I was wondering if

Cannot sync to scandisk 8 GB Micro SD

I have a problem to use Windows media player 11 to synchronize with my external 8G SD card, when I stat sync all pieces of music has the red X. But if I sync with Sansa Fuze 4 GB works fine. Please help me Thank you

Sansa fuze: show covers audio books

I would like to see the covers of my audio books on my rocket. I put a jpg file in a subfolder of audio books where the audio book is stored with the the same base name as the audio files. But now the coverage will be shown. I have to use a special n

What is the largest usable by the "FLARE" microsdhc card?

I know other mp3 players or phone can only extend to 4 GB or more, is there a limit to the size of the microsd card that can handle the "rocket"?

The message of the screen

How can I remove the screen message on "SYNCHRONIZE to CONTINUE MUSIC to THE. ? I loaded my own songs and is not a subscripton of music as far as I know. Thank you, threading

Beginner with problems.

Hello everyone. I just got my sansa fuze today and I'm already having problems. I searched the web, but couldn't find any soultions my specific problems at the moment. so hopefully someone here can help. OK... first of all, I can't find the album art

Sandisk memory card

I'm looking to pick up some Sandisk memory cards but I see a big gap in the price on Amazon - and I don't want to take the wrong place here? I see on Amazon a 8 GB card selling in bulk - class II for 13.44 / some for 16.00 / another for 25.00? We sho

Does not recognize Sansa Fuze 8 GB SanDisk 4 GB or 8 GB of MicroSD cards

I tried 2 MicroSD cards sizes in my Sansa Fuze player. I tried the MTP and MSC Usb mode and none indicate the existence of additional flash memory in the Explorer. The firmware version is V01.01.22A. I saw the second listed MicroSD card once in Explo

Behavior of rocket after format change

Hello When I got the Sansa Fuze it was recognized and mounted under Linux as "Sansa Fuze 2 GB.  However, after using the command format under control panel, it is now mounts as virtual disk.  Basically, the format has changed somewhat under Linux.  I

Bland reading summary

Hello When pause playback, music usually faints very well, but when playback resumes I me discoloration (kind of digital) of "bzzz" noise during wash it in time instead of music, and then the music will resume to normal playback volume. Sometimes it

Album Art on th Fuze

Recently, I had WMP11 and added all my album art and all of my fixed tags. Then, I deleted all my music on my device (removed the MUSIC folder) and it synced via WMP11. It all converted to the format of *.wma, *.mp3 even files. NO album appears to al

How to force the sansa to refresh the database

Hello often, when I put a new folder of songs in the folder music to my sansa e250 and unplug it, I find that all the screens of player is the new songs I added, not all. I switch to msc mode and try to turn on work to try to get it to update the dat
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