SanDisk Sansa

I can't load videos on my rocket

I looked on my manual and it says click on the meia converter when it appears, but it never appears. I am a newbie

How to remove GoList?

Hello. Probably, I'm just a bit blind but how can I remove the GoList all at once (not not by deleting all tracks to its own) after that I filled with music?I'm sure it can't be too difficult, but I tried the player together for this option without s

Sansa fuze freezing when trying to use mirco SDHC

Hello I just got my 8 GB fuze which came with an sdhc 4 GB mirco expansion card, however when I insert the card freezes the deivice and a cant do anything. As soon as I remove the device working again. any greater help.

Problem when connecting my rocket...

Hey, for the first time post here, but I'm having a little trouble. Whenever I plug my Fuze into my computer, it appears twice as two discs, F, and G. Although this has not presented a real problem, put the music on my player, bothers me because I'm

Sansa usb cords

Hello world I was wondering are all sansa usb cords the same? I have a rocket, e260, and a view, and I want to take them on vacation but don't want to cart around 3 cords for them all. (The reason is we have 3 in our family and we each have a sansa)

Set the duration of the recording of the radio?

Hello! I'm new here and this is my first thread. I am looking to buy sansa fuze and I was wondering if I can set the time of recording of the radio. I want to record a night radio show, and that's why I'm asking if the rocket can stop recording and o

Rhapsody problem

Alright. When I have my rocket on Rhapsody you try to transfer some songs on it, it tells me to buy the song. I tried him. It says to click on the device icon and press on allow. There is no button authorize. I am already registered for Rhapsody ToGo

Problem with the information in the audio codecs

Some of my mp3s have no tagged album art and information in correctly. That's why the sansa fuze does not display an mp3 information. Can someone suggest me a free software to mark up information in mp3s please? Thank you SR

Sansa Fuze 8 GB - battery not charging

When I connect the Sansa to the PC, the battery shows it is charging for about 15-20 seconds, then stops. Of course, the battery is exhausted. I can't turn on the Sansa because "the battery is low." Any ideas how to fix this? Thank you.

copy the file in the zipped folder - help!

This is my first Mp3 player.  It connected to my PC very well, charge, etc.  My PC recognizes it.  However, I would like to transfer an mp3 file that is located in a zipped folder.  Drag the whole folder does not have a real copy to the "rocket".  Un

album art with size restrictions?

Hello. Being new to the "rocket" I wonder if there is a size restriction concerning the album art files? I copied many of my audio files directly to the "rocket". View the album art included as folder.jpg in the respective album folder. That has work

When comes out the next firmware for the "rocket"?

When comes out the next firmware for the "rocket"?

Playlists with the same songs

I build playlists to load on my new rocket, wonder if I use the same song in several playlists this will load in the pod several times? I don't want to fill the memory of several copies of the same song.

Sequential read

I have a 8 GB fuze and spent a lot of time editing the ID3Tags. I edited the tags secifically so that when you goto ALBUMS to music in a specific order. The problem is that if I choose 'say' 10th album, he plays on this album, but does not proceed to

Differences in file type

I was curious how many songs my Fuze 4 GB will hold, because while browsing the forum, I saw someone mention as 4 000 songs or something like that. Mine is almost to the maximum of the internal memory and I have only 957 songs. I have most of my CD .

You can use a MicroSD card with a rocket?

My daughter just got the 4 GB "rocket"... we had the old e200 series and I have a couple of 1 GM MicroSD cards Yuri autour. Implementation does not seem to work.  I don't think that they are recognized. I see in the manual that the rocket can use Mic

Only the MP3 files?

man, that sucks! I bought the sansa fuze, expecting to be able to load completely in the evening, but that (after too much additional research) discovered that I can only download MP3 files on it! which means that I have to change all my CD into MP3

trouble with an e260v2

e260v2-display lights

Just got my sansa e260v2 and went through all the setup stuff.  Now, when I turn it on, the wheel turns and the display lights up.  The screen never starts well.  I plugged the headphones and FM tuner plays, so I have no idea what is happening.  Some

Equalizer view on E260 V1

Hello... received my new 4 GB E260 v1 of J & R for $59 and loving it so far. But today, when I tried to rename some MP3s under MTP mode when connected to my computer, my restarted and re-connected drive itself. I think I should do with Rapsody progra
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