Hierarchical connect by and start with and joined?

I have an Employees table and a table of identifiers. The table of identifiers is hierarchical, with parents and children. Each employee has one or more identifiers, but that a unique identifier is considered to be the "primary" or root for each employee identifier. Unfortunately, the employee table can point to one of the children identifier lines and not the root. I need a quick query to reach employees with their most recent ID (root).

Here's the code to define the problem.
create table employees (employeeid varchar2(8), fakeNationalID varchar2(9), empname varchar2(30));
insert into employees (employeeid, fakeNationalID, empname) values (1,'001000001','John Smith');
insert into employees (employeeid, fakeNationalID, empname) values (2,'002000002','James Jones');

create table realids (realidkey NUMBER, fakeNationalID VARCHAR2(9) not null, 
   realNationalID VARCHAR2(9) UNIQUE, parent_realidkey number);
insert into realids (realidkey, fakeNationalID, realNationalID, parent_realidkey) values
insert into realids (realidkey, fakeNationalID, realNationalID, parent_realidkey) values
insert into realids (realidkey, fakeNationalID, realNationalID, parent_realidkey) values

create or replace function get_parentid (fakeID in VARCHAR2) return varchar2 is
   tempid VARCHAR2(9);
      select realNationalID into tempid 
         from (
           select realNationalID, fakeNationalID
              from realids
              start with fakeNationalID = fakeID
              connect by nocycle prior parent_realidkey = realidkey
              order by level desc)
              where rownum = 1;
      return tempid;
         when NO_DATA_FOUND then
            return NULL;
         when others then raise;

select get_parentid('001000001') from dual; -- returns 333333333 because its linked to a parent
select get_parentid('002000002') from dual; -- returns 222222222 because there is only one child
select get_parentid('003000003') from dual; -- returns 333333333 because it is the parent
What I want is to put the parent node above realids for each line of employees...

It works, but it is NOT very effective:
select employeeid, get_parentid(fakeNationalID) realid, empname from employees;
employeeid   realid       empname
----------   -----------  ------------
1            333333333     John Smith
2            222222222     James Jones
You can imagine what it would be like with 100K lines or more. It takes about 3 minutes to run.

It seemed like a good way to do it, but with a sub query.
select e.employeeid, e.fakenationalid, e.empname, sub.realnationalid
   from employees, 
      (select realidkey, fakenationalid, realnationalid, parent_realidkey
         from realids r
         start with r.fakenationalid = e.fakenationalid
         connect by prior r.parent_realidkey = r.realidkey) sub
Unfortunately, it produces an invalid identifier on e.fakenationalid (in the beginning with the clause).

Anyone has any ideas on how to get top most parent node of the realids for each row in the employees table? In real life, there are 6 or more employees tables across multiple remote instances of what children in the realids table and how much to the parents. We always want the highest parent of the page realid. Any help would be appreciated.


Thanks for posting the sample data in a convenient form!
It is always useful to post your version of Oracle, too, especially when it comes with CONNECT BY queries.

What follows is what you asked for in Oracle 10:

WITH     got_roots   AS
     SELECT     CONNECT_BY_ROOT     fakenationalid     AS leaf_id
     ,     realnationalid
     FROM     realids
     WHERE     CONNECT_BY_ISLEAF     = 1
     START WITH      fakenationalid IN ( SELECT  fakenationalid
                                          FROM    employees
     CONNECT BY     realidKEY     = PRIOR parent_realidkey
SELECT     e.employeeid
,     r.realnationalid
,     e.empname
FROM     employees     e
JOIN     got_roots     r     ON     r.leaf_id     = e.fakenationalid

In any query, call a function defined by the user for each line is going to be slow. Fortunately, Oracle now has the built-in functions and operators that can take the place of get_parentid. The CONNECT_BY_ROOT operator, which was introduced in Oracle 10, is the key to the problem. In Oracle 9, you can get the same results using SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH.

It is generally faster to CONNECT BY query separately, and then join some other tables you need for results.

You had a good idea in your last query. The problem was that void and employees were equal tables in the FROM clause, and you cannot establish a correlation between equals. You can only correlate a subquery to its Super application. You could make to this general idea work by changing void in a scalar sub-requete, which can be connected to the employees, but I think it would be much less effective than what I posted above.

Tags: Database

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    Oracle 10g Release 2 (10.2)

    I have two tables which have structured data. The results, when running queries individually are correct, but I need to join tree a tree two to get only the common records between them.

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    If I understand correctly, the joints can not work with CONNECT BY / START WITH queries?

    A WITH clause is an option?

    If possible, I don't want to put a selection in a database to display object and join against other queries.

    Thank you.


    jtp51 wrote:
    Oracle 10g Release 2 (10.2)
    If I understand correctly, the joints can not work with CONNECT BY / START WITH queries?

    Before Oracle 9 it was true. Since you're using Oracle 10, you can if you wish; but I'm guessing that you don't want in this case.

    A WITH clause is an option?

    If possible, I don't want to put a selection in a database to display object and join against other queries.

    Yes, a WITH clause that is an option. Viewed online, as Zhxiang has shown, are another option. Either way gives you a regular display effect without creating a database object.

    You did not show a sample and the results, so no one can tell if a join is really what you want. Other possibilities include INTERSECT or an IN subquery.

  • START WITH and CONNECT BY in Oracle SQL (hierarchical)

    Hi, the original table as below
    Customer_ID         Account_ID          Paying_Account_ID         Parent_Account_ID          Company_ID
    158                    158                    158                         158                     0
    159                    159                    158                         158                     0
    160                    160                    158                         158                     0
    181                    181                    181                         181                     0
    183                    183                    183                         183                     0
    24669                  24669                  24669                       24669                   0         
    24671                  24671                  24671                       24669                   0
    24670                  24670                  24670                       24669                   0     
    3385127                3385127                3385127                     24670                   0
    To identify the hierarchical relationship of the data, which are PARENT_ACCOUNT_ID & ACCOUNT_ID, here's the query I used.
     select  lpad(' ', 2*level) || A.ACCOUNT_ID AS LEVEL_LABEL, CONNECT_BY_ISCYCLE "Cycle", LEVEL, A.* from ACCOUNT A
    START WITH parent_account_id = account_id
    AND account_id != parent_account_id
    It is the result of the query
    Level_Label              Level          Cycle        Customer_ID             Account_ID        Paying_Account_ID      Parent_Account_ID      Company_ID
    158                         1             0              158                     158              158                   158                     0
       159                      2             0              159                     159              158                   158                     0
       160                      2             0              160                     160              158                   158                     0
    181                         1             0              181                     181              181                   181                     0
    183                         1             0              183                     183              183                   183                     0
    24669                       1             0              24669                   24669            24669                 24669                   0       
        24671                   2             0              24671                   24671            24671                 24669                   0
        24670                   2             0              24670                   24670            24670                 24669                   0
            3385127             3             0              3385127                 3385127          3385127               24670                   0
    My question is how can I changed the query to calculate the values for:

    My_Total_PR - number of my accounts to child PR which do not include himself.
    Total_PR - Total number of accounts PR in the overall structure
    My_Total_NPR - number of my accounts of child NPR which do not include himself.
    Total_NPR - Total number of accounts NPR in the overall structure

    * PR stand for responsible for payment, for example the responsible account payment 158 158 (Paying_Account_ID), therefore the Total_PR to 158 is 3 (158, 159, 160)
    * NPR stand responsible for Non-payment, for example the responsible account payment 159 is 158 (Paying_Account_ID), so the Total_NPR for 159 1

    This is the expected result, any advice appreciated. Thank you
    Level_Label                     Level           Cycle           My_Total_PR     Total_PR     My_Total_NPR     Total_NPR     Paying_Account
    158                               1                0                  2              3          0              0              158
        159                           2                0                  0              0          0              1              158
        160                           2                0                  0              0          0              1              158
    181                               1                0                  0              1          0              0              181
    183                               1                0                  0              1          0              0              183
    24669                             1                0                  0              1          3              3              24669                   
        24671                         2                0                  0              1          0              0              24671
        24670                         2                0                  0              1          1              1              24670
            3385127                   3                0                  0              1          0              0              3385127
    Published by: user11432758 on February 14, 2012 01:00

    Published by: user11432758 on February 14, 2012 07:05


    user11432758 wrote:
    Hi here is the statement DDL, thank you


    Do not create your own objects in the diagram of the SYSTEM or any scheme that comes with the database. Create a separate schema and place your items. You'll have fewer security problems, and the migration to a new database will be easier.

    Here's a way to can get the aggregates you want:

    WITH     got_descendants          AS
         SELECT     CONNECT_BY_ROOT account_id     AS ancestor_id
         ,     paying_account_id
         ,     LEVEL                    AS lvl
         FROM     account
         CONNECT BY NOCYCLE     PRIOR account_id     = parent_account_id
              AND          account_id          != parent_account_id
    SELECT       ancestor_id
    ,       COUNT (CASE WHEN lvl             > 1
                      AND  ancestor_id  = paying_account_id THEN 1 END)     AS my_total_pr
    ,       COUNT (CASE WHEN ancestor_id  = paying_account_id THEN 1 END)     AS total_pr
    ,       COUNT (CASE WHEN lvl             > 1
                      AND  ancestor_id != paying_account_id THEN 1 END)     AS my_total_npr
    ,       COUNT (CASE WHEN ancestor_id != paying_account_id THEN 1 END)     AS total_npr
    FROM       got_descendants
    GROUP BY  ancestor_id


    `             MY_         MY_
    ----------- ----- ----- ----- -----
            158     2     3     0     0
            159     0     0     0     1
            160     0     0     0     1
            181     0     1     0     0
            183     0     1     0     0
          24669     0     1     3     3
          24670     0     1     1     1
          24671     0     1     0     0
        3385217     0     1     0     0

    This gives the correct numbers, but how can bring us in an order that reflects the hierarchy, with the columns (for example lvl) that come from the hierarchy?
    A solution would be to make two CONNECT BY queries; a service without START WITH clause (like the one above) who collects the aggregates and the other with a START WITH clause (as your original query), which is in the right order and columns such as level_label and level. We could join result sets and get exactly what we want. I'll leave that as an exercise.

    Here is another way, which gets good results with only one CONNECTION PER request:

    WITH     got_descendants          AS
         SELECT     CONNECT_BY_ROOT account_id     AS ancestor_id
         ,     paying_account_id
         ,     account_id
         ,     LEVEL                    AS lvl
         ,     CONNECT_BY_ISCYCLE          AS cycle
         ,     CASE
                  WHEN  CONNECT_BY_ROOT account_id
                      = CONNECT_BY_ROOT parent_account_id
                  THEN  ROWNUM
              END                    AS r_num
         FROM     account
         CONNECT BY NOCYCLE     PRIOR account_id     = parent_account_id
              AND          account_id          != parent_account_id
         ORDER SIBLINGS BY     account_id     -- Optional
    ,     got_o_num     AS
         SELECT     got_descendants.*
         ,     MIN (r_num) OVER (PARTITION BY  account_id)     AS o_num
         ,     MAX (lvl)   OVER (PARTITION BY  account_id)      AS max_lvl
         FROM     got_descendants
    SELECT       LPAD ( ' '
                , 2 * (MIN (max_lvl) - 1)
                )  || ancestor_id                         AS level_label
    ,       MIN (max_lvl)                                AS "Level"
    ,       MIN (cycle)                                   AS "Cycle"
    ,       COUNT (CASE WHEN lvl             > 1
                      AND  ancestor_id  = paying_account_id THEN 1 END)     AS my_total_pr
    ,       COUNT (CASE WHEN ancestor_id  = paying_account_id THEN 1 END)     AS total_pr
    ,       COUNT (CASE WHEN lvl             > 1
                      AND  ancestor_id != paying_account_id THEN 1 END)     AS my_total_npr
    ,       COUNT (CASE WHEN ancestor_id != paying_account_id THEN 1 END)     AS total_npr
    ,       MIN (paying_account_id)                                    AS paying_account
    FROM       got_o_num
    GROUP BY  ancestor_id
    ORDER BY  MIN (o_num)


    `                             MY_         MY_
                                TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL  PAYING_
    LEVEL_LABEL     Level Cycle   _PR   _PR  _NPR  _NPR  ACCOUNT
    --------------- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- --------
    158                 1     0     2     3     0     0      158
      159               2     0     0     0     0     1      158
      160               2     0     0     0     0     1      158
    181                 1     0     0     1     0     0      181
    183                 1     0     0     1     0     0      183
    24669               1     0     0     1     3     3    24669
      24670             2     0     0     1     1     1    24670
        3385217         3     0     0     1     0     0  3385217
      24671             2     0     0     1     0     0    24671

    That's exactly what you asked for, except that you have posted the line with level_label =' 24671' before the line with level_label = "24671 '. You may not care about who comes first, but if it's important, explains why these lines should be in descending order of account_id, while "159 and 160" are in ascending order. You will need change the ORDERBY brothers and SŒURS clause accordingly.



    Database: Oracle 11g


    SELECT ename, empno, mgr


    START WITH empno = 7839


    Result set:


    -------- ---------- ----------

    KING 7839


    SELECT empno.ename, Bishop


    START WITH mgr = 7839


    Result set:


    -------- ---------- ----------

    7566 JONES 7839

    7698 BLAKE 7839

    7782 CLARK 7839

    KING 7839

    KING 7839

    KING 7839

    My questions are:

    Q1. What is actually happening in the result defines two queries. I'm not able to grasp the difference when I use START WITH empno = 7839 and START WITH mgr =. 7839

    Q2. What is the difference between



    can someone please help me here?

    Thank you


    A CONNECT BY query looks like an operation UNION ALL of the data of different levels, numbered 1, 2, 3 and more.

    Level 1 is filled with the START WITH clause.

    If there are data on level N, then N + 1 level is filled, using the CONNECT BY clause, which generally refers to something on the N level via the PRIOR operator.  Another way to put it is that level N + 1 is filled by a self-join with lines that have already chosen the level N.

    If there is no data on the level of N, the query stops.

    Let's see how this applies to your queries.

    Level being such an important concept in CONNECT BY queries, you might want to see in all your CONNECT BY queries all test and debug the.

    1 query, including the level are:

    SELECT ename, empno, mgr


    FROM scott.emp

    START WITH empno = 7839

    Empno = mgr PRIOR CONNECTION


    You will notice that I have re-arranged the CONNECT BY clause.  I find it a little more clear medium.  Of course, it never changes the results just if you say "x = y" or "y = x.

    The results, including the level, are:


    ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------

    7839 KING 1

    What happened to produce these results?

    First level 1 has been met using the START WITH clause.  Level 1 is identical to the results of

    SELECT ename, empno, mgr

    AS LEVEL 1

    FROM scott.emp

    WHERE empno = 7839 - same as your START WITH clause


    It happens to be only 1 row in the table scott.emp who met the empno = 7839 condition, and we show a few columns of this line.

    That's all that need the level 1.  Something has been on level 1, so we're trying now to complete level 2, using the CONNECT BY condition.

    Any line that is included in the level 2 meets the empno = mgr PREREQUISITE condition, where the PREVIOUS operator refers to a line of level 1.  In this case, there is only 1 row at level 1, this line gets to have a NULL mgr.  Given that PRIOR mgr is NULL in this case, the condition to connect BY

    EmpNo = mgr BEFORE equals

    EmpNo = NULL and who obviously won't be true for any line, so nothing is added to level 2, and ends the query.

    Now let's look at application 2.  I'll add another column of debugging, called path, which I'll describe later:

    SELECT ename, empno, mgr


    , SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH (empno, "/") AS path

    FROM scott.emp

    START WITH mgr = 7839

    CONNECT BY PRIOR Mgr = empno






    ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------------

    7566 7839 1 7566 JONES

    7698 7839 1 7698 BLAKE

    7782 7839 1 7782 CLARK

    7839 KING 2/7566/7839

    7839 KING 2/7698/7839

    7839 KING 2/7782/7839

    Again, we'll study how people got 1 level.  It happens to be 3 scott.emp lines that meet this condition START WITH, so there are 3 lines in the game at level 1.

    Given that the data on the level 1, the test of the query to complete level 2, referring to some PRIOR line on level 1.  Any line that meets the condition to connect BY, with a line any level 1 in the PREVIOUS line, will appear at level 2.

    Let's look at the line at level 1 where ename = 'JONES '.  Are there lines in sccott.emp that met the empno = mgr PREREQUISITE condition, where mgr PREREQUISITE is the column of Archbishop of the line with "JONES"?  Yes, there are one, the line with ename = 'KING', so that the rank is included at level 2.

    Let's look at the line at level 1 where ename = 'BLAKE '.  Are there lines in sccott.emp that met the empno = mgr PREREQUISITE condition, where mgr PREREQUISITE is the column of Archbishop of the line with "BLAKE"?  Yes, there are one, the line with ename = 'KING', so that the rank is included at level 2.

    Let's look at the line at level 1 where ename = 'CLARK '.  Are there lines in sccott.emp that met the empno = mgr PREREQUISITE condition, where mgr PREREQUISITE is the column of Archbishop of the line with 'CLARK '?  Yes, there are one, the line with ename = 'KING', so that the rank is included at level 2.

    There are thus 3 rows at level 2.  They happen to all be on the same line of the table emp; It is correct.  Remember, CONNECT BY is like a UNION ALL (not just a UNION).  It is a UNION of

    lines that are at level 1, because him meets the condition to BEGIN WITH, and

    lines that are at level 2 because puts it CONNECT BY condition regarding the 'JONES', and

    lines that are at level 2, because they meet the condition to connect BY regarding the "BLAKE", and

    lines that are at level 2, because they meet the condition to connect BY regarding the "CLARK".

    SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH can enlighten us on that.  SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH (empno, ' / ') shows the empno of each level that caused this line appears in the result set.  It's a delimited list /, where the nth element (i.e. the empno after bar oblique nth) is the empno who found the N level.

    Since there were data at level 2, the quert now trying to complete level 3.

    Is there all the rows in the table that satisfy the CONNECT BY condition (mgr PRIOR = empno) with respect to any line level 2?  No, Bishop is be NULL on all lines of level 2, so no line can satisfy this condition CONNECT BY, no lines are added at level 3, and ends the query.

    I hope that answers the question:

    Q1. What is actually happening in the result defines two queries. I'm not able to grasp the difference when I use START WITH empno = 7839 and START WITH mgr =. 7839

    I'll try to not be so detailed answering

    Q2. What is the difference between



    These 2 CONNECT BY conditions are different where you put the PRIOR operator.  The operator PRIOR to switching as it change the direction, upward or downward, which move you through the tree you get from level to level.

    Bishop PRÉALABLE = empno means the employee on level N + 1 will be the same as the Manager of level N.  This means that higher level numbers will be the most senior people in the hierarchy.  This is called a query from the bottom up.  (Both of the queries that you have posted this same CONNECT BY exact state; both are requests from bottom to top).

    Mgr = empno PREREQUISITE or equivalent

    PRIOR empno = mgr means exactly the opposite.  When you move from level N to level N + 1 in the query, you will move to an older person, to a junior position in the hierarchy.  This is called a query from top to bottom.  The employee level N will be the Manager of wover is a level N + 1.

  • Understanding "CONNECT BY" and "START WITH".

    OK, I'm trying to update the rows with values determined by lines joined in a recursive relationship of unknown depth. I am told that "CONNECT BY" and "START WITH" can be useful in this, but I don't see how to get the value I'm looking for.

    In my case, there are 3 values in my table.
    ID of the parent

    On some lines, the Bill is null. For records, you get the ID of the invoice by searching for the invoice of the parent folder. I'm trying to update the table so that all THE rows in the table have an ID of invoice.

    Here is an example of table and the lines.
    ID            INT,
    INV_NUM       INT,
    What I would do is update the inv_num column in the table so that a select statement * would look like this...
    ID        INV_NUM    PARENT_ID
    -----     -------------     ---------------
    1            111           null
    2            112           null
    3            112              2
    4            113           null
    5            113              4
    6            113              5
    7            113              6
    You can provide any help would be greatly appreciated.


    Thank you post the CREATE TABLE and INSERT instructions, but please make sure that they work.
    None of the INSERT statements; I think you meant something like the statements shown after the query.

    Here's a way to get the desired results:

    UPDATE  distribution     m
    SET     inv_num = ( SELECT  inv_num
                  FROM    distribution
                  WHERE   CONNECT_BY_ISLEAF     = 1
                  START WITH     id          = m.id
                  CONNECT BY     id          = PRIOR parent_id
                           AND     PRIOR inv_num     IS NULL
    WHERE   inv_num       IS NULL

    This statement is Bottom-Up of subqueries, where we START WITH the lines that need to update, and process to the top of the tree, until you get to an ancestor who was an inv_num.
    In your sample data, only the roots (the lines that have no parents) have inv_num. In this case, it might be a little easier (but only a little) to make a request from top to bottom , where we START WITH the roots and low process in the tree to find their subordinates.
    If we add some data examples where a nonroot has inv_num:

    INSERT INTO DISTRIBUTION (id, inv_num, parent_id) VALUES ( 91, 910,   1);
    INSERT INTO DISTRIBUTION (id, inv_num, parent_id) VALUES ( 92, NULL, 91);

    What results would you like?
    Using the UPDATE statement above, id = 92 would get his inv_nuym of the closest ancestor (in the case of thios, parent) who had an inv_num:

    .       ID    INV_NUM  PARENT_ID
    ---------- ---------- ----------
             1        111
            91        910          1
            92        910         91
             2        112
             3        112          2
             4        113
             5        113          4
             6        113          5
             7        113          6

    Either the row with id = 92 gets inv_num = 910, no 111.

  • Using the e-mail from comcast and grabbing the first letter of an address name that it will display the addresses starting with that letter, now it doesn't. If I use IE9 it works correctly, or if I change preferences to Connect Lite, it will work with Fir

    Think it may have been happened after Firefox 7.0.1 update

    I guess you'll have to stick with Connect Lite until Comcast fixes the mess, they did the upgrade of Xfinity Connect. And this problem is not only to Firefox 7.0.1 from what I've seen this problem myself, I have to use Connect Lite with Firefox 3.6.23, too.

    Two years ago when they started using Zimbra, it took like 6 months to fix it if it worked in Firefox as well as he did with IE. Not surprising if MS is a main shareholder of Comcast.

  • SatelliteU300 will not start with power connected and fully charged battery

    I just bought a U300-13U. It works fine when charging the battery and AC is connected. However, if left to recharge completely it does not start with connected AC. Unpluging the power or remove the battery and running on AC make it work very well. Is a 'feature' to stop an overload or overheating of the battery, or just a problem with this machine. I want to run with AC and battery than both connected all the time like I did with all my other laptops.

    Any help appreciated.

    Hello Andy

    Of my friends has this small U300 and everything works well. I got it a few weeks ago to test the family Windows XP Setup and it works perfectly.

    Please test again very carefully and if the same thing happen again once I recommend you contact the Service partner in your country. They check your laptop. I have to be honest and say that describes the problem of strange sounds to me and please, don't wait too long. Contact the service as soon as possible.

    Bye and good luck!

  • SQL SELECT to hierarchical tables: START WITH... CONNECT BY...

    This seems to be a simple problem, but I think that I have enough intelligence SQL to solve.

    I have a table called DE_DOMAIN. The columns of interest are:
    PARENT_ID - FK (can be NULL), poining to CF of the parent

    What I want is: Returns a hierarchical list, containing: column 3 above as well as the NAME of the parent.

    Regardless of the name of the parent, it works fine:
    Start by PARENT_ID IS NULL
    Connect DOMAIN_ID PARENT_ID = prior

    and I get:
    11 rec_11 1 Null
    15 rec_15 1 Null
    16 1 Null rec_16
    17 1 Null rec_17
    22 17 2 rec_22
    1 2 17 rec_1
    rec_25 25 17 2
    2 2 17 rec_2

    i.e. records with PK = 1, 22, 25, 2 have all like parent record with PK = 17, then the new column name, they must bear the name of the parent (i.e. rec_17).

    A simple idea?
    Thank you very much.


    You can use the FIRST operator in the SELECT clause.
    I don't have a version of your table, so I'll use scott.emp to illustrate:

    SELECT     empno
    ,     ename
    ,     mgr
    ,     PRIOR ename    AS mgr_name
    FROM     scott.emp
    START WITH     mgr     IS NULL
    CONNECT BY     mgr     = PRIOR empno
    ORDER SIBLINGS BY     ename


    .    EMPNO ENAME             MGR MGR_NAME
    ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
          7839 KING
          7698 BLAKE            7839 KING
          7499 ALLEN            7698 BLAKE
          7900 JAMES            7698 BLAKE
          7654 MARTIN           7698 BLAKE
          7844 TURNER           7698 BLAKE
          7521 WARD             7698 BLAKE
          7782 CLARK            7839 KING
          7934 MILLER           7782 CLARK
          7566 JONES            7839 KING
          7902 FORD             7566 JONES
          7369 SMITH            7902 FORD
          7788 SCOTT            7566 JONES
          7876 ADAMS            7788 SCOTT
  • MacBook pro 2 logon screen starts with no arrow cursor and must be restarted

    2014 Macbook Pro screen Retina 2 13 "opening session starts with no arrow cursor and must be restarted once every five tests.  When the computer reboots, message appears asking you if it must open programs that had started to load or cancel.  It is a recent problem that does not occur two months ago.  Once restarted, everything seems to be OK.  That is what it is?

    Try the start mode by holding down the SHIFT key at startup. Secure boot is quite slow because the operating system performs some cleanup and verification tasks, so give it time. Once you're completely connected, restart normally.

  • Registration and getting started with the INK HP INSTANT

    Registration and getting started with ink HP Instant

    Note: your printer must be connected to the Internet via a wireless connection.

    How does that you will always have ink HP? Your printer uses Internet to let us know when to send more ink. Here's how you can get all the ink you need, delivered to your door.

    1. Buy an eligible printer.
    2. Enroll in a plan based on the number of pages you print.
      Ink, cartridge recycling and transport are included.
      No annual fee, change or cancel your plan anytime.3
    3. We'll will ship special HP Instant cartridges.
      Our cartridges have more ink than the standard HP ink cartridges, so you'll replace them less often.
    4. Billing service and begin after inserting your first instant HP ink cartridge.
    5. Your printer will tell us when to send handwritten entry.
      Your service is not based on how many cartridges you use, so print as many pictures of high quality that you want.
    • You will always have ink before you need it.

    LoneStarBob wrote:

    I received my first ink (three colors) of HP cartridge. check the two original instant of ink in the printer cartridges they show two 3/4 full (identical). Puzzeld just why black not sent.

    Hi LoneStarBob,

    I'm going to private msg you on it to help track.

    Thank you


  • IE8 and it just started with a lot of error reports and custom back to the home page

    Well for a reason my first thread is not here so Im start again, I have IE8 and it just started with a lot of error reports and custom back to the homepage it just on the same page of the article, I was reading and said that this tab was recovered, I end up having to close on restarting the program n also since I reloaded my xp cd my sound got rough n jumps, it was well before I did this if Im not sure what to do. Im not exactly smart pc and am afraid of doing something wrong then Im left to do very limited things, any help would be appreciated

    Hello mikegrimesWQ,

    Because it looks like you have reinstalled Windows XP, what happens when you turn on your computer?  Windows loads correctly and allow you to connect with success?  Have you completed all the updates of Windows since the relocation?  Do you get errors at any time?

    What version of Windows XP you are using and which service pack is currently installed?  I would say confirming all your drivers are recognized and updated.

    How to download updates that include drivers and hotfixes from the Windows Update Catalog

    Please let us know status.

    Thank you


  • How is it that a computer which works very well with a direct Ethernet connection won't work with a switch, however any other computer using the same port, cable, ect, and so on, can?

    Switch issues. Help, please.

    How is it that a computer which works very well with a direct Ethernet connection won't work with a switch, however any other computer using the same port, cable, ect, and so on, can? We already checked the firewall as a question, that it was not, and now, we are puzzled.

    Well, I know that the issue is long-term... believe me, it's a long, but as they say, the devil is in the details. Anywho, the question is, my grandfather has a HP laptop, which for two years has been able to run through a Linksys switch to his router and connect its printers to his laptop. About two months ago it suddenly doesn't work like that. Now, it works fine if it plugs directly into the router/Ethernet. My uncle suggested that the switch was bad, but after testing the same port, cable and all, the switch worked well for him. ' GRAMPS really needs this answered, but someone else, it is called can not understand and now I, in turn, ask you all for what you can offer. Here are the ideas that we have already discredited.

    -Switch bad: as above, is that this particular laptop, even under identical conditions, the works of my uncle very well.
    -Bad NIC: debunked through the fact we connected to the computer directly to the router and it worked fine.
    -Bad configuration of the firewall: we have disabled the firewall (please do not notice, he wasn't the smartest idea, we already know) and even if she recorded the switch exists, the internet is always triggered when you are connected with the switch.

    Thanks in advance for any assistance that you can provide and Merry Christmas to you all.

    It would be useful to consult the results of the ipconfig/all command both when it is connected to the switch and when it is connected directly to the router.  In addition, what is the model of the switch?

    To save the manual copy and the new hits of the ipconfig/all command output-

    First connect through switch.
    Open a command prompt window (start > run > cmd > OK)
    Type the following lines in the black command prompt window and press ENTER after each line

    echo "Connected via the button" > "% UserProfile%\Desktop\ipinfo.txt".
    ipconfig/all > "% UserProfile%\Desktop\ipinfo.txt".

    Now connect directly to the router, type the following lines in the command prompt window and press ENTER after each line

    echo "Connected to the router" > "% UserProfile%\Desktop\ipinfo.txt".
    ipconfig/all > "% UserProfile%\Desktop\ipinfo.txt".
    Notepad '% UserProfile%\Desktop\ipinfo.txt '.

    Copy the contents of the Notepad window in your response (if you use the laptop when it is connected directly to the router) or close the Notepad window, and then copy ipinfo.txt of the laptop to the Gramps in a USB FlashDrive you can connect to any computer allows you to answer.

    You can delete ipinfo.txt on the desktop when you are finished.

  • Vista, loss of internet connection on cold start and restarts.

    I use windows Vista, recently (after only 4 years of satisfactory used) I lose the internet connection on cold starting and restarting and duty use windows diagnostics to establish the connection.  I bought a new Modem Sagem, and cable ethernet and filters, still the problems persists.  ISP tells me that the problem is with Vista, can anyone help please?

    The game may 17, 2012 03:43:10 + 0000, BIGKEV2257 wrote:

    I am not satisfied by McAfee, three days and three nights, waiting for their technicians to ring me, I get automated emails asking if I'm happy and saying that they can not communicate with me, seems since Mr. McAfee sold his company, that it went to the pack, and I understand not why Microsoft sell McAfee with new computers when mcAfee are not appropriate technical support.

    Two points:

    1. in my opinion and that of many others of us here, McAfee is one of
    the poorest choice of security these days software here. I strongly
    recommend you take and replace with eSet NOD32 or
    Kaspersky, if you are willing to pay for it. If you want a free
    antivirus, I recommend one (do not run more than one antivirus
    program) of three of the following:
    Avira AntiVir
    Microsoft Security Essentials
    You also need anti-spyware software (even if you run a program such as)
    Microsoft Security Essentials, with integrated anti-spyware capability
    It). I recommend that you download and install MalwareBytes (freeware)
    2 Microsoft isn't selling McAfee with new computers. Microsoft
    is not even do or do not sell computers. If your computer comes with
    McAfee, it's because the manufacturer of your computer (Dell, HP,
    Gateway, or anyone else) has chosen to sell like that.

    Ken Blake, Microsoft MVP

  • Can not get to start remote access connection manager and the connections don't work Internet

    Original title: wired & wireless connections does not.

    I can not get the remote access connection manager to start and so no internet connection is not working, also I can't open the system restore to go back on this machine. What is this?

    I am running a Dell Studio 1735 PP31L w model number / Edition Vista Home premium.

    Hi Rick,

    1. what happens when you try to start the remote access connection manager? You receive messages or error codes?

    2. you receive error codes or restore messages when you perform the system?

    You can check the status of the following services and make sure that the services are started.

    a. Click Start and type Services in start search and press ENTER.

    b. in the services with the right button on the phone and then click Properties.

    c. under the general tab, select automatic next to startup type.

    d. under the general tab, click Start under the service status and then click apply and then click OK.

    e. Repeat steps c & d to the remote access connection manager and Remote Access Auto Connection Manager service.

    Hope this information is useful.

  • Vista has started with a normal window then changes to one with zoom 150 and no navigation

    After my computer did an automatic update, the screen changed.  It starts with a normal screen but then goes to a 150% or more with no navigation or any level of zoom in the status bar.  So cannot use Control Panel controls to adjust the screen resolution, want to do?   Do not have original install disks that the computer came preloaded.


    If you could get in Control Panel, you can use the ENTER key to OK to change settings

    and read this;

    There are a number of things to try:

    try going to your graphic card manufacturers site or computer and are looking for the driver download section

    Search your computer or graphics card model number based on what you have and download and install the latest graphics drivers for vista

    then try to make the screen of solution of problems


    Change the screen resolution


    or try a restore of the system before this happened


    If necessary do in safe mode

    Windows Vista

    Using the F8 method:

    1. Restart your computer.
    2. When the computer starts, you will see your computer hardware are listed. When you see this information begins to tap theF8 key repeatedly until you are presented with theBoot Options Advanced Windows Vista.
    3. Select the Safe Mode option with the arrow keys.
    4. Then press enter on your keyboard to start mode without failure of Vista.
    5. To start Windows, you'll be a typical logon screen. Connect to your computer and Vista goes into safe mode.
    6. Do whatever tasks you need and when you are done, reboot to return to normal mode.


    and change how to get updates for you to choose what you install to stop it happening again

    You may need to install one at a time to find the problem, we

    Make sure that you do not use Windows Update to install the drivers of 3rd material part

    Find them directly in the hardware manufacturer

    and when you see the problem update right click on it - UAC prompt - then hide it


    Download updates but let me choose whether to install them - if you select this option, Windows will download the updates on your computer, but not install them automatically. If you want to install updates, then you must install them manually. You should only select this option if you have a reason to not install updates automatically. Only advanced users should use this option.

    Check for updates but let me choose whether to download and install them - if you select this option, you'll be alerted when there are new updates available for download and install. You can then choose to download and install the updates that you want. This option should really be reserved for people who know exactly which updates they need, or those who have little access to the Internet.


    Here are the different ways to reinstall Vista

    Contact the manufacturer of the laptop computer and ask them to send you to vista recovery disks to reinstall the operating system back as it was when you bought it

    they do it for a nominal cost of $


    also ask them if you have a recovery partition on your hard drive to get back to the way you bought

    you would normally press F8, F9, F10 or F11 or Alt + F10 or 0 to start to start the recovery process according to the manufacturer

    Ask them of the exact key sequence


    or borrow a vista microsoft dvd; not a HP, Acer recovery disk etc

    Make sure that you borrow the correct 32-bit or 64-bit microsoft dvd to your computer

    they contain all versions of vista

    This is the product key that determines which version of vista is installed



    How to replace Microsoft software or hardware, order service packs and replace product manuals


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