Page does not display the same on mobile

When I view the page on a browser it displays very well even if I resize, much remains in place, while when I open it on an iphone, it is no longer displayed even.

Thank you!


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"< a href =" images/image - 1.jpg"class ="lightbox"rel ="group1"> < img src =" images/image - 1 T .jpg "style =" float: left; "width ="100"height ="100"border = '10' > < /a > <! - END_IMG - > < a href =" images/image - 2.jpg"class ="lightbox"rel ="group1"> < img src =" images/image - 2T .jpg"style =" float: left; "width ="100"height ="100"border = '10' > < /a > <! - END_IMG - > < a href =" images/image - 3.jpg"class ="lightbox"rel ="group1"> < img src = ' images/image - 3T .jpg' style = float: left; "width ="100"height ="100"border ="10"> < /a > <! - END_IMG - > < a href =" images/image - 4.jpg"class ="lightbox"rel ="group1"> < img src = ' images/image - 4t .jpg' style =" float: left; "width ="100"height ="100"border = '10' > < /a > <! - END_IMG - > < a href =" images/image - 5.jpg"class ="lightbox"rel ="group1"> < img src = ' images/image - 5T .jpg' style ="float ". : left; "width ="100"height ="100"border ="10"> < /a > <! - END_IMG - > < a href =" images/image - 6.jpg"class ="lightbox"rel ="group1"> < img src = ' images/image - 6 T .jpg' style =" float: left; "width ="100"height ="100"border = '10' > < /a > <! - END_IMG - > < a href =" images/image - 7.jpg"class ="lightbox"rel ="group1"> < img src = ' images/image - 7 T .jpg' style ="float ". : left; "width ="100"height ="100"border ="10"> < /a > <! - END_IMG - > < a href =" images/image - 8.jpg"class ="lightbox"rel ="group1"> < img src = ' images/image - 8T .jpg' style =" float: left; "width ="100"height ="100"border = '10' > < /a > <! - END_IMG - > < a href =" images/image - 9.jpg"class ="lightbox"rel ="group1"> < img src = ' images/image - 9 T .jpg' style ="float ". : left; "width ="100"height ="100"border = '10' > < /a > <! - END_IMG - > < a href =" images/image - 11.jpg"class ="lightbox"rel ="group1"> < img src = ' images/image - 11 T .jpg' style =" float: left; "width ="100"height ="100"border ="10"> < /a > <! - END_IMG - > < a href =" images/image - 12.jpg"class ="lightbox"rel ="group1"> < img src = ' images/image - 12 T .jpg' style ="float ". : left; "width ="100"height ="100"border = '10' > < /a > <! - END_IMG - > < a href =" images/image - 13.jpg"class ="lightbox"rel ="group1"> < img src = ' images/image - 13 T .jpg' style =" float: left; "width ="100"height ="100"border ="10"> < /a > <! - END_IMG - > < a href =" images/image - 14.jpg"class ="lightbox"rel ="group1"> < img src = ' images/image - 14t .jpg' style ="float ". : left; "width ="100"height ="100"border ="10"> < /a > <! - END_IMG - > < a href =" images/image - 15.jpg"class ="lightbox"rel ="group1"> < img src = ' images/image - 15t .jpg' style =" float: left; "width ="100"height ="100"border = '10' > < /a > <! - END_IMG - > < a href =" images/image - 16.jpg"class ="lightbox"rel ="group1"> < img src = ' images/image - 16 T .jpg' style ="float ". : left; "width ="100"height ="100"border ="10"> < /a > <! - END_IMG - >

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< p > < script type = "text/javascript" >

BeginOAWidget_Instance_2149022: #OAWidget

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document.write (' ' < iframe src = " & href = ' + urlToLike + ' & layout = button_cou nt & show_faces = false & width = 450 & height = 150 & action = like & font =" + police + & colorscheme = light"scrolling =" "frameborder ="0"allowTransparency ="true"style =" border: none; ") border-color: #ffffff; overflow: hidden; width: 450; height: 150 "(>< / iframe >') "


< /script >

< / div > <!-END fbLike-> < /p >

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<! - float clearing - >

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/ * CSS document * /.


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Width: 1920px;

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Overflow-x: auto;

Display: inline-block;


ul.navBar li {}

Display: inline;


{img.logo .header

float: left;

margin: 0px 15px 0px 15px;


. Container {}

min-width: 1050px.

padding-bottom: 100px;


.slideshow {}

left margin: 20px;

margin-right: auto;



Width: 100%;

min-width: 650px;

Max-width: 100%;



do-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, without serif.

border: 0;

Auto margin: 0; / * centered * /.

overflow: hidden; / * float containment * /.


#Box1 {#Box2}

Width: auto;

min-height: 10px;

border: 0;

/ * to reduce the float drop issues in IE * /.

dressing: break-Word;


#Box1 {margin left: 8px; float: left ;}}

#Box2 {margin left: 20px; float: left ;}}

/ * Clear floats after boxes * /.


Clear: both;

visibility: hidden;

line-height: 0;

font-size: 1px;

Display: block;


{.cycle-slide show

Width: 100%;

min-width: 1000px;

Max-width: 100%;

padding-top: 100px;




Width: 100%;

float: left;



position: fixed;


z index: 500;

background-color: #FFF;


There are two problems:

Add this to thesection of the page:

Add to the .slideshow style rule:

Clear: both;

The tag will get mobile devices to treat the styles correctly. The clear property is necessary to move the pictures under the floating navigation menu.

Tags: Dreamweaver

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    shortDesc = "#{bindings." StdcntyCode.hints.tooltip}"id ="soc2"simple ="true"autoSubmit = 'true '.

    valueChangeListener = "#{pageFlowScope.identificationSessionEditBean.countryValueChangeListener}" > "

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    columns = "#{bindings." PeriodTo.hints.displayWidth}"shortDesc =" #{bindings. " PeriodTo.hints.tooltip}"id ="id2 ".

    autoSubmit = "true" simple = "true" >

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    see you soon,


    > I don't see how.

    You post a url on the site, or send you the code of the page.

    > The connection window shows a path to the "dafaul.asp Page" as... /... /.. /.. / default.asp

    Is this the right path? This means that your window is nested at 4 levels under the default.asp page. Is this correct?

    > In a browser after I click on

    > Link to the navigation bar I get error Page

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    Hi Nancydo,

    What application are you when you mention that you "use the web" and can not see the dashboard and toolbar?

    If you use Safari, the menu bar, are you able to click View > actual size?   Otherwise try file > close all windows in Safari.

    Have you restarted the computer?  Many times this will reset all default settings, including the sizes of windows.

    Also, check system preferences > display and make sure that the option "by default to display" is selected for the resolution.

    The resources below will provide additional information on the preferences of the system in general and the display options of Safari in particular.  Your profile says you are using OS X Lion.  These resources are for OS X Lion of the mountains, but they are very similar.

    On the display of system preferences pane

    The basics of the Mac: Safari 6 in OS X Lion mountain

    Have a great day!

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    Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.

    You can try a different theme of Windows?

    Have you tried to start the computer using Windows safe?

    Start the computer in Mode safe mode with network support Windows (on the startup screen, press F8) as a test.

  • URL address box does not display the current page.

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    Is there a way to display the url of the current page?

    This problem may be caused by an extension that is not working properly.

    Start Firefox in Firefox to solve the issues in Safe Mode to check if one of the extensions of the origin of the problem (switch to the DEFAULT theme: Firefox (Tools) > Add-ons > appearance/themes).

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    Ok. Chrome has stopped supporting the player plug-in (for now). You'll want to download the forms by placing the cursor on the link, right click and check-in at your computer. Alternatively, you can try another browser such as Internet Explorer.

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    You should be able to resize the address bar, if the search bar is to the right by simply sliding the space between the address bar and the search bar.

    If that does not solve your problems, it is possible that you have a problem with some Add on Firefox which is an obstacle to the normal behavior of your Firefox. Have you tried to disable all add-ons (just to see) to see if Firefox goes back to normal?

    Whenever you have a problem with Firefox, whatever it is, you must make sure that it is not caused by one (or more) of your installed modules, whether an extension, a theme or a plugin. To do this easily and cleanly, start Firefox in safe mode (remember to select disable all add-ons when you start safe mode). If the problem goes away, you know that it's an add-on. Disable them all in normal mode and allow them one by one until you find the source of the problem. See this article for more information on troubleshooting extensions and themes and this one for plugins.

    If you need help with one of your modules, you will need to contact the author.

    If the problem does not disappear when all add-ons are disabled, tell me please, then we can work from there. Please be afraid not to follow my instructions to the line, as everything can be easily undone.

  • Firefox does not display the changes on the site after the remote host; Refresh does not work

    I recently had to reinstall Windows 7 on my machine, and since it has been wiped off I installed CS5, reconfigured my Dreamweaver site and made changes to our page index.html (so far).  After you put the files on my remote server, I noticed that Firefox does not display the changes I made to this file - it is to show the page previously recorded on my CS4 version.  Thinking it was a cache problem, I emptied, refreshed/reloaded several times, restarted Firefox - nothing has worked.

    I checked the page in IE8 and all changes are not displayed correctly.  I used BrowserLab to display a preview in IE, Firefox (same version 3.6 which I use) and Safari, and all 3 display correctly version update of the page.  Visualization in 'live' of Firefox seems to be the problem, and I've looked everywhere for answers. Help is needed and appreciated!

    It is possible that you redefined the site incorrectly and put the files to the wrong address on the server. Carefully check both your local and remote sites definitions.

  • My firefox does not display the icon fonts!

    I use for my web design project. But recently it does not display the icon.

    and the strange thing is that its OK my Firefox friends and just my PC have the problem.

    for example, this page shows icon on my friends firefox but I can't see the icons

    That's what I see

    If Safe Mode is good, the more likely culprits are one of your extensions or incompatibility of the graphics driver. To work around the second question, you can disable use of the hardware acceleration Firefox to see if that helps.

    "3-bar" menu button (or tools) > Options > advanced

    In the mini ' General' tab, uncheck the box for "use hardware acceleration when available.

    It takes effect the next time you exit and restart Firefox.

  • Save dialog box under does not display the list of files

    Terminal Server R2 of 2012.  Dialog box "Save as" for a user does not display the list of files.  The address bar shows the way, there is a form for the file name box, and the user can save the file successfully.  But the space that would show the files in the selected directory is empty.  There is no form for the list of files box, it's just the grey box dialog box space - that is to say, it is not that it looks like an empty folder, there is simply no display form box.

    The 'Open' dialog box appears normal, showing the list of files in the selected folder.

    I had the user close the session on the Terminal Server and access it from another PC, even if I was not expecting to make a difference, and it didn't.  I have also connected on myself and has not experienced the same problem.  So it seems to be user-specific.

    What a setting, the user has selected by mistake, or a mistake any?

    Thanks for any help.


    Post your question in the TechNet Server Forums, as your question kindly is beyond the scope of these Forums.

    See you soon.

  • CD\DVD player does not display the contents of the data DVD.

    CD\DVD player does not display the contents of the data DVD, but will display the content of the data CD.  What is happening on more than one PC, and it began when Active Directory GPOS have been applied for the PC.  If untying policies the problem persists.  What happens on DVD ROM and DVD RAM drives.  Scanning software has been added to these machines, think it might be an ASPI crush.  All these machines are XP SP3 running McAfee.  When you insert a DVD with data on this topic, the name of the drive in windows password DVD RAM drive to CD drive, and if you try and browse the DVD it displays as a blank CD.  I changed something on the PC with the policy but cannot understand what he.  Other identical PC can view the contents of the DVD very well, but they never had the same strategies.  Any ideas, thank you.

    Hi PDoneen,

    The restore of the system; restore the computer to the before date when policies have been launched on one of the affected computer.

    You can check the link for the steps below: how to restore Windows XP to a previous state:

    Post back with the results.

    With regard to:

    Samhrutha G S - Microsoft technical support.

    Visit our Microsoft answers feedback Forum and let us know what you think.

  • whenever I click on 'control panel' or 'computer', it displays "windows Explorer has stopped working". It does not display the display of the control panel.

    Whenever I want to check computer (memory) space available on each drive, click on the 'computer' logo, it does not display the response on the screen. Instead, it displays a screen with a message "Windows Explorer has stopped working" for a few minutes and then returns to the original display.  I get the same answer, whenever I click on the "control panel" logo  I need advice how to solve this problem. Thank you.


    Did you change your computer?

    I suggest you follow the link (this also applies to windows vista)

    Explorer Windows stopped working

Maybe you are looking for