Adobe Captivate

Imported from the SWF actionscript does not not in the _root movie...

Hello. I'll tell you below what I want to accomplish, then I'll tell you what I did (which did not). I hope someone here can tell me where I was wrong and also how to fix and remove what I'm trying to do. Thank you!... WHAT I want TO DO: I want to ha

Application of property Caption Text for an entire project changes

I tried to make a change in a text caption like "BOLD" etc. and it applies to all of the same type of legend in an entire project. This feature really works?

compatibility problem with Vista

Hi all I have found it difficult to install the Captivate 3 under the environment of the Vista Enterprise, but the same installation file works fine with Win XP. Is there a compatibility issue with Vista Business? Anyone experienced the same thing? E

Legends custom in "cache".

When I create a new, custom legend and access it via the new legend legend text property box Type falling down, it seems to become a permanent part of this area of the property. Even if I delete the source files of the Gallery/legends, the reference

Animations during the generation with Captivate3

Hi team Hey, just got 3 Captivate and started using it more often as I would with captive 1 & 2. Then I'm just the boring stuff like taking pictures in the software, by dragging the scroll bars, highlighting with the mouse, etc., that (in caps 1 & 2)

What's new in Captivate 3?

Hi people, Someone saw a new list of features for Captivate 3? I checked Adobe Captivate product page. I saw a link there for features, but I didn't see any list of new features. I also searched this forum, but my search terms (new, different, charac

Open in Captivate 3 URL problem

Hello! I published an introduction to Captivate 3 in a .swf within a .htm file. I have problems with the opening of URL. When I click a click box, a URL should be opened in a new window, but nothing happens. This problem occurs in IE 7 and Firefox 2.

& quot; censor & quot; / sensitive information blackout curtains

I work for an insurance company and must create system e-learnings. However, I have access to a database of training and use of the information customer of real life examples. I need to make sure that none of the protected health information (names,

Audio to jump to the last slide

Using Captivate 3 (but also have the same question in 2). Imported files wav separated for each slide. Audio plays perfectly edit mode, however, once published, only the first few blades works, and then all of the following slides play audio from the

Flash fps with CP3

Let me first State that I know enough about Flash CS3 as dangerous. I managed to create a .swf file that displays different facts. Each has the value to display for 30 images and I set the fps to 4. This provided the right timing to be able to read t

Slide advances when the button is pressed only

: confusedI placed a button 'next' on my slides and don't want the user to be able to move the blade until the audio is playing... How can I do this? Is it possible to disable the bar of Captivate that appears at the bottom of the published presentat

Last slide fades of CS presentation faints

Hello I have 52 slides which play fine in captivate (imported from ppt). The last slide must remain static, because there are links on this slide. I can't make it disappear not (even by saying without transition to this slide, etc.). Does anyone have

Captivate and follow-up PLMS

Since last week I tried to publish a SCORM 1.2 Captivate on our PLMS package using various parameters on the reports tab in Captivate. I can't find a way for triggers, the following variables in Captivate. CMI.completion_status = unknownCMI.success_s


Hi all Could you great and wonderful people out there please help me in the following: I did almost all of my outings in format exe I specialize in the demo, sim and evaluate software owners and try to recreate the same look and feel for users of my

Click on the button = stop film

I try to have a button which directs you to a url, but want the film and audio to stop while the person looking at the URL. I can stop the audio - but does not know how to stop the sequence. Any thoughts would be appreciated. Thank you

Open the other projects - does not work

Hello- We just finished a lesson of the CBT in the 3 Hat, which includes 29 separate projects. At the end of each project, the student is introduced a button to bring to the next, that is 'open another project '. That is the question, we have put thi

features of captivate

Does anyone know what the calls or functions tare o go to a page in a captivate file. Reason being, is that I want to know what they are if I integrate a flash on a page file and I need to add a button to this file to nav to the next page in the capt

Help showing the pros of Captivate

Help!Without going into too much detail, my company has been using a development tool is well enough to become obsolete for quite awhile for our WBT needs. The program is the property of the LMS, we belong to, and perhaps that is the reason for which

Unable to save typing in Captivate 2

Hello I encountered a problem with the recording of keystrokes. In the past when using Captivate 2, I just clicked 'save the strikes' and 'hear keyboard tap sounds. " Once it is I can record my keystrokes, and they appear on a slide. This feature no

Melted bug or controlbar?

Hi all I am using Captivate 3, I recorded a bunch of slides with the events of mouse and on each slide, I put a banner at the top of the page, it is a jpg image... Between certain scenes, I want to fade in content, but not the banner, the banner must
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