Dell Peripherals

DisplayPort U2713HM frustrating problem

I just got a new Dell U2713HM monitor and tried to connect it via cable DisplayPort 1.2 from a PC brand new. The monitor says "No DVI not connected" and enters a power saving Mode. Symptoms: 1 connect only DP of PC from Dell U2713HM-> monitor goes in

Mean average

I see a number of Dell monitors announced as "with HAS" but I am unable to know what means "with AP.  Does anywone know? Thank you!

ABOVE on U2412M

Sorry for the questions. Can someone tell me what the average U2412M M and why this monitor is significantly less expensive than the U2410? Thank you! Rick

Problems with my new monitor 3014

My 3014 happened today. not having is not a great experience. do not know how well my 3008 now dead was the scene, but it seems a bit odd. I never noticed anything the old funny two things: 1. Black performance. booted up a part of the knighthood, al

Monitor goes into power saving mode

I have a client with a 660 Inspiron, and while working on this subject, the monitor goes into power saving mode.  Using another monitor has the same results. Now, here's the catch, the motherboard has been replaced with the same results so Dell sent

UltraSharp U2412M monitor

I bought a u2412m monitor and I just watched a video on this subject, he said that the monitors are calibrated until they are shipped. Is this correct?

How do I increase the brightness

I have a dell latitude D600 and I was wondering how to lighten the screen so that it would be easier to see. Thanks to all in advance

Changing the display on a latitude D600

I have a dell latitude d600 with a quantra display. Is it possible to change brand as long as the display fits my d600? This is my first laptop and there wirelsss, which is one of the reasons that I bought for my Ham radio programs. I don't know if a

Help, please! Monitor S2340L

Can someone explain why this monitor do this? I just bought their...  I called TS several times and they are no help at all.  The Office will develop not out for caches...  I have the res set at 1920 x 1080 and the horizontal and vertical settings is

Bose Companion 2 multimedia speakers

Hello: I have Bose Companion 2 pregnant media supplied with my Dell desktop computer I bought in 2009. My speakers worked perfectly until this past Sunday when all of a sudden the volume on the speakers went from 100% to 40%.  I checked all connectio

U2713H 'blue box '.

Hi, I recently got the Dell U2713H monitor as a replacement for my 2711 (warranty). For the most part, the U2713H is a great monitor. However, I noticed that when I play a video (be it of "you tube" or one of my personal videos), a pale blue box appe

Dell U2412M resolution problem

Try to change the resolution to 1280 x 800.  Instead of 1280 x 800, he turns in 1280 x 960.  Any thoughts?  TIA

Deactivation of the U3014 monitor

I have a new monitor of U3014 (am very happy with it, I must say). Someone advise please if it is good practice to turn off the monitor with the start/stop button after the computer is shut down or just leave it (the power button LED power slowly on

Just ordered U2312HM - what revision will I receive?

I recently placed an order for a U2312HM to the United Kingdom via Amazon. Because of the lead time, I assume that they had no stock at the time and order on request. I read a lot about the review letters and what flaws have been corrected with each

refresh rate

Dear Dellers I have a Dell ultra - Sharp U2713HM to TAU. Why can't I view at a frequency greater than 60 Hz stimuli? Is the rate constant of refreshment on the entire screen? for example, it is the frequency of refreshment in the upper right corner i

Problem of standby monitor Dell of P2312H

When Windows tries to turn monitor, rather than the monitor to go into sleep mode it plutot qu' a le moniteur de passer en mode veille c' est is going in a loop of back then turn right on, then again, youtube video here...

Please help with a technical problem 2209WA

Hello I own a model 2209WA monitor. She was purchased in March 2010. Recently, I found that there was a visible gray streak in the center of the screen and ran a diagnostic test as described on the forum. I was not able to reproduce the problem on ST

Dell U3011 monitor, has executed anyone on this?

I bought the subject U3011 a month and half ago and rejoices with it until about three days ago when the right part of the screen started showing horizontal color lines, as if the images on the screen were bleeding.  I tried the reset of the monitor

E6420 and DELL 3007WFP-HC No. 2560 x 1600, Win 7 32

So I searched high and low for a fix, but nothing helped. All I get for the highest res is 1280 x 800. Yes, I have a cable that says it's a dual link DVI KTD X056C (it's a DELL B21) I tried two cables different dual link DVI to see if it was the cabl

U2711 - left side of the screen white-out?

Hello. Not really sure how to phrase my opportunity, so I'll just escaped with a few words and hope that it makes sense. I am the owner of a model U2711.  Other to be really hot, I dig the monitor. I bought this from apprx a year ago. In t
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