Dell Peripherals

Guarantee of monitor S2340M question

I bought a monitor S2340M of, a couple of months and recently it is out of use. When turned on, I only see a black screen with agitation of the Green and red lines. So, I want to get a guarantee of Exchange but is not a serial number or a

Monitor S2240L

I'm about to buy DELL S2240L. Before that, I need to know i. port HDMI HDCP is not consistent? II. the full performance of the monitor HD movie! Can III. I connect the monitor via HDMI for Set Top Box to watch TV Please help as soon as possible Ranja

USB Port Dell monitor does not work

Hai All, I use the monitor LCD Dell dell optiplex 330 CPU. If I am Connect USB keyboard or mouse to control the USB it does not with us. It has a setting to activate the USB Monitor?

Dell E2311H monitors don't up

After reading a lot of discussions of users having a very similar problem and also noted that Dell does not meet these discussions, I don't hold much hope here to get my problem resolved but here goes anyway... I bought TWO monitors E2311H in Decembe

U3014 power questions

Turning on my U3014 power is behaving strangely and I wonder if I need to hire a return or is there something else I can do? While the PC is on, if I switch the monitor off I can not switch back on except if I power cycle it. Even weirder, if the mon

Complex problem photo U3011

Hello First of all sorry for the English mistakes, I'm french. I just bought a DELL 3011 30inches monitor. It does not work. When using the native resolution that is 2560 x 1600 pixels, the image is dimmed, all fonts are unreadable. Ditto for the res

Power cable from Dell U2410?

Hello, the cable on my U2410 a bend near the socket on the monitor. When I turn or tilt the screen he made loud crackling before turning off the monitor. Please could you point me in the direction of a replacement? I tried to find a replacement on th

Service Tag ST2320L

Which Dell could give me this service tag, that I need to call technical support? my monitor has only those numbers that do not work on the site: S/N: 0DFF58-CN-72872 - 0 CM-0KGL REV A01 DEC 2010 4000817 Thank you!

Dell Dimension 2400 monitor

My family has had this Dell Dimension 2400 years. We have had it since 2003, I think, and this is the first computer we've ever had, so I'm attached to it. Anyway, my dad got rid of the original monitor a couple of years for any reason and I bought a

Dell U2711 monitor with DisplayPort Board important: without Dell driver it is not working properly (Win7)

After reading some threads here and having the same problem with a monitor Dell U2711 attached to a DisplayPort, I discovered, that the problems stopped when you install the driver from Dell on their homepage. It is not possible to install this drive

Can you connect U3014 DELL to the PS3?

OK, I have the old dell 3007wfp 30 '. I tried to connect my ps3 to the screen via hdmi/DVI. It did not work. I can't play either any Blu - ray movie via computer on this screen. Now, in the next 2 weeks, I plan to buy the new U3014 from DELL. I'm sti

Screen off audio device changes

Hello I have a Dell U2412M and close the display located 10 min. in windows 7. Listening to music via HDMI to a Yamaha RX-V373 talker the sound changes to pc speakers, whenever the screen turns off to save power. Anyone of you knows, how to keep HDMI

U2713H no sound from Audio output

Hello I just got a new U2713H. I use a port mini display port display and have a line of the monitor speakers. I have the settings of output on the computer the Mini DP value. The video is transmitted in native resolution (2560 x 1440), but I can't h

Problem with resolution 1280/720 IN2030M!

I have a new Dell XPS with an IN2030M monitor and graphics AMD Radeon HD 7570.  Depending on the configuration of Dell, the resolution is set to 1600 x 900, which seems good and the monitor adapts.  But when I reset the resolution up to 1280 x 720, t

U3014 monitor hangs, not responding

Hello I bought this camera last week and since I noticed that sometimes the monitor becomes unresponsive (several times a week, sometimes several times a day). Here is what I noticed: -Computer saving energy and monitors goes, but this monitor feeds

Audio Line in/out on SP2309W lowers the volume of sound transmission

Try to use plugs SP2309W Audio Line-in/out to pass the computer sound through headphones, I found that the volume is * much * reduced, compared to plugging headphones directly into Win8 x 64 PC. As discussed in

Dell S2340T multi-touch Monitor

I thought ordering a new computer and I saw the opportunity to add a monitor Dell S2340T Multi Touch to buy with a laptop. So I'm wondering if I just buy the Dell S2340T Multi Touch monitor by itself and then buy or make my own office tower would be

What sound bar do?

I have a Dell SX2210 monitor and would like to add the Soundbar. Should what number Iorder? What is the difference between the AX510PA and the bars of his AY511PA?

Differences between U2312HM and U2312HMt

Just received my new dell monitor. I ordered a U2312HM but received with a 't' at the end for example U2312HMt. What is the difference between these 2 models? Thanks in advance!

Dell Ultrasharp U2412M

I bought this from a dealer led monitor. When it displays something, I place 1 pixel has a red X mark, but still show a light. He will be gone if the display shows a dark color, for example, blue, black, green. I can see the X mark on light backgroun
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