Dell Peripherals

2713hm resolution to scale/stretch

My (Dell) laptop cannot drive the monitor at full display resolution. I'm running at 1920 x 1080 over HDMI or 2048 x 1152 on VGA, and it adapts to fill the entire screen. Is it possible to disable the scaling for the corresponding and black bars of 1

Dark purple point on monitor dell U2312HM on black screens

Hello I noticed this little earlier, a purple block to eye on my monitor that seems to be getting bigger... And the worst thing is his eye level and only seen on black screens / dark, who use a lot of games and movies... I tried to enter my serial nu

U2410 popped capacitor

I have a U2410 attached to a GTX 460 and power UPS.  As I used it earlier, it suddenly started making a buzzing got louder for a few seconds, followed by a noise loud and the screen goes black.  Then the screen immediately this is relit and seems to

Monitor power button stuck or broken

1908FP 2407WFP and probably many other models I have 7 or more Dell monitors and just got my first broken power button today. After disassemble and see the very fragile plastic piece, I am happy that I regularly let sleep instead of using the button.

Monitor warranty

I read the post by DELL-Chris M post-its and spoke to customer care, however, I'm still not sure about the guarantee of the monitor.  The U2412M comes with a guarantee of 1 or 3 year? I understand the terms of return of 30 days, but not guarantee len

U2713HM stuck to 1680 x 1050

I have a couple of U2713HM monitors that I can't run any more than 1680 x 1050 resolution. I use a Latitude E6430 with a docking station that has 2 DVI ports (not sure offhand right model number), Windows 7 x 64 bit. I have searched these forums and

Problem with the Dell U2913WM color bands

The monitor works perfectly well for a month and I come home and found this annoying problem today. Does anyone know what caused her or how to fix it?Thank you very much.

Dell 2005FPW screen

Hello I have three monitors 2005FPW, including one, I bought recently.  However, when I turn a picture of a padlock appears in the center of the screen and I can't switch between applications of the screen.  I must point out that I don't have an inst

Dell 27 "display problem

Hello I have this 27 '' Dell Ultra sharp for about 4-5 months and today something happened, it will be the best explained by a picture I guess, but basically, the monitor covered in colored bands that blink and fill the entire screen, much like a sta

Question of warranty U2713HM

I bought this monitor on Amazon on 14 February and he scored only today with Dell for warranty support. My problem is that it was clarified that there is a hardware limited warranty 3 years and 3 years advanced Exchange service, but when I registered

Reference Dell 2209WA questions

I was given a Dell 2209WA monitor a few days ago. And I'm having a few problems. On the one hand, if I plug a vga cable through my computers DVI (with a DVI - VGA) adapter port, the monitor works fine. If I try right DVI, I get no fArrondi of VGA cab

Screen saver program does not work after reinstallation of Win7 (missing Direct 3d devices)

I had a problem with a screen saver program that has run before on this machine.I had to reinstall windows 7 recently and he has not worked since.I am running Windows 7 64-bit, the monitor is a Dell 2310 ST s/n is CN-OU217R-72872-O2B-OUJS.My PC is a

Problem of monitor 2311Hb with power lead sparks

Hello I have a 2311Hb monitor, which has a noise of fissing of sparks where the cable connects to the rear of the monitor, is it a problem with lead or terminal? Introduce a had a similar problem, it stops if I touch the lead but begins again at rand

How can I uninstall DisplayLink so that it asks Me to install

Hello When I uninstall DisplayLink and reboot, I can use my Dell S2340T monitor just by connecting via HDMI and USB (to reach) and it works fine. However, a window of DisplayLink ceases to appear asks me to install the drivers from DisplayLink, const

Starting Dell U2713HM resolution problem

Yesterday, I installed the Dell U2713HM monitor and connected to my desktop PC using the DVI cable supplied with the monitor. Everything works fine, except for one problem: when I restart the computer, the connection, the resolution is 1920 x 1200 an

Intermittent screen cutting - U2713HM

Hello I am experiencing intermittent shutter screen when you run the max-resolution 2560x1440@60Hz on my new Dell U2713HM monitor. The monitor is connected to a laptop Dell E6520 w. Nvidia NVS 4200 M. graphics card drivers are the latest from Dell, w

U2713H (no HM)... other calibration supported devices?

So I just heard on the new U2713H and the calibration of built-in materials. I'm interested, but troubled by the fact that the documentation seems to suggest that the calibration only supported device is the Pro i1Display. That sounds confusing... an

monitor 21.5 Dell ST2220L - no serial number, with random outages with HDMI or VGA cables

The title pretty much everything said.  Monitor was a Christmas gift bought at Staples, which has a wonderfully short 14 days return policy.  I'm supposed to work with Dell, whose Web site detects that I should just enter the serial number of the dev

Touchscreen driver ST2220t

I download the driver XP the Dell driver download site. But there is no driver in the zip file. I try to order e-mail as Chris suggested support for the serial number as well that I can get help from technical support. My e-mail went into the black h

Black screen on monitor E193FP

I have problems with my monitor E193FP 19 "1280 x 1024. After pressing the power of the button, the image screen blinks for about 1 second and then goes black. I tried this connected and not connected from the PC. The behavior is the same. Initially,
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