HP HP Desktops

optical drive problems 19, code with 6 month old Pavilion.

Model No.: p7-1010 C:\Windows\system32\drivers\GEARAspiWDM.sys C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\cdrom.sys HP DVD a Beltway. DH16ABLH SATA CdRom Windows cannot start this hardware device because its information of configuration (in the registry) is incompl

do not read cd rom

Hello I hope someone can help my my lap top Hp does not read CD-ROM or disks. I noticed that when I tried to install my norton security today, I've never had problems before, and the computer has only 1 year. Please help me, thank you very much Dean

Backup partition is red

I have a HP Pavilion P7 - 1037c. I just did the backup on a second external drive. Now when I go on the icon my computer on the desktop different disks are OK except the backup partition. The line shows how much it is red. What does that mean? Thank

I have a HP p6813w, and I want to update my video card. Any suggestions?

Will not install the card, because I'm a total computer illiterate. But I need some advice on what card to purchase. I have the HP p6813w and am on a Windows 7 64-bit system. The vehicle currently has an ATI Raedon HD 4200. But I play Sims 3 (yes I k

Where can I find the HP memories disc to download? Uninstalling it caused problems.

I uninstalled HP memories disc and now my computer prompts to reinstall when I open various independent programs.  It's extremely frustrating and the only solution seems to be to reinstall.  However, I don't know if my records are for this computer,

Graphics card update HP, p6310y help!

I need to know what would be the best graphics card I can upgrade to play crysis 2 and other games in the future. I was leaning toward the gtx 580 or ATI Radeon HD6970 and the upgrade of my diet to 850 watts. I need your opinion on what I should get

Upgrade a Pavilion h8-1010be

Hello I recently bought a h8-1010be and know that's not really good for the games. But I thought to upgrade later then. I intend to upgrade the gpu GT530 to a GTX 560 hawx and PSU 460w to something near the 750 watt, because I you want to get a secon

Graphics upgrade questions

Hello I have a pc Hp series p6787c, with Windows 7 64 bit. I am working with two monitors 23 inch LED.  I wanted to update my graphics card in the standard HD 6450to something more advanced. I did some research and I like the graphics card XFX Radeon

you want to upgade pc need help!

I have a HP Pavilion Elite HPE-500y desktop PC with a N-Alvorix-RS880-formfat (Alvorix) motherboar a 6450 512 MB graphics card. I want to spend to 6670 or 6750 graphics card (if possible 6770) do not know if the motherboard is compatible im will also

I'm upgrading from the p6313w. I need to find a power supply and graphics card.

The power must be over 300 watts. I think at the Antec EarthWatts EA - 500 d Green 500W ATX12V v2.3 / EPS12V 80 PLUS BRONZE certified Active PFC power supply. Should be my system? On the graphics card. I am a light gamer and I think of ASUS GeForce G

Graphic HPE430me upgrade and cooling issues

Hello I have a HP Pavilion Elite 430me and you want to update the Geforce 440 card installed to a Radeon 6870. I have 4 questions 1 it support of card mother MS-7613 (Iona-GL8E) PCIe 2.0 such as it does in the specifications page. It just says: PCIe

HP Media Center and a PS3

Hi, I'm looking to set up my PlayStation 3 so it can be used with my computer screen, since I don't have the budget to afford a big HDTV. I have the required monitor and is HDCP compatible, the only problem that I face now is the sound. Many guides s

I try to install XP Home Edition on Windows 7

Hello, I've been everywhere trying to solve the problem below and hope you can help me. I have a HP Pavilion Elite - HPE 180 t - Win 7 64 bit OS. System Info 9 physical memory GB - memory Modules 5 - video Card1.8GB GeForct NVIDIA GTX 260 (2 DVI, HDM

Material updates

What are updates of the best material for my desktop hp pavilion a6622f PC to rock diablo 3 this winter

questions h8xt HPE

seek the ps 600w for a charge of $100 upgrade. I can't find the specs on this unit. Is it profitable to make an HP upgrade or buy a name brand ps by external sources. In others is a 80% effective. 600W + ps a better choice for the money.  Also if I a

Cannot read Blu Rays with software HP DVD play BD and HD DVD

I have a Pavilion m9060n Vista desktop computer. Running HDMI on a monitor Samsung. It is used to play Blu Rays on the rare times where I tried it, now, it won't. I went through the procedure of updating through Cyberlink and now I'm stuck with this:

upgrade the video card for HP TouchSmart 600-1120 or renounce FF XIV

We just bought the HP TouchSmart Desktop PC 600-1120, and now, we found that we cannot play FFXIV top because he has the wrong video card.  He needs an NVIDIA GeForce GTX 460 video card. Can we change the map?  It will mess up of the touchscreen?

The fatal limit TSSTcorp CDDVDW TS - H653Z ATA Device

I just hit the limit of CHANGE of REGION in the TSSTcorp CDDVDW TS-H653Z ATA Device. Impossible to change the limit over 4 times and the DVD DRIVE BECOMES USELESS? Integers HP Slimline is worthless to me. I can save the day somehow? Thank you.


I tired to uninstall the driver, and then restart the computer. It still does not work. When I go into the Device Manager, it says device will not start up, code.10. Is it possible to fix it? When I put a cd in, it sounds as if it will start, but doe

HP DVD Writer 840b drivers

Problems with my DVD writer and I want to return to the initial pilot and repeat.  I have hp was last updated, but it has not solved the problem. The writer is not written on the cd, it says it is but nothing sees when I try to view the files later. 
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