Linksys Media

NMH300 - maximum LINEAR 2

Hello I have a very simple question, but in this forum at the moment, I have not found an answer. I just want to know the maximum capacity in LINEAR 2 of the Media Hub NMH300 mode. For example: with 2 hard drives WD 2 TB, I use 4 TB within the LINEAR

problem with remote access to NMH405

Hello I have the NMH405 connected to my PC (windows7 and windows xp with IE and Firefox). I was able to connect to the platform of media locally and also via a remote access through However, remote access Island suddenly no longer

NMH305 questions?

Hi all I just bought this beautiful media hub and would like to know some answers. I don't know how to connect the hub as an FTP server from linux. I put a username and password but I don't know what port I should use. I use router WAG320N and my old

Explain "Single disk Mode" + added new drive?

I already read all other potentially relevant posts on this site * (at least, I think I have) I have a NMH300 existing with a single WD 1 TB drive installed and configured for RAID Linear1. My apologies for asking a question that may be an answer, bu

NMH405 wont boot/recognize the drives?

We recently had a power outage, once power has been restored the Media Hub has not restarted I've tried a few things, but its symptoms are: The power switch flashes blue and displays the logo of the clock on the LCD Attempts to restore: 1: let it sit

Cannot open/access media importing & NTI Shadow on new installation NMH300

Hello Just bought and filled new installation on NMH300 using Windows 7/64 bit PC. Got a notification of successful after the installation and proceeded to a 2nd disk Raid-1 facility. As my 2nd drive is synchronized to the top, I tried to access the

Added music files but nothing appear

I am trying to add all my multimedia elements on the hub but seeing a question that I don't know what is happening. I added about 900 films and videos, and they have indexed that I was adding them and they appear in the browser, but now I add music a

How to install a second drive?

I just got my Media Hub with a 1 TB drive.  I also ordered a 2nd 1 TB drive that will happen tomorrow.  It is preferable to perform the initial installation with the new 2nd drive installed?   Or is it better to do the installation of intitial withou

Impossible to connect incompatible devices. Please update all obsolete devices

I recently got the trio kit with two DM100 and the wireless controller. Linksys Easy Link Advisor (LELA) does not install the controller, but it could be manually installed with most of the features.  (under windows xp 64) For the moment, I get the e

New S/U of NMH, where is the equalizer of the Internet to go with the drive?

Hello.  I just got my network Media Hub (NMH410), and I love it beyond words!  Now, I can get rid of the old pc of dinosaur which was dedicated as a jukebox.  Anyway, I don't understand why internet mediahub interface allows playback of the media wit

Feed the Mediahub on & off

I do not use the Mediahub on a daily basis. Is it wise to power off after use, for example. as for the increase in the life expectancy of the hard drives?

Back to single drive - blue led flashing for more than 5 hours now

After trying a second drive, I wanted to go back to your hard drive 1 TB (nhm410) original. So I clicked on the "back to the single disk. The Web interface gave me 15 minutes to several hours warning. clicked ok and the mht410 restarted (I assume tha

Distance, live from the NMH410

Can anyone advise me on remote files of video streaming of the NMH410. I want to be able to video stream from my hub NMH410 media for my laptop when I travel. There is a cap of 50 MB on the distance streaming file size because apparently Cisco wants

Power consumption NMH410

Hello Can someone tell me what is the power consumption of the NMH410, full load and idle? Thank you J

MOD files

Is it possible to add files to the list of the Media Hub to automatically synchronize files?    MOD files are created from a camcorder with a digital hard drive.   Files can be huge and I would use the media hub to store.   Currently, I manually copy

Cannot use the friendly name.

Today, I tried to install the MediaHub (NMH410). The installation process works very well. But I can only access the multimedia browser through the IP address. The friendly name is not working. I tried this on Windows Vista and XP, firefox and IE. No

Performance indicators? How to confirm the performance?

I'm getting very concerned by the speed of copy/transfer files to and from the Media Hub.  I bought it mainly as a NAS, but maybe it was my mistake, I thought not performance would be as slow as it sounds.   I've seen the other comments on the perfor

How do I change the WiFi setting on player DMP100?

Hello Because I changed my a Ljnksys WRSV4400 to a WRT610N router, I wanted to change my WHA devices to use the 5 GHz band, as my 2.4 Ghz band is fairly busy and this translates into several problems (network interruptions). With LELA, no way. She st

Supported DLNA with wireless controller?

How do you get music I stored on a compatible DLNA NAS? Guide the user to the DMRW1000 seems to be more focused on usage by using the administrator or the conductor to create and manage my playlists and Cisco Media Player to manage my music. Can I co

Ability of the alarm?

(I posted this question in another thread, but it should have its own thread so feel free to delete the question off the coast of the other thread considered) I was not able to find information about how to set up alarms to activate the music in the