Linksys Products

RE1000 wlan for rj45

Hello I'm a bit new to these must therefore ask from you experts. Tried to browse this forum, but did not find an answer to this question. I need to get my AV system with only the RJ45 connection network. However, I don't have cables on show so I nee

block specific external ip address

Hello Thanks to all those who can help you. I have a WAG160Nv2 and to block specific external ip addresses to try to get to our server that uses the WAG160Nv2 as an internet gateway. It is not immediately obvious if it is possible to look through the

Modem router Wireless N upgrade?

I have a Linksys BEFCMU10 ver.2 modem which has served us for about 8 years.  I've recently updated our wireless n router, but have seen no improvement in the coverage area or speed.  The seller in Microcenter told me that my current modem was fine,

How to disable Wag160n wireless

I have a wag160n and you want to turn off the wireless and use as wired ADSL modem. I don't see any obvious settings I'm setting or the buttons on the unit but I was wondering if I had to define the DHCP protocol to disable if it would make? Thank yo

I can't open my camera WVC54GCA

Why not the camera turns on when I connect it to a power source? Thanks a lot for your help!

WAG160N turn on no lights at all except LAN while... NEED HELP!

My WAG160N did not work properly while I'm at home it's afternoon... it can not connect to internet or the wireless signal also never see the upward. It was raining before I'll be back at home, but I don't know I turn off the main switch on the modem

CM100 modem does not work with BELKIN router

Hello I just bought a CM100 used on eBay, so I can get rid of my Charter rental, but it doesn't seem to work with my BELKIN router. The model number is BELKIN F5D7230-4. I tried everything, but the 'CONNECT' led will continue to Flash. I thought it w

DHCP with WAG160N problems

Hello I just bought the WAG160N to meet my old WRT54G, but with the new router, I have problems with the DHCP protocol. When I turn on the computer, the router is not assigned an IP address. The problem is solved by resetting the router. I connect wi

WAG160N - no internet on the wireless

Hello, I just bought and installed a WAG160N today. I'm hard wired with my main computer and seem to have no problem at all. My lap top vista connects to the bridge, however, has no access to the internet. I changed a few settings, but without result

Wireless ADSL2 + Gateway: WAG54G2 of Linksys

Problem is: computer Vista laptop which is connected to the wifi/wireless wep mode, is very slow for internet browseing, signal shows better with router? and how to improve performance, here are the following details, what should Ito test diagnose th

Hard reset on a WAG54GS

I bought the router a number of years and must have changed the login user name and password that the phrases of "admin" by default does not give me access to the configuration of the router. I've recently updated my phone t oone which allows me to c

EPC2203 modem cannot connect to the Mac via USB?

I searched all threads and you can't find something to solve my problem. My ISP sold me the modem Scientific Atlanta EPC2203 cable recently. I can't connect it to my Mac (10.5.7) via ethernet no problem at all. But I can't get a connection via a USB

Impossible to establish a VPN between AG241 and WAG54GP2 tunnel

Hello This is my first post on this forum and I send my best regards to everyone! I signed up because I have a problem with establishing a VPN tunnel between an AG241 modem/router and a modem/router WAG54GP2 with wireless and VoIP. The scenario is si

WCG200 Wireless does not work

Hello I have the WCG200 and he works very well with my Comcast service for the last 4 years without any problem, either wired or wireless.  From a week ago, I had a lot of trouble with my wireless.   I'm on the Version of the Firmware: - 1

Network storage link

Don't know where to post this - I have a NSLU2 to link network storage which worked perfectly for 2 years - so this week I am unable to access the drive attached to this device.  I can browse the disk via the web interface, but it will take time to L

WAG54GS allows wireless clients to connect but will not assign IP addresses for full connectivity

I have three XP 3 computers connected between them in a MS home network via a wired hub and access to the internet through a wired connection to a router WAG54GS.  DHCP is enabled on the router, the IP addresses are correctly assigned and internet ac

WPSM54G cannot find print server and not able to print the test page

After several days of trial and error I am so far I'm willing to give up and put this peace of equipment for sale. It is my last attempt to find a solution. I have a Canon MP510 printer connected to the print server and I managed to configure the pri

ERR 1805 on Psus4

Hi, the company I'm working recently bought a PSUS4 to work with a Brother MFC-7220. Now, I could get two computers Vista works very easily, but the other three computers at the office all the vista, give me a "Failure of Addmonitor" message and then

Impossible to go outside the House NAS200

I recently installed a NAS200 on my network.  It is connected to a gateway from Verizon, and I can't access it from outside my network.  I tried by TZO DDNS and when I try to connect via my address, it is not recognized.  Any ideas?

No support for WAG160N on Australian site

Australian (and American) sites I can't enter WAG160N as valid a model or search for visually. I'm running firmware 1.00.09 and I want to check if there is a newer version. Why is this device missing on the site?